{ config, pkgs, ... }: let c3d2MacAddress = "00:0b:ad:00:1d:ea"; in { c3d2.deployment.server = "server10"; microvm = { mem = 1 * 1024; vcpu = 2; # add a network interface in c3d2 for mDNS interfaces = [{ type = "tap"; id = builtins.substring 0 15 "c3d2-${config.networking.hostName}"; mac = c3d2MacAddress; }]; }; networking.hostName = "home-assistant"; systemd.network = { links."40-c3d2" = { matchConfig.MACAddress = c3d2MacAddress; # rename interface to net name linkConfig.Name = "c3d2"; }; networks."40-c3d2" = { matchConfig.MACAddress = c3d2MacAddress; networkConfig = { LinkLocalAddressing = "yes"; IPv6AcceptRA = "no"; }; }; }; services = { avahi.enable = true; home-assistant = { enable = true; config = { automation = "!include automations.yaml"; binary_sensor = [ { platform = "rest"; name = "Turmlabor"; unique_id = "status_turmlabor_dresden"; resource = "https://turmlabor.de/spaces.api"; method = "GET"; scan_interval = 60; verify_ssl = true; value_template = "{{ value_json['state']['open'] }}"; device_class = "door"; } { platform = "rest"; name = "c3d2"; unique_id = "status_c3d2"; resource = "https://c3d2.de/spaceapi.json"; method = "GET"; scan_interval = 60; verify_ssl = true; value_template = "{{ value_json['state']['open'] }}"; device_class = "door"; } ]; homeassistant = { external_url = "https://home-assistant.hq.c3d2.de"; latitude = "51.08105"; longitude = "13.72867"; name = "C3D2"; }; http = rec { # TODO: turn on when the public-access-proxy is using PROXY PROTOCOL # ip_ban_enabled = true; # login_attempts_threshold = 5; server_host = [ "" "::1" ]; trusted_proxies = server_host; use_x_forwarded_for = true; }; }; extraComponents = [ # extra things we use "wled" ]; ldap.enable = true; package = (pkgs.home-assistant.override { # those tests take a long(er) time and can't be sped up with pytest-xdist packageOverrides = _: prev: let noTests.doCheck = false; in { aws-sam-translator = prev.aws-sam-translator.overridePythonAttrs (_: noTests); moto = prev.moto.overridePythonAttrs (_: noTests); }; }).overridePythonAttrs (_: { doCheck = false; }); }; nginx = { enable = true; virtualHosts."home-assistant.hq.c3d2.de" = { forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; locations."/" = { proxyPass = "${toString config.services.home-assistant.config.http.server_port}"; proxyWebsockets = true; }; }; }; portunus.addToHosts = true; }; system.stateVersion = "22.11"; }