{ zentralwerk, config, lib, ... }: # our custom options # # IF ANYBODY changes anything in this customization for skyflake # please give notice in the admins chat prior to doing so { options.deployment = with lib; { vcpu = mkOption { default = 4; }; mem = mkOption { default = 512; }; hypervisor = mkOption { default = "cloud-hypervisor"; }; networks = mkOption { default = builtins.attrNames ( lib.filterAttrs (_: { hosts4, hosts6, ... }: hosts4 ? ${config.networking.hostName} || lib.filterAttrs (_: hosts6: hosts6 ? ${config.networking.hostName} ) hosts6 != {} ) zentralwerk.lib.config.site.net ); }; persistedShares = mkOption { default = [ "/etc" "/home" "/var" ]; }; extraShares = mkOption { default = []; description = '' Extra shares. THESE MUST BE AVAILABLE ON ALL MICROVM HOSTS! ''; }; needForSpeed = mkOption { default = false; description = '' Prefer deployment on Nomad clients with a higher c3d2.cpuSpeed ''; }; }; config = { # HACK: Avoid conflicts when building a NixOS configuration on Hydra boot.loader.grub.enable = false; fileSystems."/" = lib.mkDefault { device = "rootfs"; fsType = "tmpfs"; options = [ "size=50%,mode=0755" ]; }; }; }