{ self, config, lib, options, pkgs, ... }: { options = with lib; { c3d2.deployment.microvmBaseZfsDataset = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "Base ZFS dataset whereunder to create shares for MicroVMs."; }; }; config = { assertions = [ # { # assertion = config.skyflake.storage.ceph.package != 17; # message = "Please pin ceph to major version 17!"; # } ]; microvm = { # just all the microvms from this flake that are supposed to run on the server autostart = builtins.filter (name: (self.nixosConfigurations.${name}.config.c3d2.deployment.server or null) == config.networking.hostName ) (builtins.attrNames self.nixosConfigurations); # don't enable microvm host options in live iso's host.enable = if (options?isoImage) then false else true; }; systemd.services = { "microvm-virtiofsd@" = { requires = [ "microvm-zfs-datasets@%i.service" ]; }; "microvm-zfs-datasets@" = { description = "Create ZFS datasets for MicroVM '%i'"; before = [ "microvm-virtiofsd@%i.service" ]; after = [ "local-fs.target" ]; partOf = [ "microvm@%i.service" ]; unitConfig.ConditionPathExists = "/var/lib/microvms/%i/current/share/microvm/virtiofs"; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/microvms/%i"; SyslogIdentifier = "microvm-zfs-datasets@%i"; }; path = with pkgs; [ zfs ]; scriptArgs = "%i"; script = /* bash */ '' zfsExists() { zfs list $1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null } NAME="$1" BASE="${config.c3d2.deployment.microvmBaseZfsDataset}" zfsExists $BASE || \ zfs create $BASE zfsExists $BASE/$NAME || \ zfs create $BASE/$NAME for d in current/share/microvm/virtiofs/*; do SOURCE=$(cat $d/source) TAG=$(basename $d) MNT=$SOURCE if [[ "$MNT" == /var/lib/microvms/$NAME/* ]]; then zfsExists $BASE/$NAME/$TAG || \ zfs create -o mountpoint=$MNT $BASE/$NAME/$TAG fi done ''; }; }; nix.settings = { min-free = 128000000; max-free = 1000000000; }; environment.systemPackages = [ ( # Provide a manual updating script that fetches the latest # updated+built system from Hydra pkgs.writeScriptBin "update-microvm" /* bash */ '' #! ${pkgs.runtimeShell} -e if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then NAMES="$(ls -1 /var/lib/microvms)" else NAMES="$@" fi for NAME in $NAMES; do echo MicroVM $NAME cd /var/lib/microvms/$NAME if [ "$(cat flake)" = "git+https://gitea.c3d2.de/c3d2/nix-config?ref=flake-update" ]; then NEW=$(curl -sLH "Accept: application/json" https://hydra.hq.c3d2.de/job/c3d2/nix-config/$NAME/latest | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -er .buildoutputs.out.path) nix copy --from https://nix-cache.hq.c3d2.de $NEW if [ -e booted ]; then nix store diff-closures $(readlink booted) $NEW elif [ -e current ]; then echo "NOT BOOTED! Diffing to old current:" nix store diff-closures $(readlink current) $NEW else echo "NOT BOOTED?" fi CHANGED=no if ! [ -e current ]; then ln -s $NEW current CHANGED=yes elif [ "$(readlink current)" != $NEW ]; then rm -f old cp --no-dereference current old rm -f current ln -s $NEW current CHANGED=yes fi fi if [ "$CHANGED" = "yes" ]; then echo Run at your own peril: echo systemctl restart microvm@$NAME fi echo done '' ) ]; }; }