#+title: Daniel’s Emacs Configuration My personal Emacs Configuration, containing bits of code collected from around the web. Have fun with it! * Structure The main configuration is available in the usual [[init.el]] file, with additional functionality distributed over files in the [[site-lisp]] directory. Some private data is outsources into a separate submodule named =private=, and is not included in this repository. The configuration should work nevertheless, even without these private files. The main =init.el= file consists mostly of variable assignments, =use-package= declarations, and initializing the =package= subsystem. The main lifting is done by the =db/run-init= function, which is attached to the =after-init-hook= in =init.el=. This way, all necessary hooks and autoloads are set up by init.el, and the =db/run-init= functions sets up the (minimal?) configurations for every session, including modes, keybindings, hydras, and hooks. It also imports some environment variables and starts the server when running under windows. * Compatibility This configuration is known to work with ≥ Emacs 25.2 on Debian GNU/Linux and Windows 10 (sigh). * License ⓒ 2017 Daniel Borchmann This configuration is available under the MIT license, see [[LICENSE]] for details.