diff --git a/hosts/hydra/hydra.nix b/hosts/hydra/hydra.nix index 6c09b5cd..7713df48 100644 --- a/hosts/hydra/hydra.nix +++ b/hosts/hydra/hydra.nix @@ -169,10 +169,12 @@ in # strips features that don't make sense on qemu-user extraPlatformSystemFeatures = builtins.filter makesSenseForQemuUser config.nix.settings.system-features; - in '' + in + # both entries cannot have localhost alone because then hydra would merge them together but we want explictily two to not allow benchmarkts for binfmt emulated arches + '' cat << EOF > ~/machines localhost x86_64-linux - ${toString config.nix.settings.max-jobs} 10 ${lib.concatStringsSep "," config.nix.settings.system-features} - - localhost ${lib.concatStringsSep "," config.nix.settings.extra-platforms} - ${toString config.nix.settings.max-jobs} 10 ${lib.concatStringsSep "," extraPlatformSystemFeatures} - + hydra@localhost ${lib.concatStringsSep "," config.nix.settings.extra-platforms} - ${toString config.nix.settings.max-jobs} 10 ${lib.concatStringsSep "," extraPlatformSystemFeatures} - EOF '';