{ config, pkgs, zentralwerk, ... }: { c3d2.deployment.server = "server10"; microvm.mem = 1024; boot.kernel.sysctl = { # table overflow causing packets from nginx to hedgedoc to drop # nf_conntrack: nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet "net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max" = "65536"; }; networking = { hostName = "hedgedoc"; hosts = with zentralwerk.lib.config.site.net.serv; { ${hosts6.up4.auth} = [ "auth.c3d2.de" ]; ${hosts4.auth} = [ "auth.c3d2.de" ]; }; }; services = { hedgedoc = { enable = true; settings = { allowAnonymousEdits = true; allowFreeURL = true; allowOrigin = [ "hedgedoc.c3d2.de" ]; csp = { enable = true; addDefaults = true; upgradeInsecureRequest = "auto"; }; db = { dialect = "postgres"; host = "/run/postgresql/"; }; defaultPermission = "freely"; domain = "hedgedoc.c3d2.de"; ldap = { url = "ldaps://auth.c3d2.de"; bindDn = "uid=search,ou=users,dc=c3d2,dc=de"; bindCredentials = "$bindCredentials"; searchBase = "ou=users,dc=c3d2,dc=de"; searchFilter = "(&(objectclass=person)(uid={{username}}))"; tlsca = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"; useridField = "uid"; }; protocolUseSSL = true; sessionSecret = "$sessionSecret"; }; environmentFile = config.sops.secrets."hedgedoc".path; }; nginx = { enable = true; enableReload = true; virtualHosts = { "codimd.c3d2.de" = { forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; locations."/".return = "301 https://hedgedoc.c3d2.de$request_uri"; }; "hackmd.c3d2.de" = { forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; locations."/".return = "301 https://hedgedoc.c3d2.de$request_uri"; }; "hedgedoc.c3d2.de" = { default = true; forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; locations."/".proxyPass = "http://localhost:${toString config.services.hedgedoc.configuration.port}"; }; }; }; postgresql = { enable = true; ensureDatabases = [ "hedgedoc" ]; ensureUsers = [ { name = "hedgedoc"; ensurePermissions = { "DATABASE \"hedgedoc\"" = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; }; } ]; package = pkgs.postgresql_14; }; }; sops = { age.sshKeyPaths = [ "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key" ]; defaultSopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; secrets = { "hedgedoc".owner = config.systemd.services.hedgedoc.serviceConfig.User; }; }; system.stateVersion = "22.11"; }