
2095 lines
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/** File: pane.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel. All rights reserved.
'use strict';
/* global Candy, document, Mustache, Strophe, Audio, jQuery */
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane
* Candy view pane handles everything regarding DOM updates etc.
* Parameters:
* (Candy.View.Pane) self - itself
* (jQuery) $ - jQuery
Candy.View.Pane = (function(self, $) {
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Window
* Window related view updates
self.Window = {
/** PrivateVariable: _hasFocus
* Window has focus
_hasFocus: true,
/** PrivateVariable: _plainTitle
* Document title
_plainTitle: document.title,
/** PrivateVariable: _unreadMessagesCount
* Unread messages count
_unreadMessagesCount: 0,
/** Variable: autoscroll
* Boolean whether autoscroll is enabled
autoscroll: true,
/** Function: hasFocus
* Checks if window has focus
* Returns:
* (Boolean)
hasFocus: function() {
return self.Window._hasFocus;
/** Function: increaseUnreadMessages
* Increases unread message count in window title by one.
increaseUnreadMessages: function() {
/** Function: reduceUnreadMessages
* Reduce unread message count in window title by `num`.
* Parameters:
* (Integer) num - Unread message count will be reduced by this value
reduceUnreadMessages: function(num) {
self.Window._unreadMessagesCount -= num;
if(self.Window._unreadMessagesCount <= 0) {
} else {
/** Function: clearUnreadMessages
* Clear unread message count in window title.
clearUnreadMessages: function() {
self.Window._unreadMessagesCount = 0;
document.title = self.Window._plainTitle;
/** Function: renderUnreadMessages
* Update window title to show message count.
* Parameters:
* (Integer) count - Number of unread messages to show in window title
renderUnreadMessages: function(count) {
document.title = Candy.View.Template.Window.unreadmessages.replace('{{count}}', count).replace('{{title}}', self.Window._plainTitle);
/** Function: onFocus
* Window focus event handler.
onFocus: function() {
self.Window._hasFocus = true;
if (Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid) {
/** Function: onBlur
* Window blur event handler.
onBlur: function() {
self.Window._hasFocus = false;
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Chat
* Chat-View related view updates
self.Chat = {
/** Variable: rooms
* Contains opened room elements
rooms: [],
/** Function: addTab
* Add a tab to the chat pane.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - JID of room
* (String) roomName - Tab label
* (String) roomType - Type of room: `groupchat` or `chat`
addTab: function(roomJid, roomName, roomType) {
var roomId = Candy.Util.jidToId(roomJid),
html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.tab, {
roomJid: roomJid,
roomId: roomId,
name: roomName || Strophe.getNodeFromJid(roomJid),
privateUserChat: function() {return roomType === 'chat';},
roomType: roomType
tab = $(html).appendTo('#chat-tabs');
// TODO: maybe we find a better way to get the close element.
$('a.close', tab).click(self.Chat.tabClose);
/** Function: getTab
* Get tab by JID.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - JID of room
* Returns:
* (jQuery object) - Tab element
getTab: function(roomJid) {
return $('#chat-tabs').children('li[data-roomjid="' + roomJid + '"]');
/** Function: removeTab
* Remove tab element.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - JID of room
removeTab: function(roomJid) {
/** Function: setActiveTab
* Set the active tab.
* Add CSS classname `active` to the choosen tab and remove `active` from all other.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - JID of room
setActiveTab: function(roomJid) {
$('#chat-tabs').children().each(function() {
var tab = $(this);
if(tab.attr('data-roomjid') === roomJid) {
} else {
/** Function: increaseUnreadMessages
* Increase unread message count in a tab by one.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - JID of room
* Uses:
* - <Window.increaseUnreadMessages>
increaseUnreadMessages: function(roomJid) {
var unreadElem = this.getTab(roomJid).find('.unread');
unreadElem.show().text(unreadElem.text() !== '' ? parseInt(unreadElem.text(), 10) + 1 : 1);
// only increase window unread messages in private chats
if (self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].type === 'chat') {
/** Function: clearUnreadMessages
* Clear unread message count in a tab.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - JID of room
* Uses:
* - <Window.reduceUnreadMessages>
clearUnreadMessages: function(roomJid) {
var unreadElem = self.Chat.getTab(roomJid).find('.unread');
/** Function: tabClick
* Tab click event: show the room associated with the tab and stops the event from doing the default.
tabClick: function(e) {
// remember scroll position of current room
var currentRoomJid = Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid;
self.Chat.rooms[currentRoomJid].scrollPosition = self.Room.getPane(currentRoomJid, '.message-pane-wrapper').scrollTop();
/** Function: tabClose
* Tab close (click) event: Leave the room (groupchat) or simply close the tab (chat).
* Parameters:
* (DOMEvent) e - Event triggered
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - false, this will stop the event from bubbling
tabClose: function() {
var roomJid = $(this).parent().attr('data-roomjid');
// close private user tab
if(self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].type === 'chat') {
// close multi-user room tab
} else {
return false;
/** Function: allTabsClosed
* All tabs closed event: Disconnect from service. Hide sound control.
* TODO: Handle window close
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - false, this will stop the event from bubbling
allTabsClosed: function() {
/** Function: fitTabs
* Fit tab size according to window size
fitTabs: function() {
var availableWidth = $('#chat-tabs').innerWidth(),
tabsWidth = 0,
tabs = $('#chat-tabs').children();
tabs.each(function() {
tabsWidth += $(this).css({width: 'auto', overflow: 'visible'}).outerWidth(true);
if(tabsWidth > availableWidth) {
// tabs.[outer]Width() measures the first element in `tabs`. It's no very readable but nearly two times faster than using :first
var tabDiffToRealWidth = tabs.outerWidth(true) - tabs.width(),
tabWidth = Math.floor((availableWidth) / tabs.length) - tabDiffToRealWidth;
tabs.css({width: tabWidth, overflow: 'hidden'});
/** Function: adminMessage
* Display admin message
* Parameters:
* (String) subject - Admin message subject
* (String) message - Message to be displayed
* Triggers:
* candy:view.chat.admin-message using {subject, message}
adminMessage: function(subject, message) {
if(Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid) { // Simply dismiss admin message if no room joined so far. TODO: maybe we should show those messages on a dedicated pane?
var html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.adminMessage, {
subject: subject,
message: message,
sender: $.i18n._('administratorMessageSubject'),
time: Candy.Util.localizedTime(new Date().toGMTString())
$('#chat-rooms').children().each(function() {
self.Room.appendToMessagePane($(this).attr('data-roomjid'), html);
/** Event: candy:view.chat.admin-message
* After admin message display
* Parameters:
* (String) presetJid - Preset user JID
$(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.chat.admin-message', {
'subject' : subject,
'message' : message
/** Function: infoMessage
* Display info message. This is a wrapper for <onInfoMessage> to be able to disable certain info messages.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) subject - Subject
* (String) message - Message
infoMessage: function(roomJid, subject, message) {
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, subject, message);
/** Function: onInfoMessage
* Display info message. Used by <infoMessage> and several other functions which do not wish that their info message
* can be disabled (such as kick/ban message or leave/join message in private chats).
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) subject - Subject
* (String) message - Message
onInfoMessage: function(roomJid, subject, message) {
if(Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid) { // Simply dismiss info message if no room joined so far. TODO: maybe we should show those messages on a dedicated pane?
var html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.infoMessage, {
subject: subject,
message: $.i18n._(message),
time: Candy.Util.localizedTime(new Date().toGMTString())
self.Room.appendToMessagePane(roomJid, html);
if (Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid === roomJid) {
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Toolbar
* Chat toolbar for things like emoticons toolbar, room management etc.
Toolbar: {
_supportsNativeAudio: false,
/** Function: init
* Register handler and enable or disable sound and status messages.
init: function() {
$('#emoticons-icon').click(function(e) {
var a = document.createElement('audio');
self.Chat.Toolbar._supportsNativeAudio = !!(a.canPlayType && a.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;').replace(/no/, ''));
if(Candy.Util.cookieExists('candy-nosound')) {
if(Candy.Util.cookieExists('candy-nostatusmessages')) {
/** Function: show
* Show toolbar.
show: function() {
/** Function: hide
* Hide toolbar.
hide: function() {
/* Function: update
* Update toolbar for specific room
update: function(roomJid) {
var context = $('#chat-toolbar').find('.context'),
me = self.Room.getUser(roomJid);
if(!me || !me.isModerator()) {
} else {
context.show().click(function(e) {
self.Chat.Context.show(e.currentTarget, roomJid);
/** Function: playSound
* Play sound (default method).
playSound: function() {
/** Function: onPlaySound
* Sound play event handler. Uses native (HTML5) audio if supported
* Don't call this method directly. Call `playSound()` instead.
* `playSound()` will only call this method if sound is enabled.
onPlaySound: function() {
try {
if(self.Chat.Toolbar._supportsNativeAudio) {
new Audio(Candy.View.getOptions().assets + 'notify.mp3').play();
} else {
var chatSoundPlayer = document.getElementById('chat-sound-player');
chatSoundPlayer.SetVariable('method:stop', '');
chatSoundPlayer.SetVariable('method:play', '');
} catch (e) {}
/** Function: onSoundControlClick
* Sound control click event handler.
* Toggle sound (overwrite `playSound()`) and handle cookies.
onSoundControlClick: function() {
var control = $('#chat-sound-control');
if(control.hasClass('checked')) {
self.Chat.Toolbar.playSound = function() {};
Candy.Util.setCookie('candy-nosound', '1', 365);
} else {
self.Chat.Toolbar.playSound = function() {
/** Function: onAutoscrollControlClick
* Autoscroll control event handler.
* Toggle autoscroll
onAutoscrollControlClick: function() {
var control = $('#chat-autoscroll-control');
if(control.hasClass('checked')) {
self.Room.scrollToBottom = function(roomJid) {
self.Window.autoscroll = false;
} else {
self.Room.scrollToBottom = function(roomJid) {
self.Window.autoscroll = true;
/** Function: onStatusMessageControlClick
* Status message control event handler.
* Toggle status message
onStatusMessageControlClick: function() {
var control = $('#chat-statusmessage-control');
if(control.hasClass('checked')) {
self.Chat.infoMessage = function() {};
Candy.Util.setCookie('candy-nostatusmessages', '1', 365);
} else {
self.Chat.infoMessage = function(roomJid, subject, message) {
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, subject, message);
/** Function: updateUserCount
* Update usercount element with count.
* Parameters:
* (Integer) count - Current usercount
updateUsercount: function(count) {
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Modal
* Modal window
Modal: {
/** Function: show
* Display modal window
* Parameters:
* (String) html - HTML code to put into the modal window
* (Boolean) showCloseControl - set to true if a close button should be displayed [default false]
* (Boolean) showSpinner - set to true if a loading spinner should be shown [default false]
show: function(html, showCloseControl, showSpinner) {
if(showCloseControl) {
} else {
if(showSpinner) {
} else {
$('#chat-modal').stop(false, true);
/** Function: hide
* Hide modal window
* Parameters:
* (Function) callback - Calls the specified function after modal window has been hidden.
hide: function(callback) {
$('#chat-modal').fadeOut('fast', function() {
// restore initial esc handling
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
if(e.which === 27) {
if (callback) {
/** Function: showSpinner
* Show loading spinner
showSpinner: function() {
/** Function: hideSpinner
* Hide loading spinner
hideSpinner: function() {
/** Function: showCloseControl
* Show a close button
showCloseControl: function() {
$('#admin-message-cancel').show().click(function(e) {
// some strange behaviour on IE7 (and maybe other browsers) triggers onWindowUnload when clicking on the close button.
// prevent this.
// enable esc to close modal
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
if(e.which === 27) {
/** Function: hideCloseControl
* Hide the close button
hideCloseControl: function() {
$('#admin-message-cancel').hide().click(function() {});
/** Function: showLoginForm
* Show the login form modal
* Parameters:
* (String) message - optional message to display above the form
* (String) presetJid - optional user jid. if set, the user will only be prompted for password.
showLoginForm: function(message, presetJid) {
self.Chat.Modal.show((message ? message : '') + Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Login.form, {
_labelNickname: $.i18n._('labelNickname'),
_labelUsername: $.i18n._('labelUsername'),
_labelPassword: $.i18n._('labelPassword'),
_loginSubmit: $.i18n._('loginSubmit'),
displayPassword: !Candy.Core.isAnonymousConnection(),
displayUsername: !presetJid,
displayNickname: Candy.Core.isAnonymousConnection(),
presetJid: presetJid ? presetJid : false
// register submit handler
$('#login-form').submit(function() {
var username = $('#username').val(),
password = $('#password').val();
if (!Candy.Core.isAnonymousConnection()) {
// guess the input and create a jid out of it
var jid = Candy.Core.getUser() && username.indexOf("@") < 0 ?
username + '@' + Strophe.getDomainFromJid(Candy.Core.getUser().getJid()) : username;
if(jid.indexOf("@") < 0 && !Candy.Core.getUser()) {
} else {
Candy.Core.connect(jid, password);
} else { // anonymous login
Candy.Core.connect(presetJid, null, username);
return false;
/** Function: showEnterPasswordForm
* Shows a form for entering room password
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room jid to join
* (String) roomName - Room name
* (String) message - [optional] Message to show as the label
showEnterPasswordForm: function(roomJid, roomName, message) {
self.Chat.Modal.show(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.PresenceError.enterPasswordForm, {
roomName: roomName,
_labelPassword: $.i18n._('labelPassword'),
_label: (message ? message : $.i18n._('enterRoomPassword', [roomName])),
_joinSubmit: $.i18n._('enterRoomPasswordSubmit')
}), true);
// register submit handler
$('#enter-password-form').submit(function() {
var password = $('#password').val();
self.Chat.Modal.hide(function() {
Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room.Join(roomJid, password);
return false;
/** Function: showNicknameConflictForm
* Shows a form indicating that the nickname is already taken and
* for chosing a new nickname
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room jid to join
showNicknameConflictForm: function(roomJid) {
self.Chat.Modal.show(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.PresenceError.nicknameConflictForm, {
_labelNickname: $.i18n._('labelNickname'),
_label: $.i18n._('nicknameConflict'),
_loginSubmit: $.i18n._('loginSubmit')
// register submit handler
$('#nickname-conflict-form').submit(function() {
var nickname = $('#nickname').val();
self.Chat.Modal.hide(function() {
Candy.Core.getUser().data.nick = nickname;
return false;
/** Function: showError
* Show modal containing error message
* Parameters:
* (String) message - key of translation to display
* (Array) replacements - array containing replacements for translation (%s)
showError: function(message, replacements) {
self.Chat.Modal.show(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.PresenceError.displayError, {
_error: $.i18n._(message, replacements)
}), true);
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Tooltip
* Class to display tooltips over specific elements
Tooltip: {
/** Function: show
* Show a tooltip on event.currentTarget with content specified or content within the target's attribute data-tooltip.
* On mouseleave on the target, hide the tooltip.
* Parameters:
* (Event) event - Triggered event
* (String) content - Content to display [optional]
show: function(event, content) {
var tooltip = $('#tooltip'),
target = $(event.currentTarget);
if(!content) {
content = target.attr('data-tooltip');
if(tooltip.length === 0) {
var html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.tooltip);
tooltip = $('#tooltip');
tooltip.stop(false, true);
var pos = target.offset(),
posLeft = Candy.Util.getPosLeftAccordingToWindowBounds(tooltip, pos.left),
posTop = Candy.Util.getPosTopAccordingToWindowBounds(tooltip, pos.top);
.css({'left': posLeft.px, 'top': posTop.px})
.removeClass('left-top left-bottom right-top right-bottom')
.addClass(posLeft.backgroundPositionAlignment + '-' + posTop.backgroundPositionAlignment)
target.mouseleave(function(event) {
$('#tooltip').stop(false, true).fadeOut('fast', function() {$(this).css({'top': 0, 'left': 0});});
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Context
* Context menu for actions and settings
Context: {
/** Function: init
* Initialize context menu and setup mouseleave handler.
init: function() {
if ($('#context-menu').length === 0) {
var html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.Context.menu);
$('#context-menu').mouseleave(function() {
/** Function: show
* Show context menu (positions it according to the window height/width)
* Parameters:
* (Element) elem - On which element it should be shown
* (String) roomJid - Room Jid of the room it should be shown
* (Candy.Core.chatUser) user - User
* Uses:
* <getMenuLinks> for getting menulinks the user has access to
* <Candy.Util.getPosLeftAccordingToWindowBounds> for positioning
* <Candy.Util.getPosTopAccordingToWindowBounds> for positioning
* Triggers:
* candy:view.roster.after-context-menu using {roomJid, user, elements}
show: function(elem, roomJid, user) {
elem = $(elem);
var roomId = self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].id,
menu = $('#context-menu'),
links = $('ul li', menu);
// add specific context-user class if a user is available (when context menu should be opened next to a user)
if(!user) {
user = Candy.Core.getUser();
var menulinks = this.getMenuLinks(roomJid, user, elem),
clickHandler = function(roomJid, user) {
return function(event) {
event.data.callback(event, roomJid, user);
for(id in menulinks) {
if(menulinks.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
var link = menulinks[id],
html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.Context.menulinks, {
'roomId' : roomId,
'class' : link['class'],
'id' : id,
'label' : link.label
$('ul', menu).append(html);
$('#context-menu-' + id).bind('click', link, clickHandler(roomJid, user));
// if `id` is set the menu is not empty
if(id) {
var pos = elem.offset(),
posLeft = Candy.Util.getPosLeftAccordingToWindowBounds(menu, pos.left),
posTop = Candy.Util.getPosTopAccordingToWindowBounds(menu, pos.top);
.css({'left': posLeft.px, 'top': posTop.px})
.removeClass('left-top left-bottom right-top right-bottom')
.addClass(posLeft.backgroundPositionAlignment + '-' + posTop.backgroundPositionAlignment)
/** Event: candy:view.roster.after-context-menu
* After context menu display
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - room where the context menu has been triggered
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User
* (jQuery.Element) element - Menu element
$(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.roster.after-context-menu', {
'roomJid' : roomJid,
'user' : user,
'element': menu
return true;
/** Function: getMenuLinks
* Extends <initialMenuLinks> with menu links gathered from candy:view.roster.contextmenu
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the menu will be displayed
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User
* (jQuery.Element) elem - Parent element of the context menu
* Triggers:
* candy:view.roster.context-menu using {roomJid, user, elem}
* Returns:
* (Object) - object containing the extended menulinks.
getMenuLinks: function(roomJid, user, elem) {
var menulinks, id;
var evtData = {
'roomJid' : roomJid,
'user' : user,
'elem': elem,
'menulinks': this.initialMenuLinks(elem)
/** Event: candy:view.roster.context-menu
* Modify existing menu links (add links)
* In order to modify the links you need to change the object passed with an additional
* key "menulinks" containing the menulink object.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room on which the menu should be displayed
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User
* (jQuery.Element) elem - Parent element of the context menu
$(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.roster.context-menu', evtData);
menulinks = evtData.menulinks;
for(id in menulinks) {
if(menulinks.hasOwnProperty(id) && menulinks[id].requiredPermission !== undefined && !menulinks[id].requiredPermission(user, self.Room.getUser(roomJid), elem)) {
delete menulinks[id];
return menulinks;
/** Function: initialMenuLinks
* Returns initial menulinks. The following are initial:
* - Private Chat
* - Ignore
* - Unignore
* - Kick
* - Ban
* - Change Subject
* Returns:
* (Object) - object containing those menulinks
initialMenuLinks: function() {
return {
'private': {
requiredPermission: function(user, me) {
return me.getNick() !== user.getNick() && Candy.Core.getRoom(Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid) && !Candy.Core.getUser().isInPrivacyList('ignore', user.getJid());
'class' : 'private',
'label' : $.i18n._('privateActionLabel'),
'callback' : function(e, roomJid, user) {
$('#user-' + Candy.Util.jidToId(roomJid) + '-' + Candy.Util.jidToId(user.getJid())).click();
'ignore': {
requiredPermission: function(user, me) {
return me.getNick() !== user.getNick() && !Candy.Core.getUser().isInPrivacyList('ignore', user.getJid());
'class' : 'ignore',
'label' : $.i18n._('ignoreActionLabel'),
'callback' : function(e, roomJid, user) {
Candy.View.Pane.Room.ignoreUser(roomJid, user.getJid());
'unignore': {
requiredPermission: function(user, me) {
return me.getNick() !== user.getNick() && Candy.Core.getUser().isInPrivacyList('ignore', user.getJid());
'class' : 'unignore',
'label' : $.i18n._('unignoreActionLabel'),
'callback' : function(e, roomJid, user) {
Candy.View.Pane.Room.unignoreUser(roomJid, user.getJid());
'kick': {
requiredPermission: function(user, me) {
return me.getNick() !== user.getNick() && me.isModerator() && !user.isModerator();
'class' : 'kick',
'label' : $.i18n._('kickActionLabel'),
'callback' : function(e, roomJid, user) {
self.Chat.Modal.show(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.Context.contextModalForm, {
_label: $.i18n._('reason'),
_submit: $.i18n._('kickActionLabel')
}), true);
$('#context-modal-form').submit(function() {
Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room.Admin.UserAction(roomJid, user.getJid(), 'kick', $('#context-modal-field').val());
return false; // stop propagation & preventDefault, as otherwise you get disconnected (wtf?)
'ban': {
requiredPermission: function(user, me) {
return me.getNick() !== user.getNick() && me.isModerator() && !user.isModerator();
'class' : 'ban',
'label' : $.i18n._('banActionLabel'),
'callback' : function(e, roomJid, user) {
self.Chat.Modal.show(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.Context.contextModalForm, {
_label: $.i18n._('reason'),
_submit: $.i18n._('banActionLabel')
}), true);
$('#context-modal-form').submit(function() {
Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room.Admin.UserAction(roomJid, user.getJid(), 'ban', $('#context-modal-field').val());
return false; // stop propagation & preventDefault, as otherwise you get disconnected (wtf?)
'subject': {
requiredPermission: function(user, me) {
return me.getNick() === user.getNick() && me.isModerator();
'class': 'subject',
'label' : $.i18n._('setSubjectActionLabel'),
'callback': function(e, roomJid) {
self.Chat.Modal.show(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.Context.contextModalForm, {
_label: $.i18n._('subject'),
_submit: $.i18n._('setSubjectActionLabel')
}), true);
$('#context-modal-form').submit(function(e) {
Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room.Admin.SetSubject(roomJid, $('#context-modal-field').val());
/** Function: showEmoticonsMenu
* Shows the special emoticons menu
* Parameters:
* (Element) elem - Element on which it should be positioned to.
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true
showEmoticonsMenu: function(elem) {
elem = $(elem);
var pos = elem.offset(),
menu = $('#context-menu'),
content = $('ul', menu),
emoticons = '',
for(i = Candy.Util.Parser.emoticons.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
emoticons = '<img src="' + Candy.Util.Parser._emoticonPath + Candy.Util.Parser.emoticons[i].image + '" alt="' + Candy.Util.Parser.emoticons[i].plain + '" />' + emoticons;
content.html('<li class="emoticons">' + emoticons + '</li>');
content.find('img').click(function() {
var input = Candy.View.Pane.Room.getPane(Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid, '.message-form').children('.field'),
value = input.val(),
emoticon = $(this).attr('alt') + ' ';
input.val(value ? value + ' ' + emoticon : emoticon).focus();
var posLeft = Candy.Util.getPosLeftAccordingToWindowBounds(menu, pos.left),
posTop = Candy.Util.getPosTopAccordingToWindowBounds(menu, pos.top);
.css({'left': posLeft.px, 'top': posTop.px})
.removeClass('left-top left-bottom right-top right-bottom')
.addClass(posLeft.backgroundPositionAlignment + '-' + posTop.backgroundPositionAlignment)
return true;
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Room
* Everything which belongs to room view things belongs here.
self.Room = {
/** Function: init
* Initialize a new room and inserts the room html into the DOM
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) roomName - Room name
* (String) roomType - Type: either "groupchat" or "chat" (private chat)
* Uses:
* - <Candy.Util.jidToId>
* - <Candy.View.Pane.Chat.addTab>
* - <getPane>
* Triggers:
* candy:view.room.after-add using {roomJid, type, element}
* Returns:
* (String) - the room id of the element created.
init: function(roomJid, roomName, roomType) {
roomType = roomType || 'groupchat';
roomJid = Candy.Util.unescapeJid(roomJid);
var evtData = {
roomJid: roomJid,
type: roomType
/** Event: candy:view.room.before-add
* Before initialising a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) type - Room Type
* Returns:
* Boolean - if you don't want to initialise the room, return false.
if($(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.room.before-add', evtData) === false) {
return false;
// First room, show sound control
if(Candy.Util.isEmptyObject(self.Chat.rooms)) {
var roomId = Candy.Util.jidToId(roomJid);
self.Chat.rooms[roomJid] = {id: roomId, usercount: 0, name: roomName, type: roomType, messageCount: 0, scrollPosition: -1};
$('#chat-rooms').append(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Room.pane, {
roomId: roomId,
roomJid: roomJid,
roomType: roomType,
form: {
_messageSubmit: $.i18n._('messageSubmit')
roster: {
_userOnline: $.i18n._('userOnline')
}, {
roster: Candy.View.Template.Roster.pane,
messages: Candy.View.Template.Message.pane,
form: Candy.View.Template.Room.form
self.Chat.addTab(roomJid, roomName, roomType);
self.Room.getPane(roomJid, '.message-form').submit(self.Message.submit);
evtData.element = self.Room.getPane(roomJid);
/** Event: candy:view.room.after-add
* After initialising a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) type - Room Type
* (jQuery.Element) element - Room element
$(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.room.after-add', evtData);
return roomId;
/** Function: show
* Show a specific room and hides the other rooms (if there are any)
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - room jid to show
* Triggers:
* candy:view.room.after-show using {roomJid, element}
* candy:view.room.after-hide using {roomJid, element}
show: function(roomJid) {
var roomId = self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].id,
$('.room-pane').each(function() {
var elem = $(this);
evtData = {
'roomJid': elem.attr('data-roomjid'),
'element' : elem
if(elem.attr('id') === ('chat-room-' + roomId)) {
Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid = roomJid;
/** Event: candy:view.room.after-show
* After showing a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (jQuery.Element) element - Room element
$(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.room.after-show', evtData);
} else if(elem.is(':visible')) {
/** Event: candy:view.room.after-hide
* After hiding a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (jQuery.Element) element - Room element
$(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.room.after-hide', evtData);
/** Function: setSubject
* Called when someone changes the subject in the channel
* Triggers:
* candy:view.room.after-subject-change using {roomJid, element, subject}
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room Jid
* (String) subject - The new subject
setSubject: function(roomJid, subject) {
subject = Candy.Util.Parser.linkify(Candy.Util.Parser.escape(subject));
var html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Room.subject, {
subject: subject,
roomName: self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].name,
_roomSubject: $.i18n._('roomSubject'),
time: Candy.Util.localizedTime(new Date().toGMTString())
self.Room.appendToMessagePane(roomJid, html);
/** Event: candy:view.room.after-subject-change
* After changing the subject of a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (jQuery.Element) element - Room element
* (String) subject - New subject
$(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.room.after-subject-change', {
'roomJid': roomJid,
'element' : self.Room.getPane(roomJid),
'subject' : subject
/** Function: close
* Close a room and remove everything in the DOM belonging to this room.
* NOTICE: There's a rendering bug in Opera when all rooms have been closed.
* (Take a look in the source for a more detailed description)
* Triggers:
* candy:view.room.after-close using {roomJid}
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room to close
close: function(roomJid) {
/* TODO:
There's a rendering bug in Opera which doesn't redraw (remove) the message form.
Only a cosmetical issue (when all tabs are closed) but it's annoying...
This happens when form has no focus too. Maybe it's because of CSS positioning.
var openRooms = $('#chat-rooms').children();
if(Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid === roomJid) {
Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid = null;
if(openRooms.length === 0) {
} else {
delete self.Chat.rooms[roomJid];
/** Event: candy:view.room.after-close
* After closing a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
$(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.room.after-close', {
'roomJid' : roomJid
/** Function: appendToMessagePane
* Append a new message to the message pane.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) html - rendered message html
appendToMessagePane: function(roomJid, html) {
self.Room.getPane(roomJid, '.message-pane').append(html);
/** Function: sliceMessagePane
* Slices the message pane after the max amount of messages specified in the Candy View options (limit setting).
* This is done to hopefully prevent browsers from getting slow after a certain amount of messages in the DOM.
* The slice is only done when autoscroll is on, because otherwise someone might lose exactly the message he want to look for.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
sliceMessagePane: function(roomJid) {
// Only clean if autoscroll is enabled
if(self.Window.autoscroll) {
var options = Candy.View.getOptions().messages;
if(self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].messageCount > options.limit) {
self.Room.getPane(roomJid, '.message-pane').children().slice(0, options.remove).remove();
self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].messageCount -= options.remove;
/** Function: scrollToBottom
* Scroll to bottom wrapper for <onScrollToBottom> to be able to disable it by overwriting the function.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* Uses:
* - <onScrollToBottom>
scrollToBottom: function(roomJid) {
/** Function: onScrollToBottom
* Scrolls to the latest message received/sent.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
onScrollToBottom: function(roomJid) {
var messagePane = self.Room.getPane(roomJid, '.message-pane-wrapper');
/** Function: onScrollToStoredPosition
* When autoscroll is off, the position where the scrollbar is has to be stored for each room, because it otherwise
* goes to the top in the message window.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
onScrollToStoredPosition: function(roomJid) {
// This should only apply when entering a room...
// ... therefore we set scrollPosition to -1 after execution.
if(self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].scrollPosition > -1) {
var messagePane = self.Room.getPane(roomJid, '.message-pane-wrapper');
self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].scrollPosition = -1;
/** Function: setFocusToForm
* Set focus to the message input field within the message form.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
setFocusToForm: function(roomJid) {
var pane = self.Room.getPane(roomJid, '.message-form');
if (pane) {
// IE8 will fail maybe, because the field isn't there yet.
try {
} catch(e) {
// fail silently
/** Function: setUser
* Sets or updates the current user in the specified room (called by <Candy.View.Pane.Roster.update>) and set specific informations
* (roles and affiliations) on the room tab (chat-pane).
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the user is set to.
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - The user
setUser: function(roomJid, user) {
self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].user = user;
var roomPane = self.Room.getPane(roomJid),
chatPane = $('#chat-pane');
roomPane.attr('data-userjid', user.getJid());
// Set classes based on user role / affiliation
if(user.isModerator()) {
if (user.getRole() === user.ROLE_MODERATOR) {
if (user.getAffiliation() === user.AFFILIATION_OWNER) {
} else {
chatPane.removeClass('role-moderator affiliation-owner');
/** Function: getUser
* Get the current user in the room specified with the jid
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room of which the user should be returned from
* Returns:
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) - user
getUser: function(roomJid) {
return self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].user;
/** Function: ignoreUser
* Ignore specified user and add the ignore icon to the roster item of the user
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the user should be ignored
* (String) userJid - User which should be ignored
ignoreUser: function(roomJid, userJid) {
Candy.View.Pane.Room.addIgnoreIcon(roomJid, userJid);
/** Function: unignoreUser
* Unignore an ignored user and remove the ignore icon of the roster item.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the user should be unignored
* (String) userJid - User which should be unignored
unignoreUser: function(roomJid, userJid) {
Candy.View.Pane.Room.removeIgnoreIcon(roomJid, userJid);
/** Function: addIgnoreIcon
* Add the ignore icon to the roster item of the specified user
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the roster item should be updated
* (String) userJid - User of which the roster item should be updated
addIgnoreIcon: function(roomJid, userJid) {
if (Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[userJid]) {
$('#user-' + Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[userJid].id + '-' + Candy.Util.jidToId(userJid)).addClass('status-ignored');
if (Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomJid)]) {
$('#user-' + Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomJid)].id + '-' + Candy.Util.jidToId(userJid)).addClass('status-ignored');
/** Function: removeIgnoreIcon
* Remove the ignore icon to the roster item of the specified user
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the roster item should be updated
* (String) userJid - User of which the roster item should be updated
removeIgnoreIcon: function(roomJid, userJid) {
if (Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[userJid]) {
$('#user-' + Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[userJid].id + '-' + Candy.Util.jidToId(userJid)).removeClass('status-ignored');
if (Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomJid)]) {
$('#user-' + Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomJid)].id + '-' + Candy.Util.jidToId(userJid)).removeClass('status-ignored');
/** Function: getPane
* Get the chat room pane or a subPane of it (if subPane is specified)
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the pane lies
* (String) subPane - Sub pane of the chat room pane if needed [optional]
getPane: function(roomJid, subPane) {
if (self.Chat.rooms[roomJid]) {
if(subPane) {
if(self.Chat.rooms[roomJid]['pane-' + subPane]) {
return self.Chat.rooms[roomJid]['pane-' + subPane];
} else {
self.Chat.rooms[roomJid]['pane-' + subPane] = $('#chat-room-' + self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].id).find(subPane);
return self.Chat.rooms[roomJid]['pane-' + subPane];
} else {
return $('#chat-room-' + self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].id);
/** Function: changeDataUserJidIfUserIsMe
* Changes the room's data-userjid attribute if the specified user is the current user.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomId - Id of the room
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User
changeDataUserJidIfUserIsMe: function(roomId, user) {
if (user.getNick() === Candy.Core.getUser().getNick()) {
var roomElement = $('#chat-room-' + roomId);
roomElement.attr('data-userjid', Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomElement.attr('data-userjid')) + '/' + user.getNick());
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.PrivateRoom
* Private room handling
self.PrivateRoom = {
/** Function: open
* Opens a new private room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room jid to open
* (String) roomName - Room name
* (Boolean) switchToRoom - If true, displayed room switches automatically to this room
* (e.g. when user clicks itself on another user to open a private chat)
* (Boolean) isNoConferenceRoomJid - true if a 3rd-party client sends a direct message to this user (not via the room)
* then the username is the node and not the resource. This param addresses this case.
* Triggers:
* candy:view.private-room.after-open using {roomJid, type, element}
open: function(roomJid, roomName, switchToRoom, isNoConferenceRoomJid) {
var user = isNoConferenceRoomJid ? Candy.Core.getUser() : self.Room.getUser(Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomJid)),
evtData = {
'roomJid': roomJid,
'roomName': roomName,
'type': 'chat',
/** Event: candy:view.private-room.before-open
* Before opening a new private room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) roomName - Room name
* (String) type - 'chat'
* Returns:
* Boolean - if you don't want to open the private room, return false
if($(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.private-room.before-open', evtData) === false) {
return false;
// if target user is in privacy list, don't open the private chat.
if (Candy.Core.getUser().isInPrivacyList('ignore', roomJid)) {
return false;
if(!self.Chat.rooms[roomJid]) {
if(self.Room.init(roomJid, roomName, 'chat') === false) {
return false;
if(switchToRoom) {
self.Roster.update(roomJid, new Candy.Core.ChatUser(roomJid, roomName), 'join', user);
self.Roster.update(roomJid, user, 'join', user);
self.PrivateRoom.setStatus(roomJid, 'join');
// We can't track the presence of a user if it's not a conference jid
if(isNoConferenceRoomJid) {
self.Chat.infoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._('presenceUnknownWarningSubject'), $.i18n._('presenceUnknownWarning'));
evtData.element = self.Room.getPane(roomJid);
/** Event: candy:view.private-room.after-open
* After opening a new private room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) type - 'chat'
* (jQuery.Element) element - User element
$(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.private-room.after-open', evtData);
/** Function: setStatus
* Set offline or online status for private rooms (when one of the participants leaves the room)
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Private room jid
* (String) status - "leave"/"join"
setStatus: function(roomJid, status) {
var messageForm = self.Room.getPane(roomJid, '.message-form');
if(status === 'join') {
} else if(status === 'leave') {
messageForm.children('.field').attr('disabled', true);
messageForm.children('.submit').attr('disabled', true);
/** Function: changeNick
* Changes the nick for every private room opened with this roomJid.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Public room jid
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User which changes his nick
changeNick: function changeNick(roomJid, user) {
Candy.Core.log('[View:Pane:PrivateRoom] changeNick');
var previousPrivateRoomJid = roomJid + '/' + user.getPreviousNick(),
newPrivateRoomJid = roomJid + '/' + user.getNick(),
previousPrivateRoomId = Candy.Util.jidToId(previousPrivateRoomJid),
newPrivateRoomId = Candy.Util.jidToId(newPrivateRoomJid),
room = self.Chat.rooms[previousPrivateRoomJid],
// it could happen that the new private room is already existing -> close it first.
// if this is not done, errors appear as two rooms would have the same id
if (self.Chat.rooms[newPrivateRoomJid]) {
if (room) { /* someone I talk with, changed nick */
room.name = user.getNick();
room.id = newPrivateRoomId;
self.Chat.rooms[newPrivateRoomJid] = room;
delete self.Chat.rooms[previousPrivateRoomJid];
roomElement = $('#chat-room-' + previousPrivateRoomId);
if (roomElement) {
roomElement.attr('data-roomjid', newPrivateRoomJid);
roomElement.attr('id', 'chat-room-' + newPrivateRoomId);
roomTabElement = $('#chat-tabs li[data-roomjid="' + previousPrivateRoomJid + '"]');
roomTabElement.attr('data-roomjid', newPrivateRoomJid);
/* TODO: The '@' is defined in the template. Somehow we should
* extract both things into our CSS or do something else to prevent that.
roomTabElement.children('a.label').text('@' + user.getNick());
if (Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid === previousPrivateRoomJid) {
Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid = newPrivateRoomJid;
} else { /* I changed the nick */
roomElement = $('.room-pane.roomtype-chat[data-userjid="' + previousPrivateRoomJid + '"]');
if (roomElement.length) {
previousPrivateRoomId = Candy.Util.jidToId(roomElement.attr('data-roomjid'));
roomElement.attr('data-userjid', newPrivateRoomJid);
if (roomElement && roomElement.length) {
self.Roster.changeNick(previousPrivateRoomId, user);
/** Class Candy.View.Pane.Roster
* Handles everyhing regarding roster updates.
self.Roster = {
/** Function: update
* Called by <Candy.View.Observer.Presence.update> to update the roster if needed.
* Adds/removes users from the roster list or updates informations on their items (roles, affiliations etc.)
* TODO: Refactoring, this method has too much LOC.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID in which the update happens
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User on which the update happens
* (String) action - one of "join", "leave", "kick" and "ban"
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) currentUser - Current user
* Triggers:
* candy:view.roster.before-update using {roomJid, user, action, element}
* candy:view.roster.after-update using {roomJid, user, action, element}
update: function(roomJid, user, action, currentUser) {
Candy.Core.log('[View:Pane:Roster] ' + action);
var roomId = self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].id,
userId = Candy.Util.jidToId(user.getJid()),
usercountDiff = -1,
userElem = $('#user-' + roomId + '-' + userId),
evtData = {
'roomJid' : roomJid,
'user' : user,
'action': action,
'element': userElem
/** Event: candy:view.roster.before-update
* Before updating the roster of a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User
* (String) action - [join, leave, kick, ban]
* (jQuery.Element) element - User element
$(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.roster.before-update', evtData);
// a user joined the room
if(action === 'join') {
usercountDiff = 1;
var html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Roster.user, {
roomId: roomId,
userId : userId,
userJid: user.getJid(),
nick: user.getNick(),
displayNick: Candy.Util.crop(user.getNick(), Candy.View.getOptions().crop.roster.nickname),
role: user.getRole(),
affiliation: user.getAffiliation(),
me: currentUser !== undefined && user.getNick() === currentUser.getNick(),
tooltipRole: $.i18n._('tooltipRole'),
tooltipIgnored: $.i18n._('tooltipIgnored')
if(userElem.length < 1) {
var userInserted = false,
rosterPane = self.Room.getPane(roomJid, '.roster-pane');
// there are already users in the roster
if(rosterPane.children().length > 0) {
// insert alphabetically
var userSortCompare = user.getNick().toUpperCase();
rosterPane.children().each(function() {
var elem = $(this);
if(elem.attr('data-nick').toUpperCase() > userSortCompare) {
userInserted = true;
return false;
return true;
// first user in roster
if(!userInserted) {
self.Roster.showJoinAnimation(user, userId, roomId, roomJid, currentUser);
// user is in room but maybe the affiliation/role has changed
} else {
usercountDiff = 0;
$('#user-' + roomId + '-' + userId).css({opacity: 1}).show();
// it's me, update the toolbar
if(currentUser !== undefined && user.getNick() === currentUser.getNick() && self.Room.getUser(roomJid)) {
// Presence of client
if (currentUser !== undefined && currentUser.getNick() === user.getNick()) {
self.Room.setUser(roomJid, user);
// add click handler for private chat
} else {
$('#user-' + roomId + '-' + userId).click(self.Roster.userClick);
$('#user-' + roomId + '-' + userId + ' .context').click(function(e) {
self.Chat.Context.show(e.currentTarget, roomJid, user);
// check if current user is ignoring the user who has joined.
if (currentUser !== undefined && currentUser.isInPrivacyList('ignore', user.getJid())) {
Candy.View.Pane.Room.addIgnoreIcon(roomJid, user.getJid());
// a user left the room
} else if(action === 'leave') {
self.Roster.leaveAnimation('user-' + roomId + '-' + userId);
// always show leave message in private room, even if status messages have been disabled
if (self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].type === 'chat') {
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._('userLeftRoom', [user.getNick()]));
} else {
self.Chat.infoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._('userLeftRoom', [user.getNick()]));
} else if(action === 'nickchange') {
usercountDiff = 0;
self.Roster.changeNick(roomId, user);
self.Room.changeDataUserJidIfUserIsMe(roomId, user);
self.PrivateRoom.changeNick(roomJid, user);
var infoMessage = $.i18n._('userChangedNick', [user.getPreviousNick(), user.getNick()]);
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, infoMessage);
// user has been kicked
} else if(action === 'kick') {
self.Roster.leaveAnimation('user-' + roomId + '-' + userId);
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._('userHasBeenKickedFromRoom', [user.getNick()]));
// user has been banned
} else if(action === 'ban') {
self.Roster.leaveAnimation('user-' + roomId + '-' + userId);
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._('userHasBeenBannedFromRoom', [user.getNick()]));
// Update user count
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[roomJid].usercount += usercountDiff;
if(roomJid === Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid) {
// in case there's been a join, the element is now there (previously not)
evtData.element = $('#user-' + roomId + '-' + userId);
/** Event: candy:view.roster.after-update
* After updating a room's roster
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User
* (String) action - [join, leave, kick, ban]
* (jQuery.Element) element - User element
$(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.roster.after-update', evtData);
/** Function: userClick
* Click handler for opening a private room
userClick: function() {
var elem = $(this);
self.PrivateRoom.open(elem.attr('data-jid'), elem.attr('data-nick'), true);
/** Function: showJoinAnimation
* Shows join animation if needed
* FIXME: Refactor. Part of this will be done by the big room improvements
showJoinAnimation: function(user, userId, roomId, roomJid, currentUser) {
// don't show if the user has recently changed the nickname.
var rosterUserId = 'user-' + roomId + '-' + userId,
$rosterUserElem = $('#' + rosterUserId);
if (!user.getPreviousNick() || !$rosterUserElem || $rosterUserElem.is(':visible') === false) {
// only show other users joining & don't show if there's no message in the room.
if(currentUser !== undefined && user.getNick() !== currentUser.getNick() && self.Room.getUser(roomJid)) {
// always show join message in private room, even if status messages have been disabled
if (self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].type === 'chat') {
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._('userJoinedRoom', [user.getNick()]));
} else {
self.Chat.infoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._('userJoinedRoom', [user.getNick()]));
/** Function: joinAnimation
* Animates specified elementId on join
* Parameters:
* (String) elementId - Specific element to do the animation on
joinAnimation: function(elementId) {
$('#' + elementId).stop(true).slideDown('normal', function() {
$(this).animate({opacity: 1});
/** Function: leaveAnimation
* Leave animation for specified element id and removes the DOM element on completion.
* Parameters:
* (String) elementId - Specific element to do the animation on
leaveAnimation: function(elementId) {
$('#' + elementId).stop(true).attr('id', '#' + elementId + '-leaving').animate({opacity: 0}, {
complete: function() {
$(this).slideUp('normal', function() {
/** Function: changeNick
* Change nick of an existing user in the roster
* UserId has to be recalculated from the user because at the time of this call,
* the user is already set with the new jid & nick.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomId - Id of the room
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User object
changeNick: function(roomId, user) {
Candy.Core.log('[View:Pane:Roster] changeNick');
var previousUserJid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(user.getJid()) + '/' + user.getPreviousNick(),
elementId = 'user-' + roomId + '-' + Candy.Util.jidToId(previousUserJid),
el = $('#' + elementId);
el.attr('data-nick', user.getNick());
el.attr('data-jid', user.getJid());
el.attr('id', 'user-' + roomId + '-' + Candy.Util.jidToId(user.getJid()));
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Message
* Message submit/show handling
self.Message = {
/** Function: submit
* on submit handler for message field sends the message to the server and if it's a private chat, shows the message
* immediately because the server doesn't send back those message.
* Parameters:
* (Event) event - Triggered event
* Triggers:
* candy:view.message.before-send using {message}
* FIXME: as everywhere, `roomJid` might be slightly incorrect in this case
* - maybe rename this as part of a refactoring.
submit: function(event) {
var roomJid = Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid,
roomType = Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[roomJid].type,
message = $(this).children('.field').val().substring(0, Candy.View.getOptions().crop.message.body),
evtData = {
roomJid: roomJid,
message: message,
xhtmlMessage: xhtmlMessage
/** Event: candy:view.message.before-send
* Before sending a message
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - room to which the message should be sent
* (String) message - Message text
* (String) xhtmlMessage - XHTML formatted message [default: undefined]
* Returns:
* Boolean|undefined - if you like to stop sending the message, return false.
if($(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.message.before-send', evtData) === false) {
message = evtData.message;
xhtmlMessage = evtData.xhtmlMessage;
Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room.Message(roomJid, message, roomType, xhtmlMessage);
// Private user chat. Jabber won't notify the user who has sent the message. Just show it as the user hits the button...
if(roomType === 'chat' && message) {
self.Message.show(roomJid, self.Room.getUser(roomJid).getNick(), message);
// Clear input and set focus to it
/** Function: show
* Show a message in the message pane
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - room in which the message has been sent to
* (String) name - Name of the user which sent the message
* (String) message - Message
* (String) xhtmlMessage - XHTML formatted message [if options enableXHTML is true]
* (String) timestamp - [optional] Timestamp of the message, if not present, current date.
* Triggers:
* candy:view.message.before-show using {roomJid, name, message}
* candy.view.message.before-render using {template, templateData}
* candy:view.message.after-show using {roomJid, name, message, element}
show: function(roomJid, name, message, xhtmlMessage, timestamp) {
message = Candy.Util.Parser.all(message.substring(0, Candy.View.getOptions().crop.message.body));
if(xhtmlMessage) {
xhtmlMessage = Candy.Util.parseAndCropXhtml(xhtmlMessage, Candy.View.getOptions().crop.message.body);
var evtData = {
'roomJid': roomJid,
'name': name,
'message': message,
'xhtmlMessage': xhtmlMessage
/** Event: candy:view.message.before-show
* Before showing a new message
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) name - Name of the sending user
* (String) message - Message text
* Returns:
* Boolean - if you don't want to show the message, return false
if($(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.message.before-show', evtData) === false) {
message = evtData.message;
xhtmlMessage = evtData.xhtmlMessage;
if(xhtmlMessage !== undefined && xhtmlMessage.length > 0) {
message = xhtmlMessage;
if(!message) {
var renderEvtData = {
template: Candy.View.Template.Message.item,
templateData: {
name: name,
displayName: Candy.Util.crop(name, Candy.View.getOptions().crop.message.nickname),
message: message,
time: Candy.Util.localizedTime(timestamp || new Date().toGMTString())
/** Event: candy:view.message.before-render
* Before rendering the message element
* Parameters:
* (String) template - Template to use
* (Object) templateData - Template data consists of:
* - (String) name - Name of the sending user
* - (String) displayName - Cropped name of the sending user
* - (String) message - Message text
* - (String) time - Localized time
$(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.message.before-render', renderEvtData);
var html = Mustache.to_html(renderEvtData.template, renderEvtData.templateData);
self.Room.appendToMessagePane(roomJid, html);
var elem = self.Room.getPane(roomJid, '.message-pane').children().last();
// click on username opens private chat
elem.find('a.label').click(function(event) {
// Check if user is online and not myself
var room = Candy.Core.getRoom(roomJid);
if(room && name !== self.Room.getUser(Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid).getNick() && room.getRoster().get(roomJid + '/' + name)) {
if(Candy.View.Pane.PrivateRoom.open(roomJid + '/' + name, name, true) === false) {
return false;
// Notify the user about a new private message
if(Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid !== roomJid || !self.Window.hasFocus()) {
if(Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[roomJid].type === 'chat' && !self.Window.hasFocus()) {
if(Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid === roomJid) {
evtData.element = elem;
/** Event: candy:view.message.after-show
* Triggered after showing a message
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (jQuery.Element) element - User element
* (String) name - Name of the sending user
* (String) message - Message text
$(Candy).triggerHandler('candy:view.message.after-show', evtData);
return self;
}(Candy.View.Pane || {}, jQuery));