
333 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

# -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
# +------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ |
# | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ | \/ | |/ / |
# | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | |\/| | ' / |
# | | |___| | | | __/ (__| < | | | | . \ |
# | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\_\ |
# | |
# | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2016 |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------+
# This file is part of Check_MK.
# The official homepage is at
# check_mk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation in version 2. check_mk is distributed
# in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with-
# out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more de-
# tails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write
# to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# plugin to retrieve data from tinkerforge devices.
# please note that for this plugin to work, the tinkerforge api has to be installed
# (included in OMD, otherwise get it from
# Also, if the tinkerforge device is connected directly to the computer via usb,
# the brick deamon has to be installed and running:
# This has been designed to also work as a special agent. In this case the following configuration
# settings have to be provided on the command line
# sample configuration (/etc/check_mk/tinkerforge.cfg):
# host = "localhost"
# port = 4223
# segment_display_uid = "abc" # uid of the sensor to display on the 7-segment display
# segment_display_brightness = 2 # brightness of the 7-segment display (0-7)
# to find the uid of a sensor, either use brickv or run the plugin
# manually. plugin output looks like this:
# temperature,,2475
# xyz is the uid you're looking for. It's always the last of the dot-separated sensor path
# (Ab3d5F is the id of the master brick to which the sensor is connected, a is the port
# to which the sensor is connected)
# developer notes:
# Support for individual bricklets has to be added in init_device_handlers.
# Currently the bricklets included in the Starter Kit: Server Room Monitoring are
# implemented
# Don't have tinkerforge module during tests. So disable those checks
# pylint: disable=import-error
import sys
import os
def install():
dest = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.stdout.write("installing tinkerforge python api to %s\n" % dest)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dest, "tinkerforge")):
sys.stdout.write("already installed\n")
return 1
import urllib2
import shutil
from zipfile import ZipFile
from cStringIO import StringIO
url = ""
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
buf = StringIO(
z = ZipFile(buf)
extract_files = [f for f in z.namelist() if f.startswith("source/tinkerforge")]
z.extractall(dest, extract_files)
shutil.move(os.path.join(dest, "source", "tinkerforge"),
os.path.join(dest, "tinkerforge"))
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(dest, "source"))
return 0
'host': "localhost",
'port': 4223,
'segment_display_uid': None,
'segment_display_brightness': 2
from optparse import OptionParser
import time
# globals
segment_display_value = None
segment_display_unit = ""
segment_display = None
def id_to_string(identifier):
return "%s.%s.%s" % (identifier.connected_uid,
def print_generic(settings, sensor_type, ident, factor, unit, *values):
if ident.uid == settings['segment_display_uid']:
global segment_display_value, segment_display_unit
segment_display_value = int(values[0] * factor)
segment_display_unit = unit
sys.stdout.write("%s,%s,%s\n" %
(sensor_type, id_to_string(ident), ",".join([str(val) for val in values])))
def print_ambient_light(conn, settings, uid):
from tinkerforge.bricklet_ambient_light import BrickletAmbientLight
br = BrickletAmbientLight(uid, conn)
print_generic(settings, "ambient", br.get_identity(), 0.01, "L", br.get_illuminance())
def print_ambient_light_v2(conn, settings, uid):
from tinkerforge.bricklet_ambient_light_v2 import BrickletAmbientLightV2
br = BrickletAmbientLightV2(uid, conn)
print_generic(settings, "ambient", br.get_identity(), 0.01, "L", br.get_illuminance())
def print_temperature(conn, settings, uid):
from tinkerforge.bricklet_temperature import BrickletTemperature
br = BrickletTemperature(uid, conn)
print_generic(settings, "temperature", br.get_identity(), 0.01,
u"\N{DEGREE SIGN}C", br.get_temperature())
def print_temperature_ext(conn, settings, uid):
from tinkerforge.bricklet_ptc import BrickletPTC
br = BrickletPTC(uid, conn)
print_generic(settings, "temperature.ext", br.get_identity(), 0.01,
u"\N{DEGREE SIGN}C", br.get_temperature())
def print_humidity(conn, settings, uid):
from tinkerforge.bricklet_humidity import BrickletHumidity
br = BrickletHumidity(uid, conn)
print_generic(settings, "humidity", br.get_identity(), 0.1, "RH", br.get_humidity())
def print_master(conn, settings, uid):
from tinkerforge.brick_master import BrickMaster
br = BrickMaster(uid, conn)
print_generic(settings, "master", br.get_identity(), 1.0, "",
def print_motion_detector(conn, settings, uid):
from tinkerforge.bricklet_motion_detector import BrickletMotionDetector
br = BrickletMotionDetector(uid, conn)
print_generic(settings, "motion", br.get_identity(), 1.0, "", br.get_motion_detected())
def display_on_segment(conn, settings, text):
# 0x01
# ______
# | |
# 0x20 | | 0x02
# |______|
# | 0x40 |
# 0x10 | | 0x04
# |______|
# 0x08
"0" : 0x3f, "1" : 0x06, "2" : 0x5b, "3" : 0x4f, "4" : 0x66,
"5" : 0x6d, "6" : 0x7d, "7" : 0x07, "8" : 0x7f, "9" : 0x6f,
"C" : 0x39, "H" : 0x74, "L" : 0x38, "R" : 0x50,
u"\N{DEGREE SIGN}" : 0x63,
from tinkerforge.bricklet_segment_display_4x7 import BrickletSegmentDisplay4x7
br = BrickletSegmentDisplay4x7(segment_display, conn)
segments = []
for letter in text:
if len(segments) >= 4:
if letter in CHARACTERS:
# align to the right
segments = [0] * (4 - len(segments)) + segments
br.set_segments(segments, settings['segment_display_brightness'], False)
def init_device_handlers():
device_handlers = {}
# storing the dev_id is not necessary but may save a little time as otherwise the module
# needs to be imported just to find out this id. If the bricklet is present the module
# gets imported anyway of course
for dev_id, module_name, clazz, handler in [
(13, "brick_master", "BrickMaster", print_master),
(21, "bricklet_ambient_light", "BrickletAmbientLight", print_ambient_light),
(259, "bricklet_ambient_light_v2", "BrickletAmbientLightV2", print_ambient_light_v2),
(216, "bricklet_temperature", "BrickletTemperature", print_temperature),
(226, "bricklet_ptc", "BrickletPTC", print_temperature_ext),
(27, "bricklet_humidity", "BrickletHumidity", print_humidity),
(233, "bricklet_motion_detector", "BrickletMotionDetector", print_motion_detector)
if dev_id is not None:
device_handlers[dev_id] = handler
module = __import__("tinkerforge." + module_name)
sub_module = module.__dict__[module_name]
device_handlers[sub_module.__dict__[clazz].DEVICE_IDENTIFIER] = handler
return device_handlers
def enumerate_callback(conn, device_handlers, settings,
uid, connected_uid, position, hardware_version,
firmware_version, device_identifier, enumeration_type):
if device_identifier == 237:
global segment_display
segment_display = uid
elif device_identifier in device_handlers:
device_handlers[device_identifier](conn, settings, uid)
def read_config(env):
cfg_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("MK_CONFDIR", "/etc/check_mk"),
if os.path.isfile(cfg_path):
execfile(cfg_path, settings, settings)
return settings
def main():
# host = "localhost"
# port = 4223
# segment_display_uid = "abc" # uid of the sensor to display on the 7-segment display
# segment_display_brightness = 2 # brightness of the 7-segment display (0-7)
settings = read_config(os.environ)
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("--host", dest="host", default=settings['host'],
help="host/ipaddress of the tinkerforge device",
parser.add_option("--port", dest="port", default=settings['port'], type=int,
help="port of the tinkerforge device", metavar="PORT")
dest="uid", default=settings['segment_display_uid'],
help="uid of the bricklet which will be displayed in the 7-segment display",
parser.add_option("--segment_display_brightness", type=int,
dest="brightness", default=settings['segment_display_brightness'],
help="brightness of the 7-segment display (0-7)")
parser.add_option("--install", action="store_true",
help="install tinkerforge python api to same directory as the plugin")
options = parser.parse_args()[0]
settings = {
'port': options.port,
'segment_display_uid': options.uid,
'segment_display_brightness': options.brightness
if options.install:
return install()
from tinkerforge.ip_connection import IPConnection
except ImportError:
sys.stdout.write("master,0.0.0,tinkerforge api isn't installed\n")
return 1
conn = IPConnection()
conn.connect(settings['host'], settings['port'])
device_handlers = init_device_handlers()
cb = lambda uid, connected_uid, position, hardware_version, firmware_version, \
device_identifier, enumeration_type: \
enumerate_callback(conn, device_handlers, settings, \
uid, connected_uid, position, \
hardware_version, firmware_version, \
device_identifier, enumeration_type)
conn.register_callback(IPConnection.CALLBACK_ENUMERATE, cb)
# bricklets respond asynchronously in callbacks and we have no way of knowing
# what bricklets to expect
if segment_display is not None:
if segment_display_value is not None:
display_on_segment(conn, settings,
"%d%s" % (segment_display_value, segment_display_unit))
display_on_segment(conn, settings,
if __name__ == "__main__":