{ zentralwerk, hostRegistry, config, lib, ... }: let inherit (config.networking) hostName; # hydra does *not* use this module because it only runs a nomad # server but no client and no microvms servers = [ "server8" "server9" "server10" "hydra" ]; microvmServers = [ "server8" "server9" "server10" ]; storageServers = [ "server8" "server9" ]; serverNet = server: builtins.foldl' (result: net: if result == null && zentralwerk.lib.config.site.net.${net}.hosts4 ? ${server} then net else result ) null [ "cluster" "serv" ]; in { # Open firewall between cluster members networking.firewall.extraCommands = lib.concatMapStrings (server: let netConfig = zentralwerk.lib.config.site.net.${serverNet server}; in lib.optionalString (server != hostName) '' iptables -A nixos-fw --source ${netConfig.hosts4.${server}} -j ACCEPT ${lib.concatMapStrings (hosts6: '' ip6tables -A nixos-fw --source ${hosts6.${server}} -j ACCEPT '') (builtins.attrValues netConfig.hosts6)} '' ) servers; # Cluster configuration skyflake = { # debug = true; nodes = builtins.listToAttrs ( map (name: { inherit name; value.address = hostRegistry.${name}.ip4; }) servers ); # Extra nomad configuration nomad = { datacenter = "c3d2"; inherit servers; # run tasks only on these: client.enable = builtins.elem hostName microvmServers; client.meta = lib.optionalAttrs (builtins.elem hostName storageServers) { "c3d2.storage" = "big"; }; }; # The user that runs skyflake MicroVMs microvmUid = 997; users = { # Deployment user for hosts in this flake c3d2 = { uid = 1001; sshKeys = config.users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys; }; # Deployment user for leon who also uses this flake leon = { uid = 1002; sshKeys = with (import ../../ssh-public-keys.nix).users; leon ++ astro; }; }; deploy.customizationModule = ./deployment.nix; # Obsolete Glusterfs setup. # TODO: Remove once all data has been moved off. storage.glusterfs = { fileSystems = [ { servers = microvmServers; mountPoint = "/glusterfs/fast"; source = "/var/glusterfs-fast"; } { servers = storageServers; mountPoint = "/glusterfs/big"; source = "/var/glusterfs-big"; } ]; }; # Ceph storage cluster configuration storage.ceph = rec { fsid = "a06b1061-ef09-46d6-a15f-2f8ce4d7d1bf"; mons = [ "server8" "server9" "server10" ]; mgrs = mons; mdss = mons; monKeyring = config.sops.secrets."ceph/monKeyring".path; adminKeyring = config.sops.secrets."ceph/adminKeyring".path; }; }; # Ceph keyrings sops.secrets = { "ceph/monKeyring" = { owner = "ceph"; sopsFile = ../../config/ceph.yaml; }; "ceph/adminKeyring" = { owner = "ceph"; sopsFile = ../../config/ceph.yaml; }; }; systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ # additional gcroots "L+ /nix/var/nix/gcroots/skyflake-microvms-big - - - - /glusterfs/big/gcroots" ]; # Collectd monitoring for ceph services.collectd.plugins.ceph = '' ConvertSpecialMetricTypes true ${lib.concatMapStrings (hostName: '' SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.${hostName}.asok" '') config.services.ceph.mon.daemons} ${lib.concatMapStrings (hostName: '' SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-mgr.${hostName}.asok" '') config.services.ceph.mgr.daemons} ${lib.concatMapStrings (hostName: '' SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-mds.${hostName}.asok" '') config.services.ceph.mds.daemons} ${lib.concatMapStrings (id: '' SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.${id}.asok" '') config.services.ceph.osd.daemons} ''; # HACK: let collectd access ceph sockets systemd.services.collectd.serviceConfig.User = lib.mkForce "ceph"; }