Remove obsolete cache playlist functionality

It has been replaced by a git-annex powered backend long ago.
This commit is contained in:
Daniel - 2020-06-26 22:29:44 +02:00
parent 8bb2d69fb3
commit 7dbe2445ac
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 1C7071A75BB72D64
2 changed files with 2 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -2138,10 +2138,8 @@ With given ARG, display files in `db/important-document-path."
"--metadata db-playlist=include")))
:commands (db/play-auto-playlist
;; * Shells and such

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
:group 'convenience
:tag "db-music")
(defcustom db/auto-playlist-file-function #'db/play-playlist-from-cache
(defcustom db/auto-playlist-file-function #'db/play-auto-playlist-from-git-annex-find
"Function that has to return a list of all music files that
should be included in the auto playlist."
:group 'db-music
@ -54,60 +54,6 @@ Shuffle it and start playing it afterwards."
(defcustom db/playlist nil
"List of songs to include in a random playlist."
:group 'db-music
:type '(alist :value-type (choice (const :tag "Undecided" :undecided)
(const :tag "Include" :include)
(const :tag "Exclude" :exclude))
:key-type file))
(defun db/playlist-files-from-cache ()
"Generate files for auto playlist from `db/playlist cache."
(->> db/playlist
(cl-remove-if-not #'(lambda (track)
(eq (cdr track) :include)))
(mapcar #'car)))
(defun db/update-playlist-cache-from-directory (directory)
"Recursively traverse DIRECTORY and update `db/playlist.
Files not present `db/playlist but that are found in DIRECTORY
are added to `db/playlist with tag :undecided, to show the user
that these files are new. Tracks in `db/playlist that do not
exist anymore are removed from it."
(interactive (list (expand-file-name "songs/"
;; First convert to hash table for performance
(let ((playlist-hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(dolist (track db/playlist)
(when (file-exists-p (car track))
(puthash (car track) (cdr track) playlist-hash)))
(let (new-playlist)
;; Iterate over files in DIRECTORY and add them to the playlist, with the
;; already known state whenever possible
(dolist (file (directory-files-recursively directory ""))
(message "Checking %s" file)
(push (cons file (gethash file playlist-hash :undecided))
(remhash file playlist-hash))
;; Keep all other tracks that are not in DIRECTORY
(maphash #'(lambda (track state)
(push (cons track state) new-playlist))
;; Sort to keep version control happy
(setq new-playlist
(sort new-playlist
#'(lambda (track-1 track-2)
(string< (car track-1) (car track-2)))))
;; Save and exit
(customize-save-variable 'db/playlist new-playlist))))
(defun db/playlist-files-from-git-annex-find (match-expression)
"Generate playlist from git annex find on MATCH-EXPRESSION.