
98 lines
2.7 KiB

module Handler.NewUser where
import Import as I
import Handler.Common
import Text.Read
import Text.Shakespeare.Text
getNewUserR :: Handler Html
getNewUserR = do
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
secs <- return $ read $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s" time
(newUserWidget, enctype) <- generateFormPost $ newUserForm secs
defaultLayout $ do
$(widgetFile "newUser")
postNewUserR :: Handler Html
postNewUserR = do
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
secs <- return $ read $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s" time
((res, _), _) <- runFormPost $ newUserForm secs
case res of
FormSuccess user -> do
_ <- runDB $ insert user
setMessageI MsgUserCreated
redirect $ HomeR
_ -> do
setMessageI MsgUserNotCreated
redirect $ NewUserR
newUserForm :: Int -> Form User
newUserForm secs = renderDivs $ User
<$> areq textField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgName) Nothing
<*> pure 0
<*> pure secs
<*> aopt emailField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgEmail) Nothing
<*> areq boolField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgBuyNotification) (Just False)
data UserConf = UserConf
{ userConfEmail :: Maybe Text
, userConfNotify :: Bool
getModifyUserR :: UserId -> Handler Html
getModifyUserR uId = do
mUser <- runDB $ I.get uId
case mUser of
Just user -> do
(modifyUserWidget, enctype) <- generateFormPost $ modifyUserForm user
defaultLayout $ do
$(widgetFile "modifyUser")
Nothing -> do
setMessageI MsgUserUnknown
redirect $ HomeR
postModifyUserR :: UserId -> Handler Html
postModifyUserR uId = do
mUser <- runDB $ I.get uId
case mUser of
Just user -> do
((res, _), _) <- runFormPost $ modifyUserForm user
case res of
FormSuccess conf -> do
runDB $ update uId
[ UserEmail =. userConfEmail conf
, UserNotify =. userConfNotify conf
liftIO $ notify user conf
setMessageI MsgUserEdited
redirect $ SelectR uId
_ -> do
setMessageI MsgUserNotEdited
redirect $ SelectR uId
Nothing -> do
setMessageI MsgUserUnknown
redirect $ HomeR
modifyUserForm :: User -> Form UserConf
modifyUserForm user = renderDivs $ UserConf
<$> aopt emailField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgEmail) (Just $ userEmail user)
<*> areq boolField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgBuyNotification) (Just $ userNotify user)
notify :: User -> UserConf -> IO ()
notify user conf
| (userEmail user) == (userConfEmail conf) && (userNotify user) == (userConfNotify conf) = return ()
| otherwise = case userEmail user of
Just email -> sendMail email "Profiländerung"
Hallo #{userIdent user},
deine Profileinstellungen wurden geändert.
Nur damit du Bescheid weißt.
der Matemat
Nothing -> return ()