#!/usr/bin/ksh # Monitor DB/2 databases on AIX # $HOME/sqllib/db2profile # This script can be called in two ways # Without any arguments: # Checks if cache of the instances is up to date and starts the # command 'mk_db.aix query {instance}' if applicable # If its outdated the script calls itself with the argument 'query' # With 'query {instance}' as argument: # Does the actual queries to the db2 instance and writes this info # into the cache file # Each instance has its own cache file and all of them are filled in parallel if [ ! "$MK_CONFDIR" ] ; then echo "MK_CONFDIR not set!" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! "$MK_VARDIR" ] ; then export MK_VARDIR=$MK_CONFDIR fi function waitmax { TIMEOUT=${1}0 SIGNAL=9 shift # Run command in background if [ "${#}" -ge 1 ] ; then ksh -c "$*" & else TEST=$(cat) ksh -c "$TEST" & fi PID=$! # Wait for termination within TIMOUT seconds while [ $TIMEOUT -gt 0 ] do TIMEOUT=$((TIMEOUT - 1)) if [ ! -e /proc/$PID ] ; then return 0 fi perl -e "select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1);" done # Process did not terminate in time. Kill and # return with an error kill -9 $PID return 255 } function query_instance { INSTANCE=$1 # find home directory HOMEDIR=$(grep "^$INSTANCE" /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $6}' | grep "$INSTANCE$") NOW=$(perl -e "print time();") waitmax 200 << WAITMAX su $INSTANCE << EOF if [ ! -f $HOMEDIR/sqllib/db2profile ] ; then exit 0 fi . $HOMEDIR/sqllib/db2profile >/dev/null 2>&1 ; function compare_version_greater_equal { GREATER_ONE=\\\$(echo "\\\$1 \\\$2" | awk "{if (\\\$1 >= \\\$2) print \\\$1; else print \\\$2}") if [ \\\$GREATER_ONE == \\\$1 ] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } echo '<<>>' DBVERSION=\\\$(db2 get snapshot for dbm | grep -e 'Product name' -e 'Service level' | awk -v FS='=' '{print \\\$2}' | sed 'N;s/\n/,/g' | sed 's/ //g') echo $INSTANCE \\\$DBVERSION VERSION_NUMBER=\\\$(echo \\\$DBVERSION | sed -e 's/DB2v\\\(.*\),.*/\\\1/' | awk -v FS="." '{print \\\$1"."\\\$2}') DBS=\\\$(db2 list database directory on $HOMEDIR | grep 'Database name' | awk '{ print \\\$NF }') GET_PORT=1 DB_PORT='port 0' for DB in \\\$DBS; do db2 connect to \\\$DB > /dev/null; if [ $? -nq 0 ] ; then exit 1 fi if [ 1 -eq \\\$GET_PORT ] ; then # Each database in an instance has the same port information db2_tcp_service=\\\$(db2 -x get dbm cfg | grep $INSTANCE | grep "TCP/IP Service" | awk -v FS='=' '{print \\\$2}'|tr -d ' ') if ( grep \\\$db2_tcp_service /etc/services | grep -q "^\\\$db2_tcp_service " ); then DB_PORT='port '\\\$(grep \\\$db2_tcp_service /etc/services | grep "^\\\$db2_tcp_service " | awk '{print \\\$2}' | awk -v FS="/" '{print \\\$1}') fi GET_PORT=0 fi echo "<<>>" echo "[[[$INSTANCE:\\\$DB]]]" db2 "SELECT tbsp_name, tbsp_type, tbsp_state, tbsp_usable_size_kb, tbsp_total_size_kb, tbsp_used_size_kb, tbsp_free_size_kb FROM sysibmadm.tbsp_utilization WHERE tbsp_type = 'DMS' UNION ALL SELECT tu.tbsp_name, tu.tbsp_type, tu.tbsp_state, tu.tbsp_usable_size_kb, tu.tbsp_total_size_kb, tu.tbsp_used_size_kb, (cu.fs_total_size_kb - cu.fs_used_size_kb) AS tbsp_free_size_kb FROM sysibmadm.tbsp_utilization tu INNER JOIN ( SELECT tbsp_id, 1 AS fs_total_size_kb, 0 AS fs_used_size_kb FROM sysibmadm.container_utilization WHERE (fs_total_size_kb IS NULL OR fs_used_size_kb IS NULL) GROUP BY tbsp_id) cu ON (tu.tbsp_type = 'SMS' AND tu.tbsp_id = cu.tbsp_id) UNION ALL SELECT tu.tbsp_name, tu.tbsp_type, tu.tbsp_state, tu.tbsp_usable_size_kb, tu.tbsp_total_size_kb, tu.tbsp_used_size_kb, (cu.fs_total_size_kb - cu.fs_used_size_kb) AS tbsp_free_size_kb FROM sysibmadm.tbsp_utilization tu INNER JOIN ( SELECT tbsp_id, SUM(fs_total_size_kb) AS fs_total_size_kb, SUM(fs_used_size_kb) AS fs_used_size_kb FROM sysibmadm.container_utilization WHERE (fs_total_size_kb IS NOT NULL AND fs_used_size_kb IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY tbsp_id) cu ON (tu.tbsp_type = 'SMS' AND tu.tbsp_id = cu.tbsp_id)" | awk '{print \\\$1" "\\\$2" "\\\$3" "\\\$4" "\\\$5" "\\\$6" "\\\$7}' | sed -e '/^[ ]*$/d' -e '/^-/d' -e '/selected/d' echo "<<>>" echo "TIMESTAMP $NOW" cat \\\$(db2 get dbm cfg|grep "Default database path"|awk -v FS="=" '{print \\\$2"/sqllib/db2nodes.cfg"}'|tr -d ' ') | sed "s/\(.*\)/$INSTANCE:\\\$DB node \1/" db2 -x "SELECT deadlocks from sysibmadm.snapdb" | tr -d ' ' | sed "s/\(.*\)/$INSTANCE:\\\$DB deadlocks \1/" db2 -x "SELECT lock_waits from sysibmadm.snapdb" | tr -d ' ' | sed "s/\(.*\)/$INSTANCE:\\\$DB lockwaits \1/" db2 -x "SELECT sort_overflows from sysibmadm.snapdb" | tr -d ' ' | sed "s/\(.*\)/$INSTANCE:\\\$DB sortoverflows \1/" echo "<<>>" echo "[[[$INSTANCE:\\\$DB]]]" echo "TIMESTAMP $NOW" cat \\\$(db2 get dbm cfg|grep "Default database path"|awk -v FS="=" '{print \\\$2"/sqllib/db2nodes.cfg"}'|tr -d ' ') | sed 's/\(.*\)/node \1/' db2 -x "SELECT 'usedspace', total_log_used from sysibmadm.snapdb" | awk '{print \\\$1" "\\\$2}' db2 -x "SELECT NAME, VALUE FROM SYSIBMADM.DBCFG WHERE NAME IN ('logfilsiz','logprimary','logsecond')"| awk '{print \\\$1" "\\\$2}' echo "<<>>" echo "[[[$INSTANCE:\\\$DB]]]" echo \\\$DB_PORT echo "connections " | tr -d '\n' db2 list applications | grep -v Auth | grep -v Name | sed -e '/^$/d' | wc -l | tr -d ' ' # TODO: the time command seems to be broken and outputs 1 second steps ksh -c "time db2 connect to \\\$DB > /dev/null" 2>&1 | grep real | awk '{print "latency "\\\$2}'| sed -e 's/m/:/' -e 's/s//' echo "<<>>" echo "[[[$INSTANCE:\\\$DB]]]" cat \\\$(db2 get dbm cfg|grep "Default database path"|awk -v FS="=" '{print \\\$2"/sqllib/db2nodes.cfg"}'|tr -d ' ') | sed "s/\(.*\)/node \1/" db2 "SELECT SUBSTR(BP_NAME,1,14) AS BP_NAME, TOTAL_HIT_RATIO_PERCENT, DATA_HIT_RATIO_PERCENT, INDEX_HIT_RATIO_PERCENT, XDA_HIT_RATIO_PERCENT FROM SYSIBMADM.BP_HITRATIO" | grep -v "selected." | sed -e '/^$/d' -e '/^-/d' echo "<<>>" echo "[[[$INSTANCE:\\\$DB]]]" db2 -x "get snapshot for database on \\\$DB" | grep -e "^Total sorts" -e "^Sort overflows" | tr -d '=' echo "<<>>" echo "[[[$INSTANCE:\\\$DB]]]" if compare_version_greater_equal \\\$VERSION_NUMBER 10.5; then # MON_GET_DATBASE(-2) gets information of all active members db2 -x "select LAST_BACKUP from TABLE (MON_GET_DATABASE(-2))" | grep -v "selected." | tail -n 1 else db2 -x "select SQLM_ELM_LAST_BACKUP from table(SNAPSHOT_DATABASE( cast( null as VARCHAR(255)), cast(null as int))) as ref" | grep -v "selected." | tail -n 1 fi # disconnect from database db2 connect reset > /dev/null done EOF WAITMAX return $? } if [ "$1" = "query" ]; then query_instance $2 exit $? else #### RUN CACHED ##### function file_age { /usr/bin/perl -e 'if (! -f $ARGV[0]){die "0000000"};$mtime=(stat($ARGV[0]))[9];print ($^T-$mtime);' "$1" } if [ ! -d $MK_VARDIR/cache ]; then mkdir -p $MK_VARDIR/cache ; fi if [ -e "$MK_VARDIR/cache/mk_db2.aix.cache" ] ; then rm $MK_VARDIR/cache/mk_db2.aix.cache fi INSTANCES=$(ps -ef | grep [d]b2sysc | awk '{print $1 }') # Output any section headers # If no data is available there will be at least the section headers # This happens when a database is down. In this scenario the db2_version check # should go CRIT and the other checks go stale echo "<<>>" echo "<<>>" echo "<<>>" echo "<<>>" echo "<<>>" echo "<<>>" echo "<<>>" echo "<<>>" for INSTANCE in $INSTANCES; do CACHEFILE="$MK_VARDIR/cache/mk_db2.aix.cache.$INSTANCE" MAXAGE=300 # Check if the creation of the cache takes way to long and delete this file # The process might have crashed... # Since the processes are called with waitmax it is very unlikely that # there are still unwanted processes soiling the system. if [ -e "$CACHEFILE.new" ] ; then AGE=$(file_age "$CACHEFILE.new") if [ $AGE -ge $((MAXAGE * 10)) ] ; then rm "$CACHEFILE.new" fi fi # Check if the creation of the cache takes suspiciously long and return # nothing if the age (access time) of $CACHEFILE.new is twice the MAXAGE if [ -e "$CACHEFILE.new" ] ; then AGE=$(file_age "$CACHEFILE.new") if [ $AGE -ge $((MAXAGE * 2)) ] ; then return fi fi # Check if cache file exists and is recent enough USE_CACHEFILE="" if [ -s "$CACHEFILE" ] ; then AGE=$(file_age "$CACHEFILE") if [ $AGE -le $MAXAGE ] ; then USE_CACHEFILE=1 ; fi # Output the file in any case, even if it is # outdated. The new file will not yet be available cat "$CACHEFILE" fi # Cache file outdated and new job not yet running? Start it if [ -z "$USE_CACHEFILE" -a ! -e "$CACHEFILE.new" ] ; then echo "set -o noclobber ; exec > \"$CACHEFILE.new\" || exit 1 ; ./$0 query $INSTANCE && mv \"$CACHEFILE.new\" \"$CACHEFILE\" || rm -f \"$CACHEFILE\" \"$CACHEFILE.new\"" | nohup ksh 2>/dev/null & fi done fi exit 0