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;;; db-customize.el --- Custom variables -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'gnutls)
(defgroup personal-settings nil
"A bunch of functions and variables for personalizing emacs."
:prefix "db/"
:group 'convenience
:group 'help
:tag "Personal settings")
(defcustom db/jabber-id ""
"Personal XMPP ID."
:group 'personal-settings
:type 'string)
(defcustom db/important-documents-path "~/Documents/library/"
"Path to look for documents that can be listed in extended
search commands like `db/helm-shortcuts."
:group 'personal-settings
:type 'string)
(defcustom db/path-to-onenote "c:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Office/Office15/ONENOTE.EXE"
"Path to OneNote executable, for opening corresponding org-mode links."
:group 'personal-settings
:type 'file)
(defcustom db/path-to-outlook "c:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Office/Office15/OUTLOOK.EXE"
"Path to Outlook executable, for opening corresponding org-mode links."
:group 'personal-settings
:type 'file)
(defun db/update-cert-file-directory (symbol new-value)
"Set SYMBOL to NEW-VALUE and add all certificate in it to `gnutls-trustfiles.
Assumes that NEW-VALUE points to a directory, and certificates
are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(set symbol new-value)
(when (file-directory-p new-value)
(dolist (cert-file (directory-files new-value t ".crt$"))
(add-to-list 'gnutls-trustfiles cert-file))))
(defcustom db/cert-file-directory "~/.local/etc/certs/"
"Local directory with additional certificates."
:group 'personal-settings
:type 'string
:set #'db/update-cert-file-directory)
(defcustom db/rfc-cache-path nil
"Path where RFC documents are automatically downloaded to when opening rfc: links.
If this path is not set, i.e., is null, no automatic download will happen."
:group 'personal-settings
:type '(choice (const nil) file))
(defcustom db/after-init-load-files nil
"A list of files to be loaded by `db/run-init' as the last step."
:group 'personal-settings
:type '(repeat file))
(defcustom org-working-task-id ""
"Task ID of default working task."
:group 'personal-settings
:type 'string)
(defcustom org-break-task-id ""
"Task ID of default break task."
:group 'personal-settings
:type 'string)
(defcustom org-home-task-id ""
"Task ID of default home task."
:group 'personal-settings
:type 'string)
(defcustom db/org-clock-current-task-file "~/.org-current-task"
"File to save the currently clocked in task to."
:group 'personal-settings
:type 'string)
;; NB: some of those files should also be elements of `org-agenda-files', but
;; this is not done automatically. The reason is that automatically changing
;; `org-agenda-files' when setting those variables may conflict with the
;; customization of `org-agenda-files' itself. Thus, when setting one of those
;; variables would update `org-agenda-files' (possibly saving the customiztion),
;; the original value of `org-agenda-files' would be gone. Conversely, loading
;; the customization for `org-agenda-files' would overwrite the work done by
;; custom setters. Thus, the only reasonable thing to do is to not update
;; `org-agenda-files' automatically and leave it to the user to update it.
(defcustom db/org-default-org-file nil
"Path to default org-mode file for general use.
You may also want to add this file to `org-agenda-files'."
:group 'personal-settings
:type '(choice (const nil) file))
(defcustom db/org-default-work-file nil
"Path to default org-mode file at work.
You may also want to add this file to `org-agenda-files'."
:group 'personal-settings
:type '(choice (const nil) file))
(defcustom db/org-default-home-file nil
"Path to default org-mode file at home.
You may also want to add this file to `org-agenda-files'."
:group 'personal-settings
:type '(choice (const nil) file))
(defcustom db/org-default-notes-file nil
"Path to default org-mode file for notes.
You may also want to add this file to `org-agenda-files'."
:group 'personal-settings
:type '(choice (const nil) file))
(defcustom db/org-default-refile-file nil
"Path to default org-mode file for capturing.
This file is used by `org-agenda' to query for tasks that need to
be refiled, independently of whether it's part of
`org-agenda-files' or not. You may still want to add this file
to `org-agenda-files' to have appointments, deadlines, etc shown
in the main agenda view."
:group 'personal-settings
:type '(choice (const nil) file))
(defcustom db/org-default-pensieve-file nil
"Path to default org-mode file for private notes."
:group 'personal-settings
:type '(choice (const nil) file))
(defcustom db/frequently-used-features
'(("Mail" ?m db/gnus)
("Agenda" ?a db/org-agenda)
("Init File" ?i db/find-user-init-file)
("Main Org File" ?o #'(lambda () (interactive) (find-file db/org-default-org-file)))
("EMMS" ?M emms)
("Shell" ?s db/run-or-hide-shell)
("EShell" ?e db/run-or-hide-eshell)
("Refile File" ?r #'(lambda () (interactive) (find-file db/org-default-refile-file)))
("Goto Currnet Clock" ?c db/org-clock-goto-first-open-checkbox)
("Info Lookup" ?I info-lookup-symbol)
("Unicode Lookup" ?U insert-char)
("Timeline of Day" ?T timeline-tools-format-timeline-of-day)
("Copy template to point" ?C db/org-insert-checklist))
"Mapping of frequently used features to functions implementing
them. Can be used in application shortcuts such as
`db/helm-shortcuts. Each entry is a list of three items: a
short description, a shortcut character, and the function to
call. Customizing this variable redefines the global
`hydra-feature-shortcuts'. Instead of a shortcut character, nil
can be chosen, in which case no entry in the
`hydra-feature-shortcuts' will be generated."
:group 'personal-settings
:type '(repeat (list string (choice character (const nil)) function))
:set #'(lambda (symbol value)
(set-default symbol value)
;; Update hydra when already possible available
(when (fboundp 'db/define-feature-shortcuts-hydra)
(provide 'db-customize)
;;; db-customize ends here