admins = { "{{ .Env.JICOFO_AUTH_USER }}@{{ .Env.XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}" } plugin_paths = { "/prosody-plugins/", "/prosody-plugins-custom" } http_default_host = "{{ .Env.XMPP_DOMAIN }}" {{ $ENABLE_AUTH := .Env.ENABLE_AUTH | default "0" | toBool }} {{ $AUTH_TYPE := .Env.AUTH_TYPE | default "internal" }} {{ $JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER := .Env.JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER | default "" }} {{ $JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY := .Env.JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY | default "0" | toBool }} {{ $JWT_AUTH_TYPE := .Env.JWT_AUTH_TYPE | default "token" }} {{ $JWT_TOKEN_AUTH_MODULE := .Env.JWT_TOKEN_AUTH_MODULE | default "token_verification" }} {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (eq $AUTH_TYPE "jwt") .Env.JWT_ACCEPTED_ISSUERS }} asap_accepted_issuers = { "{{ join "\",\"" (splitList "," .Env.JWT_ACCEPTED_ISSUERS) }}" } {{ end }} {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (eq $AUTH_TYPE "jwt") .Env.JWT_ACCEPTED_AUDIENCES }} asap_accepted_audiences = { "{{ join "\",\"" (splitList "," .Env.JWT_ACCEPTED_AUDIENCES) }}" } {{ end }} VirtualHost "{{ .Env.XMPP_DOMAIN }}" {{ if $ENABLE_AUTH }} {{ if eq $AUTH_TYPE "jwt" }} authentication = "{{ $JWT_AUTH_TYPE }}" app_id = "{{ .Env.JWT_APP_ID }}" app_secret = "{{ .Env.JWT_APP_SECRET }}" allow_empty_token = {{ if $JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY }}true{{ else }}false{{ end }} {{ if $JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER }} asap_key_server = "{{ .Env.JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER }}" {{ end }} {{ else if eq $AUTH_TYPE "ldap" }} authentication = "cyrus" cyrus_application_name = "xmpp" allow_unencrypted_plain_auth = true {{ else if eq $AUTH_TYPE "internal" }} authentication = "internal_plain" {{ end }} {{ else }} authentication = "anonymous" {{ end }} ssl = { key = "/config/certs/{{ .Env.XMPP_DOMAIN }}.key"; certificate = "/config/certs/{{ .Env.XMPP_DOMAIN }}.crt"; } modules_enabled = { "bosh"; "pubsub"; "ping"; {{ if .Env.XMPP_MODULES }} "{{ join "\";\n\"" (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_MODULES) }}"; {{ end }} {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (eq $AUTH_TYPE "ldap") }} "auth_cyrus"; {{end}} } c2s_require_encryption = false {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (.Env.ENABLE_GUESTS | default "0" | toBool) }} VirtualHost "{{ .Env.XMPP_GUEST_DOMAIN }}" authentication = "anonymous" c2s_require_encryption = false {{ end }} VirtualHost "{{ .Env.XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}" ssl = { key = "/config/certs/{{ .Env.XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}.key"; certificate = "/config/certs/{{ .Env.XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}.crt"; } authentication = "internal_plain" {{ if .Env.XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN }} VirtualHost "{{ .Env.XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN }}" modules_enabled = { "ping"; } authentication = "internal_plain" {{ end }} Component "{{ .Env.XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN }}" "muc" modules_enabled = { "ping"; {{ if .Env.XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_MODULES }} "{{ join "\";\n\"" (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_MODULES) }}"; {{ end }} } storage = "memory" muc_room_cache_size = 1000 Component "{{ .Env.XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}" "muc" storage = "memory" modules_enabled = { {{ if .Env.XMPP_MUC_MODULES }} "{{ join "\";\n\"" (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_MUC_MODULES) }}"; {{ end }} {{ if eq $AUTH_TYPE "jwt" }} "{{ $JWT_TOKEN_AUTH_MODULE }}"; {{ end }} } Component "focus.{{ .Env.XMPP_DOMAIN }}" component_secret = "{{ .Env.JICOFO_COMPONENT_SECRET }}"