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<title>Schedule Datenspuren 2018</title>
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<h1>Schedule Datenspuren 2018</h1>
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<span class="small-font">2018-09-22</span>
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<span class="small-font">2018-09-23</span>
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<p class="release">Version 20180913</p>
<h2>Workshop: live coding music</h2>
<h3 class="title">Use SonicPi to make your crowd dance!</h3>
<div class="column left" id="basic">
<div class="image large"><img src="/2018/fahrplan/system/events/logos/000/009/312/large/sonicpilogo.png" alt="Sonicpilogo"></div>
<p class="abstract">Hands on keyboards: we'll code some music and give SonicPi a try. The workshop is a short but never-to-be-forgotten practical introduction to the principles of live coding. Bring your device and headphones.</p>
<p class="description">Hands on keyboards: we'll code some music and give the software SonicPi a try. The workshop is a short but never-to-be-forgotten practical introduction to the principles of live coding. It's open for everyone*.</p>
<p class="description">&gt;&gt; <strong>Bring a device</strong> that is able to run SonicPi[0] and headphones that can be connected to it. (Also useful: some keyboard and a screen. If included, a laptop is fine.) <strong>Bonus points: install SonicPi in advance!</strong> It's also okay just to watch, but, <em>obviously</em>, you'd miss the fun.</p>
<p class="description"><strong>&gt;&gt; NOTHING TO HIDE &gt;&gt;</strong> Live coding is about ultimate disclosure. Let the audience look behind the scenes and follow every character while you are typing it! Sounds stressful? Kind of. But mistakes are human. A lesson in error culture.</p>
<p class="description"><strong>&gt;&gt; IN THE MATTER OF OUR SECURITY &gt;&gt;</strong> There is no other opportunity to securely try and catch a base drop.</p>
<p class="description"><strong>&gt;&gt;THERE AIN'T NO PROBLEM &gt;&gt;</strong>The world is a mess. But live coding is about happiness. We will celebrate, make great music (at least <em>sounds</em>), and forget what we could have coded in the meantime. &lt;3 It is a playful activity, one might learn something.</p>
<p class="description">(*) No matter if you are not yet used to coding at all or a professional (but probably bored?) software developer. We'll start with the basics, get insane later, and known concepts might be come to use in new fashion. Only requirements: interest in sound of any kind; patience.</p>
<p class="description">(In case you're already into live coding OR SonicPi: let's do this together, join, and write me a message: hejn at riseup dot net.)</p>
<p class="description">[0] http://sonic-pi.net</p>
<div class="column left" id="details">
<a href="/2018/fahrplan/schedule/1.html">2018-09-22</a>
<b>Start time:</b>
<a href="/2018/fahrplan/events.html#alles">Alles</a>
<li><a href="/2018/fahrplan/events/9312.ics">iCalendar</a></li>
<li><a href="http://sonic-pi.net">Official Sonic Pi Website</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1RxpJkvqpY">Video of some person coding fancy music stuff with SonicPi (we probably won't get there in our session…)</a></li>
<a href="https://frab.cccv.de/de/DS2018/public/events/9312/feedback/new">Click here to let us know how you liked this event.</a>
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<h3>Concurrent Events</h3>
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<table class="list">
<td><div class="image small"><img src="/2018/fahrplan/system/people/avatars/000/008/072/small/photo_2016-10-28_18-37-01.jpg" alt="Photo 2016 10 28 18 37 01"></div></td>
<td><a href="/2018/fahrplan/speakers/8072.html">hejn</a></td>
<div class="span16">
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"address" : "Datenspuren 2018"
"startDate" : "2018-09-22T18:45:00+0200",
"endDate" : "2018-09-22T20:45:00+0200",
"performer" : [{&quot;name&quot;:&quot;hejn&quot;,&quot;@type&quot;:&quot;Person&quot;,&quot;sameAs&quot;:&quot;/de/DS2018/public/speakers/8072&quot;,&quot;image&quot;:&quot;/system/people/avatars/000/008/072/small/photo_2016-10-28_18-37-01.jpg?1531924476&quot;}],
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"address" : "Datenspuren 2018"
"startDate" : "2018-09-22T10:30:00+0200"
<br class="clear">
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<p>This schedule was generated with <a href="http://frab.github.io/frab/">frab</a>.</p>