
168 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# by PerlStalker, http://perlstalker.vuser.org/blog/2014/06/04/importing-ical-into-org-mode/
# with minor modifications by exot
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::ICal;
use Data::Dumper;
use DateTime::Format::ICal;
use Getopt::Long;
my $category = undef;
my $filetags = undef;
'category|c=s' => \$category,
'filetags|f=s' => \$filetags
my $cal = Data::ICal->new(data => join '', <STDIN>);
#print Dumper $cal;
my %gprops = %{ $cal->properties };
print "#+TITLE: ical entries\n";
print "#+AUTHOR: ".$gprops{'x-wr-calname'}[0]->decoded_value."\n" if defined $gprops{'x-wr-calname'};
print "#+EMAIL: \n";
print "#+DESCRIPTION: Converted using ical2org.pl\n";
print "#+CATEGORY: $category\n" if defined($category);
print "#+FILETAGS: $filetags\n" if defined($filetags);
print "#+STARTUP: overview\n";
print "\n";
#print "* COMMENT original iCal properties\n";
#print Dumper \%gprops;
#print "Timezone: ", $gprops{'x-wr-timezone'}[0]->value, "\n";
#foreach my $prop (values %gprops) {
# foreach my $p (@{ $prop }) {
# print $p->key, ':', $p->value, "\n";
# }
my $error_code = 0;
foreach my $entry (@{ $cal->entries }) {
next if not $entry->isa('Data::ICal::Entry::Event');
# print 'Entry: ', Dumper $entry;
eval { handle_entry($entry) };
if ($@) {
print STDERR $@;
$error_code = 1;
exit $error_code;
sub org_date_range {
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $str = sprintf('<%04d-%02d-%02d %s %02d:%02d>',
$str .= '--';
$str .= sprintf('<%04d-%02d-%02d %s %02d:%02d>',
return $str;
sub handle_entry {
my $entry = shift;
my %props = %{ $entry->properties };
# skip entries with no start
next if not $props{dtstart}[0];
my $dtstart = DateTime::Format::ICal->parse_datetime($props{dtstart}[0]->value);
my ($duration, $dtend);
if (not $props{dtend}[0]) {
$duration = DateTime::Format::ICal->parse_duration($props{duration}[0]->value);
$dtend = $dtstart->clone->add_duration($duration);
} else {
$dtend = DateTime::Format::ICal->parse_datetime($props{dtend}[0]->value);
$duration = $dtend->subtract_datetime($dtstart);
if (defined $props{rrule}) {
#print " REPEATABLE\n";
# Bad: There may be multiple rrules but I'm ignoring them
my $set = DateTime::Format::ICal->parse_recurrence(recurrence => $props{rrule}[0]->value,
dtstart => $dtstart,
dtend => DateTime->now->add(weeks => 1),
my $itr = $set->iterator;
while (my $dt = $itr->next) {
$dt->set_time_zone($props{dtstart}[0]->parameters->{'TZID'} || $gprops{'x-wr-timezone'}[0]->value);
print "* ".$props{summary}[0]->decoded_value."\n";
my $end = $dt->clone->add_duration($duration);
print ' ', org_date_range($dt, $end), "\n";
#print $dt, "\n";
print " :PROPERTIES:\n";
printf " :ID: %s\n", $props{uid}[0]->value;
if (defined $props{location}) {
printf " :LOCATION: %s\n", $props{location}[0]->value;
if (defined $props{status}) {
printf " :STATUS: %s\n", $props{status}[0]->value;
print " :END:\n";
if ($props{description}) {
print "\n", $props{description}[0]->decoded_value, "\n";
else {
print "* ".$props{summary}[0]->decoded_value."\n";
# my $tz = $gprops{'x-wr-timezone'}[0]->value;
# $dtstart->set_time_zone($props{dtstart}[0]->parameters->{'TZID'} || $tz);
# $dtend->set_time_zone($props{dtend}[0]->parameters->{'TZID'} || $tz);
print ' ', org_date_range($dtstart, $dtend), "\n";
print " :PROPERTIES:\n";
printf " :ID: %s\n", $props{uid}[0]->value;
if (defined $props{location}) {
printf " :LOCATION: %s\n", $props{location}[0]->value;
if (defined $props{status}) {
printf " :STATUS: %s\n", $props{status}[0]->value;
print " :END:\n";
if ($props{description}) {
print "\n", $props{description}[0]->decoded_value, "\n";
# print Dumper \%props;