Commit Graph

501 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Daniel - bec4bc13a2
Add new PERIODIC tag for recurring tasks
As described in [1], we are sometimes representing recurring tasks as lists of
single tasks plus a recurring task to create new instances once in a while.  All
of this is grouped under a common headline, and those headlines should be marked
with PERIODIC to inhibit automatic clock-in.

2020-01-31 10:41:08 +01:00
Daniel - cdee268d84
Log note when closing tasks 2020-01-31 07:34:28 +01:00
Daniel - 112800e931
Add missing tag triggers 2020-01-30 15:43:18 +01:00
Daniel - ebe853406c
Not handle NO_EXPORT tag automatically anymore 2020-01-30 15:40:31 +01:00
Daniel - 09ac6b08c4
Take notes again when rescheduling tasks
Tasks are rescheduled quite often, and it should be clear later on why this has
2020-01-30 15:36:51 +01:00
Daniel - 4dbc4b14c6
Split large setq init block for Org Mode into smaller parts
This makes it easier to evaluate assignments individually.
2020-01-30 15:32:38 +01:00
Daniel - ea4d49e99b
Delete assignment for `haskell-program-name'
Apparently, this variable is not used anymore.
2020-01-24 21:05:03 +01:00
Daniel - f4b1d80e6f
Set default mail user agent to Gnus
It has always been Gnus, but now it's official :)
2020-01-19 19:41:27 +01:00
Daniel - 38f7fd7c88
Move some more custom org mode link handlers to `db-org'
This is where they belong, nowhere else.
2020-01-19 17:21:14 +01:00
Daniel - c566908deb
Let the org mode RFC link handler cache its documents
RFC documents do not change over time.  The custom org mode link handler
`db/org-rfc-open' now makes use of this by downloading RFC documents to
`db/rfc-cache-path' (if defined) and opening the files locally.  If
`db/rfc-cache-path' is not defined, the RFC is opened in an external browser as

This allows to keep a selection of used RFC documents locally on the filesystem
for future reference, without the need to retrieve them again from the IETF.

Since this is all org mode related, the handler now also resides in `db-org'
instead of `db-utils'.
2020-01-19 17:17:47 +01:00
Daniel - 02299b11a4
Increase default value of the undo limit 2020-01-12 17:52:08 +01:00
Daniel - 158a232cfe
Move some personal customization variables to dedicated package 2020-01-11 12:35:53 +01:00
Daniel - a63210a336
Update criteria for stuck projects
Previously, a project was not stuck if any subtask was tagged NOP (no-project).
However, this led constellations like the following to be hidden from the stuck
project list:

  * Test               :NOP:
  ** TestTest
  *** TestTestTest     :NOP:

In this case, the NOP at TestTestTest would result in hiding TestTest, which,
however, does not have any more things to do and should thus be marked stuck.
The new configuration will check NOP only at the top headline, and not at any
other sub-headlines.  For this, a property search TAGS={NOP} is necessary,
because otherwise tag inheritance would result in wrong false negatives.
2020-01-10 18:23:11 +01:00
Daniel - a4f2428e49
Don' use `dired-open' when on windows
The reason is that `dired-open--start-process' uses POSIX tools (sh, nohup) that
are not generally available on Windows.
2020-01-10 18:18:26 +01:00
Daniel - 243e579973
Check whether special org-mode files are included in agenda when displaying it 2020-01-05 13:36:37 +01:00
Daniel - 66425ee2b7
Add some comments why we don't automatically update `org-agenda-files' anymore 2020-01-05 13:23:23 +01:00
Daniel - ec83430a70
Remove `db-update-org-agenda-files'
It's not used anymore and won't ever work as intended.
2020-01-05 13:06:50 +01:00
Daniel - 9f072ebca1
Remove obsolete assignment of `org-agenda-diary-file'
We are not using this functionality anyway.
2020-01-05 12:39:23 +01:00
Daniel - 570fe5906b
Remove obsolete comment 2020-01-05 12:27:35 +01:00
Daniel - 7e7f8b3e13
Disable custom setter for special agenda files for now
It is no good to update `org-agenda-files' when setting those variables, only to
be overwritten by customize itself latter on.  Maybe it's better to instead have
a custom setter that updates the variable, but also checks whether the file is
also contained in `org-agenda-files', warning the user if this is not the case?
2020-01-05 12:24:01 +01:00
Daniel - 1f2a3e70d4
Fix customize types for special org agenda files 2020-01-05 12:17:50 +01:00
Daniel - c3df9ef92b
Change default values for custom agenda files to nil 2020-01-05 11:55:54 +01:00
Daniel - 8f3403e132
Make sure `message-mode' uses the right function to send mail
Up to now, it seemed to be sufficient to set `send-mail-function' alone, but
somehow some changes have made it necessary to set `message-send-mail-function'
explicitly.  If not done, it defaults to `message-send-mail-with-sendmail',
using the sendmail exectuable to send mail.  At least on my machine this results
in the message being delivered to the local exim instance, which does not allow
sending remote sending of mail.
2020-01-05 11:28:38 +01:00
Daniel - a3456f7863
Don't use `eval-when-compile' in use-packages' :config block
This causes the included require statements to be loaded unconditionally,
defying the whole purpose of a :config block.
2020-01-03 14:01:18 +01:00
Daniel - 7aff235caf
Defer loading of `dired-open' 2020-01-03 11:50:55 +01:00
Daniel - d7b88a1f12
Use `counsel-descbinds' to describe current keybindings 2020-01-03 10:24:15 +01:00
Daniel - 2bc856618a
Don't automatically clock in when taking notes
If this is necessary, clock in separately using the interruption template.
However, I have felt that this is rarely useful, to the extend that I haven't
used the note capture template just because it disturbs the clock.
2019-12-30 13:25:07 +01:00
Daniel - e6f0ee11f8
Fix manual pinning of packages 2019-12-21 19:01:25 +01:00
Daniel - 42ef36f836
Pin essential packages to melpa-stable 2019-12-21 18:52:50 +01:00
Daniel - 02b05ff28f
Pin repositories for EMMS related packages to melpa-stable 2019-12-21 18:39:07 +01:00
Daniel - 9016db229a
Don't explicitly load abbreviations
Since we are loading customizations during initializtion time now, we can let
Emacs handle reading abbreviations itself.
2019-12-20 20:31:15 +01:00
Daniel - 28860ac415
Fixing some typos 2019-12-20 20:28:26 +01:00
Daniel - 508b587d84
Don't set helm's prefix key via setq
Use customize for this.
2019-12-20 20:25:28 +01:00
Daniel - 2980fe59b2
Update comment 2019-12-20 20:25:19 +01:00
Daniel - 339badc995
Simplify helm setup 2019-12-20 18:03:50 +01:00
Daniel - 08e22cb698
Remove verbosity when loading customizations
`load-file' already prints all necessary information.
2019-12-20 18:03:32 +01:00
Daniel - 0dae55d5a9
Remove `helm-org' 2019-12-20 17:57:23 +01:00
Daniel - f2da14592a
Don't load packages when there is no need to do it 2019-12-20 17:54:29 +01:00
Daniel - 9c5f6d062f
Don't explicitly clean up projectile projects
This is done by projectile itself during mode activation.
2019-12-20 17:53:54 +01:00
Daniel - 7c41f1df73
Make loading customizations a bit more verbose 2019-12-20 17:53:38 +01:00
Daniel - c8dfffbbc1
Set default value for semantic modules to load 2019-12-20 17:44:22 +01:00
Daniel - 05cb96d310
Add semantic activation 2019-12-20 17:41:40 +01:00
Daniel - d40f4d92e8
Don't demand yasnippet 2019-12-20 17:34:37 +01:00
Daniel - 571cd3934d
Globally enable yasnippet 2019-12-20 17:34:05 +01:00
Daniel - 96fd57bb90
Load customizations directy during initialization time
Loading customizations in `db/run-init' may cause accidental overwrites of
custom settings when loading variables changes and saves values of other
customizable variables.  For example, loading `custom-enabled-themes' may update
`custom-safe-themes', and if this loading happens after initialization time,
this update is directly written to custom.el via a call to
`customize-push-and-save', overwriting all remaining, i.e. not loaded, custom
settings.  Loading custom settings during initialzation time prevents this

Note that this change causes some packages to load during initialization time
that previously had been loaded only afterwards.
2019-12-20 17:05:20 +01:00
Daniel - 9e0338e683
Dynamically create hydra from `db/frequently-used-features' 2019-12-20 16:12:11 +01:00
Daniel - 60dabe0440
Explicitly require `hydra' 2019-12-20 15:38:41 +01:00
Daniel - a9695b9d1a
Generalize `db/frequently-used-features' to also include shortcuts 2019-12-20 15:14:29 +01:00
Daniel - 20cc9f34bb
Remove obsolete definition for `helm-mini' 2019-12-20 15:05:41 +01:00
Daniel - d66c568a83
Update default value of `db/frequently-used-features' 2019-12-20 15:04:35 +01:00