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{ config, lib, libS, pkgs, ... }:
cfg = config.services.nginx;
options.services.nginx = {
allRecommendOptions = libS.mkOpinionatedOption "set all upstream options starting with `recommended`";
commonServerConfig = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.lines;
default = "";
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Shared configuration snipped added to every virtualHosts' extraConfig.
default404Server = {
enable = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
default = false;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Wether to add a default server which always responds with 404.
This is useful when using a wildcard cname with a wildcard certitificate to not return the first server entry in the config on unknown subdomains
or to do the same for an old and not fully removed domain.
acmeHost = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The acme host to use for the default 404 server.
generateDhparams = libS.mkOpinionatedOption "generate more secure, 2048 bits dhparams replacing the default 1024 bits";
openFirewall = libS.mkOpinionatedOption "open the firewall port for the http (80) and https (443) default ports";
quic = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "quic support in nginx");
bpf = libS.mkOpinionatedOption "configure nginx' bpf support which routes quic packets from the same source to the same worker";
recommendedDefaults = libS.mkOpinionatedOption "set recommended performance options not grouped into other settings";
resolverAddrFromNameserver = libS.mkOpinionatedOption "set resolver address to environment.nameservers";
rotateLogsFaster = libS.mkOpinionatedOption "keep logs only for 7 days and rotate them daily";
setHSTSHeader = libS.mkOpinionatedOption "add the HSTS header to all virtual hosts";
tcpFastOpen = libS.mkOpinionatedOption "enable tcp fast open";
# source https://gist.github.com/danbst/f1e81358d5dd0ba9c763a950e91a25d0
virtualHosts = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; attrsOf (submodule ({ config, ... }: let
cfgv = config;
in {
options = {
commonLocationsConfig = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.lines;
default = "";
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Shared configuration snipped added to every locations' extraConfig.
::: {.note}
This option mainly exists because nginx' add_header and headers_more's more_set_headers function do not support inheritance to lower levels.
locations = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; attrsOf (submodule ({ config, ...}: {
config.extraConfig = lib.optionalString cfg.setHSTSHeader /* nginx */ ''
more_set_headers "Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload";
'' + cfg.commonServerConfig + cfgv.commonLocationsConfig;
imports = [
(lib.mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "nginx" "allCompression" ] [ "services" "nginx" "allRecommendOptions" ])
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
assertions = [
assertion = cfg.quic.enable && cfg.quic.bpf -> !lib.versionOlder cfg.package.version "1.25.0";
message = "Setting services.nginx.quic.bpf to true requires nginx version 1.25.0 or newer, but currently \"${cfg.package.version}\" is used!";
boot.kernel.sysctl = lib.mkIf cfg.tcpFastOpen {
# enable tcp fastopen for outgoing and incoming connections
"net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen" = 3;
networking.firewall = lib.mkIf cfg.openFirewall {
allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
allowedUDPPorts = lib.mkIf cfg.quic.enable [ 443 ];
nixpkgs.overlays = lib.mkIf cfg.tcpFastOpen [
(final: prev:
configureFlags = [ "-DTCP_FASTOPEN=23" ];
nginx = prev.nginx.override { inherit configureFlags; };
nginxQuic = prev.nginxQuic.override { inherit configureFlags; };
nginxStable = prev.nginxStable.override { inherit configureFlags; };
nginxMainline = prev.nginxMainline.override { inherit configureFlags; };
services = {
logrotate.settings.nginx = lib.mkIf cfg.rotateLogsFaster {
frequency = "daily";
rotate = 7;
# NOTE: do not use mkMerge here to prevent infinite recursions
nginx = {
appendConfig = lib.optionalString (cfg.quic.enable && cfg.quic.bpf) /* nginx */ ''
quic_bpf on;
'' + lib.optionalString cfg.recommendedDefaults /* nginx */ ''
worker_processes auto;
worker_cpu_affinity auto;
commonHttpConfig = lib.optionalString cfg.recommendedDefaults /* nginx */ ''
error_log syslog:server=unix:/dev/log;
'' + lib.optionalString cfg.quic.enable /* nginx */''
quic_retry on;
'' + lib.optionalString cfg.recommendedZstdSettings /* nginx */ ''
# TODO: upstream this?
zstd_types application/x-nix-archive;
package = lib.mkIf cfg.quic.enable pkgs.nginxQuic; # based on pkgs.nginxMainline
recommendedBrotliSettings = lib.mkIf cfg.allRecommendOptions true;
recommendedGzipSettings = lib.mkIf cfg.allRecommendOptions true;
recommendedOptimisation = lib.mkIf cfg.allRecommendOptions true;
recommendedProxySettings = lib.mkIf cfg.allRecommendOptions true;
recommendedTlsSettings = lib.mkIf cfg.allRecommendOptions true;
recommendedZstdSettings = lib.mkIf cfg.allRecommendOptions true;
resolver.addresses =
isIPv6 = addr: builtins.match ".*:.*:.*" addr != null;
escapeIPv6 = addr:
if isIPv6 addr then
lib.optionals (cfg.resolverAddrFromNameserver && config.networking.nameservers != [ ]) (map escapeIPv6 config.networking.nameservers);
sslDhparam = lib.mkIf cfg.generateDhparams config.security.dhparams.params.nginx.path;
# NOTE: do not use mkMerge here to prevent infinite recursions
virtualHosts =
extraParameters = [
# net.core.somaxconn is set to 4096
# see https://www.nginx.com/blog/tuning-nginx/#:~:text=to%20a%20value-,greater%20than%20512,-%2C%20change%20the%20backlog
"fastopen=256" # requires nginx to be compiled with -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23
lib.mkIf (cfg.recommendedDefaults || cfg.default404Server.enable || cfg.quic.enable) {
"_" = {
kTLS = lib.mkIf cfg.recommendedDefaults true;
reuseport = lib.mkIf (cfg.recommendedDefaults || cfg.quic.enable) true;
default = lib.mkIf cfg.default404Server.enable true;
forceSSL = lib.mkIf cfg.default404Server.enable true;
useACMEHost = lib.mkIf cfg.default404Server.enable cfg.default404Server.acmeHost;
extraConfig = lib.mkIf cfg.default404Server.enable /* nginx */ ''
return 404;
listen = lib.mkIf cfg.tcpFastOpen (lib.mkDefault [
{ addr = ""; port = 80; inherit extraParameters; }
{ addr = ""; port = 443; ssl = true; inherit extraParameters; }
{ addr = "[::]"; port = 80; inherit extraParameters; }
{ addr = "[::]"; port = 443; ssl = true; inherit extraParameters; }
quic = lib.mkIf cfg.quic.enable true;
security.dhparams = lib.mkIf cfg.generateDhparams {
enable = cfg.generateDhparams;
params.nginx = { };
systemd.services.nginx.serviceConfig = lib.mkIf (cfg.quic.enable && cfg.quic.bpf) {
# NOTE: CAP_BPF is included in CAP_SYS_ADMIN but it is not enough alone
AmbientCapabilities = [ "CAP_BPF" "CAP_NET_ADMIN" "CAP_SYS_ADMIN" ];
CapabilityBoundingSet = [ "CAP_BPF" "CAP_NET_ADMIN" "CAP_SYS_ADMIN" ];
SystemCallFilter = [ "bpf" ];