#experimental! use tpl/catsite.sh instead # #MAKEFLAGS += -rR # clean immer ausführen #.PHONY: clean .PHONY: all H = header.html N = nav.html F = footer.html S = portal neues info cfp cfp-en backing speaker 12r1900 fahrplan # iterate over all sites in S ##%.html: tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/$(F) tpl/$@ #echo $@ #is empty, doesnt work this way, (.TARGET) as well #echo "tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/$@ tpl/$(F) $@" all: $(S) portal: tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/$(F) tpl/portal.html cat tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/portal.html tpl/$(F) > portal.html neues: tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/$(F) tpl/neues.html cat tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/neues.html tpl/$(F) > neues.html info: tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/$(F) tpl/info.html cat tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/info.html tpl/$(F) > info.html cfp: tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/$(F) tpl/cfp.html cat tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/cfp.html tpl/$(F) > cfp.html cfp-en: tpl/header-en.html tpl/nav-en.html tpl/footer-en.html tpl/cfp-en.html cat tpl/header-en.html tpl/nav-en.html tpl/cfp-en.html tpl/footer-en.html > cfp-en.html backing: tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/$(F) tpl/backing.html cat tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/backing.html tpl/$(F) > backing.html fahrplan: tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/$(F) tpl/fahrplan.html cat tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/fahrplan.html tpl/$(F) > fahrplan.html speaker: tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/$(F) tpl/speaker.html cat tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/speaker.html tpl/$(F) > speaker.html 12r1900: tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/$(F) tpl/12r1900.html cat tpl/$(H) tpl/$(N) tpl/12r1900.html tpl/$(F) > 12r1900.html # clean target clean: @echo Deleting tmp files as of vim ... expecting error if no files exist find ./ -name *.un~ -type f | xargs rm ||: help: @echo Makefile for Datenspuren 2014 in c3d2-web @echo for c3d2,de and datenspuren.de @echo @echo make [OPTION] @echo @echo [OPTION] one out of the following @echo @echo all builts all targets defined in the sites macro \$\(S\) @echo @echo clean deletes tmp files as of vim @echo @echo help print this text @echo