2024-04-13 01:21:08 +02:00

149 lines
4.6 KiB

{ self, pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { } }:
common = { pkgs, ... }: {
imports = [ self.nixosModules.default ];
networking.dn42.enable = true;
virtualisation.interfaces.enp1s0.vlan = 1;
networking.useNetworkd = true;
networking.domain = "test.nixos";
systemd.network.netdevs.dummy0.netdevConfig = {
Kind = "dummy";
Name = "dummy0";
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.jq ];
services.dn42-roagen = {
enable = true;
outputDir = pkgs.runCommand "stub-roa" {} ''
mkdir $out
cat >$out/dn42-roa4.conf <<EOF
route max 24 as 64600;
route max 24 as 64601;
cat >$out/dn42-roa6.conf <<EOF
route fec1::/64 max 64 as 64600;
route fec1:0:0:1::/64 max 64 as 64601;
pkgs.nixosTest rec {
name = "extended-next-hop";
nodes = {
foo = {
imports = [ common ];
networking.hostName = "foo";
networking.dn42 = {
as = 64600;
geo = 41;
country = 1276;
addr.v4 = "";
nets.v4 = [ "" ];
addr.v6 = "fec0::1";
nets.v6 = [ "fec0::/64" ];
peers.bar = {
as = 64601;
latency = 1;
bandwidth = 25;
crypto = 31;
transit = false;
extendedNextHop = true;
addr.v6 = (builtins.head nodes.bar.networking.interfaces.enp1s0.ipv6.addresses).address;
srcAddr.v6 = (builtins.head nodes.foo.networking.interfaces.enp1s0.ipv6.addresses).address;
interface = "enp1s0";
networking.interfaces.enp1s0 = {
ipv4.addresses = [{
address = "";
prefixLength = 24;
ipv6.addresses = [{
address = "fe80::1";
prefixLength = 64;
networking.interfaces.dummy0 = {
ipv4.addresses = [{
address = nodes.foo.networking.dn42.addr.v4;
prefixLength = 24;
ipv6.addresses = [{
address = nodes.foo.networking.dn42.addr.v6;
prefixLength = 64;
bar = {
imports = [ common ];
networking.hostName = "bar";
networking.dn42 = {
as = 64601;
geo = 41;
country = 1276;
addr.v4 = "";
nets.v4 = [ "" ];
addr.v6 = "fec0:0:0:1::1";
nets.v6 = [ "fec0:0:0:1::/64" ];
peers.foo = {
as = 64600;
latency = 1;
bandwidth = 25;
crypto = 31;
transit = false;
extendedNextHop = true;
addr.v6 = (builtins.head nodes.foo.networking.interfaces.enp1s0.ipv6.addresses).address;
srcAddr.v6 = (builtins.head nodes.bar.networking.interfaces.enp1s0.ipv6.addresses).address;
interface = "enp1s0";
networking.interfaces.enp1s0 = {
ipv4.addresses = [{
address = "";
prefixLength = 24;
ipv6.addresses = [{
address = "fe80::2";
prefixLength = 64;
networking.interfaces.dummy0 = {
ipv4.addresses = [{
address = nodes.bar.networking.dn42.addr.v4;
prefixLength = 24;
ipv6.addresses = [{
address = nodes.bar.networking.dn42.addr.v6;
prefixLength = 64;
testScript = ''
foo.succeed("ip -6 mon > /dev/console &")
with subtest("Waiting for advertised IPv4 routes"):
foo.wait_until_succeeds("ip --json r | jq -e 'map(select(.dst == \"${builtins.head nodes.bar.networking.dn42.nets.v4}\")) | any'")
bar.wait_until_succeeds("ip --json r | jq -e 'map(select(.dst == \"${builtins.head nodes.foo.networking.dn42.nets.v4}\")) | any'")
# Assuming IPv4 peering is up, try ping on routed dummy0 addrs
foo.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 ${nodes.bar.networking.dn42.addr.v4}")
bar.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 ${nodes.foo.networking.dn42.addr.v4}")
# with subtest("Waiting for advertised IPv6 routes"):
# foo.wait_until_succeeds("ip --json -6 r | jq -e 'map(select(.dst == \"${builtins.head nodes.bar.networking.dn42.nets.v6}\")) | any'")
# bar.wait_until_succeeds("ip --json -6 r | jq -e 'map(select(.dst == \"${builtins.head nodes.foo.networking.dn42.nets.v6}\")) | any'")
# icmpv6 unsupported by QEMU user networking
# foo.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 ${nodes.bar.networking.dn42.addr.v6}")
# bar.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 1 ${nodes.foo.networking.dn42.addr.v6}")