Update dash

This commit is contained in:
Daniel - 2021-01-01 17:31:26 +01:00
parent 8d7302f38d
commit b51153e587
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 1C7071A75BB72D64
8 changed files with 488 additions and 589 deletions

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
;;; dash-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "dash" "dash.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from dash.el
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "dash" '("dash-" "-keep" "-butlast" "-non" "-only-some" "-zip" "-e" "->" "-a" "-gr" "-when-let" "-d" "-l" "-s" "-p" "-r" "-m" "-i" "-f" "-u" "-value-to-list" "-t" "--" "-c" "!cons" "!cdr")))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("dash-pkg.el") (0 0 0 0))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; dash-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
(define-package "dash" "2.17.0" "A modern list library for Emacs" 'nil :keywords
'(("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com"))
'("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com"))
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
;;; dash-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "dash" "dash.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from dash.el
(autoload 'dash-fontify-mode "dash" "\
Toggle fontification of Dash special variables.
If called interactively, enable Dash-Fontify mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it if ARG is zero or negative. If called
from Lisp, also enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil, and
toggle it if ARG is `toggle'; disable the mode otherwise.
Dash-Fontify mode is a buffer-local minor mode intended for Emacs
Lisp buffers. Enabling it causes the special variables bound in
anaphoric Dash macros to be fontified. These anaphoras include
`it', `it-index', `acc', and `other'. In older Emacs versions
which do not dynamically detect macros, Dash-Fontify mode
additionally fontifies Dash macro calls.
See also `dash-fontify-mode-lighter' and
\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
(put 'global-dash-fontify-mode 'globalized-minor-mode t)
(defvar global-dash-fontify-mode nil "\
Non-nil if Global Dash-Fontify mode is enabled.
See the `global-dash-fontify-mode' command
for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-dash-fontify-mode'.")
(custom-autoload 'global-dash-fontify-mode "dash" nil)
(autoload 'global-dash-fontify-mode "dash" "\
Toggle Dash-Fontify mode in all buffers.
With prefix ARG, enable Global Dash-Fontify mode if ARG is positive;
otherwise, disable it. If called from Lisp, enable the mode if
ARG is omitted or nil.
Dash-Fontify mode is enabled in all buffers where
`dash--turn-on-fontify-mode' would do it.
See `dash-fontify-mode' for more information on Dash-Fontify mode.
\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "dash" '("!cdr" "!cons" "--" "->" "-a" "-butlast" "-c" "-d" "-e" "-f" "-gr" "-i" "-keep" "-l" "-m" "-non" "-only-some" "-p" "-r" "-s" "-t" "-u" "-value-to-list" "-when-let" "-zip" "dash-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("dash-pkg.el") (0 0 0 0))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; dash-autoloads.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(define-package "dash" "20201231.1620" "A modern list library for Emacs" 'nil :commit "78fee36e7e7c02595e51fcacf067308be115c22c" :authors
(("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com"))
("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com")
("extensions" "lisp"))
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
;; Author: Magnar Sveen <magnars@gmail.com>
;; Version: 2.17.0
;; Keywords: lists
;; Keywords: extensions, lisp
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -40,22 +40,11 @@
(require 'cl)))
(defgroup dash ()
"Customize group for dash.el"
"Customize group for Dash, a modern list library."
:group 'extensions
:group 'lisp
:prefix "dash-")
(defun dash--enable-fontlock (symbol value)
(when value
(set-default symbol value))
(defcustom dash-enable-fontlock nil
"If non-nil, enable fontification of dash functions, macros and
special values."
:type 'boolean
:set 'dash--enable-fontlock
:group 'dash)
(defmacro !cons (car cdr)
"Destructive: Set CDR to the cons of CAR and CDR."
`(setq ,cdr (cons ,car ,cdr)))
@ -102,10 +91,9 @@ Note: `it' is not required in each form."
(defun -each (list fn)
"Call FN with every item in LIST. Return nil, used for side-effects only."
(declare (indent 1))
(--each list (funcall fn it)))
(put '-each 'lisp-indent-function 1)
(defalias '--each-indexed '--each)
(defun -each-indexed (list fn)
@ -114,31 +102,30 @@ Note: `it' is not required in each form."
In the anaphoric form `--each-indexed', the index is exposed as symbol `it-index'.
See also: `-map-indexed'."
(declare (indent 1))
(--each list (funcall fn it-index it)))
(put '-each-indexed 'lisp-indent-function 1)
(defmacro --each-while (list pred &rest body)
"Anaphoric form of `-each-while'."
(declare (debug (form form body))
(indent 2))
(let ((l (make-symbol "list"))
(c (make-symbol "continue")))
(let ((l (make-symbol "list")))
`(let ((,l ,list)
(,c t)
(it-index 0))
(while (and ,l ,c)
(let ((it (car ,l)))
(if (not ,pred) (setq ,c nil) ,@body))
(setq it-index (1+ it-index))
(!cdr ,l)))))
(it-index 0)
(ignore it)
(while (when ,l
(setq it (pop ,l))
(setq it-index (1+ it-index))))))
(defun -each-while (list pred fn)
"Call FN with every item in LIST while (PRED item) is non-nil.
Return nil, used for side-effects only."
(declare (indent 2))
(--each-while list (funcall pred it) (funcall fn it)))
(put '-each-while 'lisp-indent-function 2)
(defmacro --each-r (list &rest body)
"Anaphoric form of `-each-r'."
(declare (debug (form body))
@ -195,10 +182,9 @@ Return nil, used for side-effects only."
(defun -dotimes (num fn)
"Repeatedly calls FN (presumably for side-effects) passing in integers from 0 through NUM-1."
(declare (indent 1))
(--dotimes num (funcall fn it)))
(put '-dotimes 'lisp-indent-function 1)
(defun -map (fn list)
"Return a new list consisting of the result of applying FN to the items in LIST."
(mapcar fn list))
@ -1328,16 +1314,18 @@ a variable number of arguments, such that
is identity (given that the lists are the same length).
Note in particular that calling this on a list of two lists will
return a list of cons-cells such that the aboce identity works.
return a list of cons-cells such that the above identity works.
See also: `-zip'"
(apply '-zip lists))
(defun -cycle (list)
"Return an infinite copy of LIST that will cycle through the
elements and repeat from the beginning."
"Return an infinite circular copy of LIST.
The returned list cycles through the elements of LIST and repeats
from the beginning."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(let ((newlist (-map 'identity list)))
;; Also works with sequences that aren't lists.
(let ((newlist (append list ())))
(nconc newlist newlist)))
(defun -pad (fill-value &rest lists)
@ -1581,7 +1569,7 @@ and when that result is non-nil, through the next form, etc."
(defmacro -some--> (x &optional form &rest more)
"When expr in non-nil, thread it through the first form (via `-->'),
"When expr is non-nil, thread it through the first form (via `-->'),
and when that result is non-nil, through the next form, etc."
(declare (debug ->)
(indent 1))
@ -2775,298 +2763,157 @@ structure such as plist or alist."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(-tree-map 'identity list))
(defun dash-enable-font-lock ()
"Add syntax highlighting to dash functions, macros and magic values."
(eval-after-load 'lisp-mode
(let ((new-keywords '(
;;; Font lock
(defvar dash--keywords
`(;; TODO: Do not fontify the following automatic variables
;; globally; detect and limit to their local anaphoric scope.
(,(concat "\\_<" (regexp-opt '("acc" "it" "it-index" "other")) "\\_>")
0 font-lock-variable-name-face)
;; Elisp macro fontification was static prior to Emacs 25.
,@(when (< emacs-major-version 25)
(let ((macs '("!cdr"
(special-variables '(
(font-lock-add-keywords 'emacs-lisp-mode `((,(concat "\\_<" (regexp-opt special-variables 'paren) "\\_>")
1 font-lock-variable-name-face)) 'append)
(font-lock-add-keywords 'emacs-lisp-mode `((,(concat "(\\s-*" (regexp-opt new-keywords 'paren) "\\_>")
1 font-lock-keyword-face)) 'append))
(--each (buffer-list)
(with-current-buffer it
(when (and (eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)
(boundp 'font-lock-mode)
`((,(concat "(" (regexp-opt macs 'symbols)) . 1)))))
"Font lock keywords for `dash-fontify-mode'.")
(defcustom dash-fontify-mode-lighter nil
"Mode line lighter for `dash-fontify-mode'.
Either a string to display in the mode line when
`dash-fontify-mode' is on, or nil to display
nothing (the default)."
:package-version '(dash . "2.18.0")
:group 'dash
:type '(choice (string :tag "Lighter" :value " Dash")
(const :tag "Nothing" nil)))
(define-minor-mode dash-fontify-mode
"Toggle fontification of Dash special variables.
Dash-Fontify mode is a buffer-local minor mode intended for Emacs
Lisp buffers. Enabling it causes the special variables bound in
anaphoric Dash macros to be fontified. These anaphoras include
`it', `it-index', `acc', and `other'. In older Emacs versions
which do not dynamically detect macros, Dash-Fontify mode
additionally fontifies Dash macro calls.
See also `dash-fontify-mode-lighter' and
:group 'dash :lighter dash-fontify-mode-lighter
(if dash-fontify-mode
(font-lock-add-keywords nil dash--keywords t)
(font-lock-remove-keywords nil dash--keywords))
(cond ((fboundp 'font-lock-flush) ;; Added in Emacs 25.
;; `font-lock-fontify-buffer' unconditionally enables
;; `font-lock-mode' and is marked `interactive-only' in later
;; Emacs versions which have `font-lock-flush', so we guard
;; and pacify as needed, respectively.
(defun dash--turn-on-fontify-mode ()
"Enable `dash-fontify-mode' if in an Emacs Lisp buffer."
(when (derived-mode-p #'emacs-lisp-mode)
(define-globalized-minor-mode global-dash-fontify-mode
dash-fontify-mode dash--turn-on-fontify-mode
:group 'dash)
(defcustom dash-enable-fontlock nil
"If non-nil, fontify Dash macro calls and special variables."
:group 'dash
:set (lambda (sym val)
(set-default sym val)
(global-dash-fontify-mode (if val 1 0)))
:type 'boolean)
'dash-enable-fontlock #'global-dash-fontify-mode "2.18.0")
'dash-enable-font-lock #'global-dash-fontify-mode "2.18.0")
(provide 'dash)
;;; dash.el ends here

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ This manual is for dash.el version 2.12.1.
* Using in a package::
* Syntax highlighting of dash functions::
* Fontification of special variables::
@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ File: dash.info, Node: Installation, Next: Functions, Prev: Top, Up: Top
1 Installation
Its available on Melpa (https://melpa.org/); use M-x package-install:
Its available on GNU ELPA (https://elpa.gnu.org/) and MELPA
(https://melpa.org/); use M-x package-install:
M-x package-install <RET> dash
Install the dash library.
@ -105,10 +106,10 @@ your load path somewhere.
* Menu:
* Using in a package::
* Syntax highlighting of dash functions::
* Fontification of special variables::

File: dash.info, Node: Using in a package, Next: Syntax highlighting of dash functions, Up: Installation
File: dash.info, Node: Using in a package, Next: Fontification of special variables, Up: Installation
1.1 Using in a package
@ -122,15 +123,21 @@ To get function combinators:
;; Package-Requires: ((dash "2.12.1") (dash-functional "1.2.0") (emacs "24"))

File: dash.info, Node: Syntax highlighting of dash functions, Prev: Using in a package, Up: Installation
File: dash.info, Node: Fontification of special variables, Prev: Using in a package, Up: Installation
1.2 Syntax highlighting of dash functions
1.2 Fontification of special variables
Font lock of dash functions in emacs lisp buffers is now optional.
Include this in your emacs settings to get syntax highlighting:
Font lock of special Dash variables (it, acc, etc.) in Emacs Lisp
buffers can optionally be enabled with the autoloaded minor mode
dash-fontify-mode. In older Emacs versions which do not dynamically
detect macros, the minor mode also fontifies Dash macro calls.
(eval-after-load 'dash '(dash-enable-font-lock))
To automatically enable the minor mode in all Emacs Lisp buffers,
just call its autoloaded global counterpart global-dash-fontify-mode,
either interactively or from your user-init-file:

File: dash.info, Node: Functions, Next: Development, Prev: Installation, Up: Top
@ -1689,7 +1696,7 @@ Other list functions not fit to be classified elsewhere.
is identity (given that the lists are the same length).
Note in particular that calling this on a list of two lists will
return a list of cons-cells such that the aboce identity works.
return a list of cons-cells such that the above identity works.
See also: -zip (*note -zip::)
@ -1701,8 +1708,8 @@ Other list functions not fit to be classified elsewhere.
⇒ '((1 . 3) (2 . 4))
-- Function: -cycle (list)
Return an infinite copy of LIST that will cycle through the
elements and repeat from the beginning.
Return an infinite circular copy of LIST. The returned list cycles
through the elements of LIST and repeats from the beginning.
(-take 5 (-cycle '(1 2 3)))
⇒ '(1 2 3 1 2)
@ -2132,7 +2139,7 @@ File: dash.info, Node: Threading macros, Next: Binding, Prev: Tree operations
⇒ 106
-- Macro: -some--> (x &optional form &rest more)
When expr in non-nil, thread it through the first form (via -->
When expr is non-nil, thread it through the first form (via -->
(*note -->::)), and when that result is non-nil, through the next
form, etc.
@ -2467,10 +2474,12 @@ Functions iterating over lists for side-effect only.
Call FN with every item in LIST while (PRED item) is non-nil.
Return nil, used for side-effects only.
(let (s) (-each-while '(2 4 5 6) 'even? (lambda (item) (!cons item s))) s)
(let (s) (-each-while '(2 4 5 6) 'even? (lambda (item) (push item s))) s)
⇒ '(4 2)
(let (s) (--each-while '(1 2 3 4) (< it 3) (!cons it s)) s)
(let (s) (--each-while '(1 2 3 4) (< it 3) (push it s)) s)
⇒ '(2 1)
(let ((s 0)) (--each-while '(1 3 4 5) (odd? it) (setq s (+ s it))) s)
⇒ 4
-- Function: -each-indexed (list fn)
Call (FN index item) for each item in LIST.
@ -2564,8 +2573,8 @@ These combinators require Emacs 24 for its lexical scope. So they are
offered in a separate package: dash-functional.
-- Function: -partial (fn &rest args)
Takes a function FN and fewer than the normal arguments to FN, and
returns a fn that takes a variable number of additional ARGS. When
Take a function FN and fewer than the normal arguments to FN, and
return a fn that takes a variable number of additional ARGS. When
called, the returned function calls FN with ARGS first and then
additional args.
@ -2740,7 +2749,7 @@ offered in a separate package: dash-functional.
1. Iteration converges to the fixpoint, with equality being tested
using EQUAL-TEST. If EQUAL-TEST is not specified, equal is used.
For functions over the floating point numbers, it may be necessary
to provide an appropriate appoximate comparison test.
to provide an appropriate approximate comparison test.
2. HALT-TEST returns a non-nil value. HALT-TEST defaults to a
simple counter that returns t after -fixfn-max-iterations, to
@ -2981,7 +2990,7 @@ Index
* !cons: Destructive operations.
(line 6)
* -->: Threading macros. (line 32)
* --doto: Side-effects. (line 81)
* --doto: Side-effects. (line 83)
* ->: Threading macros. (line 6)
* ->>: Threading macros. (line 19)
* -all?: Predicates. (line 18)
@ -3013,15 +3022,15 @@ Index
(line 168)
* -difference: Set operations. (line 20)
* -distinct: Set operations. (line 62)
* -dotimes: Side-effects. (line 61)
* -doto: Side-effects. (line 70)
* -dotimes: Side-effects. (line 63)
* -doto: Side-effects. (line 72)
* -drop: Sublist selection. (line 124)
* -drop-last: Sublist selection. (line 136)
* -drop-while: Sublist selection. (line 157)
* -each: Side-effects. (line 8)
* -each-indexed: Side-effects. (line 28)
* -each-r: Side-effects. (line 41)
* -each-r-while: Side-effects. (line 52)
* -each-indexed: Side-effects. (line 30)
* -each-r: Side-effects. (line 43)
* -each-r-while: Side-effects. (line 54)
* -each-while: Side-effects. (line 19)
* -elem-index: Indexing. (line 9)
* -elem-indices: Indexing. (line 21)
@ -3201,206 +3210,206 @@ Index

Tag Table:
Node: Top946
Node: Installation2425
Node: Using in a package2958
Node: Syntax highlighting of dash functions3322
Node: Functions3705
Node: Maps4916
Ref: -map5211
Ref: -map-when5552
Ref: -map-first6130
Ref: -map-last6608
Ref: -map-indexed7081
Ref: -annotate7561
Ref: -splice8051
Ref: -splice-list8832
Ref: -mapcat9294
Ref: -copy9670
Node: Sublist selection9874
Ref: -filter10067
Ref: -remove10519
Ref: -remove-first10925
Ref: -remove-last11452
Ref: -remove-item11973
Ref: -non-nil12368
Ref: -slice12527
Ref: -take13059
Ref: -take-last13367
Ref: -drop13690
Ref: -drop-last13963
Ref: -take-while14223
Ref: -drop-while14573
Ref: -select-by-indices14929
Ref: -select-columns15443
Ref: -select-column16149
Node: List to list16613
Ref: -keep16805
Ref: -concat17308
Ref: -flatten17605
Ref: -flatten-n18364
Ref: -replace18751
Ref: -replace-first19214
Ref: -replace-last19711
Ref: -insert-at20201
Ref: -replace-at20528
Ref: -update-at20918
Ref: -remove-at21409
Ref: -remove-at-indices21897
Node: Reductions22479
Ref: -reduce-from22648
Ref: -reduce-r-from23414
Ref: -reduce24181
Ref: -reduce-r24910
Ref: -reductions-from25781
Ref: -reductions-r-from26496
Ref: -reductions27221
Ref: -reductions-r27846
Ref: -count28481
Ref: -sum28705
Ref: -running-sum28894
Ref: -product29187
Ref: -running-product29396
Ref: -inits29709
Ref: -tails29957
Ref: -common-prefix30204
Ref: -common-suffix30501
Ref: -min30798
Ref: -min-by31024
Ref: -max31547
Ref: -max-by31772
Node: Unfolding32300
Ref: -iterate32539
Ref: -unfold32984
Node: Predicates33792
Ref: -any?33916
Ref: -all?34236
Ref: -none?34566
Ref: -only-some?34868
Ref: -contains?35353
Ref: -same-items?35742
Ref: -is-prefix?36127
Ref: -is-suffix?36450
Ref: -is-infix?36773
Node: Partitioning37127
Ref: -split-at37315
Ref: -split-with37600
Ref: -split-on38003
Ref: -split-when38679
Ref: -separate39319
Ref: -partition39761
Ref: -partition-all40213
Ref: -partition-in-steps40641
Ref: -partition-all-in-steps41138
Ref: -partition-by41623
Ref: -partition-by-header42005
Ref: -partition-after-pred42609
Ref: -partition-before-pred42953
Ref: -partition-before-item43304
Ref: -partition-after-item43615
Ref: -group-by43921
Node: Indexing44358
Ref: -elem-index44560
Ref: -elem-indices44955
Ref: -find-index45338
Ref: -find-last-index45827
Ref: -find-indices46331
Ref: -grade-up46739
Ref: -grade-down47142
Node: Set operations47552
Ref: -union47735
Ref: -difference48177
Ref: -intersection48594
Ref: -powerset49031
Ref: -permutations49244
Ref: -distinct49544
Node: Other list operations49922
Ref: -rotate50147
Ref: -repeat50517
Ref: -cons*50780
Ref: -snoc51167
Ref: -interpose51580
Ref: -interleave51878
Ref: -zip-with52247
Ref: -zip52964
Ref: -zip-lists53796
Ref: -zip-fill54497
Ref: -unzip54820
Ref: -cycle55565
Ref: -pad55938
Ref: -table56261
Ref: -table-flat57050
Ref: -first58058
Ref: -some58430
Ref: -last58739
Ref: -first-item59073
Ref: -second-item59489
Ref: -third-item59769
Ref: -fourth-item60047
Ref: -fifth-item60313
Ref: -last-item60575
Ref: -butlast60867
Ref: -sort61114
Ref: -list61603
Ref: -fix61934
Node: Tree operations62474
Ref: -tree-seq62670
Ref: -tree-map63528
Ref: -tree-map-nodes63971
Ref: -tree-reduce64821
Ref: -tree-reduce-from65703
Ref: -tree-mapreduce66304
Ref: -tree-mapreduce-from67164
Ref: -clone68450
Node: Threading macros68778
Ref: ->68923
Ref: ->>69414
Ref: -->69919
Ref: -as->70475
Ref: -some->70930
Ref: -some->>71304
Ref: -some-->71740
Node: Binding72211
Ref: -when-let72423
Ref: -when-let*72908
Ref: -if-let73431
Ref: -if-let*73826
Ref: -let74443
Ref: -let*80533
Ref: -lambda81473
Ref: -setq82270
Node: Side-effects83086
Ref: -each83280
Ref: -each-while83687
Ref: -each-indexed84047
Ref: -each-r84565
Ref: -each-r-while84998
Ref: -dotimes85373
Ref: -doto85676
Ref: --doto86104
Node: Destructive operations86379
Ref: !cons86552
Ref: !cdr86758
Node: Function combinators86953
Ref: -partial87227
Ref: -rpartial87623
Ref: -juxt88026
Ref: -compose88458
Ref: -applify89011
Ref: -on89442
Ref: -flip89968
Ref: -const90280
Ref: -cut90619
Ref: -not91105
Ref: -orfn91415
Ref: -andfn91849
Ref: -iteratefn92344
Ref: -fixfn93047
Ref: -prodfn94609
Node: Development95677
Node: Contribute96026
Node: Changes96774
Node: Contributors99772
Node: Index101391
Node: Installation2422
Node: Using in a package2989
Node: Fontification of special variables3350
Node: Functions4054
Node: Maps5265
Ref: -map5560
Ref: -map-when5901
Ref: -map-first6479
Ref: -map-last6957
Ref: -map-indexed7430
Ref: -annotate7910
Ref: -splice8400
Ref: -splice-list9181
Ref: -mapcat9643
Ref: -copy10019
Node: Sublist selection10223
Ref: -filter10416
Ref: -remove10868
Ref: -remove-first11274
Ref: -remove-last11801
Ref: -remove-item12322
Ref: -non-nil12717
Ref: -slice12876
Ref: -take13408
Ref: -take-last13716
Ref: -drop14039
Ref: -drop-last14312
Ref: -take-while14572
Ref: -drop-while14922
Ref: -select-by-indices15278
Ref: -select-columns15792
Ref: -select-column16498
Node: List to list16962
Ref: -keep17154
Ref: -concat17657
Ref: -flatten17954
Ref: -flatten-n18713
Ref: -replace19100
Ref: -replace-first19563
Ref: -replace-last20060
Ref: -insert-at20550
Ref: -replace-at20877
Ref: -update-at21267
Ref: -remove-at21758
Ref: -remove-at-indices22246
Node: Reductions22828
Ref: -reduce-from22997
Ref: -reduce-r-from23763
Ref: -reduce24530
Ref: -reduce-r25259
Ref: -reductions-from26130
Ref: -reductions-r-from26845
Ref: -reductions27570
Ref: -reductions-r28195
Ref: -count28830
Ref: -sum29054
Ref: -running-sum29243
Ref: -product29536
Ref: -running-product29745
Ref: -inits30058
Ref: -tails30306
Ref: -common-prefix30553
Ref: -common-suffix30850
Ref: -min31147
Ref: -min-by31373
Ref: -max31896
Ref: -max-by32121
Node: Unfolding32649
Ref: -iterate32888
Ref: -unfold33333
Node: Predicates34141
Ref: -any?34265
Ref: -all?34585
Ref: -none?34915
Ref: -only-some?35217
Ref: -contains?35702
Ref: -same-items?36091
Ref: -is-prefix?36476
Ref: -is-suffix?36799
Ref: -is-infix?37122
Node: Partitioning37476
Ref: -split-at37664
Ref: -split-with37949
Ref: -split-on38352
Ref: -split-when39028
Ref: -separate39668
Ref: -partition40110
Ref: -partition-all40562
Ref: -partition-in-steps40990
Ref: -partition-all-in-steps41487
Ref: -partition-by41972
Ref: -partition-by-header42354
Ref: -partition-after-pred42958
Ref: -partition-before-pred43302
Ref: -partition-before-item43653
Ref: -partition-after-item43964
Ref: -group-by44270
Node: Indexing44707
Ref: -elem-index44909
Ref: -elem-indices45304
Ref: -find-index45687
Ref: -find-last-index46176
Ref: -find-indices46680
Ref: -grade-up47088
Ref: -grade-down47491
Node: Set operations47901
Ref: -union48084
Ref: -difference48526
Ref: -intersection48943
Ref: -powerset49380
Ref: -permutations49593
Ref: -distinct49893
Node: Other list operations50271
Ref: -rotate50496
Ref: -repeat50866
Ref: -cons*51129
Ref: -snoc51516
Ref: -interpose51929
Ref: -interleave52227
Ref: -zip-with52596
Ref: -zip53313
Ref: -zip-lists54145
Ref: -zip-fill54846
Ref: -unzip55169
Ref: -cycle55914
Ref: -pad56316
Ref: -table56639
Ref: -table-flat57428
Ref: -first58436
Ref: -some58808
Ref: -last59117
Ref: -first-item59451
Ref: -second-item59867
Ref: -third-item60147
Ref: -fourth-item60425
Ref: -fifth-item60691
Ref: -last-item60953
Ref: -butlast61245
Ref: -sort61492
Ref: -list61981
Ref: -fix62312
Node: Tree operations62852
Ref: -tree-seq63048
Ref: -tree-map63906
Ref: -tree-map-nodes64349
Ref: -tree-reduce65199
Ref: -tree-reduce-from66081
Ref: -tree-mapreduce66682
Ref: -tree-mapreduce-from67542
Ref: -clone68828
Node: Threading macros69156
Ref: ->69301
Ref: ->>69792
Ref: -->70297
Ref: -as->70853
Ref: -some->71308
Ref: -some->>71682
Ref: -some-->72118
Node: Binding72589
Ref: -when-let72801
Ref: -when-let*73286
Ref: -if-let73809
Ref: -if-let*74204
Ref: -let74821
Ref: -let*80911
Ref: -lambda81851
Ref: -setq82648
Node: Side-effects83464
Ref: -each83658
Ref: -each-while84065
Ref: -each-indexed84523
Ref: -each-r85041
Ref: -each-r-while85474
Ref: -dotimes85849
Ref: -doto86152
Ref: --doto86580
Node: Destructive operations86855
Ref: !cons87028
Ref: !cdr87234
Node: Function combinators87429
Ref: -partial87703
Ref: -rpartial88097
Ref: -juxt88500
Ref: -compose88932
Ref: -applify89485
Ref: -on89916
Ref: -flip90442
Ref: -const90754
Ref: -cut91093
Ref: -not91579
Ref: -orfn91889
Ref: -andfn92323
Ref: -iteratefn92818
Ref: -fixfn93521
Ref: -prodfn95084
Node: Development96152
Node: Contribute96501
Node: Changes97249
Node: Contributors100247
Node: Index101866

End Tag Table

View File

@ -576,8 +576,7 @@
;; * Essential external packages
(use-package dash
:pin "melpa-stable")
(use-package dash)
(use-package hydra
:pin "melpa-stable")