[Misc] Make most variable settings in init.el customizable

This is achieved by moving the variable definitions to use-packages’ :init
blocks, and allowing ‘db/run-init’ to override these definitions by calling
‘load-file’ on custom.el afterwards.

Also inlined some definitions from my custom.el file back into init.el
This commit is contained in:
Daniel - 2018-11-02 18:17:51 +01:00
parent 9eae479aa3
commit 06c427aba3
Signed by: dbo
GPG Key ID: 4F63DB96D45AA9C6
3 changed files with 196 additions and 195 deletions

View File

@ -344,7 +344,8 @@
delete-by-moving-to-trash t
delete-trailing-lines nil
x-underline-at-descent-line t
search-whitespace-regexp "[ \t\r\n]+")
search-whitespace-regexp "[ \t\r\n]+"
visual-line-fringe-indicators '(left-curly-arrow right-curly-arrow))
(when on-windows
;; treat memory for display time ... but hey, this is Windows, memory doesnt
@ -386,7 +387,7 @@
(put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)
(use-package calendar
(setq calendar-date-style 'iso
calendar-bahai-all-holidays-flag nil
calendar-chinese-all-holidays-flag nil
@ -396,7 +397,9 @@
holiday-other-holidays '((holiday-fixed 5 1 "Labour Day")
(holiday-fixed 10 3 "German Unity Day")
(holiday-fixed 10 31 "Reformation Day")
(holiday-float 11 3 -1 "Day of Repentance and Prayer" 22))))
(holiday-float 11 3 -1 "Day of Repentance and Prayer" 22))
diary-show-holidays-flag t
calendar-view-holidays-initially-flag t))
(setq-default font-lock-maximum-decoration '((t . t)))
(setq-default savehist-file (expand-file-name "savehist" emacs-d))
@ -419,6 +422,11 @@
(bps "bit / s" "Bit per second"))
math-units-table nil)
(setq default-input-method "TeX")
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
browse-url-generic-program "firefox")
;; * Basic Builtin Packages
@ -436,22 +444,21 @@
(use-package abbrev
:commands (quietly-read-abbrev-file)
:config (progn
(setq-default abbrev-mode t)
(setq save-abbrevs 'silently))
:init (progn
(setq-default abbrev-mode t)
(setq save-abbrevs 'silently))
:diminish abbrev-mode)
(use-package appt
:commands (appt-activate)
:config (setq appt-display-mode-line nil))
:init (setq appt-display-mode-line nil))
(use-package ediff
:defer t
:init (setq ediff-diff-options "-w"
ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain
ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally)
:config (progn
(setq ediff-diff-options "-w"
ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain
ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally)
(add-hook 'ediff-keymap-setup-hook
'(lambda ()
(bind-key "j" #'ediff-next-difference ediff-mode-map)
@ -462,10 +469,9 @@
(use-package ispell
:commands (ispell-change-directory
:init (progn
(setq ispell-dictionary "en_US"
ispell-really-hunspell t)
(defhydra hydra-ispell (:color blue)
:init (setq ispell-dictionary "en_US"
ispell-really-hunspell t)
:config (defhydra hydra-ispell (:color blue)
("g" (lambda ()
@ -476,7 +482,7 @@
(setq ispell-dictionary "en_US")
(ispell-change-dictionary "en_US"))
(use-package mailcap
:defer t
@ -622,12 +628,11 @@ _h_ _l_ _o_k _y_ank
(use-package magit
:commands (magit-status)
:init (setq magit-diff-refine-hunk t
magit-commit-show-diff nil
magit-popup-use-prefix-argument 'default
magit-completing-read-function 'ivy-completing-read)
:config (progn
(setq magit-diff-refine-hunk t
magit-commit-show-diff nil
magit-popup-use-prefix-argument 'default
magit-completing-read-function 'ivy-completing-read)
(global-magit-file-mode -1)
(with-demoted-errors "Non-Fatal Error: %s"
@ -647,11 +652,11 @@ _h_ _l_ _o_k _y_ank
:commands (projectile-mode)
:defines (projectile-known-projects)
:bind (:map projectile-mode-map ("C-c p" . projectile-command-map))
:config (progn
(setq projectile-switch-project-action 'projectile-dired
projectile-completion-system 'ivy
projectile-ignored-project-function #'file-remote-p)
:init (setq projectile-switch-project-action 'projectile-dired
projectile-completion-system 'ivy
projectile-ignored-project-function #'file-remote-p
projectile-create-missing-test-files t)
:config (projectile-cleanup-known-projects)
:diminish projectile-mode)
(use-package counsel-projectile
@ -665,14 +670,14 @@ _h_ _l_ _o_k _y_ank
(use-package bbdb
:commands (bbdb-search-name bbab-initialize bbdb-mua-auto-update-init bbdb-save)
:init (setq bbdb-completion-display-record nil
bbdb-complete-mail-allow-cycling t
bbdb-mua-auto-update-p 'query
bbdb-default-country "Germany"
bbdb-user-mail-address-re (regexp-opt
(cons user-mail-address
:config (progn
(setq bbdb-completion-display-record nil
bbdb-complete-mail-allow-cycling t
bbdb-mua-auto-update-p 'query
bbdb-default-country "Germany"
bbdb-user-mail-address-re (regexp-opt
(cons user-mail-address
(add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'bbdb-mail-aliases)
(add-hook 'mail-setup-hook 'bbdb-mail-aliases)
(run-with-timer 0 3600 #'bbdb-save)))
@ -680,30 +685,27 @@ _h_ _l_ _o_k _y_ank
(use-package gnus
:defines (gnus-init-file)
:commands (gnus)
:init (setq gnus-init-file (expand-file-name "gnus.el" emacs-d)
gnus-home-directory (expand-file-name "~/Mail/news/")
gnus-directory (expand-file-name "~/Mail/news/")
gnus-kill-files-directory gnus-directory
gnus-startup-file (expand-file-name "~/Mail/gnus-newsrc")
gnus-cache-directory (expand-file-name "cache/" gnus-directory))
:config (progn
(require 'gnus-start))
(bbdb-initialize 'gnus 'message)
(bbdb-mua-auto-update-init 'message)
(setq gnus-init-file (expand-file-name "gnus.el" emacs-d)
gnus-home-directory (expand-file-name "~/Mail/news/")
gnus-directory (expand-file-name "~/Mail/news/")
gnus-kill-files-directory gnus-directory
gnus-startup-file (expand-file-name "~/Mail/gnus-newsrc")
gnus-cache-directory (expand-file-name
"cache/" gnus-directory))))
(bbdb-mua-auto-update-init 'message)))
;; * Crypto
(use-package nsm
:defer t
:config (progn
(setq network-security-level 'high
nsm-save-host-names t)
(advice-add 'nsm-write-settings
:before #'db/sort-nsm-permanent-settings)))
:init (setq network-security-level 'high
nsm-save-host-names t)
:config (advice-add 'nsm-write-settings
:before #'db/sort-nsm-permanent-settings))
(defun db/sort-nsm-permanent-settings ()
"Sort values in `nsm-permanent-host-settings."
@ -714,10 +716,9 @@ _h_ _l_ _o_k _y_ank
(use-package gnutls
:defer t
:config (progn
(setq gnutls-log-level 0 ; too noisy otherwise
gnutls-min-prime-bits 1024
gnutls-verify-error t)))
:init (setq gnutls-log-level 0 ; too noisy otherwise
gnutls-min-prime-bits 1024
gnutls-verify-error t))
(defun db/update-cert-file-directory (symbol new-value)
"Set SYMBOL to NEW-VALUE and add all certificate in it to `gnutls-trustfiles.
@ -737,7 +738,8 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(use-package epg
:defer t
:config (setq epg-debug t))
:init (setq epg-debug t
epg-gpg-program "gpg"))
;; * Appearance
@ -749,6 +751,9 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
solarized-use-variable-pitch nil))
(use-package smart-mode-line
:init (setq sml/mode-width 'full
sml/name-width 30
sml/theme 'respectful)
:commands (sml/setup))
@ -762,19 +767,39 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
([remap beginning-of-buffer] . dired-back-to-top)
([remap end-of-buffer] . dired-jump-to-bottom)
("<f1>" . nil))
:init (progn
(setq dired-dwim-target t
dired-listing-switches "-alh"
dired-hide-details-hide-information-lines t
dired-hide-details-hide-symlink-targets t
dired-recursive-copies 'top
dired-recursive-deletes 'top
;; Dont use obsolete diredx local variables
dired-enable-local-variables nil
dired-local-variables-file nil
dired-omit-files "^\\.?#\\|^\\.$\\|^\\.\\.$\\|^\\..*$"
diredp-hide-details-initially-flag t)
(if on-windows
(setq dired-guess-shell-alist-user '((".*" "cmd /c")))
(setq dired-guess-shell-alist-user
'(("\\.pdf\\'" "evince")
("\\.ps\\'" "evince")
("\\.\\(?:djvu\\|eps\\)\\'" "evince")
("\\.\\(?:jpg\\|jpeg\\|png\\|gif\\|xpm\\)\\'" "eog")
("\\.\\(?:xcf\\)\\'" "gimp")
("\\.\\(?:mp3\\|flac\\|ogg\\)\\'" "mplayer")
("\\.html?\\'" "firefox")
("\\.docx?\\'" "loffice"))))
(when on-windows
(setq directory-free-space-program nil)))
:config (progn
(setq dired-dwim-target t)
(put 'dired-find-alternate-file 'disabled nil)
(setq dired-listing-switches "-alh")
(setq dired-hide-details-hide-information-lines t
dired-hide-details-hide-symlink-targets t)
(setq dired-recursive-copies 'top)
(setq dired-recursive-deletes 'top)
;; Dont use obsolete diredx local variables
(setq dired-enable-local-variables nil
dired-local-variables-file nil)
(require 'dired-x)
(with-demoted-errors "Non-Fatal Error: %s"
@ -791,28 +816,11 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(dolist (extension '(".out" ".synctex.gz" ".thm"))
(add-to-list 'dired-latex-unclean-extensions extension))
(if on-windows
(setq dired-guess-shell-alist-user '((".*" "cmd /c")))
(setq dired-guess-shell-alist-user
'(("\\.pdf\\'" "evince")
("\\.ps\\'" "evince")
("\\.\\(?:djvu\\|eps\\)\\'" "evince")
("\\.\\(?:jpg\\|jpeg\\|png\\|gif\\|xpm\\)\\'" "eog")
("\\.\\(?:xcf\\)\\'" "gimp")
("\\.\\(?:mp3\\|flac\\|ogg\\)\\'" "mplayer")
("\\.html?\\'" "firefox")
("\\.docx?\\'" "loffice"))))
;; disable exaggerated fontification of dired+
(require 'font-lock)
(add-to-list 'font-lock-maximum-decoration '(wdired-mode . 1))
(add-to-list 'font-lock-maximum-decoration '(dired-mode . 1))
(when on-windows
(setq directory-free-space-program nil))
(defun ora-ediff-files ()
"Compare marked files in dired with ediff."
;; from: https://oremacs.com/2017/03/18/dired-ediff/
@ -861,7 +869,7 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(use-package find-dired
:commands (find-dired)
:config (setq find-ls-option '("-print0 | xargs -0 ls -ld" . "-ld")))
:init (setq find-ls-option '("-print0 | xargs -0 ls -ld" . "-ld")))
(use-package dired-open
:config (add-to-list 'dired-open-functions #'dired-open-guess-shell-alist))
@ -882,6 +890,29 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
:commands (helm-show-kill-ring
:diminish helm-mode
:init (setq helm-input-idle-delay 0.0
helm-buffers-fuzzy-matching t
helm-mode-fuzzy-match t
helm-autoresize-min-height 20
helm-ff-auto-update-initial-value t
helm-ff-file-name-history-use-recentf t
helm-ff-search-library-in-sexp t
helm-ff-skip-boring-files nil
helm-split-window-inside-p t
helm-move-to-line-cycle-in-source nil
helm-scroll-amount nil
helm-locate-command nil
helm-candidate-number-limit 100
helm-follow-mode-persistent t
helm-buffer-details-flag t
helm-buffer-skip-remote-checking t
helm-mini-default-sources '(helm-source-buffers-list
:config (progn
(require 'helm-mode)
@ -889,35 +920,10 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(require 'helm-ring)
(require 'helm-org))
(setq helm-input-idle-delay 0.0
helm-buffers-fuzzy-matching t
helm-mode-fuzzy-match t
helm-autoresize-min-height 20
helm-ff-auto-update-initial-value t
helm-ff-file-name-history-use-recentf t
helm-ff-search-library-in-sexp t
helm-ff-skip-boring-files nil
helm-split-window-inside-p t
helm-move-to-line-cycle-in-source nil
helm-scroll-amount nil
helm-locate-command nil
helm-candidate-number-limit 100
helm-follow-mode-persistent t
helm-buffer-details-flag t
helm-buffer-skip-remote-checking t)
(bind-key "<tab>" #'helm-execute-persistent-action helm-map)
(bind-key "C-i" #'helm-execute-persistent-action helm-map)
(bind-key "C-z" #'helm-select-action helm-map)
(setq helm-mini-default-sources '(helm-source-buffers-list
;; Add action to clock in at current heading to
;; `helm-org-agenda-files-headings
@ -942,25 +948,24 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
:commands (ivy-mode
:diminish ivy-mode
:config (progn
(setq ivy-use-virtual-buffers t
enable-recursive-minibuffers t
ivy-magic-tilde nil
ivy-count-format "(%d/%d) "
ivy-format-function #'(lambda (cands)
(lambda (str)
(concat "" str))
(lambda (str)
(concat " " str))
(setq ivy-initial-inputs-alist '((counsel-describe-function . "^")
(counsel-describe-variable . "^")
(man . "^")
(woman . "^")))
(add-to-list 'ivy-completing-read-handlers-alist
'(org-capture . completing-read-default))))
:init (setq ivy-use-virtual-buffers t
enable-recursive-minibuffers t
ivy-magic-tilde nil
ivy-count-format "(%d/%d) "
ivy-format-function #'(lambda (cands)
(lambda (str)
(concat "" str))
(lambda (str)
(concat " " str))
ivy-initial-inputs-alist '((counsel-describe-function . "^")
(counsel-describe-variable . "^")
(man . "^")
(woman . "^")))
:config (add-to-list 'ivy-completing-read-handlers-alist
'(org-capture . completing-read-default)))
(use-package counsel
:commands (counsel-org-goto-all
@ -984,7 +989,7 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(use-package company
:commands (company-mode global-company-mode)
:config (setq company-show-numbers t))
:init (setq company-show-numbers t))
;; * Navigation
@ -1025,33 +1030,30 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(use-package helm-emms
:commands (helm-emms)
:init (setq helm-emms-use-track-description-function t
helm-emms-default-sources '(helm-source-emms-streams
:config (progn
(require 'db-emms)
(require 'helm-adaptive)
(setq helm-emms-default-sources
(setq helm-emms-use-track-description-function t)))
(require 'helm-adaptive)))
;; * Shells and such
(use-package comint
:defer t
:config (progn
(setq comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input t)
(setq comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output nil)
(setq comint-scroll-show-maximum-output t)
(setq comint-completion-addsuffix t)
(setq comint-buffer-maximum-size 100000)
(setq comint-input-ring-size 5000)))
:init (setq comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input t
comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output nil
comint-scroll-show-maximum-output t
comint-completion-addsuffix t
comint-buffer-maximum-size 100000
comint-input-ring-size 5000))
(use-package term
:commands (term-send-string)
:init (setq explicit-shell-file-name shell-file-name)
:config (progn
(setq explicit-shell-file-name shell-file-name)
(add-hook 'term-exec-hook ; oremacs.com
(lambda ()
(let* ((buff (current-buffer))
@ -1141,39 +1143,38 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(use-package cider
:commands (cider-jack-in)
:init (setq nrepl-hide-special-buffers t
cider-auto-select-error-buffer t
cider-stacktrace-default-filters '(tooling dup)
cider-stacktrace-fill-column 80
cider-save-file-on-load nil
cider-repl-result-prefix ";; => "
cider-repl-use-clojure-font-lock t
cider-repl-wrap-history t
cider-repl-history-size 1000
;;cider-lein-parameters "trampoline repl :headless"
cider-lein-parameters "repl :headless"
cider-repl-history-file (expand-file-name ".cider-history" emacs-d)
cider-repl-display-help-banner nil
cider-cljs-lein-repl "(cemerick.piggieback/cljs-repl (cljs.repl.rhino/repl-env))")
:config (progn
(setq nrepl-hide-special-buffers t
cider-auto-select-error-buffer t
cider-stacktrace-default-filters '(tooling dup)
cider-stacktrace-fill-column 80
cider-save-file-on-load nil
cider-repl-result-prefix ";; => "
cider-repl-use-clojure-font-lock t
cider-repl-wrap-history t
cider-repl-history-size 1000
;;cider-lein-parameters "trampoline repl :headless"
cider-lein-parameters "repl :headless"
cider-repl-history-file (expand-file-name ".cider-history" emacs-d)
cider-repl-display-help-banner nil)
(add-hook 'cider-repl-mode-hook 'subword-mode)
(add-hook 'cider-repl-mode-hook 'lispy-mode)
(add-hook 'cider-repl-mode-hook 'cider-repl-toggle-pretty-printing)
(add-hook 'cider-repl-mode-hook 'company-mode)
(add-hook 'cider-mode-hook 'eldoc-mode)
(setq cider-cljs-lein-repl "(cemerick.piggieback/cljs-repl (cljs.repl.rhino/repl-env))")))
(add-hook 'cider-mode-hook 'eldoc-mode)))
(use-package clojure-mode
:defer t
:config (progn (define-clojure-indent
(forall 'defun)
(exists 'defun)
(dopar 'defun))
(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'lispy-mode)
(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'clj-refactor-mode)
(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'yas-minor-mode)
(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'company-mode)))
:config (progn
(forall 'defun)
(exists 'defun)
(dopar 'defun))
(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'lispy-mode)
(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'clj-refactor-mode)
(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'yas-minor-mode)
(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'company-mode)))
(use-package clj-refactor
:commands (clj-refactor-mode)
@ -1185,26 +1186,20 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(use-package slime
:commands (slime slime-mode slime-connect)
:init (progn
(setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl --noinform --no-linedit")
(setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl --noinform --no-linedit"
slime-compile-file-options '(:fasl-directory "/tmp/slime-fasls/")
slime-net-coding-system 'utf-8-unix
slime-completion-at-point-functions 'slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol
slime-lisp-implementations '((sbcl ("sbcl") :coding-system utf-8-unix)
(cmucl ("cmucl") :coding-system utf-8-unix)
(ccl ("ccl") :coding-system utf-8-unix))
slime-repl-history-remove-duplicates t
slime-repl-history-trim-whitespaces t)
(add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook '(lambda () (slime-mode +1)) t))
:config (progn
(setq slime-compile-file-options '(:fasl-directory "/tmp/slime-fasls/"))
(make-directory "/tmp/slime-fasls/" t)
(slime-setup '(slime-repl slime-fancy slime-autodoc))
(setq slime-net-coding-system 'utf-8-unix
slime-completion-at-point-functions 'slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol)
(add-hook 'slime-mode-hook 'slime-redirect-inferior-output)
(setq slime-lisp-implementations
'((sbcl ("sbcl") :coding-system utf-8-unix)
(cmucl ("cmucl") :coding-system utf-8-unix)
(ccl ("ccl") :coding-system utf-8-unix)))
(with-eval-after-load 'slime-repl
(setq slime-repl-history-remove-duplicates t
slime-repl-history-trim-whitespaces t))))
(add-hook 'slime-mode-hook 'slime-redirect-inferior-output)))
(use-package hy-mode
:commands (hy-mode)
@ -1217,7 +1212,6 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(use-package reftex
:commands (turn-on-reftex)
:init (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex) ; with Emacs latex mode
:config (progn
(with-eval-after-load 'helm-mode
(add-to-list 'helm-completing-read-handlers-alist
@ -1248,11 +1242,11 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(lambda (pair)
(if (eq (cdr pair) 'perl-mode)
(setcdr pair 'cperl-mode)))
(append auto-mode-alist interpreter-mode-alist)))
(append auto-mode-alist interpreter-mode-alist))
(setq cperl-hairy nil))
:config (progn
(add-hook 'cperl-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
(add-hook 'cperl-mode-hook 'prettify-symbols-mode)
(setq cperl-hairy nil)))
(add-hook 'cperl-mode-hook 'prettify-symbols-mode)))
(use-package crux
:commands (crux-eval-and-replace
@ -1305,8 +1299,8 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(use-package haskell-mode
:defer t
:defines (haskell-program-name)
:init (setq haskell-program-name "ghci")
:config (progn
(setq haskell-program-name "ghci")
(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'haskell-doc-mode)
(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-indent)
(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook
@ -1362,8 +1356,8 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(use-package python
:defer t
:init (setq python-indent-offset 2)
:config (progn
(setq python-indent-offset 2)
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'highlight-indentation-mode)
(when (package-installed-p 'elpy)
@ -1384,6 +1378,11 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(use-package sh-scripts
:defer t
:init (setq sh-basic-offset 2
sh-indentation 2))
(use-package synonyms
:commands (synonyms))
@ -1395,14 +1394,14 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(use-package typing
:commands (typing-of-emacs)
:config (setq toe-highscore-file nil))
:init (setq toe-highscore-file nil))
(use-package undo-tree
:commands (global-undo-tree-mode
:config (setq undo-tree-visualizer-timestamps t
undo-tree-visualizer-diff t)
:init (setq undo-tree-visualizer-timestamps t
undo-tree-visualizer-diff t)
:diminish undo-tree-mode)
(use-package vlf-setup)
@ -1414,9 +1413,9 @@ are assumed to be of the form *.crt."
(use-package which-key
:commands (which-key-mode)
:diminish which-key-mode
:config (progn (which-key-setup-side-window-bottom)
(setq which-key-side-window-max-width 0.33
which-key-side-window-max-height 0.25)))
:init (setq which-key-side-window-max-width 0.33
which-key-side-window-max-height 0.25)
:config (which-key-setup-side-window-bottom))
(use-package yasnippet
:commands (yas-minor-mode-on yas-minor-mode)

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook #'outline-minor-mode)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook #'page-break-lines-mode)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook #'turn-on-reftex)
(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook #'turn-on-reftex)
(put 'TeX-narrow-to-group 'disabled nil)
(put 'LaTeX-narrow-to-environment 'disabled nil)

View File

@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
org-highlight-latex-and-related '(latex)
org-use-sub-superscripts '{}
org-src-fontify-natively t
org-src-preserve-indentation t)
org-src-preserve-indentation t
org-ellipsis "")
(bind-key [remap org-return] 'org-return-indent org-mode-map)