#!/usr/bin/python # Monitor leases if ISC-DHCPD import os, sys, time, re, calendar conf_file = None for path in [ '/etc/dhcpd.conf', '/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf', '/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf' ]: if os.path.exists(path): conf_file = path break leases_file = None for path in [ '/var/lib/dhcp/db/dhcpd.leases', '/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases', '/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases', # CentOS ]: if os.path.exists(path): leases_file = path break # If no configuration and leases are found, we assume that # no dhcpd is running. if not conf_file or not leases_file: sys.exit(0) pidof_dhcpd = os.popen("pidof dhcpd").read().strip() sys.stdout.write('<<>>\n[general]\nPID: %s\n' % pidof_dhcpd) sys.stdout.write('[pools]\n') def parse_config(filename): for line in file(filename): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("include"): included_file = re.search('include\s+"(.*)"', line).group(1) parse_config(included_file) elif line.startswith("range"): sys.stdout.write(line[5:].strip("\t ;") + "\n") parse_config(conf_file) # lease { # starts 3 2015/09/09 11:42:20; # ends 3 2015/09/09 19:42:20; # tstp 3 2015/09/09 19:42:20; # cltt 3 2015/09/09 11:42:20; # binding state free; # hardware ethernet a4:5e:60:de:1f:c3; # uid "\001\244^`\336\037\303"; # set ddns-txt = "318c69bae8aeae6f8c723e96de933c7149"; # set ddns-fwd-name = "Sebastians-MBP.dhcp.mathias-kettner.de"; # } sys.stdout.write('[leases]\n') now = time.time() ip_address = None binding_state = None seen_addresses = set() for line in file(leases_file): parts = line.strip().rstrip(";").split() if not parts: continue if parts[0] == "lease": ip_address = parts[1] elif parts[0] == "ends": if parts[1] != "never": ends_date_string = parts[2] + " " + parts[3] ends_date = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(ends_date_string, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) if ends_date < now: ip_address = None # skip this address, this lease is outdated elif parts[0] == "binding" and parts[1] == "state": binding_state = parts[2] elif parts[0] == "}": if ip_address and binding_state == "active" and ip_address not in seen_addresses: sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % ip_address) seen_addresses.add(ip_address) ip_address = None binding_state = None