--- - name: Debian - Ensure apt-transport-https is installed become: yes apt: name: apt-transport-https state: present cache_valid_time: 86400 when: use_repository | bool register: beat_install until: beat_install is succeeded notify: restart the service - name: Debian - Ensure python-urllib3, python-openssl, python-pyasn1 & python-pip are installed become: yes apt: name: - python-urllib3 - python-openssl - python-pyasn1 - python-pip state: present register: libs_install until: libs_install is succeeded when: - use_repository | bool - ansible_distribution_release == "trusty" - name: Debian - ensure ndg-httpsclient pip is installed become: yes pip: name: ndg-httpsclient state: present register: ndg_install until: ndg_install is succeeded when: - use_repository | bool - ansible_distribution_release == "trusty" - name: Debian - Add Beats repository key become: yes apt_key: url: '{{ elastic_repo_key }}' state: present register: apt_key_install until: apt_key_install is succeeded when: beats_add_repository | bool - name: Debian - add beats repository become: yes apt_repository: repo: 'deb {{ repo_url }} stable main' state: present register: repo_install until: repo_install is succeeded when: beats_add_repository | bool - name: Debian - unhold {{ beat }} version for install become: yes command: apt-mark unhold {{ beat }} changed_when: false - name: Debian - Ensure {{ beat }} is installed become: yes apt: name: >- {{ beat }}{% if beats_version is defined and beats_version|length>0 %}={{ beats_version }}{% endif %} state: present cache_valid_time: 86400 register: beat_install until: beat_install is succeeded when: use_repository | bool notify: restart the service - name: Debian - hold {{ beat }} version become: yes command: apt-mark hold {{ beat }} when: version_lock changed_when: false - name: Set os_arch set_fact: os_arch: >- {{ ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' | ternary('amd64', 'i386') }} - name: Debian - Download {{ beat }} from url get_url: url: >- {% if custom_package_url is defined %}{{ custom_package_url }}{% else %}{{ beats_package_url }}/{{ beat }}/{{ beat }}_{{ beats_version }}_{{ os_arch }}.deb{% endif %} dest: '/tmp/{{ beat }}_{{ beats_version }}_{{ os_arch }}.deb' validate_certs: false when: not use_repository | bool - name: Debian - Ensure {{ beat }} is installed from downloaded package become: yes apt: deb: '/tmp/{{ beat }}_{{ beats_version }}_{{ os_arch }}.deb' when: not use_repository | bool notify: restart the service