2022-04-27T19:30:00 2022-04-27T21:30:00 HQ, Zentralwerk, Riesaer Straße 32, 01127 Dresden

0x04'th meeting of Dresden Lockpicking Village, post-lockdown edition. https://wiki.c3d2.de/Lockpicking_Village

Plan for the evening: Picking locks, escaping from handcuffs, breaking into HQ, breaking out of HQ, ensuring general chaos, having a beverage and discussing physical security!

Bring your picks, locks, but most importantly - yourself and a good mood, skill level doesn't matter, i.e. complete beginners are also welcome!. We have a selection of locks to pick (though mostly cylinder ones), ranging from "opens almost by itself" to "it lives in a naughty bucket".

I can strongly advise to bring picks (if you have them), the amount we can provide is a bit limited.

Hugs, oxapentane; mail@${HANDLE}.com