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# awk script for converting an iCal formatted file to a sequence of org-mode headings.
# this may not work in general but seems to work for day and timed events from Google's
# calendar, which is really all I need right now...
# usage:
# awk -f THISFILE < icalinputfile.ics > orgmodeentries.org --assign NAME=category
# where the category is used to define a CATEGORY for all entries in
# the file and also assign that label as a tag to each entry
# Note: change org meta information generated below for author and
# email entries!
# Known bugs:
# - not so much a bug as a possible assumption: date entries with no time
# specified are assumed to be independent of the time zone.
# Eric S Fraga
# 20100629 - initial version
# 20100708 - added end times to timed events
# - adjust times according to time zone information
# - fixed incorrect transfer for entries with ":" embedded within the text
# - added support for multi-line summary entries (which become headlines)
# 20100709 - incorporated time zone identification
# - fixed processing of continuation lines as Google seems to
# have changed, in the last day, the number of spaces at
# the start of the line for each continuation...
# - remove backslashes used to protect commas in iCal text entries
# no further revision log after this as the file was moved into a git
# repository...
# Last change: 2016.05.26 08:47:12
# a function to take the iCal formatted date+time, convert it into an
# internal form (seconds since time 0), and adjust according to the
# local time zone (specified by +-seconds calculated in the BEGIN
# section)
function datetimestamp(input)
# convert the iCal Date+Time entry to a format that mktime can understand
datespec = gensub("([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])T([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9]).*[\r]*", "\\1 \\2 \\3 \\4 \\5 \\6", "g", input);
# print "date spec : " datespec; convert this date+time into
# seconds from the beginning of time and include adjustment for
# time zone, as determined in the BEGIN section below. The
# adjustment is only included if the time stamp has a Z at the
# end. Of course, we should actually incorporate the time zone
# information in the time stamp line but ...
if (0 < index(input,"Z")) {
# For time
# zone adjustment, I have not tested edge effects, specifically
# what happens when UTC time is a different day to local time and
# especially when an event with a duration crosses midnight in UTC
# time. It should work but...
timestamp = mktime(datespec) + seconds;
else {
timestamp = mktime(datespec);
# print "date spec: " datespec;
#timestamp = mktime(datespec);
# print "adjusted : " timestamp
# print "Time stamp : " strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", timestamp);
return timestamp;
# version of above but for dates only
function datestamp(input)
# create a date using midnight as the time
datespec = gensub( "([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9]).*[\r]*", "\\1 \\2 \\3 0 0 0", "g", input );
# convert to internal representation
timestamp = mktime(datespec);
# and finally convert to something org understands
datestring = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %a", timestamp);
#print "In datestamp: datespec=" datespec " timestamp=" timestamp " datestring=" datestring;
return datestring;
# start of the output file now
# use a colon to separate the type of data line from the actual contents
FS = ":";
# determine the number of seconds to use for adjusting for time
# zone difference from UTC. This is used in the function
# datetimestamp above. The time zone information returned by
# strftime() is in hours * 100 so we multiply by 36 to get
# seconds. This does not work for time zones that are not an
# integral multiple of hours (e.g. Newfoundland)
seconds = gensub("([+-])0", "\\1", 1, strftime("%z")) * 36;
date1 = ""; # for start of an event
date2 = ""; # for end of an event, if specified
entry = ""
first = 1; # true until an event has been found
headline = ""
icalentry = "" # the full entry for inspection
id = ""
indescription = 0;
inevent = 0; # we have VEVENTS but also other items which we do not process
location = ""; # outlook entries, at least, often include a location
repeat = ""; # is item repeated? if so, how often
time1 = ""; # for start of an event, if specified
time2 = ""; # for end of an event, if specified
todotype = ""; # type of TODO
if (NAME == "")
NAME = "ical2org";
print "# -*- mode: auto-revert; mode: org; -*-" # suggested by Henrik Holmboe
print "#+TITLE: Main Google calendar entries"
print "#+AUTHOR: Eric S Fraga"
print "#+EMAIL: e.fraga@ucl.ac.uk"
print "#+DESCRIPTION: converted using the ical2org awk script"
print "#+CATEGORY: " NAME
print " "
# continuation lines (at least from Google) start with two spaces
# if the continuation is after a description or a summary, append the entry
# to the respective variable
/^[ ]+/ {
if (indescription) {
entry = entry gensub("\r", "", "g", gensub("^[ ]+", "", 1, $0));
} else if (insummary) {
summary = summary gensub("\r", "", "g", gensub("^[ ]+", "", 1, $0))
} else if (inuid) {
id = id gensub("\r", "", "g", gensub("^[ ]+", "", 1, $0))
icalentry = icalentry "\n" $0
# start of an event. if this is the first, output the preamble from the iCal file
if (first) {
print "* COMMENT original iCal preamble"
print gensub("\r", "", "g", icalentry)
icalentry = ""
havesummary = 0;
inevent = 1;
first = false;
repeat = "";
if (first){
print "* COMMENT original iCal preamble";
print gensub("\r", "", "g", icalentry);
icalentry = "";
first = false;
havesummary = 0;
intodo = 1;
repeat = "";
todotype = "";
# any line that starts at the left with a non-space character is a new data field
/^[A-Z]/ {
# we ignore DTSTAMP lines as they change every time you download
# the iCal format file which leads to a change in the converted
# org file as I output the original input. This change, which is
# really content free, makes a revision control system update the
# repository and confuses.
if (! index("DTSTAMP", $1)) icalentry = icalentry "\n" $0
# this line terminates the collection of description and summary entries
indescription = 0;
if (insummary) {
havesummary = 1;
insummary = 0;
# this type of entry represents a day entry, not timed, with date
# stamp YYYYMMDD. For a todo item, this indicates a scheduled item.
# print "DTSTART date only entry: " $0;
# date1 = gensub("([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9]).*[\r]*", "\\1-\\2-\\3", "g", $2)
date1 = datestamp($2);
time1 = ""
# this represents a timed entry with date and time stamp
# YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS we ignore the seconds. This entry may have a time
# zone specification which is currently ignored although it should be
# possible, not easy, to incorporate. We assume that this information
# is only relevant for appointments and not TODO items. We expect
# TODO items to have only a date for the START field and that date
# will be the scheduled date. See above.
/^DTSTART(;TZID.*)?:/ {
if (inevent) {
# print "DTSTART line: " $0;
# print "checking start time: " $2;
date1 = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %a", datetimestamp($2));
time1 = strftime(" %H:%M", datetimestamp($2));
# print "====> time: " time1;
# print date;
# and the same for the end date; here we extract only the time and append this to the
# date+time found by the DTSTART entry. We assume that entry was there, of course.
# should probably add some error checking here! In time...
if (inevent) {
# date2 = gensub("([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9]).*[\r]", "\\1-\\2-\\3", "g", $2)
date2 = datestamp($2);
time2 = ""
/^DTEND(;TZID=[^:]*)?:/ {
if (inevent) {
# print $0
date2 = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %a", datetimestamp($2));
time2 = strftime("%H:%M", datetimestamp($2));
# TODO items may (should?) have a DUE date/time.
/^DUE(;TZID=[^:]*)?:/ {
if (intodo){
date2 = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %a", datetimestamp($2));
time2 = strftime("%H:%M", datetimestamp($2));
# deadline with only a date
# print "DUE;VALUE=DATE entry:" $0
# print "... date part is >" $2 "<"
# print "... date2 before " date2
if (intodo) {
#date2 = gensub("([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9]).*[\r]*", "\\1-\\2-\\3", "g", $2)
date2 = datestamp($2);
time2 = ""
# print "... date2 after " date2
# The description will the contents of the entry in org-mode.
# this line may be continued.
$1 = "";
entry = entry "\n" gensub("\r", "", "g", $0);
indescription = 1;
$1 = "";
location = gensub("\r", "", "g", $0);
# the status of a TODO item: we know about NEEDS-ACTION and
# COMPLETED. There may be others...
if ($2 == "NEEDS-ACTION")
todotype = "TODO";
else if ($2 == "COMPLETED")
todotype = "DONE";
todotype = "UNKNOWN";
# is there a repetition rule. I don't know how general this is but
# Microsoft's Outlook calendar uses this for repeats
/^RRULE/ {
# print ">>> Checking rule with string: " $2;
i = match($2,"FREQ=[A-Z]+;");
# printf(">>> Index=%d start=%d length=%d\n\n", i, RSTART, RLENGTH);
frequency = substr($2, RSTART+5, RLENGTH-6);
# print ">>> Frequency is " frequency "\n\n";
i = match($2,"INTERVAL=[0-9]+;");
interval = 1; # default interval if none is found
if (i>0) {
interval = substr($2, RSTART+9, RLENGTH-10);
period = "";
if (frequency == "DAILY") {
period = "d";
else if (frequency == "WEEKLY") {
period = "w";
else if(frequency == "MONTHLY") {
period = "m";
else if(frequency == "YEARLY") {
period = "y";
if (period != "") {
repeat = sprintf(" +%d%s", interval, period);
# print ">>> Repeat is " repeat;
# the summary will be the org heading
$1 = "";
if (!havesummary) {
summary = gensub("\r", "", "g", $0);
insummary = 1;
# the unique ID will be stored as a property of the entry
/^UID/ {
$1 = "";
id = gensub("\r", "", "g", $0);
inuid = 1;
# when we reach the end of the event line, we output everything we
# have collected so far, creating a top level org headline with the
# date/time stamp, unique ID property and the contents, if any
# translate \n sequences to actual newlines and unprotect commas (,)
print "* " gensub("\\\\,", ",", "g", gensub("\\\\n", " ", "g", summary)) " :" NAME ":"
print ":PROPERTIES:"
print ":ID: " id
if (location != "") {
print ":LOCATION: " gensub("\\\\,", ",", "g", location);
print ":END:"
if (date1 == date2) {
if (time2 == "")
print " <" date1 time1 repeat ">"
print " <" date1 time1 "-" time2 repeat ">"
else {
if (time1 == "")
print "<" date1 ">--<" date2 ">"
print " <" date1 time1 ">--<" date2 " " time2 ">"
# for the entry, convert all embedded "\n" strings to actual newlines
print ""
# translate \n sequences to actual newlines and unprotect commas (,)
print gensub("\\\\,", ",", "g", gensub("\\\\n", "\n", "g", entry));
print "** COMMENT original iCal entry"
print gensub("\r", "", "g", icalentry)
summary = ""
date = ""
date1 = ""
date2 = ""
time1 = ""
time2 = ""
entry = ""
icalentry = ""
indescription = 0
inevent = 0
insummary = 0
period = "";
repeat = "";
# the end of a TODO item is similar to an event except that the dates
# are used for scheduling and deadline information
# translate \n sequences to actual newlines and unprotect commas (,)
print "* " todotype " " gensub("\\\\,", ",", "g", gensub("\\\\n", " ", "g", summary)) " :" NAME ":"
# scheduling and deadline information come immediately after the
# headline, before properties
if (date1 != "") {
if (date2 != "")
if (time2 != "")
print "SCHEDULED: <" date1 time1 "> DEADLINE: <" date2 " " time2 "> "
print "SCHEDULED: <" date1 time1 "> DEADLINE: <" date2 "> "
print "SCHEDULED: <" date1 time1 "> "
} else if (date2 != "") {
if (time2 != "")
print "DEADLINE: <" date2 " " time2 "> "
print "DEADLINE: <" date2 "> "
# now come the properties which include the ID always and possibly
# a location
print ":PROPERTIES:"
print ":ID: " id
if (location != "") {
print ":LOCATION: " gensub("\\\\,", ",", "g", location);
print ":END:"
# now the entry; we put in a blank line just because that's the
# way I like it, ah ha ah ha... ;-)
print ""
# translate \n sequences to actual newlines and unprotect commas (,)
print gensub("\\\\,", ",", "g", gensub("\\\\n", "\n", "g", entry));
print "** COMMENT original iCal entry"
print gensub("\r", "", "g", icalentry)
summary = "";
date = "";
date1 = "";
date2 = "";
time1 = "";
time2 = "";
entry = "";
icalentry = "";
indescription = 0;
inevent = 0;
insummary = 0;
intodo = 0;
period = "";
repeat = "";
# Local Variables:
# time-stamp-line-limit: 1000
# time-stamp-format: "%04y.%02m.%02d %02H:%02M:%02S"
# time-stamp-active: t
# time-stamp-start: "Last change:[ \t]+"
# time-stamp-end: "$"
# End: