{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: { options.c3d2.pi-sensors = lib.mkOption { default = []; type = with lib.types; listOf (submodule ({ ... }: { options = { type = lib.mkOption { description = "Sensor type"; type = enum ["dht22"]; }; pin = lib.mkOption { description = "GPIO pin"; type = int; }; location = lib.mkOption { description = "Sensor location"; type = str; }; }; })); }; config = lib.mkIf (config.c3d2.pi-sensors != []) { # GPIO requires access to /dev/mem security.wrappers.pi-sensors = { setuid = true; owner = "root"; group = "root"; source = "${pkgs.pi-sensors}/bin/pi-sensors"; }; services.collectd.plugins.exec = '' Exec "${config.services.collectd.user}" "/run/wrappers/bin/pi-sensors" "10"${lib.concatMapStrings (s: " \"${s}\"") ( lib.concatMap ({ type, pin, location }: [ type (toString pin) location ] ) config.c3d2.pi-sensors )} ''; }; }