Allow custom org-ql filter expression in workload report

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Daniel - 2022-09-08 18:37:42 +02:00
parent a8fee5f044
commit 2616693233
Signed by: dbo
GPG Key ID: 784AA8DF0CCDF625
1 changed files with 13 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ should not be clocked."
;;; Task Management
(defun db/org-planned-tasks-in-range (start-date end-date)
(defun db/org-planned-tasks-in-range (start-date end-date &optional org-ql-match)
"Return list of tasks planned between START-DATE and END-DATE.
This function will search through the files returned by
@ -390,7 +390,11 @@ time range.
The result has the form (TOTAL-TIME . TASKS), where TASKS is a
list of cons cells (ID . EFFORT). The total time is given as an
Org mode time string of the form hh:mm, as are all EFFORT
When ORG-QL-MATCH, an org-ql sexp, is given, filter the list of
tasks in range by this expression. When ORG-QL-MATCH is not
given, default to `(todo)'."
(let* (;; Allow Org syntax for dates; the result should be understandable by
;; `parse-time-string' and thus `org-ql-query' should be fine with that.
(start-date (org-read-date nil nil start-date))
@ -400,7 +404,7 @@ entries."
:select '(cons
(org-entry-get (point) "Effort"))
:where `(and (todo)
:where `(and ,(or org-ql-match '(todo))
;; Is this redundant? Could we just stick with `ts-active'?
(or (scheduled :from ,start-date :to ,end-date)
(deadline :from ,start-date :to ,end-date)
@ -428,12 +432,17 @@ PARAMS is a property list of the following parameters:
End date of the workload report.
`org-ql' expression (in sexp syntax) to filter the list of tasks.
All tasks between `:start-date' and `:end-date' will be collected
and their effort summed up. The date format is everything
understood by `org-read-date'."
(let* ((start-date (plist-get params :start-date))
(end-date (plist-get params :end-date))
(task-summary (db/org-planned-tasks-in-range start-date end-date)))
(org-ql-match (plist-get params :org-ql-match))
(task-summary (db/org-planned-tasks-in-range start-date end-date org-ql-match)))
(insert "| Task | Effort |\n|---|\n")
(pcase-dolist (`(,task-id . ,effort-string) (cdr task-summary))