mirror of https://github.com/SuperSandro2000/nixos-modules.git synced 2024-05-28 20:10:47 +02:00

177 lines
6.6 KiB

{ config, lib, options, pkgs, ... }:
cfg = config.services.portunus;
inherit (config.security) ldap;
options.services.portunus = {
# maybe based on $service.ldap.enable && services.portunus.enable?
addToHosts = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
default = false;
description = lib.mdDoc "Whether to add a hosts entry for the portunus domain pointing to externalIp";
configureOAuth2Proxy = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
default = false;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Wether to configure OAuth2 Proxy with Portunus' Dex.
Use `services.oauth2_proxy.nginx.virtualHosts` to configure the nginx virtual hosts that should require authentication.
To properly function this requires the services.oauth2_proxy.nginx.domain option from <https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/273234>.
internalIp4 = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; nullOr str;
default = null;
description = lib.mdDoc "Internal IPv4 of portunus instance. This is used in the addToHosts option.";
internalIp6 = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; nullOr str;
default = null;
description = lib.mdDoc "Internal IPv6 of portunus instance. This is used in the addToHosts option.";
ldapPreset = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
default = false;
description = lib.mdDoc "Whether to set config.security.ldap to portunus specific settings.";
removeAddGroup = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
default = false;
description = lib.mdDoc "When enabled, remove the function to add new Groups via the web ui, to enforce seeding usage.";
seedGroups = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
default = false;
description = lib.mdDoc "Wether to seed groups configured in services as not member managed groups.";
config = {
assertions = [
assertion = cfg.configureOAuth2Proxy -> config.services.oauth2_proxy.keyFile != null;
message = ''
Setting services.portunus.configureOAuth2Proxy to true requires to set service.oauth2_proxy.keyFile
assertion = cfg.enable -> lib.versionAtLeast config.services.portunus.package.version "2.0.0";
message = "Portunus 2.0.0 is required for this module!";
networking.hosts = lib.mkIf cfg.addToHosts {
${cfg.internalIp4} = [ cfg.domain ];
${cfg.internalIp6} = [ cfg.domain ];
nixpkgs.overlays = lib.mkIf cfg.enable [
(final: prev: with final; {
dex-oidc = prev.dex-oidc.override {
buildGoModule = args: buildGoModule (args // {
patches = args.patches or [ ] ++ [
# remember session
(if (lib.versionAtLeast prev.dex-oidc.version "2.39") then
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://github.com/SuperSandro2000/dex/commit/b1cecedb6dba9027679b0a0fcd0a2863dece2e8d.patch";
hash = "sha256-2k5ulZ6sh1g0u3cAGnsL3O6m4vX0NBnpjgDSagMobx8=";
else if (lib.versionAtLeast prev.dex-oidc.version "2.38") then
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://github.com/SuperSandro2000/dex/commit/c1b2ac971920f1e07ce0e3d5890fe4f5d4e6207a.patch";
hash = "sha256-UVlA9sJrjg05tlqd3ELPB1OZtWlRXSvKTYPiz9oIuc0=";
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://github.com/SuperSandro2000/dex/commit/d2fb6cdf8188e6973721ddac657a7c5d3daf6955.patch";
hash = "sha256-PKC7jsNyFN28qFZ7SLYgnd0s09G2cb+vBeFvRzyyLGQ=";
] ++ [
# Complain if the env set in SecretEnv cannot be found
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://github.com/dexidp/dex/commit/f25f72053c9282cfe22521cd508698a07dc5190f.patch";
hash = "sha256-dyo+UPpceHxL3gcBQaGaDAHJqmysDJw051gMG1aeh5o=";
vendorHash = if lib.versionAtLeast prev.dex-oidc.version "2.39" then
else if lib.versionAtLeast prev.dex-oidc.version "2.38" then
portunus = prev.portunus.overrideAttrs ({ patches ? [ ], ... }: {
patches = patches
++ lib.optional cfg.removeAddGroup ./portunus-remove-add-group.diff;
services = let
callbackURL = "https://${cfg.domain}/oauth2/callback";
clientID = "oauth2_proxy"; # - is not allowed in environment variables
in {
dex = {
enable = lib.mkIf cfg.configureOAuth2Proxy true;
# the user has no other option to accept this and all clients are internal anyway
settings.oauth2.skipApprovalScreen = true;
oauth2_proxy = lib.mkIf cfg.configureOAuth2Proxy {
enable = true;
inherit clientID;
nginx = lib.optionalAttrs (options.services.oauth2-proxy.nginx.domain or null != null) {
inherit (config.services.portunus) domain;
provider = "oidc";
redirectURL = callbackURL;
reverseProxy = true;
upstream = "";
extraConfig = {
oidc-issuer-url = config.services.dex.settings.issuer;
provider-display-name = "Portunus";
portunus.dex.oidcClients = lib.mkIf cfg.configureOAuth2Proxy [{
inherit callbackURL;
id = clientID;
security.ldap = lib.mkIf cfg.ldapPreset {
domainName = cfg.domain;
givenNameField = "givenName";
groupFilter = group: "(&(objectclass=person)(isMemberOf=cn=${group},${ldap.roleBaseDN}))";
mailField = "mail";
port = 636;
roleBaseDN = "ou=groups";
roleField = "cn";
roleFilter = "(&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(member=%s))";
roleValue = "dn";
searchFilterWithGroupFilter = userFilterGroup: userFilter: if (userFilterGroup != null) then "(&${ldap.groupFilter userFilterGroup}${userFilter})" else userFilter;
sshPublicKeyField = "sshPublicKey";
searchUID = "search";
surnameField = "sn";
userField = "uid";
userFilter = replaceStr: "(&(objectclass=person)(|(uid=${replaceStr})(mail=${replaceStr})))";
userBaseDN = "ou=users";