{ config, pkgs, ... }: { c3d2 = { hq.statistics.enable = true; deployment.server = "server10"; }; environment = { etc.gitconfig.text = /* gitconfig */ '' [url "gitea@gitea.c3d2.de:"] insteadOf = https://gitea.c3d2.de/ ''; systemPackages = with pkgs; [ rsync # used in drone CI ]; }; # changes in knot config cause a rebuild because tools like keymgr are wrapped with the config file *and* contain the man pages documentation.man.generateCaches = false; networking = { hostName = "knot"; firewall = { allowedTCPPorts = [ # DNS 53 ]; allowedUDPPorts = [ # DNS 53 ]; }; }; services.knot = { enable = true; keyFiles = [ config.sops.secrets."knot/keyFile".path ]; settings = { acl = [ { id = "jabber"; key = "jabber"; action = "update"; update-owner = "name"; update-owner-match = "sub-or-equal"; update-owner-name = [ "jabber.c3d2.de." ]; } ]; log = [ { target = "syslog"; any = "info"; } ]; mod-stats = [ { id = "default"; query-type = "on"; } ]; remote = [ { id = "ns.spaceboyz.net"; address = [ "" "2a01:4f9:4b:39ec::4" ]; } { # TODO: drop id = "ns0.q-ix.net"; address = [ "" "2a00:1328:e101:b01::1" ]; } # { # TODO # id = "ns1.supersandro.de"; # address = [ "" "2a01:4f8:1c1c:1d38::1" ]; # } ]; remotes = [ { id = "all"; remote = [ "ns.spaceboyz.net" "ns0.q-ix.net" /*"ns1.supersandro.de"*/ ]; } ]; server = { answer-rotation = true; automatic-acl = true; identity = "ns1.supersandro.de"; tcp-fastopen = true; version = null; }; template = [ { id = "default"; # dnssec-signing = true; ??? file = "%s.zone"; global-module = [ "mod-stats" ]; journal-content = "all"; # required for zonefile-load=difference-no-serial and makes cold starts like zone reloads module = "mod-stats/default"; semantic-checks = true; serial-policy = "dateserial"; storage = "/var/lib/knot/zones"; zonefile-load = "difference-no-serial"; } ]; zone = map (zone: { inherit (zone) domain; template = "default"; notify = [ "all" ]; }) [ { domain = "c3dd.de"; } { domain = "c3d2.de"; } { domain = "hq.c3d2.de"; } { domain = "dyn.hq.c3d2.de"; } # TODO: consolidate { domain = "inbert.c3d2.de"; } { domain = "c3d2.ffdd"; } { domain = "c3d2.space"; } { domain = "c3d2.social"; } { domain = "cccdd.de"; } { domain = "dresden.ccc.de"; } { domain = "datenspuren.de"; } { domain = "netzbiotop.org"; } { domain = "pentamedia.org"; } { domain = "zentralwerk.ffdd"; } { domain = "2001-67c-1400-2240.ip6.arpa"; } { domain = "99.22.172.in-addr.arpa"; } ]; }; }; security.sudo.extraRules = [ { users = [ "knot" ]; commands = [ { command = "/etc/profiles/per-user/knot/bin/reload-knot"; options = [ "NOPASSWD" ]; } ]; } ]; sops = { defaultSopsFile = ./secrets.yaml; secrets = { "knot/keyFile".owner = "knot"; "ssh-keys/knot/private" = { owner = "knot"; path = "${config.users.users.knot.home}/.ssh/id_ed25519"; }; "ssh-keys/knot/public" = { owner = "knot"; path = "${config.users.users.knot.home}/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub"; }; }; }; system.stateVersion = "23.11"; users.users.knot = { home = "/var/lib/knot/zones/"; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHIkIN1gi5cX2wV2WuNph/QzVK7vvYkvqnR/P69s36mZ drone@c3d2" ]; packages = [ (pkgs.writeScriptBin "reload-knot" '' knotc reload '') ]; useDefaultShell = true; }; }