
199 lines
6.0 KiB

{ config, lib, ... }:
cfg = config.networking.dn42;
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
assertions = [
assertion = 0 == (builtins.length (builtins.filter (conf: (!conf.extendedNextHop && (conf.addr.v4 == null || conf.srcAddr.v4 == null))) (builtins.attrValues cfg.peers)));
message = "dn42.nix: IPv4 addresses are required, consider using extended next hop.";
assertion = 0 == (builtins.length (builtins.filter (conf: (conf.extendedNextHop && (conf.addr.v4 != null || conf.srcAddr.v4 != null))) (builtins.attrValues cfg.peers)));
message = "dn42.nix: IPv4 addresses are disallowed, consider not using extended next hop.";
services.bird2 = {
enable = true;
config = ''
define OWNAS = ${toString cfg.as};
define OWNIP = ${toString cfg.addr.v6};
define REGION_GEO = ${toString cfg.geo};
define REGION_COUNTRY = ${toString cfg.country};
define ASN_BLACKLIST = [];
function is_self_net4() -> bool {
return net ~ [${builtins.concatStringsSep ", " cfg.nets.v4}];
function is_self_net6() -> bool {
return net ~ [${builtins.concatStringsSep ", " cfg.nets.v6}];
roa4 table dnroa4;
roa6 table dnroa6;
protocol rpki roa_dn42 {
roa4 { table dnroa4; };
roa6 { table dnroa6; };
port 8082;
refresh 600;
retry 300;
expire 7200;
include "${../resources/community_filter.conf}";
include "${../resources/filters.conf}";
router id ${cfg.routerId};
hostname "${config.networking.hostName}.${config.networking.domain}";
protocol device {
scan time 10;
protocol kernel kernel_4 {
scan time 20;
ipv4 {
import none;
export filter {
if source = RTS_STATIC then reject;
krt_prefsrc = ${cfg.addr.v4};
protocol kernel kernel_6 {
scan time 20;
ipv6 {
import none;
export filter {
if source = RTS_STATIC then reject;
krt_prefsrc = ${cfg.addr.v6};
protocol static static_4 {
${lib.concatMapStrings (net: ''
route ${net} unreachable;
'') cfg.nets.v4}
ipv4 {
import all;
export none;
protocol static static_6 {
${lib.concatMapStrings (net: ''
route ${net} unreachable;
'') cfg.nets.v6}
ipv6 {
import all;
export none;
template bgp dnpeers {
local as ${builtins.toString cfg.as};
enforce first as on;
graceful restart on;
long lived graceful restart on;
advertise hostname on;
prefer older on;
# defaults
enable route refresh on;
interpret communities on;
default bgp_local_pref 100;
${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (builtins.attrValues
(name: conf: ''
${lib.optionalString (!conf.extendedNextHop) ''
protocol bgp ${name}_4 from dnpeers {
neighbor ${conf.addr.v4} as ${builtins.toString conf.as};
source address ${conf.srcAddr.v4};
ipv4 {
import limit 9000 action block;
import table on;
import where dn_import_filter4(${toString conf.latency}, ${toString conf.bandwidth}, ${toString conf.crypto});
export where dn_export_filter4(${toString conf.latency}, ${toString conf.bandwidth}, ${toString conf.crypto}, ${lib.boolToString conf.transit});
protocol bgp ${name}_6 from dnpeers {
${lib.optionalString conf.extendedNextHop ''
enable extended messages on;
ipv4 {
import limit 9000 action block;
import table on;
extended next hop on;
import where dn_import_filter4(${toString conf.latency}, ${toString conf.bandwidth}, ${toString conf.crypto});
export where dn_export_filter4(${toString conf.latency}, ${toString conf.bandwidth}, ${toString conf.crypto}, ${lib.boolToString conf.transit});
ipv6 {
import limit 9000 action block;
import table on;
import where dn_import_filter6(${toString conf.latency}, ${toString conf.bandwidth}, ${toString conf.crypto});
export where dn_export_filter6(${toString conf.latency}, ${toString conf.bandwidth}, ${toString conf.crypto}, ${lib.boolToString conf.transit});
neighbor ${conf.addr.v6}%'${conf.interface}' as ${builtins.toString conf.as};
source address ${conf.srcAddr.v6};
protocol bgp collector_6 from dnpeers {
neighbor fd42:4242:2601:ac12::1 as 4242422602;
source address ${cfg.addr.v6};
# enable multihop as the collector is not locally connected
ipv4 {
# export all available paths to the collector
add paths tx;
# import/export filters
import none;
export where dn_export_collector4();
ipv6 {
# export all available paths to the collector
add paths tx;
# import/export filters
import none;
export where dn_export_collector6();