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/** File: candy.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel. All rights reserved.
"use strict";
/* global jQuery */
/** Class: Candy
* Candy base class for initalizing the view and the core
* Parameters:
* (Candy) self - itself
* (jQuery) $ - jQuery
var Candy = function(self, $) {
/** Object: about
* About candy
* Contains:
* (String) name - Candy
* (Float) version - Candy version
self.about = {
name: "Candy",
version: "1.7.1"
/** Function: init
* Init view & core
* Parameters:
* (String) service - URL to the BOSH interface
* (Object) options - Options for candy
* Options:
* (Boolean) debug - Debug (Default: false)
* (Array|Boolean) autojoin - Autojoin these channels. When boolean true, do not autojoin, wait if the server sends something.
self.init = function(service, options) {
if (!options.viewClass) {
options.viewClass = self.View;
options.viewClass.init($("#candy"), options.view);
self.Core.init(service, options.core);
return self;
}(Candy || {}, jQuery);
/** File: core.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel. All rights reserved.
"use strict";
/* global Candy, window, Strophe, jQuery */
/** Class: Candy.Core
* Candy Chat Core
* Parameters:
* (Candy.Core) self - itself
* (Strophe) Strophe - Strophe JS
* (jQuery) $ - jQuery
Candy.Core = function(self, Strophe, $) {
/** PrivateVariable: _connection
* Strophe connection
var _connection = null, /** PrivateVariable: _service
* URL of BOSH service
_service = null, /** PrivateVariable: _user
* Current user (me)
_user = null, /** PrivateVariable: _rooms
* Opened rooms, containing instances of Candy.Core.ChatRooms
_rooms = {}, /** PrivateVariable: _anonymousConnection
* Set in <Candy.Core.connect> when jidOrHost doesn't contain a @-char.
_anonymousConnection = false, /** PrivateVariable: _status
* Current Strophe connection state
_status, /** PrivateVariable: _options
* Options:
* (Boolean) debug - Debug (Default: false)
* (Array|Boolean) autojoin - Autojoin these channels. When boolean true, do not autojoin, wait if the server sends something.
_options = {
/** Boolean: autojoin
* If set to `true` try to get the bookmarks and autojoin the rooms (supported by ejabberd, Openfire).
* You may want to define an array of rooms to autojoin: `['room1@conference.host.tld', 'room2...]` (ejabberd, Openfire, ...)
autojoin: undefined,
debug: false,
disableWindowUnload: false,
/** Integer: presencePriority
* Default priority for presence messages in order to receive messages across different resources
presencePriority: 1,
/** String: resource
* JID resource to use when connecting to the server.
* Specify `''` (an empty string) to request a random resource.
resource: Candy.about.name
}, /** PrivateFunction: _addNamespace
* Adds a namespace.
* Parameters:
* (String) name - namespace name (will become a constant living in Strophe.NS.*)
* (String) value - XML Namespace
_addNamespace = function(name, value) {
Strophe.addNamespace(name, value);
}, /** PrivateFunction: _addNamespaces
* Adds namespaces needed by Candy.
_addNamespaces = function() {
_addNamespace("PRIVATE", "jabber:iq:private");
_addNamespace("BOOKMARKS", "storage:bookmarks");
_addNamespace("PRIVACY", "jabber:iq:privacy");
_addNamespace("DELAY", "jabber:x:delay");
_addNamespace("PUBSUB", "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub");
}, _getEscapedJidFromJid = function(jid) {
var node = Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid), domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(jid);
return node ? Strophe.escapeNode(node) + "@" + domain : domain;
/** Function: init
* Initialize Core.
* Parameters:
* (String) service - URL of BOSH/Websocket service
* (Object) options - Options for candy
self.init = function(service, options) {
_service = service;
// Apply options
$.extend(true, _options, options);
// Enable debug logging
if (_options.debug) {
if (typeof window.console !== undefined && typeof window.console.log !== undefined) {
// Strophe has a polyfill for bind which doesn't work in IE8.
if (Function.prototype.bind && Candy.Util.getIeVersion() > 8) {
self.log = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.log, console);
} else {
self.log = function() {
Function.prototype.apply.call(console.log, console, arguments);
self.log("[Init] Debugging enabled");
// Connect to BOSH/Websocket service
_connection = new Strophe.Connection(_service);
_connection.rawInput = self.rawInput.bind(self);
_connection.rawOutput = self.rawOutput.bind(self);
// set caps node
_connection.caps.node = "https://candy-chat.github.io/candy/";
// Window unload handler... works on all browsers but Opera. There is NO workaround.
// Opera clients getting disconnected 1-2 minutes delayed.
if (!_options.disableWindowUnload) {
window.onbeforeunload = self.onWindowUnload;
/** Function: registerEventHandlers
* Adds listening handlers to the connection.
* Use with caution from outside of Candy.
self.registerEventHandlers = function() {
self.addHandler(self.Event.Jabber.Version, Strophe.NS.VERSION, "iq");
self.addHandler(self.Event.Jabber.Presence, null, "presence");
self.addHandler(self.Event.Jabber.Message, null, "message");
self.addHandler(self.Event.Jabber.Bookmarks, Strophe.NS.PRIVATE, "iq");
self.addHandler(self.Event.Jabber.Room.Disco, Strophe.NS.DISCO_INFO, "iq", "result");
self.addHandler(_connection.disco._onDiscoInfo.bind(_connection.disco), Strophe.NS.DISCO_INFO, "iq", "get");
self.addHandler(_connection.disco._onDiscoItems.bind(_connection.disco), Strophe.NS.DISCO_ITEMS, "iq", "get");
self.addHandler(_connection.caps._delegateCapabilities.bind(_connection.caps), Strophe.NS.CAPS);
/** Function: connect
* Connect to the jabber host.
* There are four different procedures to login:
* connect('JID', 'password') - Connect a registered user
* connect('domain') - Connect anonymously to the domain. The user should receive a random JID.
* connect('domain', null, 'nick') - Connect anonymously to the domain. The user should receive a random JID but with a nick set.
* connect('JID') - Show login form and prompt for password. JID input is hidden.
* connect() - Show login form and prompt for JID and password.
* See:
* <Candy.Core.attach()> for attaching an already established session.
* Parameters:
* (String) jidOrHost - JID or Host
* (String) password - Password of the user
* (String) nick - Nick of the user. Set one if you want to anonymously connect but preset a nick. If jidOrHost is a domain
* and this param is not set, Candy will prompt for a nick.
self.connect = function(jidOrHost, password, nick) {
// Reset before every connection attempt to make sure reconnections work after authfail, alltabsclosed, ...
/** Event: candy:core.before-connect
* Triggered before a connection attempt is made.
* Plugins should register their stanza handlers using this event
* to ensure that they are set.
* See also <#84 at https://github.com/candy-chat/candy/issues/84>.
* Parameters:
* (Strophe.Connection) conncetion - Strophe connection
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core.before-connect", {
connection: _connection
_anonymousConnection = !_anonymousConnection ? jidOrHost && jidOrHost.indexOf("@") < 0 : true;
if (jidOrHost && password) {
// authentication
_connection.connect(_getEscapedJidFromJid(jidOrHost) + "/" + _options.resource, password, Candy.Core.Event.Strophe.Connect);
if (nick) {
_user = new self.ChatUser(jidOrHost, nick);
} else {
_user = new self.ChatUser(jidOrHost, Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jidOrHost));
} else if (jidOrHost && nick) {
// anonymous connect
_connection.connect(_getEscapedJidFromJid(jidOrHost) + "/" + _options.resource, null, Candy.Core.Event.Strophe.Connect);
_user = new self.ChatUser(null, nick);
} else if (jidOrHost) {
} else {
// display login modal
/** Function: attach
* Attach an already binded & connected session to the server
* _See_ Strophe.Connection.attach
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - Jabber ID
* (Integer) sid - Session ID
* (Integer) rid - rid
self.attach = function(jid, sid, rid) {
_user = new self.ChatUser(jid, Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid));
_connection.attach(jid, sid, rid, Candy.Core.Event.Strophe.Connect);
/** Function: disconnect
* Leave all rooms and disconnect
self.disconnect = function() {
if (_connection.connected) {
$.each(self.getRooms(), function() {
/** Function: addHandler
* Wrapper for Strophe.Connection.addHandler() to add a stanza handler for the connection.
* Parameters:
* (Function) handler - The user callback.
* (String) ns - The namespace to match.
* (String) name - The stanza name to match.
* (String) type - The stanza type attribute to match.
* (String) id - The stanza id attribute to match.
* (String) from - The stanza from attribute to match.
* (String) options - The handler options
* Returns:
* A reference to the handler that can be used to remove it.
self.addHandler = function(handler, ns, name, type, id, from, options) {
return _connection.addHandler(handler, ns, name, type, id, from, options);
/** Function: getUser
* Gets current user
* Returns:
* Instance of Candy.Core.ChatUser
self.getUser = function() {
return _user;
/** Function: setUser
* Set current user. Needed when anonymous login is used, as jid gets retrieved later.
* Parameters:
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User instance
self.setUser = function(user) {
_user = user;
/** Function: getConnection
* Gets Strophe connection
* Returns:
* Instance of Strophe.Connection
self.getConnection = function() {
return _connection;
/** Function: removeRoom
* Removes a room from the rooms list
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - roomJid
self.removeRoom = function(roomJid) {
delete _rooms[roomJid];
/** Function: getRooms
* Gets all joined rooms
* Returns:
* Object containing instances of Candy.Core.ChatRoom
self.getRooms = function() {
return _rooms;
/** Function: getStropheStatus
* Get the status set by Strophe.
* Returns:
* (Strophe.Status.*) - one of Strophe's statuses
self.getStropheStatus = function() {
return _status;
/** Function: setStropheStatus
* Set the strophe status
* Called by:
* Candy.Core.Event.Strophe.Connect
* Parameters:
* (Strophe.Status.*) status - Strophe's status
self.setStropheStatus = function(status) {
_status = status;
/** Function: isAnonymousConnection
* Returns true if <Candy.Core.connect> was first called with a domain instead of a jid as the first param.
* Returns:
* (Boolean)
self.isAnonymousConnection = function() {
return _anonymousConnection;
/** Function: getOptions
* Gets options
* Returns:
* Object
self.getOptions = function() {
return _options;
/** Function: getRoom
* Gets a specific room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - JID of the room
* Returns:
* If the room is joined, instance of Candy.Core.ChatRoom, otherwise null.
self.getRoom = function(roomJid) {
if (_rooms[roomJid]) {
return _rooms[roomJid];
return null;
/** Function: onWindowUnload
* window.onbeforeunload event which disconnects the client from the Jabber server.
self.onWindowUnload = function() {
// Enable synchronous requests because Safari doesn't send asynchronous requests within unbeforeunload events.
// Only works properly when following patch is applied to strophejs: https://github.com/metajack/strophejs/issues/16/#issuecomment-600266
_connection.options.sync = true;
/** Function: rawInput
* (Overridden from Strophe.Connection.rawInput)
* Logs all raw input if debug is set to true.
self.rawInput = function(data) {
this.log("RECV: " + data);
/** Function rawOutput
* (Overridden from Strophe.Connection.rawOutput)
* Logs all raw output if debug is set to true.
self.rawOutput = function(data) {
this.log("SENT: " + data);
/** Function: log
* Overridden to do something useful if debug is set to true.
* See: Candy.Core#init
self.log = function() {};
return self;
}(Candy.Core || {}, Strophe, jQuery);
/** File: view.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel. All rights reserved.
"use strict";
/* global jQuery, Candy, window, Mustache, document */
/** Class: Candy.View
* The Candy View Class
* Parameters:
* (Candy.View) self - itself
* (jQuery) $ - jQuery
Candy.View = function(self, $) {
/** PrivateObject: _current
* Object containing current container & roomJid which the client sees.
var _current = {
container: null,
roomJid: null
}, /** PrivateObject: _options
* Options:
* (String) language - language to use
* (String) assets - path to assets (res) directory (with trailing slash)
* (Object) messages - limit: clean up message pane when n is reached / remove: remove n messages after limit has been reached
* (Object) crop - crop if longer than defined: message.nickname=15, message.body=1000, roster.nickname=15
* (Bool) enableXHTML - [default: false] enables XHTML messages sending & displaying
_options = {
language: "en",
assets: "res/",
messages: {
limit: 2e3,
remove: 500
crop: {
message: {
nickname: 15,
body: 1e3
roster: {
nickname: 15
enableXHTML: false
}, /** PrivateFunction: _setupTranslation
* Set dictionary using jQuery.i18n plugin.
* See: view/translation.js
* See: libs/jquery-i18n/jquery.i18n.js
* Parameters:
* (String) language - Language identifier
_setupTranslation = function(language) {
}, /** PrivateFunction: _registerObservers
* Register observers. Candy core will now notify the View on changes.
_registerObservers = function() {
$(Candy).on("candy:core.chat.connection", self.Observer.Chat.Connection);
$(Candy).on("candy:core.chat.message", self.Observer.Chat.Message);
$(Candy).on("candy:core.login", self.Observer.Login);
$(Candy).on("candy:core.autojoin-missing", self.Observer.AutojoinMissing);
$(Candy).on("candy:core.presence", self.Observer.Presence.update);
$(Candy).on("candy:core.presence.leave", self.Observer.Presence.update);
$(Candy).on("candy:core.presence.room", self.Observer.Presence.update);
$(Candy).on("candy:core.presence.error", self.Observer.PresenceError);
$(Candy).on("candy:core.message", self.Observer.Message);
}, /** PrivateFunction: _registerWindowHandlers
* Register window focus / blur / resize handlers.
* jQuery.focus()/.blur() <= 1.5.1 do not work for IE < 9. Fortunately onfocusin/onfocusout will work for them.
_registerWindowHandlers = function() {
if (Candy.Util.getIeVersion() < 9) {
} else {
}, /** PrivateFunction: _initToolbar
* Initialize toolbar.
_initToolbar = function() {
}, /** PrivateFunction: _delegateTooltips
* Delegate mouseenter on tooltipified element to <Candy.View.Pane.Chat.Tooltip.show>.
_delegateTooltips = function() {
$("body").delegate("li[data-tooltip]", "mouseenter", Candy.View.Pane.Chat.Tooltip.show);
/** Function: init
* Initialize chat view (setup DOM, register handlers & observers)
* Parameters:
* (jQuery.element) container - Container element of the whole chat view
* (Object) options - Options: see _options field (value passed here gets extended by the default value in _options field)
self.init = function(container, options) {
// #216
// Rename `resources` to `assets` but prevent installations from failing
// after upgrade
if (options.resources) {
options.assets = options.resources;
delete options.resources;
$.extend(true, _options, options);
// Set path to emoticons
Candy.Util.Parser.setEmoticonPath(this.getOptions().assets + "img/emoticons/");
// Start DOMination...
_current.container = container;
_current.container.html(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.pane, {
tooltipEmoticons: $.i18n._("tooltipEmoticons"),
tooltipSound: $.i18n._("tooltipSound"),
tooltipAutoscroll: $.i18n._("tooltipAutoscroll"),
tooltipStatusmessage: $.i18n._("tooltipStatusmessage"),
tooltipAdministration: $.i18n._("tooltipAdministration"),
tooltipUsercount: $.i18n._("tooltipUsercount"),
assetsPath: this.getOptions().assets
}, {
tabs: Candy.View.Template.Chat.tabs,
rooms: Candy.View.Template.Chat.rooms,
modal: Candy.View.Template.Chat.modal,
toolbar: Candy.View.Template.Chat.toolbar,
soundcontrol: Candy.View.Template.Chat.soundcontrol
// ... and let the elements dance.
/** Function: getCurrent
* Get current container & roomJid in an object.
* Returns:
* Object containing container & roomJid
self.getCurrent = function() {
return _current;
/** Function: getOptions
* Gets options
* Returns:
* Object
self.getOptions = function() {
return _options;
return self;
}(Candy.View || {}, jQuery);
/** File: util.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel. All rights reserved.
"use strict";
/* global Candy, MD5, Strophe, document, escape, jQuery */
/** Class: Candy.Util
* Candy utils
* Parameters:
* (Candy.Util) self - itself
* (jQuery) $ - jQuery
Candy.Util = function(self, $) {
/** Function: jidToId
* Translates a jid to a MD5-Id
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - Jid
* Returns:
* MD5-ified jid
self.jidToId = function(jid) {
return MD5.hexdigest(jid);
/** Function: escapeJid
* Escapes a jid (node & resource get escaped)
* See:
* XEP-0106
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - Jid
* Returns:
* (String) - escaped jid
self.escapeJid = function(jid) {
var node = Strophe.escapeNode(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid)), domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(jid), resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid);
jid = node + "@" + domain;
if (resource) {
jid += "/" + resource;
return jid;
/** Function: unescapeJid
* Unescapes a jid (node & resource get unescaped)
* See:
* XEP-0106
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - Jid
* Returns:
* (String) - unescaped Jid
self.unescapeJid = function(jid) {
var node = Strophe.unescapeNode(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(jid)), domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(jid), resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid);
jid = node + "@" + domain;
if (resource) {
jid += "/" + resource;
return jid;
/** Function: crop
* Crop a string with the specified length
* Parameters:
* (String) str - String to crop
* (Integer) len - Max length
self.crop = function(str, len) {
if (str.length > len) {
str = str.substr(0, len - 3) + "...";
return str;
/** Function: parseAndCropXhtml
* Parses the XHTML and applies various Candy related filters to it.
* - Ensures it contains only valid XHTML
* - Crops text to a max length
* - Parses the text in order to display html
* Parameters:
* (String) str - String containing XHTML
* (Integer) len - Max text length
self.parseAndCropXhtml = function(str, len) {
return $("<div/>").append(self.createHtml($(str).get(0), len)).html();
/** Function: setCookie
* Sets a new cookie
* Parameters:
* (String) name - cookie name
* (String) value - Value
* (Integer) lifetime_days - Lifetime in days
self.setCookie = function(name, value, lifetime_days) {
var exp = new Date();
exp.setDate(new Date().getDate() + lifetime_days);
document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";expires=" + exp.toUTCString() + ";path=/";
/** Function: cookieExists
* Tests if a cookie with the given name exists
* Parameters:
* (String) name - Cookie name
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true/false
self.cookieExists = function(name) {
return document.cookie.indexOf(name) > -1;
/** Function: getCookie
* Returns the cookie value if there's one with this name, otherwise returns undefined
* Parameters:
* (String) name - Cookie name
* Returns:
* Cookie value or undefined
self.getCookie = function(name) {
if (document.cookie) {
var regex = new RegExp(escape(name) + "=([^;]*)", "gm"), matches = regex.exec(document.cookie);
if (matches) {
return matches[1];
/** Function: deleteCookie
* Deletes a cookie with the given name
* Parameters:
* (String) name - cookie name
self.deleteCookie = function(name) {
document.cookie = name + "=;expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT;path=/";
/** Function: getPosLeftAccordingToWindowBounds
* Fetches the window width and element width
* and checks if specified position + element width is bigger
* than the window width.
* If this evaluates to true, the position gets substracted by the element width.
* Parameters:
* (jQuery.Element) elem - Element to position
* (Integer) pos - Position left
* Returns:
* Object containing `px` (calculated position in pixel) and `alignment` (alignment of the element in relation to pos, either 'left' or 'right')
self.getPosLeftAccordingToWindowBounds = function(elem, pos) {
var windowWidth = $(document).width(), elemWidth = elem.outerWidth(), marginDiff = elemWidth - elem.outerWidth(true), backgroundPositionAlignment = "left";
if (pos + elemWidth >= windowWidth) {
pos -= elemWidth - marginDiff;
backgroundPositionAlignment = "right";
return {
px: pos,
backgroundPositionAlignment: backgroundPositionAlignment
/** Function: getPosTopAccordingToWindowBounds
* Fetches the window height and element height
* and checks if specified position + element height is bigger
* than the window height.
* If this evaluates to true, the position gets substracted by the element height.
* Parameters:
* (jQuery.Element) elem - Element to position
* (Integer) pos - Position top
* Returns:
* Object containing `px` (calculated position in pixel) and `alignment` (alignment of the element in relation to pos, either 'top' or 'bottom')
self.getPosTopAccordingToWindowBounds = function(elem, pos) {
var windowHeight = $(document).height(), elemHeight = elem.outerHeight(), marginDiff = elemHeight - elem.outerHeight(true), backgroundPositionAlignment = "top";
if (pos + elemHeight >= windowHeight) {
pos -= elemHeight - marginDiff;
backgroundPositionAlignment = "bottom";
return {
px: pos,
backgroundPositionAlignment: backgroundPositionAlignment
/** Function: localizedTime
* Localizes ISO-8610 Date with the time/dateformat specified in the translation.
* See: libs/dateformat/dateFormat.js
* See: src/view/translation.js
* See: jquery-i18n/jquery.i18n.js
* Parameters:
* (String) dateTime - ISO-8610 Datetime
* Returns:
* If current date is equal to the date supplied, format with timeFormat, otherwise with dateFormat
self.localizedTime = function(dateTime) {
if (dateTime === undefined) {
return undefined;
var date = self.iso8601toDate(dateTime);
if (date.toDateString() === new Date().toDateString()) {
return date.format($.i18n._("timeFormat"));
} else {
return date.format($.i18n._("dateFormat"));
/** Function: iso8610toDate
* Parses a ISO-8610 Date to a Date-Object.
* Uses a fallback if the client's browser doesn't support it.
* Quote:
* ECMAScript revision 5 adds native support for ISO-8601 dates in the Date.parse method,
* but many browsers currently on the market (Safari 4, Chrome 4, IE 6-8) do not support it.
* Credits:
* <Colin Snover at http://zetafleet.com/blog/javascript-dateparse-for-iso-8601>
* Parameters:
* (String) date - ISO-8610 Date
* Returns:
* Date-Object
self.iso8601toDate = function(date) {
var timestamp = Date.parse(date);
if (isNaN(timestamp)) {
var struct = /^(\d{4}|[+\-]\d{6})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:[T ](\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(?:\.(\d{3,}))?)?(?:(Z)|([+\-])(\d{2})(?::?(\d{2}))?))?/.exec(date);
if (struct) {
var minutesOffset = 0;
if (struct[8] !== "Z") {
minutesOffset = +struct[10] * 60 + +struct[11];
if (struct[9] === "+") {
minutesOffset = -minutesOffset;
minutesOffset -= new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
return new Date(+struct[1], +struct[2] - 1, +struct[3], +struct[4], +struct[5] + minutesOffset, +struct[6], struct[7] ? +struct[7].substr(0, 3) : 0);
} else {
// XEP-0091 date
timestamp = Date.parse(date.replace(/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/, "$1-$2-$3") + "Z");
return new Date(timestamp);
/** Function: isEmptyObject
* IE7 doesn't work with jQuery.isEmptyObject (<=1.5.1), workaround.
* Parameters:
* (Object) obj - the object to test for
* Returns:
* Boolean true or false.
self.isEmptyObject = function(obj) {
var prop;
for (prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
return false;
return true;
/** Function: forceRedraw
* Fix IE7 not redrawing under some circumstances.
* Parameters:
* (jQuery.element) elem - jQuery element to redraw
self.forceRedraw = function(elem) {
display: "none"
setTimeout(function() {
display: "block"
}.bind(elem), 1);
/** PrivateVariable: ie
* Checks for IE version
* From: http://stackoverflow.com/a/5574871/315242
var ie = function() {
var undef, v = 3, div = document.createElement("div"), all = div.getElementsByTagName("i");
while (// adds innerhtml and continues as long as all[0] is truthy
div.innerHTML = "<!--[if gt IE " + ++v + "]><i></i><![endif]-->", all[0]) {}
return v > 4 ? v : undef;
/** Function: getIeVersion
* Returns local variable `ie` which you can use to detect which IE version
* is available.
* Use e.g. like this: if(Candy.Util.getIeVersion() < 9) alert('kaboom');
self.getIeVersion = function() {
return ie;
/** Class: Candy.Util.Parser
* Parser for emoticons, links and also supports escaping.
self.Parser = {
/** PrivateVariable: _emoticonPath
* Path to emoticons.
* Use setEmoticonPath() to change it
_emoticonPath: "",
/** Function: setEmoticonPath
* Set emoticons location.
* Parameters:
* (String) path - location of emoticons with trailing slash
setEmoticonPath: function(path) {
this._emoticonPath = path;
/** Array: emoticons
* Array containing emoticons to be replaced by their images.
* Can be overridden/extended.
emoticons: [ {
plain: ":)",
regex: /((\s):-?\)|:-?\)(\s|$))/gm,
image: "Smiling.png"
}, {
plain: ";)",
regex: /((\s);-?\)|;-?\)(\s|$))/gm,
image: "Winking.png"
}, {
plain: ":D",
regex: /((\s):-?D|:-?D(\s|$))/gm,
image: "Grinning.png"
}, {
plain: ";D",
regex: /((\s);-?D|;-?D(\s|$))/gm,
image: "Grinning_Winking.png"
}, {
plain: ":(",
regex: /((\s):-?\(|:-?\((\s|$))/gm,
image: "Unhappy.png"
}, {
plain: "^^",
regex: /((\s)\^\^|\^\^(\s|$))/gm,
image: "Happy_3.png"
}, {
plain: ":P",
regex: /((\s):-?P|:-?P(\s|$))/gim,
image: "Tongue_Out.png"
}, {
plain: ";P",
regex: /((\s);-?P|;-?P(\s|$))/gim,
image: "Tongue_Out_Winking.png"
}, {
plain: ":S",
regex: /((\s):-?S|:-?S(\s|$))/gim,
image: "Confused.png"
}, {
plain: ":/",
regex: /((\s):-?\/|:-?\/(\s|$))/gm,
image: "Uncertain.png"
}, {
plain: "8)",
regex: /((\s)8-?\)|8-?\)(\s|$))/gm,
image: "Sunglasses.png"
}, {
plain: "$)",
regex: /((\s)\$-?\)|\$-?\)(\s|$))/gm,
image: "Greedy.png"
}, {
plain: "oO",
regex: /((\s)oO|oO(\s|$))/gm,
image: "Huh.png"
}, {
plain: ":x",
regex: /((\s):x|:x(\s|$))/gm,
image: "Lips_Sealed.png"
}, {
plain: ":666:",
regex: /((\s):666:|:666:(\s|$))/gm,
image: "Devil.png"
}, {
plain: "<3",
regex: /((\s)&lt;3|&lt;3(\s|$))/gm,
image: "Heart.png"
} ],
/** Function: emotify
* Replaces text-emoticons with their image equivalent.
* Parameters:
* (String) text - Text to emotify
* Returns:
* Emotified text
emotify: function(text) {
var i;
for (i = this.emoticons.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
text = text.replace(this.emoticons[i].regex, '$2<img class="emoticon" alt="$1" src="' + this._emoticonPath + this.emoticons[i].image + '" />$3');
return text;
/** Function: linkify
* Replaces URLs with a HTML-link.
* Parameters:
* (String) text - Text to linkify
* Returns:
* Linkified text
linkify: function(text) {
text = text.replace(/(^|[^\/])(www\.[^\.]+\.[\S]+(\b|$))/gi, "$1http://$2");
return text.replace(/(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[\-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[\-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/gi, '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>');
/** Function: escape
* Escapes a text using a jQuery function (like htmlspecialchars in PHP)
* Parameters:
* (String) text - Text to escape
* Returns:
* Escaped text
escape: function(text) {
return $("<div/>").text(text).html();
/** Function: nl2br
* replaces newline characters with a <br/> to make multi line messages look nice
* Parameters:
* (String) text - Text to process
* Returns:
* Processed text
nl2br: function(text) {
return text.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, "<br />");
/** Function: all
* Does everything of the parser: escaping, linkifying and emotifying.
* Parameters:
* (String) text - Text to parse
* Returns:
* (String) Parsed text
all: function(text) {
if (text) {
text = this.escape(text);
text = this.linkify(text);
text = this.emotify(text);
text = this.nl2br(text);
return text;
/** Function: createHtml
* Copy an HTML DOM element into an XML DOM.
* This function copies a DOM element and all its descendants and returns
* the new copy.
* It's a function copied & adapted from [Strophe.js core.js](https://github.com/strophe/strophejs/blob/master/src/core.js).
* Parameters:
* (HTMLElement) elem - A DOM element.
* (Integer) maxLength - Max length of text
* (Integer) currentLength - Current accumulated text length
* Returns:
* A new, copied DOM element tree.
self.createHtml = function(elem, maxLength, currentLength) {
/* jshint -W073 */
currentLength = currentLength || 0;
var i, el, j, tag, attribute, value, css, cssAttrs, attr, cssName, cssValue;
if (elem.nodeType === Strophe.ElementType.NORMAL) {
tag = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (Strophe.XHTML.validTag(tag)) {
try {
el = $("<" + tag + "/>");
for (i = 0; i < Strophe.XHTML.attributes[tag].length; i++) {
attribute = Strophe.XHTML.attributes[tag][i];
value = elem.getAttribute(attribute);
if (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null || value === "" || value === false || value === 0) {
if (attribute === "style" && typeof value === "object") {
if (typeof value.cssText !== "undefined") {
value = value.cssText;
// filter out invalid css styles
if (attribute === "style") {
css = [];
cssAttrs = value.split(";");
for (j = 0; j < cssAttrs.length; j++) {
attr = cssAttrs[j].split(":");
cssName = attr[0].replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "").toLowerCase();
if (Strophe.XHTML.validCSS(cssName)) {
cssValue = attr[1].replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
css.push(cssName + ": " + cssValue);
if (css.length > 0) {
value = css.join("; ");
el.attr(attribute, value);
} else {
el.attr(attribute, value);
for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
el.append(self.createHtml(elem.childNodes[i], maxLength, currentLength));
} catch (e) {
// invalid elements
Candy.Core.log("[Util:createHtml] Error while parsing XHTML:");
el = Strophe.xmlTextNode("");
} else {
el = Strophe.xmlGenerator().createDocumentFragment();
for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
el.appendChild(self.createHtml(elem.childNodes[i], maxLength, currentLength));
} else if (elem.nodeType === Strophe.ElementType.FRAGMENT) {
el = Strophe.xmlGenerator().createDocumentFragment();
for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
el.appendChild(self.createHtml(elem.childNodes[i], maxLength, currentLength));
} else if (elem.nodeType === Strophe.ElementType.TEXT) {
var text = elem.nodeValue;
currentLength += text.length;
if (maxLength && currentLength > maxLength) {
text = text.substring(0, maxLength);
text = Candy.Util.Parser.all(text);
el = $.parseHTML(text);
return el;
return self;
}(Candy.Util || {}, jQuery);
/** File: action.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel. All rights reserved.
"use strict";
/* global Candy, $iq, navigator, Candy, $pres, Strophe, jQuery, $msg */
/** Class: Candy.Core.Action
* Chat Actions (basicly a abstraction of Jabber commands)
* Parameters:
* (Candy.Core.Action) self - itself
* (Strophe) Strophe - Strophe
* (jQuery) $ - jQuery
Candy.Core.Action = function(self, Strophe, $) {
/** Class: Candy.Core.Action.Jabber
* Jabber actions
self.Jabber = {
/** Function: Version
* Replies to a version request
* Parameters:
* (jQuery.element) msg - jQuery element
Version: function(msg) {
type: "result",
to: Candy.Util.escapeJid(msg.attr("from")),
from: Candy.Util.escapeJid(msg.attr("to")),
id: msg.attr("id")
}).c("query", {
name: Candy.about.name,
version: Candy.about.version,
os: navigator.userAgent
/** Function: SetNickname
* Sets the supplied nickname for all rooms (if parameter "room" is not specified) or
* sets it only for the specified rooms
* Parameters:
* (String) nickname - New nickname
* (Array) rooms - Rooms
SetNickname: function(nickname, rooms) {
rooms = rooms instanceof Array ? rooms : Candy.Core.getRooms();
var roomNick, presence, conn = Candy.Core.getConnection();
$.each(rooms, function(roomJid) {
roomNick = Candy.Util.escapeJid(roomJid + "/" + nickname);
presence = $pres({
to: roomNick,
from: conn.jid,
id: "pres:" + conn.getUniqueId()
/** Function: Roster
* Sends a request for a roster
Roster: function() {
type: "get",
xmlns: Strophe.NS.CLIENT
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.ROSTER
/** Function: Presence
* Sends a request for presence
* Parameters:
* (Object) attr - Optional attributes
* (Strophe.Builder) el - Optional element to include in presence stanza
Presence: function(attr, el) {
var conn = Candy.Core.getConnection();
attr = attr || {};
if (!attr.id) {
attr.id = "pres:" + conn.getUniqueId();
var pres = $pres(attr).c("priority").t(Candy.Core.getOptions().presencePriority.toString()).up().c("c", conn.caps.generateCapsAttrs()).up();
if (el) {
/** Function: Services
* Sends a request for disco items
Services: function() {
type: "get",
xmlns: Strophe.NS.CLIENT
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.DISCO_ITEMS
/** Function: Autojoin
* When Candy.Core.getOptions().autojoin is true, request autojoin bookmarks (OpenFire)
* Otherwise, if Candy.Core.getOptions().autojoin is an array, join each channel specified.
* Channel can be in jid:password format to pass room password if needed.
* Triggers:
* candy:core.autojoin-missing in case no autojoin info has been found
Autojoin: function() {
// Request bookmarks
if (Candy.Core.getOptions().autojoin === true) {
type: "get",
xmlns: Strophe.NS.CLIENT
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.PRIVATE
}).c("storage", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.BOOKMARKS
var pubsubBookmarkRequest = Candy.Core.getConnection().getUniqueId("pubsub");
Candy.Core.addHandler(Candy.Core.Event.Jabber.Bookmarks, Strophe.NS.PUBSUB, "iq", "result", pubsubBookmarkRequest);
type: "get",
id: pubsubBookmarkRequest
}).c("pubsub", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.PUBSUB
}).c("items", {
node: Strophe.NS.BOOKMARKS
} else if ($.isArray(Candy.Core.getOptions().autojoin)) {
$.each(Candy.Core.getOptions().autojoin, function() {
self.Jabber.Room.Join.apply(null, this.valueOf().split(":", 2));
} else {
/** Event: candy:core.autojoin-missing
* Triggered when no autojoin information has been found
/** Function: ResetIgnoreList
* Create new ignore privacy list (and reset the previous one, if it exists).
ResetIgnoreList: function() {
type: "set",
from: Candy.Core.getUser().getEscapedJid()
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.PRIVACY
}).c("list", {
name: "ignore"
}).c("item", {
action: "allow",
order: "0"
/** Function: RemoveIgnoreList
* Remove an existing ignore list.
RemoveIgnoreList: function() {
type: "set",
from: Candy.Core.getUser().getEscapedJid()
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.PRIVACY
}).c("list", {
name: "ignore"
/** Function: GetIgnoreList
* Get existing ignore privacy list when connecting.
GetIgnoreList: function() {
var iq = $iq({
type: "get",
from: Candy.Core.getUser().getEscapedJid()
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.PRIVACY
}).c("list", {
name: "ignore"
var iqId = Candy.Core.getConnection().sendIQ(iq);
// add handler (<#200 at https://github.com/candy-chat/candy/issues/200>)
Candy.Core.addHandler(Candy.Core.Event.Jabber.PrivacyList, null, "iq", null, iqId);
/** Function: SetIgnoreListActive
* Set ignore privacy list active
SetIgnoreListActive: function() {
type: "set",
from: Candy.Core.getUser().getEscapedJid()
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.PRIVACY
}).c("active", {
name: "ignore"
/** Function: GetJidIfAnonymous
* On anonymous login, initially we don't know the jid and as a result, Candy.Core._user doesn't have a jid.
* Check if user doesn't have a jid and get it if necessary from the connection.
GetJidIfAnonymous: function() {
if (!Candy.Core.getUser().getJid()) {
Candy.Core.log("[Jabber] Anonymous login");
Candy.Core.getUser().data.jid = Candy.Core.getConnection().jid;
/** Class: Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room
* Room-specific commands
Room: {
/** Function: Join
* Requests disco of specified room and joins afterwards.
* maybe we should wait for disco and later join the room?
* but what if we send disco but don't want/can join the room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room to join
* (String) password - [optional] Password for the room
Join: function(roomJid, password) {
roomJid = Candy.Util.escapeJid(roomJid);
var conn = Candy.Core.getConnection(), roomNick = roomJid + "/" + Candy.Core.getUser().getNick(), pres = $pres({
to: roomNick,
id: "pres:" + conn.getUniqueId()
}).c("x", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC
if (password) {
pres.up().c("c", conn.caps.generateCapsAttrs());
/** Function: Leave
* Leaves a room.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room to leave
Leave: function(roomJid) {
var user = Candy.Core.getRoom(roomJid).getUser();
roomJid = Candy.Util.escapeJid(roomJid);
if (user) {
Candy.Core.getConnection().muc.leave(roomJid, user.getNick(), function() {});
/** Function: Disco
* Requests <disco info of a room at http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#disco-roominfo>.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room to get info for
Disco: function(roomJid) {
type: "get",
from: Candy.Core.getUser().getEscapedJid(),
to: Candy.Util.escapeJid(roomJid)
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.DISCO_INFO
/** Function: Message
* Send message
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room to which send the message into
* (String) msg - Message
* (String) type - "groupchat" or "chat" ("chat" is for private messages)
* (String) xhtmlMsg - XHTML formatted message [optional]
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true if message is not empty after trimming, false otherwise.
Message: function(roomJid, msg, type, xhtmlMsg) {
// Trim message
msg = $.trim(msg);
if (msg === "") {
return false;
var nick = null;
if (type === "chat") {
nick = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(roomJid);
roomJid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomJid);
// muc takes care of the escaping now.
Candy.Core.getConnection().muc.message(roomJid, nick, msg, xhtmlMsg, type);
return true;
/** Function: Invite
* Sends an invite stanza to multiple JIDs
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room to which send the message into
* (Array) invitees - Array of JIDs to be invited to the room
* (String) reason - Message to include with the invitation [optional]
* (String) password - Password for the MUC, if required [optional]
Invite: function(roomJid, invitees, reason, password) {
reason = $.trim(reason);
var message = $msg({
to: roomJid
var x = message.c("x", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_USER
$.each(invitees, function(i, invitee) {
invitee = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(invitee);
x.c("invite", {
to: invitee
if (typeof reason !== "undefined" && reason !== "") {
x.c("reason", reason);
if (typeof password !== "undefined" && password !== "") {
x.c("password", password);
/** Function: IgnoreUnignore
* Checks if the user is already ignoring the target user, if yes: unignore him, if no: ignore him.
* Uses the ignore privacy list set on connecting.
* Parameters:
* (String) userJid - Target user jid
IgnoreUnignore: function(userJid) {
Candy.Core.getUser().addToOrRemoveFromPrivacyList("ignore", userJid);
/** Function: UpdatePrivacyList
* Updates privacy list according to the privacylist in the currentUser
UpdatePrivacyList: function() {
var currentUser = Candy.Core.getUser(), iq = $iq({
type: "set",
from: currentUser.getEscapedJid()
}).c("query", {
xmlns: "jabber:iq:privacy"
}).c("list", {
name: "ignore"
}), privacyList = currentUser.getPrivacyList("ignore");
if (privacyList.length > 0) {
$.each(privacyList, function(index, jid) {
iq.c("item", {
type: "jid",
value: Candy.Util.escapeJid(jid),
action: "deny",
order: index
} else {
iq.c("item", {
action: "allow",
order: "0"
/** Class: Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room.Admin
* Room administration commands
Admin: {
/** Function: UserAction
* Kick or ban a user
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the kick/ban should be done
* (String) userJid - Victim
* (String) type - "kick" or "ban"
* (String) msg - Reason
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true if sent successfully, false if type is not one of "kick" or "ban".
UserAction: function(roomJid, userJid, type, reason) {
roomJid = Candy.Util.escapeJid(roomJid);
userJid = Candy.Util.escapeJid(userJid);
var itemObj = {
nick: Strophe.getResourceFromJid(userJid)
switch (type) {
case "kick":
itemObj.role = "none";
case "ban":
itemObj.affiliation = "outcast";
return false;
type: "set",
from: Candy.Core.getUser().getEscapedJid(),
to: roomJid
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN
}).c("item", itemObj).c("reason").t(reason).tree());
return true;
/** Function: SetSubject
* Sets subject (topic) of a room.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room
* (String) subject - Subject to set
SetSubject: function(roomJid, subject) {
Candy.Core.getConnection().muc.setTopic(Candy.Util.escapeJid(roomJid), subject);
return self;
}(Candy.Core.Action || {}, Strophe, jQuery);
/** File: chatRoom.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel. All rights reserved.
"use strict";
/* global Candy, Strophe */
/** Class: Candy.Core.ChatRoom
* Candy Chat Room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room jid
Candy.Core.ChatRoom = function(roomJid) {
/** Object: room
* Object containing roomJid and name.
this.room = {
jid: roomJid,
name: Strophe.getNodeFromJid(roomJid)
/** Variable: user
* Current local user of this room.
this.user = null;
/** Variable: Roster
* Candy.Core.ChatRoster instance
this.roster = new Candy.Core.ChatRoster();
/** Function: setUser
* Set user of this room.
* Parameters:
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - Chat user
this.setUser = function(user) {
this.user = user;
/** Function: getUser
* Get current local user
* Returns:
* (Object) - Candy.Core.ChatUser instance or null
this.getUser = function() {
return this.user;
/** Function: getJid
* Get room jid
* Returns:
* (String) - Room jid
this.getJid = function() {
return this.room.jid;
/** Function: setName
* Set room name
* Parameters:
* (String) name - Room name
this.setName = function(name) {
this.room.name = name;
/** Function: getName
* Get room name
* Returns:
* (String) - Room name
this.getName = function() {
return this.room.name;
/** Function: setRoster
* Set roster of room
* Parameters:
* (Candy.Core.ChatRoster) roster - Chat roster
this.setRoster = function(roster) {
this.roster = roster;
/** Function: getRoster
* Get roster
* Returns
* (Candy.Core.ChatRoster) - instance
this.getRoster = function() {
return this.roster;
/** File: chatRoster.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel. All rights reserved.
"use strict";
/* global Candy */
/** Class: Candy.Core.ChatRoster
* Chat Roster
Candy.Core.ChatRoster = function() {
/** Object: items
* Roster items
this.items = {};
/** Function: add
* Add user to roster
* Parameters:
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User to add
this.add = function(user) {
this.items[user.getJid()] = user;
/** Function: remove
* Remove user from roster
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - User jid
this.remove = function(jid) {
delete this.items[jid];
/** Function: get
* Get user from roster
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - User jid
* Returns:
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) - User
this.get = function(jid) {
return this.items[jid];
/** Function: getAll
* Get all items
* Returns:
* (Object) - all roster items
this.getAll = function() {
return this.items;
/** File: chatUser.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel. All rights reserved.
"use strict";
/* global Candy, Strophe */
/** Class: Candy.Core.ChatUser
* Chat User
Candy.Core.ChatUser = function(jid, nick, affiliation, role) {
/** Constant: ROLE_MODERATOR
* Moderator role
this.ROLE_MODERATOR = "moderator";
* Affiliation owner
this.AFFILIATION_OWNER = "owner";
/** Object: data
* User data containing:
* - jid
* - nick
* - affiliation
* - role
* - privacyLists
* - customData to be used by e.g. plugins
this.data = {
jid: jid,
nick: Strophe.unescapeNode(nick),
affiliation: affiliation,
role: role,
privacyLists: {},
customData: {},
previousNick: undefined
/** Function: getJid
* Gets an unescaped user jid
* See:
* <Candy.Util.unescapeJid>
* Returns:
* (String) - jid
this.getJid = function() {
if (this.data.jid) {
return Candy.Util.unescapeJid(this.data.jid);
/** Function: getEscapedJid
* Escapes the user's jid (node & resource get escaped)
* See:
* <Candy.Util.escapeJid>
* Returns:
* (String) - escaped jid
this.getEscapedJid = function() {
return Candy.Util.escapeJid(this.data.jid);
/** Function: setJid
* Sets a user's jid
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - New Jid
this.setJid = function(jid) {
this.data.jid = jid;
/** Function: getNick
* Gets user nick
* Returns:
* (String) - nick
this.getNick = function() {
return Strophe.unescapeNode(this.data.nick);
/** Function: setNick
* Sets a user's nick
* Parameters:
* (String) nick - New nick
this.setNick = function(nick) {
this.data.nick = nick;
/** Function: getRole
* Gets user role
* Returns:
* (String) - role
this.getRole = function() {
return this.data.role;
/** Function: setRole
* Sets user role
* Parameters:
* (String) role - Role
this.setRole = function(role) {
this.data.role = role;
/** Function: setAffiliation
* Sets user affiliation
* Parameters:
* (String) affiliation - new affiliation
this.setAffiliation = function(affiliation) {
this.data.affiliation = affiliation;
/** Function: getAffiliation
* Gets user affiliation
* Returns:
* (String) - affiliation
this.getAffiliation = function() {
return this.data.affiliation;
/** Function: isModerator
* Check if user is moderator. Depends on the room.
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true if user has role moderator or affiliation owner
this.isModerator = function() {
return this.getRole() === this.ROLE_MODERATOR || this.getAffiliation() === this.AFFILIATION_OWNER;
/** Function: addToOrRemoveFromPrivacyList
* Convenience function for adding/removing users from ignore list.
* Check if user is already in privacy list. If yes, remove it. If no, add it.
* Parameters:
* (String) list - To which privacy list the user should be added / removed from. Candy supports curently only the "ignore" list.
* (String) jid - User jid to add/remove
* Returns:
* (Array) - Current privacy list.
this.addToOrRemoveFromPrivacyList = function(list, jid) {
if (!this.data.privacyLists[list]) {
this.data.privacyLists[list] = [];
var index = -1;
if ((index = this.data.privacyLists[list].indexOf(jid)) !== -1) {
this.data.privacyLists[list].splice(index, 1);
} else {
return this.data.privacyLists[list];
/** Function: getPrivacyList
* Returns the privacy list of the listname of the param.
* Parameters:
* (String) list - To which privacy list the user should be added / removed from. Candy supports curently only the "ignore" list.
* Returns:
* (Array) - Privacy List
this.getPrivacyList = function(list) {
if (!this.data.privacyLists[list]) {
this.data.privacyLists[list] = [];
return this.data.privacyLists[list];
/** Function: setPrivacyLists
* Sets privacy lists.
* Parameters:
* (Object) lists - List object
this.setPrivacyLists = function(lists) {
this.data.privacyLists = lists;
/** Function: isInPrivacyList
* Tests if this user ignores the user provided by jid.
* Parameters:
* (String) list - Privacy list
* (String) jid - Jid to test for
* Returns:
* (Boolean)
this.isInPrivacyList = function(list, jid) {
if (!this.data.privacyLists[list]) {
return false;
return this.data.privacyLists[list].indexOf(jid) !== -1;
/** Function: setCustomData
* Stores custom data
* Parameter:
* (Object) data - Object containing custom data
this.setCustomData = function(data) {
this.data.customData = data;
/** Function: getCustomData
* Retrieve custom data
* Returns:
* (Object) - Object containing custom data
this.getCustomData = function() {
return this.data.customData;
/** Function: setPreviousNick
* If user has nickname changed, set previous nickname.
* Parameters:
* (String) previousNick - the previous nickname
this.setPreviousNick = function(previousNick) {
this.data.previousNick = previousNick;
/** Function: hasNicknameChanged
* Gets the previous nickname if available.
* Returns:
* (String) - previous nickname
this.getPreviousNick = function() {
return this.data.previousNick;
/** File: event.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel. All rights reserved.
"use strict";
/* global Candy, Strophe, jQuery */
/** Class: Candy.Core.Event
* Chat Events
* Parameters:
* (Candy.Core.Event) self - itself
* (Strophe) Strophe - Strophe
* (jQuery) $ - jQuery
Candy.Core.Event = function(self, Strophe, $) {
/** Function: Login
* Notify view that the login window should be displayed
* Parameters:
* (String) presetJid - Preset user JID
* Triggers:
* candy:core.login using {presetJid}
self.Login = function(presetJid) {
/** Event: candy:core.login
* Triggered when the login window should be displayed
* Parameters:
* (String) presetJid - Preset user JID
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core.login", {
presetJid: presetJid
/** Class: Candy.Core.Event.Strophe
* Strophe-related events
self.Strophe = {
/** Function: Connect
* Acts on strophe status events and notifies view.
* Parameters:
* (Strophe.Status) status - Strophe statuses
* Triggers:
* candy:core.chat.connection using {status}
Connect: function(status) {
switch (status) {
case Strophe.Status.CONNECTED:
Candy.Core.log("[Connection] Connected");
/* falls through */
case Strophe.Status.ATTACHED:
Candy.Core.log("[Connection] Attached");
case Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED:
Candy.Core.log("[Connection] Disconnected");
case Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL:
Candy.Core.log("[Connection] Authentication failed");
case Strophe.Status.CONNECTING:
Candy.Core.log("[Connection] Connecting");
case Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING:
Candy.Core.log("[Connection] Disconnecting");
case Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING:
Candy.Core.log("[Connection] Authenticating");
case Strophe.Status.ERROR:
case Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL:
Candy.Core.log("[Connection] Failed (" + status + ")");
Candy.Core.log("[Connection] What?!");
/** Event: candy:core.chat.connection
* Connection status updates
* Parameters:
* (Strophe.Status) status - Strophe status
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core.chat.connection", {
status: status
/** Class: Candy.Core.Event.Jabber
* Jabber related events
self.Jabber = {
/** Function: Version
* Responds to a version request
* Parameters:
* (String) msg - Raw XML Message
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true
Version: function(msg) {
Candy.Core.log("[Jabber] Version");
return true;
/** Function: Presence
* Acts on a presence event
* Parameters:
* (String) msg - Raw XML Message
* Triggers:
* candy:core.presence using {from, stanza}
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true
Presence: function(msg) {
Candy.Core.log("[Jabber] Presence");
msg = $(msg);
if (msg.children('x[xmlns^="' + Strophe.NS.MUC + '"]').length > 0) {
if (msg.attr("type") === "error") {
} else {
} else {
/** Event: candy:core.presence
* Presence updates. Emitted only when not a muc presence.
* Parameters:
* (JID) from - From Jid
* (String) stanza - Stanza
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core.presence", {
from: msg.attr("from"),
stanza: msg
return true;
/** Function: Bookmarks
* Acts on a bookmarks event. When a bookmark has the attribute autojoin set, joins this room.
* Parameters:
* (String) msg - Raw XML Message
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true
Bookmarks: function(msg) {
Candy.Core.log("[Jabber] Bookmarks");
// Autojoin bookmarks
$("conference", msg).each(function() {
var item = $(this);
if (item.attr("autojoin")) {
return true;
/** Function: PrivacyList
* Acts on a privacy list event and sets up the current privacy list of this user.
* If no privacy list has been added yet, create the privacy list and listen again to this event.
* Parameters:
* (String) msg - Raw XML Message
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - false to disable the handler after first call.
PrivacyList: function(msg) {
Candy.Core.log("[Jabber] PrivacyList");
var currentUser = Candy.Core.getUser();
msg = $(msg);
if (msg.attr("type") === "result") {
$('list[name="ignore"] item', msg).each(function() {
var item = $(this);
if (item.attr("action") === "deny") {
currentUser.addToOrRemoveFromPrivacyList("ignore", item.attr("value"));
return false;
return self.Jabber.PrivacyListError(msg);
/** Function: PrivacyListError
* Acts when a privacy list error has been received.
* Currently only handles the case, when a privacy list doesn't exist yet and creates one.
* Parameters:
* (String) msg - Raw XML Message
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - false to disable the handler after first call.
PrivacyListError: function(msg) {
Candy.Core.log("[Jabber] PrivacyListError");
// check if msg says that privacyList doesn't exist
if ($('error[code="404"][type="cancel"] item-not-found', msg)) {
return false;
/** Function: Message
* Acts on room, admin and server messages and notifies the view if required.
* Parameters:
* (String) msg - Raw XML Message
* Triggers:
* candy:core.chat.message.admin using {type, message}
* candy:core.chat.message.server {type, subject, message}
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true
Message: function(msg) {
Candy.Core.log("[Jabber] Message");
msg = $(msg);
var fromJid = msg.attr("from"), type = msg.attr("type") || "undefined", toJid = msg.attr("to");
// Inspect the message type.
if (type === "normal" || type === "undefined") {
var mediatedInvite = msg.find("invite"), directInvite = msg.find('x[xmlns="jabber:x:conference"]');
if (mediatedInvite.length > 0) {
var passwordNode = msg.find("password"), password = null, continueNode = mediatedInvite.find("continue"), continuedThread = null;
if (passwordNode) {
password = passwordNode.text();
if (continueNode) {
continuedThread = continueNode.attr("thread");
/** Event: candy:core:chat:invite
* Incoming chat invite for a MUC.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - The room the invite is to
* (String) from - User JID that invite is from text
* (String) reason - Reason for invite [default: '']
* (String) password - Password for the room [default: null]
* (String) continuedThread - The thread ID if this is a continuation of a 1-on-1 chat [default: null]
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core:chat:invite", {
roomJid: fromJid,
from: mediatedInvite.attr("from") || "undefined",
reason: mediatedInvite.find("reason").html() || "",
password: password,
continuedThread: continuedThread
if (directInvite.length > 0) {
/** Event: candy:core:chat:invite
* Incoming chat invite for a MUC.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - The room the invite is to
* (String) from - User JID that invite is from text
* (String) reason - Reason for invite [default: '']
* (String) password - Password for the room [default: null]
* (String) continuedThread - The thread ID if this is a continuation of a 1-on-1 chat [default: null]
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core:chat:invite", {
roomJid: directInvite.attr("jid"),
from: fromJid,
reason: directInvite.attr("reason") || "",
password: directInvite.attr("password"),
continuedThread: directInvite.attr("thread")
/** Event: candy:core:chat:message:normal
* Messages with the type attribute of normal or those
* that do not have the optional type attribute.
* Parameters:
* (String) type - Type of the message [default: message]
* (Object) message - Message object.
// Detect message with type normal or with no type.
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core:chat:message:normal", {
type: type || "normal",
message: msg
return true;
} else if (type !== "groupchat" && type !== "chat" && type !== "error" && type !== "headline") {
/** Event: candy:core:chat:message:other
* Messages with a type other than the ones listed in RFC3921
* section 2.1.1. This allows plugins to catch custom message
* types.
* Parameters:
* (String) type - Type of the message [default: message]
* (Object) message - Message object.
// Detect message with type normal or with no type.
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core:chat:message:other", {
type: type,
message: msg
return true;
// Room message
if (fromJid !== Strophe.getDomainFromJid(fromJid) && (type === "groupchat" || type === "chat" || type === "error")) {
} else if (!toJid && fromJid === Strophe.getDomainFromJid(fromJid)) {
/** Event: candy:core.chat.message.admin
* Admin message
* Parameters:
* (String) type - Type of the message [default: message]
* (String) message - Message text
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core.chat.message.admin", {
type: type || "message",
message: msg.children("body").text()
} else if (toJid && fromJid === Strophe.getDomainFromJid(fromJid)) {
/** Event: candy:core.chat.message.server
* Server message (e.g. subject)
* Parameters:
* (String) type - Message type [default: message]
* (String) subject - Subject text
* (String) message - Message text
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core.chat.message.server", {
type: type || "message",
subject: msg.children("subject").text(),
message: msg.children("body").text()
return true;
/** Class: Candy.Core.Event.Jabber.Room
* Room specific events
Room: {
/** Function: Leave
* Leaves a room and cleans up related data and notifies view.
* Parameters:
* (String) msg - Raw XML Message
* Triggers:
* candy:core.presence.leave using {roomJid, roomName, type, reason, actor, user}
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true
Leave: function(msg) {
Candy.Core.log("[Jabber:Room] Leave");
msg = $(msg);
var from = Candy.Util.unescapeJid(msg.attr("from")), roomJid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(from);
// if room is not joined yet, ignore.
if (!Candy.Core.getRoom(roomJid)) {
return true;
var roomName = Candy.Core.getRoom(roomJid).getName(), item = msg.find("item"), type = "leave", reason, actor;
delete Candy.Core.getRooms()[roomJid];
// if user gets kicked, role is none and there's a status code 307
if (item.attr("role") === "none") {
var code = msg.find("status").attr("code");
if (code === "307") {
type = "kick";
} else if (code === "301") {
type = "ban";
reason = item.find("reason").text();
actor = item.find("actor").attr("jid");
var user = new Candy.Core.ChatUser(from, Strophe.getResourceFromJid(from), item.attr("affiliation"), item.attr("role"));
/** Event: candy:core.presence.leave
* When the local client leaves a room
* Also triggered when the local client gets kicked or banned from a room.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room
* (String) roomName - Name of room
* (String) type - Presence type [kick, ban, leave]
* (String) reason - When type equals kick|ban, this is the reason the moderator has supplied.
* (String) actor - When type equals kick|ban, this is the moderator which did the kick
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - user which leaves the room
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core.presence.leave", {
roomJid: roomJid,
roomName: roomName,
type: type,
reason: reason,
actor: actor,
user: user
return true;
/** Function: Disco
* Sets informations to rooms according to the disco info received.
* Parameters:
* (String) msg - Raw XML Message
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true
Disco: function(msg) {
Candy.Core.log("[Jabber:Room] Disco");
msg = $(msg);
// Temp fix for #219
// Don't go further if it's no conference disco reply
// FIXME: Do this in a more beautiful way
if (!msg.find('identity[category="conference"]').length) {
return true;
var roomJid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(Candy.Util.unescapeJid(msg.attr("from")));
// Client joined a room
if (!Candy.Core.getRooms()[roomJid]) {
Candy.Core.getRooms()[roomJid] = new Candy.Core.ChatRoom(roomJid);
// Room existed but room name was unknown
var identity = msg.find("identity");
if (identity.length) {
var roomName = identity.attr("name"), room = Candy.Core.getRoom(roomJid);
if (room.getName() === null) {
return true;
/** Function: Presence
* Acts on various presence messages (room leaving, room joining, error presence) and notifies view.
* Parameters:
* (Object) msg - jQuery object of XML message
* Triggers:
* candy:core.presence.room using {roomJid, roomName, user, action, currentUser}
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true
Presence: function(msg) {
Candy.Core.log("[Jabber:Room] Presence");
var from = Candy.Util.unescapeJid(msg.attr("from")), roomJid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(from), presenceType = msg.attr("type"), status = msg.find("status"), nickAssign = false, nickChange = false;
if (status.length) {
// check if status code indicates a nick assignment or nick change
for (var i = 0, l = status.length; i < l; i++) {
var $status = $(status[i]), code = $status.attr("code");
if (code === "303") {
nickChange = true;
} else if (code === "210") {
nickAssign = true;
// Current User joined a room
var room = Candy.Core.getRoom(roomJid);
if (!room) {
Candy.Core.getRooms()[roomJid] = new Candy.Core.ChatRoom(roomJid);
room = Candy.Core.getRoom(roomJid);
// Current User left a room
var currentUser = room.getUser() ? room.getUser() : Candy.Core.getUser();
if (Strophe.getResourceFromJid(from) === currentUser.getNick() && presenceType === "unavailable" && nickChange === false) {
return true;
var roster = room.getRoster(), action, user, nick, item = msg.find("item");
// User joined a room
if (presenceType !== "unavailable") {
if (roster.get(from)) {
// role/affiliation change
user = roster.get(from);
var role = item.attr("role"), affiliation = item.attr("affiliation");
// FIXME: currently role/affilation changes are handled with this action
action = "join";
} else {
nick = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(from);
user = new Candy.Core.ChatUser(from, nick, item.attr("affiliation"), item.attr("role"));
// Room existed but client (myself) is not yet registered
if (room.getUser() === null && (Candy.Core.getUser().getNick() === nick || nickAssign)) {
currentUser = user;
action = "join";
} else {
user = roster.get(from);
if (nickChange) {
// user changed nick
nick = item.attr("nick");
action = "nickchange";
user.setJid(Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(from) + "/" + nick);
} else {
action = "leave";
if (item.attr("role") === "none") {
if (msg.find("status").attr("code") === "307") {
action = "kick";
} else if (msg.find("status").attr("code") === "301") {
action = "ban";
/** Event: candy:core.presence.room
* Room presence updates
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) roomName - Room name
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User which does the presence update
* (String) action - Action [kick, ban, leave, join]
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) currentUser - Current local user
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core.presence.room", {
roomJid: roomJid,
roomName: room.getName(),
user: user,
action: action,
currentUser: currentUser
return true;
/** Function: PresenceError
* Acts when a presence of type error has been retrieved.
* Parameters:
* (Object) msg - jQuery object of XML message
* Triggers:
* candy:core.presence.error using {msg, type, roomJid, roomName}
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true
PresenceError: function(msg) {
Candy.Core.log("[Jabber:Room] Presence Error");
var from = Candy.Util.unescapeJid(msg.attr("from")), roomJid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(from), room = Candy.Core.getRooms()[roomJid], roomName = room.getName();
// Presence error: Remove room from array to prevent error when disconnecting
room = undefined;
/** Event: candy:core.presence.error
* Triggered when a presence error happened
* Parameters:
* (Object) msg - jQuery object of XML message
* (String) type - Error type
* (String) roomJid - Room jid
* (String) roomName - Room name
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core.presence.error", {
msg: msg,
type: msg.children("error").children()[0].tagName.toLowerCase(),
roomJid: roomJid,
roomName: roomName
return true;
/** Function: Message
* Acts on various message events (subject changed, private chat message, multi-user chat message)
* and notifies view.
* Parameters:
* (String) msg - jQuery object of XML message
* Triggers:
* candy:core.message using {roomJid, message, timestamp}
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true
Message: function(msg) {
Candy.Core.log("[Jabber:Room] Message");
// Room subject
var roomJid, message, name;
if (msg.children("subject").length > 0 && msg.children("subject").text().length > 0 && msg.attr("type") === "groupchat") {
roomJid = Candy.Util.unescapeJid(Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(msg.attr("from")));
message = {
name: Strophe.getNodeFromJid(roomJid),
body: msg.children("subject").text(),
type: "subject"
} else if (msg.attr("type") === "error") {
var error = msg.children("error");
if (error.children("text").length > 0) {
roomJid = msg.attr("from");
message = {
type: "info",
body: error.children("text").text()
} else if (msg.children("body").length > 0) {
// Private chat message
if (msg.attr("type") === "chat" || msg.attr("type") === "normal") {
roomJid = Candy.Util.unescapeJid(msg.attr("from"));
var bareRoomJid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomJid), // if a 3rd-party client sends a direct message to this user (not via the room) then the username is the node and not the resource.
isNoConferenceRoomJid = !Candy.Core.getRoom(bareRoomJid);
name = isNoConferenceRoomJid ? Strophe.getNodeFromJid(roomJid) : Strophe.getResourceFromJid(roomJid);
message = {
name: name,
body: msg.children("body").text(),
type: msg.attr("type"),
isNoConferenceRoomJid: isNoConferenceRoomJid
} else {
roomJid = Candy.Util.unescapeJid(Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(msg.attr("from")));
var resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(msg.attr("from"));
// Message from a user
if (resource) {
resource = Strophe.unescapeNode(resource);
message = {
name: resource,
body: msg.children("body").text(),
type: msg.attr("type")
} else {
// we are not yet present in the room, let's just drop this message (issue #105)
if (!Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[msg.attr("from")]) {
return true;
message = {
name: "",
body: msg.children("body").text(),
type: "info"
var xhtmlChild = msg.children('html[xmlns="' + Strophe.NS.XHTML_IM + '"]');
if (Candy.View.getOptions().enableXHTML === true && xhtmlChild.length > 0) {
var xhtmlMessage = xhtmlChild.children('body[xmlns="' + Strophe.NS.XHTML + '"]').first().html();
message.xhtmlMessage = xhtmlMessage;
} else if (msg.children("composing").length > 0 || msg.children("inactive").length > 0 || msg.children("paused").length > 0) {
roomJid = Candy.Util.unescapeJid(msg.attr("from"));
name = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(roomJid);
var chatstate;
if (msg.children("composing").length > 0) {
chatstate = "composing";
} else if (msg.children("paused").length > 0) {
chatstate = "paused";
} else if (msg.children("inactive").length > 0) {
chatstate = "inactive";
} else if (msg.children("gone").length > 0) {
chatstate = "gone";
/** Event: candy:core.message.chatstate
* Triggers on any recieved chatstate notification.
* The resulting message object contains the name of the person, the roomJid, and the indicated chatstate.
* The following lists explain those parameters:
* Message Object Parameters:
* (String) name - User name
* (String) roomJid - Room jid
* (String) chatstate - Chatstate being indicated. ("paused", "inactive", "composing", "gone")
* Perhaps handle blank "active" as specified by XEP-0085?
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core.message.chatstate", {
name: name,
roomJid: roomJid,
chatstate: chatstate
return true;
} else {
return true;
// besides the delayed delivery (XEP-0203), there exists also XEP-0091 which is the legacy delayed delivery.
// the x[xmlns=jabber:x:delay] is the format in XEP-0091.
var delay = msg.children("delay") ? msg.children("delay") : msg.children('x[xmlns="' + Strophe.NS.DELAY + '"]'), timestamp = delay !== undefined ? delay.attr("stamp") : null;
/** Event: candy:core.message
* Triggers on various message events (subject changed, private chat message, multi-user chat message).
* The resulting message object can contain different key-value pairs as stated in the documentation
* of the parameters itself.
* The following lists explain those parameters:
* Message Object Parameters:
* (String) name - Room name
* (String) body - Message text
* (String) type - Message type ([normal, chat, groupchat])
* or 'info' which is used internally for displaying informational messages
* (Boolean) isNoConferenceRoomJid - if a 3rd-party client sends a direct message to
* this user (not via the room) then the username is the node
* and not the resource.
* This flag tells if this is the case.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room jid
* (Object) message - Depending on what kind of message, the object consists of different key-value pairs:
* - Room Subject: {name, body, type}
* - Error message: {type = 'info', body}
* - Private chat message: {name, body, type, isNoConferenceRoomJid}
* - MUC msg from a user: {name, body, type}
* - MUC msg from server: {name = '', body, type = 'info'}
* (String) timestamp - Timestamp, only when it's an offline message
* Streamline those events sent and rename the parameters.
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:core.message", {
roomJid: roomJid,
message: message,
timestamp: timestamp
return true;
return self;
}(Candy.Core.Event || {}, Strophe, jQuery);
/** File: observer.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel
"use strict";
/* global Candy, Strophe, Mustache, jQuery */
/** Class: Candy.View.Observer
* Observes Candy core events
* Parameters:
* (Candy.View.Observer) self - itself
* (jQuery) $ - jQuery
Candy.View.Observer = function(self, $) {
/** PrivateVariable: _showConnectedMessageModal
* Ugly way to determine if the 'connected' modal should be shown.
* Is set to false in case no autojoin param is set.
var _showConnectedMessageModal = true;
/** Class: Candy.View.Observer.Chat
* Chat events
self.Chat = {
/** Function: Connection
* The update method gets called whenever an event to which "Chat" is subscribed.
* Currently listens for connection status updates
* Parameters:
* (jQuery.Event) event - jQuery Event object
* (Object) args - {status (Strophe.Status.*)}
Connection: function(event, args) {
var eventName = "candy:view.connection.status-" + args.status;
/** Event: candy:view.connection.status-<STROPHE-STATUS>
* Using this event, you can alter the default Candy (View) behaviour when reacting
* to connection updates.
* STROPHE-STATUS has to be replaced by one of <Strophe.Status at https://github.com/strophe/strophejs/blob/master/src/core.js#L276>:
* - ERROR: 0,
* - CONNFAIL: 2,
* - AUTHFAIL: 4,
* If your event handler returns `false`, no View changes will take place.
* You can, of course, also return `true` and do custom things but still
* let Candy (View) do it's job.
* This event has been implemented due to <issue #202 at https://github.com/candy-chat/candy/issues/202>
* and here's an example use-case for it:
* (start code)
* // react to DISCONNECTED event
* $(Candy).on('candy:view.connection.status-6', function() {
* // on next browser event loop
* setTimeout(function() {
* // reload page to automatically reattach on disconnect
* window.location.reload();
* }, 0);
* // stop view changes right here.
* return false;
* });
* (end code)
if ($(Candy).triggerHandler(eventName) === false) {
return false;
switch (args.status) {
case Strophe.Status.CONNECTING:
case Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING:
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.Modal.show($.i18n._("statusConnecting"), false, true);
case Strophe.Status.ATTACHED:
case Strophe.Status.CONNECTED:
if (_showConnectedMessageModal === true) {
// only show 'connected' if the autojoin error is not shown
// which is determined by having a visible modal in this stage.
case Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING:
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.Modal.show($.i18n._("statusDisconnecting"), false, true);
case Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED:
var presetJid = Candy.Core.isAnonymousConnection() ? Strophe.getDomainFromJid(Candy.Core.getUser().getJid()) : null;
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.Modal.showLoginForm($.i18n._("statusDisconnected"), presetJid);
case Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL:
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.Modal.show($.i18n._("status", args.status));
/** Function: Message
* Dispatches admin and info messages
* Parameters:
* (jQuery.Event) event - jQuery Event object
* (Object) args - {type (message/chat/groupchat), subject (if type = message), message}
Message: function(event, args) {
if (args.type === "message") {
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.adminMessage(args.subject || "", args.message);
} else if (args.type === "chat" || args.type === "groupchat") {
// use onInfoMessage as infos from the server shouldn't be hidden by the infoMessage switch.
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.onInfoMessage(Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid, args.subject || "", args.message);
/** Class: Candy.View.Observer.Presence
* Presence update events
self.Presence = {
/** Function: update
* Every presence update gets dispatched from this method.
* Parameters:
* (jQuery.Event) event - jQuery.Event object
* (Object) args - Arguments differ on each type
* Uses:
* - <notifyPrivateChats>
update: function(event, args) {
// Client left
if (args.type === "leave") {
var user = Candy.View.Pane.Room.getUser(args.roomJid);
self.Presence.notifyPrivateChats(user, args.type);
} else if (args.type === "kick" || args.type === "ban") {
var actorName = args.actor ? Strophe.getNodeFromJid(args.actor) : null, actionLabel, translationParams = [ args.roomName ];
if (actorName) {
switch (args.type) {
case "kick":
actionLabel = $.i18n._(actorName ? "youHaveBeenKickedBy" : "youHaveBeenKicked", translationParams);
case "ban":
actionLabel = $.i18n._(actorName ? "youHaveBeenBannedBy" : "youHaveBeenBanned", translationParams);
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.Modal.show(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.Context.adminMessageReason, {
reason: args.reason,
_action: actionLabel,
_reason: $.i18n._("reasonWas", [ args.reason ])
setTimeout(function() {
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.Modal.hide(function() {
self.Presence.notifyPrivateChats(args.user, args.type);
}, 5e3);
var evtData = {
type: args.type,
reason: args.reason,
roomJid: args.roomJid,
user: args.user
/** Event: candy:view.presence
* Presence update when kicked or banned
* Parameters:
* (String) type - Presence type [kick, ban]
* (String) reason - Reason for the kick|ban [optional]
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User which has been kicked or banned
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.presence", [ evtData ]);
} else if (args.roomJid) {
args.roomJid = Candy.Util.unescapeJid(args.roomJid);
// Initialize room if not yet existing
if (!Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[args.roomJid]) {
if (Candy.View.Pane.Room.init(args.roomJid, args.roomName) === false) {
return false;
Candy.View.Pane.Roster.update(args.roomJid, args.user, args.action, args.currentUser);
// Notify private user chats if existing, but not in case the action is nickchange
// -- this is because the nickchange presence already contains the new
// user jid
if (Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[args.user.getJid()] && args.action !== "nickchange") {
Candy.View.Pane.Roster.update(args.user.getJid(), args.user, args.action, args.currentUser);
Candy.View.Pane.PrivateRoom.setStatus(args.user.getJid(), args.action);
/** Function: notifyPrivateChats
* Notify private user chats if existing
* Parameters:
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User which has done the event
* (String) type - Event type (leave, join, kick/ban)
notifyPrivateChats: function(user, type) {
Candy.Core.log("[View:Observer] notify Private Chats");
var roomJid;
for (roomJid in Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms) {
if (Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms.hasOwnProperty(roomJid) && Candy.View.Pane.Room.getUser(roomJid) && user.getJid() === Candy.View.Pane.Room.getUser(roomJid).getJid()) {
Candy.View.Pane.Roster.update(roomJid, user, type, user);
Candy.View.Pane.PrivateRoom.setStatus(roomJid, type);
/** Function: Candy.View.Observer.PresenceError
* Presence errors get handled in this method
* Parameters:
* (jQuery.Event) event - jQuery.Event object
* (Object) args - {msg, type, roomJid, roomName}
self.PresenceError = function(obj, args) {
switch (args.type) {
case "not-authorized":
var message;
if (args.msg.children("x").children("password").length > 0) {
message = $.i18n._("passwordEnteredInvalid", [ args.roomName ]);
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.Modal.showEnterPasswordForm(args.roomJid, args.roomName, message);
case "conflict":
case "registration-required":
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.Modal.showError("errorMembersOnly", [ args.roomName ]);
case "service-unavailable":
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.Modal.showError("errorMaxOccupantsReached", [ args.roomName ]);
/** Function: Candy.View.Observer.Message
* Messages received get dispatched from this method.
* Parameters:
* (jQuery.Event) event - jQuery Event object
* (Object) args - {message, roomJid}
self.Message = function(event, args) {
if (args.message.type === "subject") {
if (!Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[args.roomJid]) {
Candy.View.Pane.Room.init(args.roomJid, args.message.name);
Candy.View.Pane.Room.setSubject(args.roomJid, args.message.body);
} else if (args.message.type === "info") {
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.infoMessage(args.roomJid, args.message.body);
} else {
// Initialize room if it's a message for a new private user chat
if (args.message.type === "chat" && !Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[args.roomJid]) {
Candy.View.Pane.PrivateRoom.open(args.roomJid, args.message.name, false, args.message.isNoConferenceRoomJid);
Candy.View.Pane.Message.show(args.roomJid, args.message.name, args.message.body, args.message.xhtmlMessage, args.timestamp);
/** Function: Candy.View.Observer.Login
* The login event gets dispatched to this method
* Parameters:
* (jQuery.Event) event - jQuery Event object
* (Object) args - {presetJid}
self.Login = function(event, args) {
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.Modal.showLoginForm(null, args.presetJid);
/** Class: Candy.View.Observer.AutojoinMissing
* Displays an error about missing autojoin information
self.AutojoinMissing = function() {
_showConnectedMessageModal = false;
return self;
}(Candy.View.Observer || {}, jQuery);
/** File: pane.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel. All rights reserved.
"use strict";
/* global Candy, document, Mustache, Strophe, Audio, jQuery */
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane
* Candy view pane handles everything regarding DOM updates etc.
* Parameters:
* (Candy.View.Pane) self - itself
* (jQuery) $ - jQuery
Candy.View.Pane = function(self, $) {
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Window
* Window related view updates
self.Window = {
/** PrivateVariable: _hasFocus
* Window has focus
_hasFocus: true,
/** PrivateVariable: _plainTitle
* Document title
_plainTitle: document.title,
/** PrivateVariable: _unreadMessagesCount
* Unread messages count
_unreadMessagesCount: 0,
/** Variable: autoscroll
* Boolean whether autoscroll is enabled
autoscroll: true,
/** Function: hasFocus
* Checks if window has focus
* Returns:
* (Boolean)
hasFocus: function() {
return self.Window._hasFocus;
/** Function: increaseUnreadMessages
* Increases unread message count in window title by one.
increaseUnreadMessages: function() {
/** Function: reduceUnreadMessages
* Reduce unread message count in window title by `num`.
* Parameters:
* (Integer) num - Unread message count will be reduced by this value
reduceUnreadMessages: function(num) {
self.Window._unreadMessagesCount -= num;
if (self.Window._unreadMessagesCount <= 0) {
} else {
/** Function: clearUnreadMessages
* Clear unread message count in window title.
clearUnreadMessages: function() {
self.Window._unreadMessagesCount = 0;
document.title = self.Window._plainTitle;
/** Function: renderUnreadMessages
* Update window title to show message count.
* Parameters:
* (Integer) count - Number of unread messages to show in window title
renderUnreadMessages: function(count) {
document.title = Candy.View.Template.Window.unreadmessages.replace("{{count}}", count).replace("{{title}}", self.Window._plainTitle);
/** Function: onFocus
* Window focus event handler.
onFocus: function() {
self.Window._hasFocus = true;
if (Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid) {
/** Function: onBlur
* Window blur event handler.
onBlur: function() {
self.Window._hasFocus = false;
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Chat
* Chat-View related view updates
self.Chat = {
/** Variable: rooms
* Contains opened room elements
rooms: [],
/** Function: addTab
* Add a tab to the chat pane.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - JID of room
* (String) roomName - Tab label
* (String) roomType - Type of room: `groupchat` or `chat`
addTab: function(roomJid, roomName, roomType) {
var roomId = Candy.Util.jidToId(roomJid), html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.tab, {
roomJid: roomJid,
roomId: roomId,
name: roomName || Strophe.getNodeFromJid(roomJid),
privateUserChat: function() {
return roomType === "chat";
roomType: roomType
}), tab = $(html).appendTo("#chat-tabs");
// TODO: maybe we find a better way to get the close element.
$("a.close", tab).click(self.Chat.tabClose);
/** Function: getTab
* Get tab by JID.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - JID of room
* Returns:
* (jQuery object) - Tab element
getTab: function(roomJid) {
return $("#chat-tabs").children('li[data-roomjid="' + roomJid + '"]');
/** Function: removeTab
* Remove tab element.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - JID of room
removeTab: function(roomJid) {
/** Function: setActiveTab
* Set the active tab.
* Add CSS classname `active` to the choosen tab and remove `active` from all other.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - JID of room
setActiveTab: function(roomJid) {
$("#chat-tabs").children().each(function() {
var tab = $(this);
if (tab.attr("data-roomjid") === roomJid) {
} else {
/** Function: increaseUnreadMessages
* Increase unread message count in a tab by one.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - JID of room
* Uses:
* - <Window.increaseUnreadMessages>
increaseUnreadMessages: function(roomJid) {
var unreadElem = this.getTab(roomJid).find(".unread");
unreadElem.show().text(unreadElem.text() !== "" ? parseInt(unreadElem.text(), 10) + 1 : 1);
// only increase window unread messages in private chats
if (self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].type === "chat") {
/** Function: clearUnreadMessages
* Clear unread message count in a tab.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - JID of room
* Uses:
* - <Window.reduceUnreadMessages>
clearUnreadMessages: function(roomJid) {
var unreadElem = self.Chat.getTab(roomJid).find(".unread");
/** Function: tabClick
* Tab click event: show the room associated with the tab and stops the event from doing the default.
tabClick: function(e) {
// remember scroll position of current room
var currentRoomJid = Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid;
self.Chat.rooms[currentRoomJid].scrollPosition = self.Room.getPane(currentRoomJid, ".message-pane-wrapper").scrollTop();
/** Function: tabClose
* Tab close (click) event: Leave the room (groupchat) or simply close the tab (chat).
* Parameters:
* (DOMEvent) e - Event triggered
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - false, this will stop the event from bubbling
tabClose: function() {
var roomJid = $(this).parent().attr("data-roomjid");
// close private user tab
if (self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].type === "chat") {
} else {
return false;
/** Function: allTabsClosed
* All tabs closed event: Disconnect from service. Hide sound control.
* TODO: Handle window close
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - false, this will stop the event from bubbling
allTabsClosed: function() {
/** Function: fitTabs
* Fit tab size according to window size
fitTabs: function() {
var availableWidth = $("#chat-tabs").innerWidth(), tabsWidth = 0, tabs = $("#chat-tabs").children();
tabs.each(function() {
tabsWidth += $(this).css({
width: "auto",
overflow: "visible"
if (tabsWidth > availableWidth) {
// tabs.[outer]Width() measures the first element in `tabs`. It's no very readable but nearly two times faster than using :first
var tabDiffToRealWidth = tabs.outerWidth(true) - tabs.width(), tabWidth = Math.floor(availableWidth / tabs.length) - tabDiffToRealWidth;
width: tabWidth,
overflow: "hidden"
/** Function: adminMessage
* Display admin message
* Parameters:
* (String) subject - Admin message subject
* (String) message - Message to be displayed
* Triggers:
* candy:view.chat.admin-message using {subject, message}
adminMessage: function(subject, message) {
if (Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid) {
// Simply dismiss admin message if no room joined so far. TODO: maybe we should show those messages on a dedicated pane?
var html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.adminMessage, {
subject: subject,
message: message,
sender: $.i18n._("administratorMessageSubject"),
time: Candy.Util.localizedTime(new Date().toGMTString())
$("#chat-rooms").children().each(function() {
self.Room.appendToMessagePane($(this).attr("data-roomjid"), html);
/** Event: candy:view.chat.admin-message
* After admin message display
* Parameters:
* (String) presetJid - Preset user JID
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.chat.admin-message", {
subject: subject,
message: message
/** Function: infoMessage
* Display info message. This is a wrapper for <onInfoMessage> to be able to disable certain info messages.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) subject - Subject
* (String) message - Message
infoMessage: function(roomJid, subject, message) {
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, subject, message);
/** Function: onInfoMessage
* Display info message. Used by <infoMessage> and several other functions which do not wish that their info message
* can be disabled (such as kick/ban message or leave/join message in private chats).
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) subject - Subject
* (String) message - Message
onInfoMessage: function(roomJid, subject, message) {
if (Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid) {
// Simply dismiss info message if no room joined so far. TODO: maybe we should show those messages on a dedicated pane?
var html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.infoMessage, {
subject: subject,
message: $.i18n._(message),
time: Candy.Util.localizedTime(new Date().toGMTString())
self.Room.appendToMessagePane(roomJid, html);
if (Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid === roomJid) {
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Toolbar
* Chat toolbar for things like emoticons toolbar, room management etc.
Toolbar: {
_supportsNativeAudio: false,
/** Function: init
* Register handler and enable or disable sound and status messages.
init: function() {
$("#emoticons-icon").click(function(e) {
var a = document.createElement("audio");
self.Chat.Toolbar._supportsNativeAudio = !!(a.canPlayType && a.canPlayType("audio/mpeg;").replace(/no/, ""));
if (Candy.Util.cookieExists("candy-nosound")) {
if (Candy.Util.cookieExists("candy-nostatusmessages")) {
/** Function: show
* Show toolbar.
show: function() {
/** Function: hide
* Hide toolbar.
hide: function() {
/* Function: update
* Update toolbar for specific room
update: function(roomJid) {
var context = $("#chat-toolbar").find(".context"), me = self.Room.getUser(roomJid);
if (!me || !me.isModerator()) {
} else {
context.show().click(function(e) {
self.Chat.Context.show(e.currentTarget, roomJid);
/** Function: playSound
* Play sound (default method).
playSound: function() {
/** Function: onPlaySound
* Sound play event handler. Uses native (HTML5) audio if supported
* Don't call this method directly. Call `playSound()` instead.
* `playSound()` will only call this method if sound is enabled.
onPlaySound: function() {
try {
if (self.Chat.Toolbar._supportsNativeAudio) {
new Audio(Candy.View.getOptions().assets + "notify.mp3").play();
} else {
var chatSoundPlayer = document.getElementById("chat-sound-player");
chatSoundPlayer.SetVariable("method:stop", "");
chatSoundPlayer.SetVariable("method:play", "");
} catch (e) {}
/** Function: onSoundControlClick
* Sound control click event handler.
* Toggle sound (overwrite `playSound()`) and handle cookies.
onSoundControlClick: function() {
var control = $("#chat-sound-control");
if (control.hasClass("checked")) {
self.Chat.Toolbar.playSound = function() {};
Candy.Util.setCookie("candy-nosound", "1", 365);
} else {
self.Chat.Toolbar.playSound = function() {
/** Function: onAutoscrollControlClick
* Autoscroll control event handler.
* Toggle autoscroll
onAutoscrollControlClick: function() {
var control = $("#chat-autoscroll-control");
if (control.hasClass("checked")) {
self.Room.scrollToBottom = function(roomJid) {
self.Window.autoscroll = false;
} else {
self.Room.scrollToBottom = function(roomJid) {
self.Window.autoscroll = true;
/** Function: onStatusMessageControlClick
* Status message control event handler.
* Toggle status message
onStatusMessageControlClick: function() {
var control = $("#chat-statusmessage-control");
if (control.hasClass("checked")) {
self.Chat.infoMessage = function() {};
Candy.Util.setCookie("candy-nostatusmessages", "1", 365);
} else {
self.Chat.infoMessage = function(roomJid, subject, message) {
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, subject, message);
/** Function: updateUserCount
* Update usercount element with count.
* Parameters:
* (Integer) count - Current usercount
updateUsercount: function(count) {
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Modal
* Modal window
Modal: {
/** Function: show
* Display modal window
* Parameters:
* (String) html - HTML code to put into the modal window
* (Boolean) showCloseControl - set to true if a close button should be displayed [default false]
* (Boolean) showSpinner - set to true if a loading spinner should be shown [default false]
show: function(html, showCloseControl, showSpinner) {
if (showCloseControl) {
} else {
if (showSpinner) {
} else {
$("#chat-modal").stop(false, true);
/** Function: hide
* Hide modal window
* Parameters:
* (Function) callback - Calls the specified function after modal window has been hidden.
hide: function(callback) {
$("#chat-modal").fadeOut("fast", function() {
// restore initial esc handling
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
if (e.which === 27) {
if (callback) {
/** Function: showSpinner
* Show loading spinner
showSpinner: function() {
/** Function: hideSpinner
* Hide loading spinner
hideSpinner: function() {
/** Function: showCloseControl
* Show a close button
showCloseControl: function() {
$("#admin-message-cancel").show().click(function(e) {
// some strange behaviour on IE7 (and maybe other browsers) triggers onWindowUnload when clicking on the close button.
// prevent this.
// enable esc to close modal
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
if (e.which === 27) {
/** Function: hideCloseControl
* Hide the close button
hideCloseControl: function() {
$("#admin-message-cancel").hide().click(function() {});
/** Function: showLoginForm
* Show the login form modal
* Parameters:
* (String) message - optional message to display above the form
* (String) presetJid - optional user jid. if set, the user will only be prompted for password.
showLoginForm: function(message, presetJid) {
self.Chat.Modal.show((message ? message : "") + Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Login.form, {
_labelNickname: $.i18n._("labelNickname"),
_labelUsername: $.i18n._("labelUsername"),
_labelPassword: $.i18n._("labelPassword"),
_loginSubmit: $.i18n._("loginSubmit"),
displayPassword: !Candy.Core.isAnonymousConnection(),
displayUsername: !presetJid,
displayNickname: Candy.Core.isAnonymousConnection(),
presetJid: presetJid ? presetJid : false
// register submit handler
$("#login-form").submit(function() {
var username = $("#username").val(), password = $("#password").val();
if (!Candy.Core.isAnonymousConnection()) {
// guess the input and create a jid out of it
var jid = Candy.Core.getUser() && username.indexOf("@") < 0 ? username + "@" + Strophe.getDomainFromJid(Candy.Core.getUser().getJid()) : username;
if (jid.indexOf("@") < 0 && !Candy.Core.getUser()) {
} else {
Candy.Core.connect(jid, password);
} else {
// anonymous login
Candy.Core.connect(presetJid, null, username);
return false;
/** Function: showEnterPasswordForm
* Shows a form for entering room password
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room jid to join
* (String) roomName - Room name
* (String) message - [optional] Message to show as the label
showEnterPasswordForm: function(roomJid, roomName, message) {
self.Chat.Modal.show(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.PresenceError.enterPasswordForm, {
roomName: roomName,
_labelPassword: $.i18n._("labelPassword"),
_label: message ? message : $.i18n._("enterRoomPassword", [ roomName ]),
_joinSubmit: $.i18n._("enterRoomPasswordSubmit")
}), true);
// register submit handler
$("#enter-password-form").submit(function() {
var password = $("#password").val();
self.Chat.Modal.hide(function() {
Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room.Join(roomJid, password);
return false;
/** Function: showNicknameConflictForm
* Shows a form indicating that the nickname is already taken and
* for chosing a new nickname
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room jid to join
showNicknameConflictForm: function(roomJid) {
self.Chat.Modal.show(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.PresenceError.nicknameConflictForm, {
_labelNickname: $.i18n._("labelNickname"),
_label: $.i18n._("nicknameConflict"),
_loginSubmit: $.i18n._("loginSubmit")
// register submit handler
$("#nickname-conflict-form").submit(function() {
var nickname = $("#nickname").val();
self.Chat.Modal.hide(function() {
Candy.Core.getUser().data.nick = nickname;
return false;
/** Function: showError
* Show modal containing error message
* Parameters:
* (String) message - key of translation to display
* (Array) replacements - array containing replacements for translation (%s)
showError: function(message, replacements) {
self.Chat.Modal.show(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.PresenceError.displayError, {
_error: $.i18n._(message, replacements)
}), true);
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Tooltip
* Class to display tooltips over specific elements
Tooltip: {
/** Function: show
* Show a tooltip on event.currentTarget with content specified or content within the target's attribute data-tooltip.
* On mouseleave on the target, hide the tooltip.
* Parameters:
* (Event) event - Triggered event
* (String) content - Content to display [optional]
show: function(event, content) {
var tooltip = $("#tooltip"), target = $(event.currentTarget);
if (!content) {
content = target.attr("data-tooltip");
if (tooltip.length === 0) {
var html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.tooltip);
tooltip = $("#tooltip");
tooltip.stop(false, true);
var pos = target.offset(), posLeft = Candy.Util.getPosLeftAccordingToWindowBounds(tooltip, pos.left), posTop = Candy.Util.getPosTopAccordingToWindowBounds(tooltip, pos.top);
left: posLeft.px,
top: posTop.px
}).removeClass("left-top left-bottom right-top right-bottom").addClass(posLeft.backgroundPositionAlignment + "-" + posTop.backgroundPositionAlignment).fadeIn("fast");
target.mouseleave(function(event) {
$("#tooltip").stop(false, true).fadeOut("fast", function() {
top: 0,
left: 0
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Context
* Context menu for actions and settings
Context: {
/** Function: init
* Initialize context menu and setup mouseleave handler.
init: function() {
if ($("#context-menu").length === 0) {
var html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.Context.menu);
$("#context-menu").mouseleave(function() {
/** Function: show
* Show context menu (positions it according to the window height/width)
* Parameters:
* (Element) elem - On which element it should be shown
* (String) roomJid - Room Jid of the room it should be shown
* (Candy.Core.chatUser) user - User
* Uses:
* <getMenuLinks> for getting menulinks the user has access to
* <Candy.Util.getPosLeftAccordingToWindowBounds> for positioning
* <Candy.Util.getPosTopAccordingToWindowBounds> for positioning
* Triggers:
* candy:view.roster.after-context-menu using {roomJid, user, elements}
show: function(elem, roomJid, user) {
elem = $(elem);
var roomId = self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].id, menu = $("#context-menu"), links = $("ul li", menu);
// add specific context-user class if a user is available (when context menu should be opened next to a user)
if (!user) {
user = Candy.Core.getUser();
var menulinks = this.getMenuLinks(roomJid, user, elem), id, clickHandler = function(roomJid, user) {
return function(event) {
event.data.callback(event, roomJid, user);
for (id in menulinks) {
if (menulinks.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
var link = menulinks[id], html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.Context.menulinks, {
roomId: roomId,
"class": link["class"],
id: id,
label: link.label
$("ul", menu).append(html);
$("#context-menu-" + id).bind("click", link, clickHandler(roomJid, user));
// if `id` is set the menu is not empty
if (id) {
var pos = elem.offset(), posLeft = Candy.Util.getPosLeftAccordingToWindowBounds(menu, pos.left), posTop = Candy.Util.getPosTopAccordingToWindowBounds(menu, pos.top);
left: posLeft.px,
top: posTop.px
}).removeClass("left-top left-bottom right-top right-bottom").addClass(posLeft.backgroundPositionAlignment + "-" + posTop.backgroundPositionAlignment).fadeIn("fast");
/** Event: candy:view.roster.after-context-menu
* After context menu display
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - room where the context menu has been triggered
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User
* (jQuery.Element) element - Menu element
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.roster.after-context-menu", {
roomJid: roomJid,
user: user,
element: menu
return true;
/** Function: getMenuLinks
* Extends <initialMenuLinks> with menu links gathered from candy:view.roster.contextmenu
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the menu will be displayed
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User
* (jQuery.Element) elem - Parent element of the context menu
* Triggers:
* candy:view.roster.context-menu using {roomJid, user, elem}
* Returns:
* (Object) - object containing the extended menulinks.
getMenuLinks: function(roomJid, user, elem) {
var menulinks, id;
var evtData = {
roomJid: roomJid,
user: user,
elem: elem,
menulinks: this.initialMenuLinks(elem)
/** Event: candy:view.roster.context-menu
* Modify existing menu links (add links)
* In order to modify the links you need to change the object passed with an additional
* key "menulinks" containing the menulink object.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room on which the menu should be displayed
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User
* (jQuery.Element) elem - Parent element of the context menu
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.roster.context-menu", evtData);
menulinks = evtData.menulinks;
for (id in menulinks) {
if (menulinks.hasOwnProperty(id) && menulinks[id].requiredPermission !== undefined && !menulinks[id].requiredPermission(user, self.Room.getUser(roomJid), elem)) {
delete menulinks[id];
return menulinks;
/** Function: initialMenuLinks
* Returns initial menulinks. The following are initial:
* - Private Chat
* - Ignore
* - Unignore
* - Kick
* - Ban
* - Change Subject
* Returns:
* (Object) - object containing those menulinks
initialMenuLinks: function() {
return {
"private": {
requiredPermission: function(user, me) {
return me.getNick() !== user.getNick() && Candy.Core.getRoom(Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid) && !Candy.Core.getUser().isInPrivacyList("ignore", user.getJid());
"class": "private",
label: $.i18n._("privateActionLabel"),
callback: function(e, roomJid, user) {
$("#user-" + Candy.Util.jidToId(roomJid) + "-" + Candy.Util.jidToId(user.getJid())).click();
ignore: {
requiredPermission: function(user, me) {
return me.getNick() !== user.getNick() && !Candy.Core.getUser().isInPrivacyList("ignore", user.getJid());
"class": "ignore",
label: $.i18n._("ignoreActionLabel"),
callback: function(e, roomJid, user) {
Candy.View.Pane.Room.ignoreUser(roomJid, user.getJid());
unignore: {
requiredPermission: function(user, me) {
return me.getNick() !== user.getNick() && Candy.Core.getUser().isInPrivacyList("ignore", user.getJid());
"class": "unignore",
label: $.i18n._("unignoreActionLabel"),
callback: function(e, roomJid, user) {
Candy.View.Pane.Room.unignoreUser(roomJid, user.getJid());
kick: {
requiredPermission: function(user, me) {
return me.getNick() !== user.getNick() && me.isModerator() && !user.isModerator();
"class": "kick",
label: $.i18n._("kickActionLabel"),
callback: function(e, roomJid, user) {
self.Chat.Modal.show(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.Context.contextModalForm, {
_label: $.i18n._("reason"),
_submit: $.i18n._("kickActionLabel")
}), true);
$("#context-modal-form").submit(function() {
Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room.Admin.UserAction(roomJid, user.getJid(), "kick", $("#context-modal-field").val());
return false;
ban: {
requiredPermission: function(user, me) {
return me.getNick() !== user.getNick() && me.isModerator() && !user.isModerator();
"class": "ban",
label: $.i18n._("banActionLabel"),
callback: function(e, roomJid, user) {
self.Chat.Modal.show(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.Context.contextModalForm, {
_label: $.i18n._("reason"),
_submit: $.i18n._("banActionLabel")
}), true);
$("#context-modal-form").submit(function() {
Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room.Admin.UserAction(roomJid, user.getJid(), "ban", $("#context-modal-field").val());
return false;
subject: {
requiredPermission: function(user, me) {
return me.getNick() === user.getNick() && me.isModerator();
"class": "subject",
label: $.i18n._("setSubjectActionLabel"),
callback: function(e, roomJid) {
self.Chat.Modal.show(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Chat.Context.contextModalForm, {
_label: $.i18n._("subject"),
_submit: $.i18n._("setSubjectActionLabel")
}), true);
$("#context-modal-form").submit(function(e) {
Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room.Admin.SetSubject(roomJid, $("#context-modal-field").val());
/** Function: showEmoticonsMenu
* Shows the special emoticons menu
* Parameters:
* (Element) elem - Element on which it should be positioned to.
* Returns:
* (Boolean) - true
showEmoticonsMenu: function(elem) {
elem = $(elem);
var pos = elem.offset(), menu = $("#context-menu"), content = $("ul", menu), emoticons = "", i;
for (i = Candy.Util.Parser.emoticons.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
emoticons = '<img src="' + Candy.Util.Parser._emoticonPath + Candy.Util.Parser.emoticons[i].image + '" alt="' + Candy.Util.Parser.emoticons[i].plain + '" />' + emoticons;
content.html('<li class="emoticons">' + emoticons + "</li>");
content.find("img").click(function() {
var input = Candy.View.Pane.Room.getPane(Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid, ".message-form").children(".field"), value = input.val(), emoticon = $(this).attr("alt") + " ";
input.val(value ? value + " " + emoticon : emoticon).focus();
var posLeft = Candy.Util.getPosLeftAccordingToWindowBounds(menu, pos.left), posTop = Candy.Util.getPosTopAccordingToWindowBounds(menu, pos.top);
left: posLeft.px,
top: posTop.px
}).removeClass("left-top left-bottom right-top right-bottom").addClass(posLeft.backgroundPositionAlignment + "-" + posTop.backgroundPositionAlignment).fadeIn("fast");
return true;
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Room
* Everything which belongs to room view things belongs here.
self.Room = {
/** Function: init
* Initialize a new room and inserts the room html into the DOM
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) roomName - Room name
* (String) roomType - Type: either "groupchat" or "chat" (private chat)
* Uses:
* - <Candy.Util.jidToId>
* - <Candy.View.Pane.Chat.addTab>
* - <getPane>
* Triggers:
* candy:view.room.after-add using {roomJid, type, element}
* Returns:
* (String) - the room id of the element created.
init: function(roomJid, roomName, roomType) {
roomType = roomType || "groupchat";
roomJid = Candy.Util.unescapeJid(roomJid);
var evtData = {
roomJid: roomJid,
type: roomType
/** Event: candy:view.room.before-add
* Before initialising a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) type - Room Type
* Returns:
* Boolean - if you don't want to initialise the room, return false.
if ($(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.room.before-add", evtData) === false) {
return false;
// First room, show sound control
if (Candy.Util.isEmptyObject(self.Chat.rooms)) {
var roomId = Candy.Util.jidToId(roomJid);
self.Chat.rooms[roomJid] = {
id: roomId,
usercount: 0,
name: roomName,
type: roomType,
messageCount: 0,
scrollPosition: -1
$("#chat-rooms").append(Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Room.pane, {
roomId: roomId,
roomJid: roomJid,
roomType: roomType,
form: {
_messageSubmit: $.i18n._("messageSubmit")
roster: {
_userOnline: $.i18n._("userOnline")
}, {
roster: Candy.View.Template.Roster.pane,
messages: Candy.View.Template.Message.pane,
form: Candy.View.Template.Room.form
self.Chat.addTab(roomJid, roomName, roomType);
self.Room.getPane(roomJid, ".message-form").submit(self.Message.submit);
evtData.element = self.Room.getPane(roomJid);
/** Event: candy:view.room.after-add
* After initialising a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) type - Room Type
* (jQuery.Element) element - Room element
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.room.after-add", evtData);
return roomId;
/** Function: show
* Show a specific room and hides the other rooms (if there are any)
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - room jid to show
* Triggers:
* candy:view.room.after-show using {roomJid, element}
* candy:view.room.after-hide using {roomJid, element}
show: function(roomJid) {
var roomId = self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].id, evtData;
$(".room-pane").each(function() {
var elem = $(this);
evtData = {
roomJid: elem.attr("data-roomjid"),
element: elem
if (elem.attr("id") === "chat-room-" + roomId) {
Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid = roomJid;
/** Event: candy:view.room.after-show
* After showing a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (jQuery.Element) element - Room element
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.room.after-show", evtData);
} else if (elem.is(":visible")) {
/** Event: candy:view.room.after-hide
* After hiding a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (jQuery.Element) element - Room element
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.room.after-hide", evtData);
/** Function: setSubject
* Called when someone changes the subject in the channel
* Triggers:
* candy:view.room.after-subject-change using {roomJid, element, subject}
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room Jid
* (String) subject - The new subject
setSubject: function(roomJid, subject) {
subject = Candy.Util.Parser.linkify(Candy.Util.Parser.escape(subject));
var html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Room.subject, {
subject: subject,
roomName: self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].name,
_roomSubject: $.i18n._("roomSubject"),
time: Candy.Util.localizedTime(new Date().toGMTString())
self.Room.appendToMessagePane(roomJid, html);
/** Event: candy:view.room.after-subject-change
* After changing the subject of a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (jQuery.Element) element - Room element
* (String) subject - New subject
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.room.after-subject-change", {
roomJid: roomJid,
element: self.Room.getPane(roomJid),
subject: subject
/** Function: close
* Close a room and remove everything in the DOM belonging to this room.
* NOTICE: There's a rendering bug in Opera when all rooms have been closed.
* (Take a look in the source for a more detailed description)
* Triggers:
* candy:view.room.after-close using {roomJid}
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room to close
close: function(roomJid) {
/* TODO:
There's a rendering bug in Opera which doesn't redraw (remove) the message form.
Only a cosmetical issue (when all tabs are closed) but it's annoying...
This happens when form has no focus too. Maybe it's because of CSS positioning.
var openRooms = $("#chat-rooms").children();
if (Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid === roomJid) {
Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid = null;
if (openRooms.length === 0) {
} else {
delete self.Chat.rooms[roomJid];
/** Event: candy:view.room.after-close
* After closing a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.room.after-close", {
roomJid: roomJid
/** Function: appendToMessagePane
* Append a new message to the message pane.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) html - rendered message html
appendToMessagePane: function(roomJid, html) {
self.Room.getPane(roomJid, ".message-pane").append(html);
/** Function: sliceMessagePane
* Slices the message pane after the max amount of messages specified in the Candy View options (limit setting).
* This is done to hopefully prevent browsers from getting slow after a certain amount of messages in the DOM.
* The slice is only done when autoscroll is on, because otherwise someone might lose exactly the message he want to look for.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
sliceMessagePane: function(roomJid) {
// Only clean if autoscroll is enabled
if (self.Window.autoscroll) {
var options = Candy.View.getOptions().messages;
if (self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].messageCount > options.limit) {
self.Room.getPane(roomJid, ".message-pane").children().slice(0, options.remove).remove();
self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].messageCount -= options.remove;
/** Function: scrollToBottom
* Scroll to bottom wrapper for <onScrollToBottom> to be able to disable it by overwriting the function.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* Uses:
* - <onScrollToBottom>
scrollToBottom: function(roomJid) {
/** Function: onScrollToBottom
* Scrolls to the latest message received/sent.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
onScrollToBottom: function(roomJid) {
var messagePane = self.Room.getPane(roomJid, ".message-pane-wrapper");
/** Function: onScrollToStoredPosition
* When autoscroll is off, the position where the scrollbar is has to be stored for each room, because it otherwise
* goes to the top in the message window.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
onScrollToStoredPosition: function(roomJid) {
// This should only apply when entering a room...
// ... therefore we set scrollPosition to -1 after execution.
if (self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].scrollPosition > -1) {
var messagePane = self.Room.getPane(roomJid, ".message-pane-wrapper");
self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].scrollPosition = -1;
/** Function: setFocusToForm
* Set focus to the message input field within the message form.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
setFocusToForm: function(roomJid) {
var pane = self.Room.getPane(roomJid, ".message-form");
if (pane) {
// IE8 will fail maybe, because the field isn't there yet.
try {
} catch (e) {}
/** Function: setUser
* Sets or updates the current user in the specified room (called by <Candy.View.Pane.Roster.update>) and set specific informations
* (roles and affiliations) on the room tab (chat-pane).
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the user is set to.
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - The user
setUser: function(roomJid, user) {
self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].user = user;
var roomPane = self.Room.getPane(roomJid), chatPane = $("#chat-pane");
roomPane.attr("data-userjid", user.getJid());
// Set classes based on user role / affiliation
if (user.isModerator()) {
if (user.getRole() === user.ROLE_MODERATOR) {
if (user.getAffiliation() === user.AFFILIATION_OWNER) {
} else {
chatPane.removeClass("role-moderator affiliation-owner");
/** Function: getUser
* Get the current user in the room specified with the jid
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room of which the user should be returned from
* Returns:
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) - user
getUser: function(roomJid) {
return self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].user;
/** Function: ignoreUser
* Ignore specified user and add the ignore icon to the roster item of the user
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the user should be ignored
* (String) userJid - User which should be ignored
ignoreUser: function(roomJid, userJid) {
Candy.View.Pane.Room.addIgnoreIcon(roomJid, userJid);
/** Function: unignoreUser
* Unignore an ignored user and remove the ignore icon of the roster item.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the user should be unignored
* (String) userJid - User which should be unignored
unignoreUser: function(roomJid, userJid) {
Candy.View.Pane.Room.removeIgnoreIcon(roomJid, userJid);
/** Function: addIgnoreIcon
* Add the ignore icon to the roster item of the specified user
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the roster item should be updated
* (String) userJid - User of which the roster item should be updated
addIgnoreIcon: function(roomJid, userJid) {
if (Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[userJid]) {
$("#user-" + Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[userJid].id + "-" + Candy.Util.jidToId(userJid)).addClass("status-ignored");
if (Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomJid)]) {
$("#user-" + Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomJid)].id + "-" + Candy.Util.jidToId(userJid)).addClass("status-ignored");
/** Function: removeIgnoreIcon
* Remove the ignore icon to the roster item of the specified user
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the roster item should be updated
* (String) userJid - User of which the roster item should be updated
removeIgnoreIcon: function(roomJid, userJid) {
if (Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[userJid]) {
$("#user-" + Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[userJid].id + "-" + Candy.Util.jidToId(userJid)).removeClass("status-ignored");
if (Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomJid)]) {
$("#user-" + Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomJid)].id + "-" + Candy.Util.jidToId(userJid)).removeClass("status-ignored");
/** Function: getPane
* Get the chat room pane or a subPane of it (if subPane is specified)
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room in which the pane lies
* (String) subPane - Sub pane of the chat room pane if needed [optional]
getPane: function(roomJid, subPane) {
if (self.Chat.rooms[roomJid]) {
if (subPane) {
if (self.Chat.rooms[roomJid]["pane-" + subPane]) {
return self.Chat.rooms[roomJid]["pane-" + subPane];
} else {
self.Chat.rooms[roomJid]["pane-" + subPane] = $("#chat-room-" + self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].id).find(subPane);
return self.Chat.rooms[roomJid]["pane-" + subPane];
} else {
return $("#chat-room-" + self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].id);
/** Function: changeDataUserJidIfUserIsMe
* Changes the room's data-userjid attribute if the specified user is the current user.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomId - Id of the room
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User
changeDataUserJidIfUserIsMe: function(roomId, user) {
if (user.getNick() === Candy.Core.getUser().getNick()) {
var roomElement = $("#chat-room-" + roomId);
roomElement.attr("data-userjid", Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomElement.attr("data-userjid")) + "/" + user.getNick());
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.PrivateRoom
* Private room handling
self.PrivateRoom = {
/** Function: open
* Opens a new private room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room jid to open
* (String) roomName - Room name
* (Boolean) switchToRoom - If true, displayed room switches automatically to this room
* (e.g. when user clicks itself on another user to open a private chat)
* (Boolean) isNoConferenceRoomJid - true if a 3rd-party client sends a direct message to this user (not via the room)
* then the username is the node and not the resource. This param addresses this case.
* Triggers:
* candy:view.private-room.after-open using {roomJid, type, element}
open: function(roomJid, roomName, switchToRoom, isNoConferenceRoomJid) {
var user = isNoConferenceRoomJid ? Candy.Core.getUser() : self.Room.getUser(Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(roomJid)), evtData = {
roomJid: roomJid,
roomName: roomName,
type: "chat"
/** Event: candy:view.private-room.before-open
* Before opening a new private room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) roomName - Room name
* (String) type - 'chat'
* Returns:
* Boolean - if you don't want to open the private room, return false
if ($(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.private-room.before-open", evtData) === false) {
return false;
// if target user is in privacy list, don't open the private chat.
if (Candy.Core.getUser().isInPrivacyList("ignore", roomJid)) {
return false;
if (!self.Chat.rooms[roomJid]) {
if (self.Room.init(roomJid, roomName, "chat") === false) {
return false;
if (switchToRoom) {
self.Roster.update(roomJid, new Candy.Core.ChatUser(roomJid, roomName), "join", user);
self.Roster.update(roomJid, user, "join", user);
self.PrivateRoom.setStatus(roomJid, "join");
// We can't track the presence of a user if it's not a conference jid
if (isNoConferenceRoomJid) {
self.Chat.infoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._("presenceUnknownWarningSubject"), $.i18n._("presenceUnknownWarning"));
evtData.element = self.Room.getPane(roomJid);
/** Event: candy:view.private-room.after-open
* After opening a new private room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) type - 'chat'
* (jQuery.Element) element - User element
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.private-room.after-open", evtData);
/** Function: setStatus
* Set offline or online status for private rooms (when one of the participants leaves the room)
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Private room jid
* (String) status - "leave"/"join"
setStatus: function(roomJid, status) {
var messageForm = self.Room.getPane(roomJid, ".message-form");
if (status === "join") {
} else if (status === "leave") {
messageForm.children(".field").attr("disabled", true);
messageForm.children(".submit").attr("disabled", true);
/** Function: changeNick
* Changes the nick for every private room opened with this roomJid.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Public room jid
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User which changes his nick
changeNick: function changeNick(roomJid, user) {
Candy.Core.log("[View:Pane:PrivateRoom] changeNick");
var previousPrivateRoomJid = roomJid + "/" + user.getPreviousNick(), newPrivateRoomJid = roomJid + "/" + user.getNick(), previousPrivateRoomId = Candy.Util.jidToId(previousPrivateRoomJid), newPrivateRoomId = Candy.Util.jidToId(newPrivateRoomJid), room = self.Chat.rooms[previousPrivateRoomJid], roomElement, roomTabElement;
// it could happen that the new private room is already existing -> close it first.
// if this is not done, errors appear as two rooms would have the same id
if (self.Chat.rooms[newPrivateRoomJid]) {
if (room) {
/* someone I talk with, changed nick */
room.name = user.getNick();
room.id = newPrivateRoomId;
self.Chat.rooms[newPrivateRoomJid] = room;
delete self.Chat.rooms[previousPrivateRoomJid];
roomElement = $("#chat-room-" + previousPrivateRoomId);
if (roomElement) {
roomElement.attr("data-roomjid", newPrivateRoomJid);
roomElement.attr("id", "chat-room-" + newPrivateRoomId);
roomTabElement = $('#chat-tabs li[data-roomjid="' + previousPrivateRoomJid + '"]');
roomTabElement.attr("data-roomjid", newPrivateRoomJid);
/* TODO: The '@' is defined in the template. Somehow we should
* extract both things into our CSS or do something else to prevent that.
roomTabElement.children("a.label").text("@" + user.getNick());
if (Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid === previousPrivateRoomJid) {
Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid = newPrivateRoomJid;
} else {
/* I changed the nick */
roomElement = $('.room-pane.roomtype-chat[data-userjid="' + previousPrivateRoomJid + '"]');
if (roomElement.length) {
previousPrivateRoomId = Candy.Util.jidToId(roomElement.attr("data-roomjid"));
roomElement.attr("data-userjid", newPrivateRoomJid);
if (roomElement && roomElement.length) {
self.Roster.changeNick(previousPrivateRoomId, user);
/** Class Candy.View.Pane.Roster
* Handles everyhing regarding roster updates.
self.Roster = {
/** Function: update
* Called by <Candy.View.Observer.Presence.update> to update the roster if needed.
* Adds/removes users from the roster list or updates informations on their items (roles, affiliations etc.)
* TODO: Refactoring, this method has too much LOC.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID in which the update happens
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User on which the update happens
* (String) action - one of "join", "leave", "kick" and "ban"
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) currentUser - Current user
* Triggers:
* candy:view.roster.before-update using {roomJid, user, action, element}
* candy:view.roster.after-update using {roomJid, user, action, element}
update: function(roomJid, user, action, currentUser) {
Candy.Core.log("[View:Pane:Roster] " + action);
var roomId = self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].id, userId = Candy.Util.jidToId(user.getJid()), usercountDiff = -1, userElem = $("#user-" + roomId + "-" + userId), evtData = {
roomJid: roomJid,
user: user,
action: action,
element: userElem
/** Event: candy:view.roster.before-update
* Before updating the roster of a room
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User
* (String) action - [join, leave, kick, ban]
* (jQuery.Element) element - User element
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.roster.before-update", evtData);
// a user joined the room
if (action === "join") {
usercountDiff = 1;
var html = Mustache.to_html(Candy.View.Template.Roster.user, {
roomId: roomId,
userId: userId,
userJid: user.getJid(),
nick: user.getNick(),
displayNick: Candy.Util.crop(user.getNick(), Candy.View.getOptions().crop.roster.nickname),
role: user.getRole(),
affiliation: user.getAffiliation(),
me: currentUser !== undefined && user.getNick() === currentUser.getNick(),
tooltipRole: $.i18n._("tooltipRole"),
tooltipIgnored: $.i18n._("tooltipIgnored")
if (userElem.length < 1) {
var userInserted = false, rosterPane = self.Room.getPane(roomJid, ".roster-pane");
// there are already users in the roster
if (rosterPane.children().length > 0) {
// insert alphabetically
var userSortCompare = user.getNick().toUpperCase();
rosterPane.children().each(function() {
var elem = $(this);
if (elem.attr("data-nick").toUpperCase() > userSortCompare) {
userInserted = true;
return false;
return true;
// first user in roster
if (!userInserted) {
self.Roster.showJoinAnimation(user, userId, roomId, roomJid, currentUser);
} else {
usercountDiff = 0;
$("#user-" + roomId + "-" + userId).css({
opacity: 1
// it's me, update the toolbar
if (currentUser !== undefined && user.getNick() === currentUser.getNick() && self.Room.getUser(roomJid)) {
// Presence of client
if (currentUser !== undefined && currentUser.getNick() === user.getNick()) {
self.Room.setUser(roomJid, user);
} else {
$("#user-" + roomId + "-" + userId).click(self.Roster.userClick);
$("#user-" + roomId + "-" + userId + " .context").click(function(e) {
self.Chat.Context.show(e.currentTarget, roomJid, user);
// check if current user is ignoring the user who has joined.
if (currentUser !== undefined && currentUser.isInPrivacyList("ignore", user.getJid())) {
Candy.View.Pane.Room.addIgnoreIcon(roomJid, user.getJid());
} else if (action === "leave") {
self.Roster.leaveAnimation("user-" + roomId + "-" + userId);
// always show leave message in private room, even if status messages have been disabled
if (self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].type === "chat") {
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._("userLeftRoom", [ user.getNick() ]));
} else {
self.Chat.infoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._("userLeftRoom", [ user.getNick() ]));
} else if (action === "nickchange") {
usercountDiff = 0;
self.Roster.changeNick(roomId, user);
self.Room.changeDataUserJidIfUserIsMe(roomId, user);
self.PrivateRoom.changeNick(roomJid, user);
var infoMessage = $.i18n._("userChangedNick", [ user.getPreviousNick(), user.getNick() ]);
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, infoMessage);
} else if (action === "kick") {
self.Roster.leaveAnimation("user-" + roomId + "-" + userId);
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._("userHasBeenKickedFromRoom", [ user.getNick() ]));
} else if (action === "ban") {
self.Roster.leaveAnimation("user-" + roomId + "-" + userId);
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._("userHasBeenBannedFromRoom", [ user.getNick() ]));
// Update user count
Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[roomJid].usercount += usercountDiff;
if (roomJid === Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid) {
// in case there's been a join, the element is now there (previously not)
evtData.element = $("#user-" + roomId + "-" + userId);
/** Event: candy:view.roster.after-update
* After updating a room's roster
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User
* (String) action - [join, leave, kick, ban]
* (jQuery.Element) element - User element
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.roster.after-update", evtData);
/** Function: userClick
* Click handler for opening a private room
userClick: function() {
var elem = $(this);
self.PrivateRoom.open(elem.attr("data-jid"), elem.attr("data-nick"), true);
/** Function: showJoinAnimation
* Shows join animation if needed
* FIXME: Refactor. Part of this will be done by the big room improvements
showJoinAnimation: function(user, userId, roomId, roomJid, currentUser) {
// don't show if the user has recently changed the nickname.
var rosterUserId = "user-" + roomId + "-" + userId, $rosterUserElem = $("#" + rosterUserId);
if (!user.getPreviousNick() || !$rosterUserElem || $rosterUserElem.is(":visible") === false) {
// only show other users joining & don't show if there's no message in the room.
if (currentUser !== undefined && user.getNick() !== currentUser.getNick() && self.Room.getUser(roomJid)) {
// always show join message in private room, even if status messages have been disabled
if (self.Chat.rooms[roomJid].type === "chat") {
self.Chat.onInfoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._("userJoinedRoom", [ user.getNick() ]));
} else {
self.Chat.infoMessage(roomJid, $.i18n._("userJoinedRoom", [ user.getNick() ]));
/** Function: joinAnimation
* Animates specified elementId on join
* Parameters:
* (String) elementId - Specific element to do the animation on
joinAnimation: function(elementId) {
$("#" + elementId).stop(true).slideDown("normal", function() {
opacity: 1
/** Function: leaveAnimation
* Leave animation for specified element id and removes the DOM element on completion.
* Parameters:
* (String) elementId - Specific element to do the animation on
leaveAnimation: function(elementId) {
$("#" + elementId).stop(true).attr("id", "#" + elementId + "-leaving").animate({
opacity: 0
}, {
complete: function() {
$(this).slideUp("normal", function() {
/** Function: changeNick
* Change nick of an existing user in the roster
* UserId has to be recalculated from the user because at the time of this call,
* the user is already set with the new jid & nick.
* Parameters:
* (String) roomId - Id of the room
* (Candy.Core.ChatUser) user - User object
changeNick: function(roomId, user) {
Candy.Core.log("[View:Pane:Roster] changeNick");
var previousUserJid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(user.getJid()) + "/" + user.getPreviousNick(), elementId = "user-" + roomId + "-" + Candy.Util.jidToId(previousUserJid), el = $("#" + elementId);
el.attr("data-nick", user.getNick());
el.attr("data-jid", user.getJid());
el.attr("id", "user-" + roomId + "-" + Candy.Util.jidToId(user.getJid()));
/** Class: Candy.View.Pane.Message
* Message submit/show handling
self.Message = {
/** Function: submit
* on submit handler for message field sends the message to the server and if it's a private chat, shows the message
* immediately because the server doesn't send back those message.
* Parameters:
* (Event) event - Triggered event
* Triggers:
* candy:view.message.before-send using {message}
* FIXME: as everywhere, `roomJid` might be slightly incorrect in this case
* - maybe rename this as part of a refactoring.
submit: function(event) {
var roomJid = Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid, roomType = Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[roomJid].type, message = $(this).children(".field").val().substring(0, Candy.View.getOptions().crop.message.body), xhtmlMessage, evtData = {
roomJid: roomJid,
message: message,
xhtmlMessage: xhtmlMessage
/** Event: candy:view.message.before-send
* Before sending a message
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - room to which the message should be sent
* (String) message - Message text
* (String) xhtmlMessage - XHTML formatted message [default: undefined]
* Returns:
* Boolean|undefined - if you like to stop sending the message, return false.
if ($(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.message.before-send", evtData) === false) {
message = evtData.message;
xhtmlMessage = evtData.xhtmlMessage;
Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room.Message(roomJid, message, roomType, xhtmlMessage);
// Private user chat. Jabber won't notify the user who has sent the message. Just show it as the user hits the button...
if (roomType === "chat" && message) {
self.Message.show(roomJid, self.Room.getUser(roomJid).getNick(), message);
// Clear input and set focus to it
/** Function: show
* Show a message in the message pane
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - room in which the message has been sent to
* (String) name - Name of the user which sent the message
* (String) message - Message
* (String) xhtmlMessage - XHTML formatted message [if options enableXHTML is true]
* (String) timestamp - [optional] Timestamp of the message, if not present, current date.
* Triggers:
* candy:view.message.before-show using {roomJid, name, message}
* candy.view.message.before-render using {template, templateData}
* candy:view.message.after-show using {roomJid, name, message, element}
show: function(roomJid, name, message, xhtmlMessage, timestamp) {
message = Candy.Util.Parser.all(message.substring(0, Candy.View.getOptions().crop.message.body));
if (xhtmlMessage) {
xhtmlMessage = Candy.Util.parseAndCropXhtml(xhtmlMessage, Candy.View.getOptions().crop.message.body);
var evtData = {
roomJid: roomJid,
name: name,
message: message,
xhtmlMessage: xhtmlMessage
/** Event: candy:view.message.before-show
* Before showing a new message
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (String) name - Name of the sending user
* (String) message - Message text
* Returns:
* Boolean - if you don't want to show the message, return false
if ($(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.message.before-show", evtData) === false) {
message = evtData.message;
xhtmlMessage = evtData.xhtmlMessage;
if (xhtmlMessage !== undefined && xhtmlMessage.length > 0) {
message = xhtmlMessage;
if (!message) {
var renderEvtData = {
template: Candy.View.Template.Message.item,
templateData: {
name: name,
displayName: Candy.Util.crop(name, Candy.View.getOptions().crop.message.nickname),
message: message,
time: Candy.Util.localizedTime(timestamp || new Date().toGMTString())
/** Event: candy:view.message.before-render
* Before rendering the message element
* Parameters:
* (String) template - Template to use
* (Object) templateData - Template data consists of:
* - (String) name - Name of the sending user
* - (String) displayName - Cropped name of the sending user
* - (String) message - Message text
* - (String) time - Localized time
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.message.before-render", renderEvtData);
var html = Mustache.to_html(renderEvtData.template, renderEvtData.templateData);
self.Room.appendToMessagePane(roomJid, html);
var elem = self.Room.getPane(roomJid, ".message-pane").children().last();
// click on username opens private chat
elem.find("a.label").click(function(event) {
// Check if user is online and not myself
var room = Candy.Core.getRoom(roomJid);
if (room && name !== self.Room.getUser(Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid).getNick() && room.getRoster().get(roomJid + "/" + name)) {
if (Candy.View.Pane.PrivateRoom.open(roomJid + "/" + name, name, true) === false) {
return false;
// Notify the user about a new private message
if (Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid !== roomJid || !self.Window.hasFocus()) {
if (Candy.View.Pane.Chat.rooms[roomJid].type === "chat" && !self.Window.hasFocus()) {
if (Candy.View.getCurrent().roomJid === roomJid) {
evtData.element = elem;
/** Event: candy:view.message.after-show
* Triggered after showing a message
* Parameters:
* (String) roomJid - Room JID
* (jQuery.Element) element - User element
* (String) name - Name of the sending user
* (String) message - Message text
$(Candy).triggerHandler("candy:view.message.after-show", evtData);
return self;
}(Candy.View.Pane || {}, jQuery);
/** File: template.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel. All rights reserved.
"use strict";
/* global Candy */
/** Class: Candy.View.Template
* Contains mustache.js templates
Candy.View.Template = function(self) {
self.Window = {
* Unread messages - used to extend the window title
unreadmessages: "({{count}}) {{title}}"
self.Chat = {
pane: '<div id="chat-pane">{{> tabs}}{{> toolbar}}{{> rooms}}</div>{{> modal}}',
rooms: '<div id="chat-rooms" class="rooms"></div>',
tabs: '<ul id="chat-tabs"></ul>',
tab: '<li class="roomtype-{{roomType}}" data-roomjid="{{roomJid}}" data-roomtype="{{roomType}}">' + '<a href="#" class="label">{{#privateUserChat}}@{{/privateUserChat}}{{name}}</a>' + '<a href="#" class="transition"></a><a href="#" class="close">×</a>' + '<small class="unread"></small></li>',
modal: '<div id="chat-modal"><a id="admin-message-cancel" class="close" href="#">×</a>' + '<span id="chat-modal-body"></span>' + '<img src="{{assetsPath}}img/modal-spinner.gif" id="chat-modal-spinner" />' + '</div><div id="chat-modal-overlay"></div>',
adminMessage: '<li><small>{{time}}</small><div class="adminmessage">' + '<span class="label">{{sender}}</span>' + '<span class="spacer">▸</span>{{subject}} {{message}}</div></li>',
infoMessage: '<li><small>{{time}}</small><div class="infomessage">' + '<span class="spacer">•</span>{{subject}} {{message}}</div></li>',
toolbar: '<ul id="chat-toolbar">' + '<li id="emoticons-icon" data-tooltip="{{tooltipEmoticons}}"></li>' + '<li id="chat-sound-control" class="checked" data-tooltip="{{tooltipSound}}">{{> soundcontrol}}</li>' + '<li id="chat-autoscroll-control" class="checked" data-tooltip="{{tooltipAutoscroll}}"></li>' + '<li class="checked" id="chat-statusmessage-control" data-tooltip="{{tooltipStatusmessage}}">' + '</li><li class="context" data-tooltip="{{tooltipAdministration}}"></li>' + '<li class="usercount" data-tooltip="{{tooltipUsercount}}">' + '<span id="chat-usercount"></span></li></ul>',
soundcontrol: '<script type="text/javascript">var audioplayerListener = new Object();' + " audioplayerListener.onInit = function() { };" + '</script><object id="chat-sound-player" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="{{assetsPath}}audioplayer.swf"' + ' width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value="{{assetsPath}}audioplayer.swf" /><param name="AllowScriptAccess"' + ' value="always" /><param name="FlashVars" value="listener=audioplayerListener&amp;mp3={{assetsPath}}notify.mp3" />' + "</object>",
Context: {
menu: '<div id="context-menu"><i class="arrow arrow-top"></i>' + '<ul></ul><i class="arrow arrow-bottom"></i></div>',
menulinks: '<li class="{{class}}" id="context-menu-{{id}}">{{label}}</li>',
contextModalForm: '<form action="#" id="context-modal-form">' + '<label for="context-modal-label">{{_label}}</label>' + '<input type="text" name="contextModalField" id="context-modal-field" />' + '<input type="submit" class="button" name="send" value="{{_submit}}" /></form>',
adminMessageReason: '<a id="admin-message-cancel" class="close" href="#">×</a>' + "<p>{{_action}}</p>{{#reason}}<p>{{_reason}}</p>{{/reason}}"
tooltip: '<div id="tooltip"><i class="arrow arrow-top"></i>' + '<div></div><i class="arrow arrow-bottom"></i></div>'
self.Room = {
pane: '<div class="room-pane roomtype-{{roomType}}" id="chat-room-{{roomId}}" data-roomjid="{{roomJid}}" data-roomtype="{{roomType}}">' + "{{> roster}}{{> messages}}{{> form}}</div>",
subject: '<li><small>{{time}}</small><div class="subject">' + '<span class="label">{{roomName}}</span>' + '<span class="spacer">▸</span>{{_roomSubject}} {{{subject}}}</div></li>',
form: '<div class="message-form-wrapper">' + '<form method="post" class="message-form">' + '<input name="message" class="field" type="text" aria-label="Message Form Text Field" autocomplete="off" maxlength="1000" />' + '<input type="submit" class="submit" name="submit" value="{{_messageSubmit}}" /></form></div>'
self.Roster = {
pane: '<div class="roster-pane"></div>',
user: '<div class="user role-{{role}} affiliation-{{affiliation}}{{#me}} me{{/me}}"' + ' id="user-{{roomId}}-{{userId}}" data-jid="{{userJid}}"' + ' data-nick="{{nick}}" data-role="{{role}}" data-affiliation="{{affiliation}}">' + '<div class="label">{{displayNick}}</div><ul>' + '<li class="context" id="context-{{roomId}}-{{userId}}">&#x25BE;</li>' + '<li class="role role-{{role}} affiliation-{{affiliation}}" data-tooltip="{{tooltipRole}}"></li>' + '<li class="ignore" data-tooltip="{{tooltipIgnored}}"></li></ul></div>'
self.Message = {
pane: '<div class="message-pane-wrapper"><ul class="message-pane"></ul></div>',
item: "<li><small>{{time}}</small><div>" + '<a class="label" href="#" class="name">{{displayName}}</a>' + '<span class="spacer">▸</span>{{{message}}}</div></li>'
self.Login = {
form: '<form method="post" id="login-form" class="login-form">' + '{{#displayNickname}}<label for="username">{{_labelNickname}}</label><input type="text" id="username" name="username"/>{{/displayNickname}}' + '{{#displayUsername}}<label for="username">{{_labelUsername}}</label>' + '<input type="text" id="username" name="username"/>{{/displayUsername}}' + '{{#presetJid}}<input type="hidden" id="username" name="username" value="{{presetJid}}"/>{{/presetJid}}' + '{{#displayPassword}}<label for="password">{{_labelPassword}}</label>' + '<input type="password" id="password" name="password" />{{/displayPassword}}' + '<input type="submit" class="button" value="{{_loginSubmit}}" /></form>'
self.PresenceError = {
enterPasswordForm: "<strong>{{_label}}</strong>" + '<form method="post" id="enter-password-form" class="enter-password-form">' + '<label for="password">{{_labelPassword}}</label><input type="password" id="password" name="password" />' + '<input type="submit" class="button" value="{{_joinSubmit}}" /></form>',
nicknameConflictForm: "<strong>{{_label}}</strong>" + '<form method="post" id="nickname-conflict-form" class="nickname-conflict-form">' + '<label for="nickname">{{_labelNickname}}</label><input type="text" id="nickname" name="nickname" />' + '<input type="submit" class="button" value="{{_loginSubmit}}" /></form>',
displayError: "<strong>{{_error}}</strong>"
return self;
}(Candy.View.Template || {});
/** File: translation.js
* Candy - Chats are not dead yet.
* Authors:
* - Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler@gmail.com>
* - Michael Weibel <michael.weibel@gmail.com>
* Copyright:
* (c) 2011 Amiado Group AG. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2012-2014 Patrick Stadler & Michael Weibel. All rights reserved.
"use strict";
/* global Candy */
/** Class: Candy.View.Translation
* Contains translations
Candy.View.Translation = {
en: {
status: "Status: %s",
statusConnecting: "Connecting...",
statusConnected: "Connected",
statusDisconnecting: "Disconnecting...",
statusDisconnected: "Disconnected",
statusAuthfail: "Authentication failed",
roomSubject: "Subject:",
messageSubmit: "Send",
labelUsername: "Username:",
labelNickname: "Nickname:",
labelPassword: "Password:",
loginSubmit: "Login",
loginInvalid: "Invalid JID",
reason: "Reason:",
subject: "Subject:",
reasonWas: "Reason was: %s.",
kickActionLabel: "Kick",
youHaveBeenKickedBy: "You have been kicked from %2$s by %1$s",
youHaveBeenKicked: "You have been kicked from %s",
banActionLabel: "Ban",
youHaveBeenBannedBy: "You have been banned from %1$s by %2$s",
youHaveBeenBanned: "You have been banned from %s",
privateActionLabel: "Private chat",
ignoreActionLabel: "Ignore",
unignoreActionLabel: "Unignore",
setSubjectActionLabel: "Change Subject",
administratorMessageSubject: "Administrator",
userJoinedRoom: "%s joined the room.",
userLeftRoom: "%s left the room.",
userHasBeenKickedFromRoom: "%s has been kicked from the room.",
userHasBeenBannedFromRoom: "%s has been banned from the room.",
userChangedNick: "%1$s has changed his nickname to %2$s.",
presenceUnknownWarningSubject: "Notice:",
presenceUnknownWarning: "This user might be offline. We can't track his presence.",
dateFormat: "dd.mm.yyyy",
timeFormat: "HH:MM:ss",
tooltipRole: "Moderator",
tooltipIgnored: "You ignore this user",
tooltipEmoticons: "Emoticons",
tooltipSound: "Play sound for new private messages",
tooltipAutoscroll: "Autoscroll",
tooltipStatusmessage: "Display status messages",
tooltipAdministration: "Room Administration",
tooltipUsercount: "Room Occupants",
enterRoomPassword: 'Room "%s" is password protected.',
enterRoomPasswordSubmit: "Join room",
passwordEnteredInvalid: 'Invalid password for room "%s".',
nicknameConflict: "Username already in use. Please choose another one.",
errorMembersOnly: 'You can\'t join room "%s": Insufficient rights.',
errorMaxOccupantsReached: 'You can\'t join room "%s": Too many occupants.',
errorAutojoinMissing: "No autojoin parameter set in configuration. Please set one to continue.",
antiSpamMessage: "Please do not spam. You have been blocked for a short-time."
de: {
status: "Status: %s",
statusConnecting: "Verbinden...",
statusConnected: "Verbunden",
statusDisconnecting: "Verbindung trennen...",
statusDisconnected: "Verbindung getrennt",
statusAuthfail: "Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen",
roomSubject: "Thema:",
messageSubmit: "Senden",
labelUsername: "Benutzername:",
labelNickname: "Spitzname:",
labelPassword: "Passwort:",
loginSubmit: "Anmelden",
loginInvalid: "Ungültige JID",
reason: "Begründung:",
subject: "Titel:",
reasonWas: "Begründung: %s.",
kickActionLabel: "Kick",
youHaveBeenKickedBy: "Du wurdest soeben aus dem Raum %1$s gekickt (%2$s)",
youHaveBeenKicked: "Du wurdest soeben aus dem Raum %s gekickt",
banActionLabel: "Ban",
youHaveBeenBannedBy: "Du wurdest soeben aus dem Raum %1$s verbannt (%2$s)",
youHaveBeenBanned: "Du wurdest soeben aus dem Raum %s verbannt",
privateActionLabel: "Privater Chat",
ignoreActionLabel: "Ignorieren",
unignoreActionLabel: "Nicht mehr ignorieren",
setSubjectActionLabel: "Thema ändern",
administratorMessageSubject: "Administrator",
userJoinedRoom: "%s hat soeben den Raum betreten.",
userLeftRoom: "%s hat soeben den Raum verlassen.",
userHasBeenKickedFromRoom: "%s ist aus dem Raum gekickt worden.",
userHasBeenBannedFromRoom: "%s ist aus dem Raum verbannt worden.",
userChangedNick: "%1$s hat den Nicknamen zu %2$s geändert.",
presenceUnknownWarningSubject: "Hinweis:",
presenceUnknownWarning: "Dieser Benutzer könnte bereits abgemeldet sein. Wir können seine Anwesenheit nicht verfolgen.",
dateFormat: "dd.mm.yyyy",
timeFormat: "HH:MM:ss",
tooltipRole: "Moderator",
tooltipIgnored: "Du ignorierst diesen Benutzer",
tooltipEmoticons: "Smileys",
tooltipSound: "Ton abspielen bei neuen privaten Nachrichten",
tooltipAutoscroll: "Autoscroll",
tooltipStatusmessage: "Statusnachrichten anzeigen",
tooltipAdministration: "Raum Administration",
tooltipUsercount: "Anzahl Benutzer im Raum",
enterRoomPassword: 'Raum "%s" ist durch ein Passwort geschützt.',
enterRoomPasswordSubmit: "Raum betreten",
passwordEnteredInvalid: 'Inkorrektes Passwort für Raum "%s".',
nicknameConflict: "Der Benutzername wird bereits verwendet. Bitte wähle einen anderen.",
errorMembersOnly: 'Du kannst den Raum "%s" nicht betreten: Ungenügende Rechte.',
errorMaxOccupantsReached: 'Du kannst den Raum "%s" nicht betreten: Benutzerlimit erreicht.',
errorAutojoinMissing: 'Keine "autojoin" Konfiguration gefunden. Bitte setze eine konfiguration um fortzufahren.',
antiSpamMessage: "Bitte nicht spammen. Du wurdest für eine kurze Zeit blockiert."
fr: {
status: "Status : %s",
statusConnecting: "Connexion…",
statusConnected: "Connecté.",
statusDisconnecting: "Déconnexion…",
statusDisconnected: "Déconnecté.",
statusAuthfail: "L'authentification a échoué",
roomSubject: "Sujet :",
messageSubmit: "Envoyer",
labelUsername: "Nom d'utilisateur :",
labelPassword: "Mot de passe :",
loginSubmit: "Connexion",
loginInvalid: "JID invalide",
reason: "Motif :",
subject: "Titre :",
reasonWas: "Motif : %s.",
kickActionLabel: "Kick",
youHaveBeenKickedBy: "Vous avez été expulsé du salon %1$s (%2$s)",
youHaveBeenKicked: "Vous avez été expulsé du salon %s",
banActionLabel: "Ban",
youHaveBeenBannedBy: "Vous avez été banni du salon %1$s (%2$s)",
youHaveBeenBanned: "Vous avez été banni du salon %s",
privateActionLabel: "Chat privé",
ignoreActionLabel: "Ignorer",
unignoreActionLabel: "Ne plus ignorer",
setSubjectActionLabel: "Changer le sujet",
administratorMessageSubject: "Administrateur",
userJoinedRoom: "%s vient d'entrer dans le salon.",
userLeftRoom: "%s vient de quitter le salon.",
userHasBeenKickedFromRoom: "%s a été expulsé du salon.",
userHasBeenBannedFromRoom: "%s a été banni du salon.",
presenceUnknownWarningSubject: "Note :",
presenceUnknownWarning: "Cet utilisateur n'est malheureusement plus connecté, le message ne sera pas envoyé.",
dateFormat: "dd/mm/yyyy",
timeFormat: "HH:MM:ss",
tooltipRole: "Modérateur",
tooltipIgnored: "Vous ignorez cette personne",
tooltipEmoticons: "Smileys",
tooltipSound: "Jouer un son lors de la réception de nouveaux messages privés",
tooltipAutoscroll: "Défilement automatique",
tooltipStatusmessage: "Messages d'état",
tooltipAdministration: "Administration du salon",
tooltipUsercount: "Nombre d'utilisateurs dans le salon",
enterRoomPassword: 'Le salon "%s" est protégé par un mot de passe.',
enterRoomPasswordSubmit: "Entrer dans le salon",
passwordEnteredInvalid: 'Le mot de passe pour le salon "%s" est invalide.',
nicknameConflict: "Le nom d'utilisateur est déjà utilisé. Veuillez en choisir un autre.",
errorMembersOnly: 'Vous ne pouvez pas entrer dans le salon "%s" : droits insuffisants.',
errorMaxOccupantsReached: 'Vous ne pouvez pas entrer dans le salon "%s": Limite d\'utilisateur atteint.',
antiSpamMessage: "Merci de ne pas envoyer de spam. Vous avez été bloqué pendant une courte période.."
nl: {
status: "Status: %s",
statusConnecting: "Verbinding maken...",
statusConnected: "Verbinding is gereed",
statusDisconnecting: "Verbinding verbreken...",
statusDisconnected: "Verbinding is verbroken",
statusAuthfail: "Authenticatie is mislukt",
roomSubject: "Onderwerp:",
messageSubmit: "Verstuur",
labelUsername: "Gebruikersnaam:",
labelPassword: "Wachtwoord:",
loginSubmit: "Inloggen",
loginInvalid: "JID is onjuist",
reason: "Reden:",
subject: "Onderwerp:",
reasonWas: "De reden was: %s.",
kickActionLabel: "Verwijderen",
youHaveBeenKickedBy: "Je bent verwijderd van %1$s door %2$s",
youHaveBeenKicked: "Je bent verwijderd van %s",
banActionLabel: "Blokkeren",
youHaveBeenBannedBy: "Je bent geblokkeerd van %1$s door %2$s",
youHaveBeenBanned: "Je bent geblokkeerd van %s",
privateActionLabel: "Prive gesprek",
ignoreActionLabel: "Negeren",
unignoreActionLabel: "Niet negeren",
setSubjectActionLabel: "Onderwerp wijzigen",
administratorMessageSubject: "Beheerder",
userJoinedRoom: "%s komt de chat binnen.",
userLeftRoom: "%s heeft de chat verlaten.",
userHasBeenKickedFromRoom: "%s is verwijderd.",
userHasBeenBannedFromRoom: "%s is geblokkeerd.",
presenceUnknownWarningSubject: "Mededeling:",
presenceUnknownWarning: "Deze gebruiker is waarschijnlijk offline, we kunnen zijn/haar aanwezigheid niet vaststellen.",
dateFormat: "dd.mm.yyyy",
timeFormat: "HH:MM:ss",
tooltipRole: "Moderator",
tooltipIgnored: "Je negeert deze gebruiker",
tooltipEmoticons: "Emotie-iconen",
tooltipSound: "Speel een geluid af bij nieuwe privé berichten.",
tooltipAutoscroll: "Automatisch scrollen",
tooltipStatusmessage: "Statusberichten weergeven",
tooltipAdministration: "Instellingen",
tooltipUsercount: "Gebruikers",
enterRoomPassword: 'De Chatroom "%s" is met een wachtwoord beveiligd.',
enterRoomPasswordSubmit: "Ga naar Chatroom",
passwordEnteredInvalid: 'Het wachtwoord voor de Chatroom "%s" is onjuist.',
nicknameConflict: "De gebruikersnaam is reeds in gebruik. Probeer a.u.b. een andere gebruikersnaam.",
errorMembersOnly: 'Je kunt niet deelnemen aan de Chatroom "%s": Je hebt onvoldoende rechten.',
errorMaxOccupantsReached: 'Je kunt niet deelnemen aan de Chatroom "%s": Het maximum aantal gebruikers is bereikt.',
antiSpamMessage: "Het is niet toegestaan om veel berichten naar de server te versturen. Je bent voor een korte periode geblokkeerd."
es: {
status: "Estado: %s",
statusConnecting: "Conectando...",
statusConnected: "Conectado",
statusDisconnecting: "Desconectando...",
statusDisconnected: "Desconectado",
statusAuthfail: "Falló la autenticación",
roomSubject: "Asunto:",
messageSubmit: "Enviar",
labelUsername: "Usuario:",
labelPassword: "Clave:",
loginSubmit: "Entrar",
loginInvalid: "JID no válido",
reason: "Razón:",
subject: "Asunto:",
reasonWas: "La razón fue: %s.",
kickActionLabel: "Expulsar",
youHaveBeenKickedBy: "Has sido expulsado de %1$s por %2$s",
youHaveBeenKicked: "Has sido expulsado de %s",
banActionLabel: "Prohibir",
youHaveBeenBannedBy: "Has sido expulsado permanentemente de %1$s por %2$s",
youHaveBeenBanned: "Has sido expulsado permanentemente de %s",
privateActionLabel: "Chat privado",
ignoreActionLabel: "Ignorar",
unignoreActionLabel: "No ignorar",
setSubjectActionLabel: "Cambiar asunto",
administratorMessageSubject: "Administrador",
userJoinedRoom: "%s se ha unido a la sala.",
userLeftRoom: "%s ha dejado la sala.",
userHasBeenKickedFromRoom: "%s ha sido expulsado de la sala.",
userHasBeenBannedFromRoom: "%s ha sido expulsado permanentemente de la sala.",
presenceUnknownWarningSubject: "Atención:",
presenceUnknownWarning: "Éste usuario podría estar desconectado..",
dateFormat: "dd.mm.yyyy",
timeFormat: "HH:MM:ss",
tooltipRole: "Moderador",
tooltipIgnored: "Ignoras a éste usuario",
tooltipEmoticons: "Emoticonos",
tooltipSound: "Reproducir un sonido para nuevos mensajes privados",
tooltipAutoscroll: "Desplazamiento automático",
tooltipStatusmessage: "Mostrar mensajes de estado",
tooltipAdministration: "Administración de la sala",
tooltipUsercount: "Usuarios en la sala",
enterRoomPassword: 'La sala "%s" está protegida mediante contraseña.',
enterRoomPasswordSubmit: "Unirse a la sala",
passwordEnteredInvalid: 'Contraseña incorrecta para la sala "%s".',
nicknameConflict: "El nombre de usuario ya está siendo utilizado. Por favor elija otro.",
errorMembersOnly: 'No se puede unir a la sala "%s": no tiene privilegios suficientes.',
errorMaxOccupantsReached: 'No se puede unir a la sala "%s": demasiados participantes.',
antiSpamMessage: "Por favor, no hagas spam. Has sido bloqueado temporalmente."
cn: {
status: "状态: %s",
statusConnecting: "连接中...",
statusConnected: "已连接",
statusDisconnecting: "断开连接中...",
statusDisconnected: "已断开连接",
statusAuthfail: "认证失败",
roomSubject: "主题:",
messageSubmit: "发送",
labelUsername: "用户名:",
labelPassword: "密码:",
loginSubmit: "登录",
loginInvalid: "用户名不合法",
reason: "原因:",
subject: "主题:",
reasonWas: "原因是: %s.",
kickActionLabel: "踢除",
youHaveBeenKickedBy: "你在 %1$s 被管理者 %2$s 请出房间",
banActionLabel: "禁言",
youHaveBeenBannedBy: "你在 %1$s 被管理者 %2$s 禁言",
privateActionLabel: "单独对话",
ignoreActionLabel: "忽略",
unignoreActionLabel: "不忽略",
setSubjectActionLabel: "变更主题",
administratorMessageSubject: "管理员",
userJoinedRoom: "%s 加入房间",
userLeftRoom: "%s 离开房间",
userHasBeenKickedFromRoom: "%s 被请出这个房间",
userHasBeenBannedFromRoom: "%s 被管理者禁言",
presenceUnknownWarningSubject: "注意:",
presenceUnknownWarning: "这个会员可能已经下线,不能追踪到他的连接信息",
dateFormat: "dd.mm.yyyy",
timeFormat: "HH:MM:ss",
tooltipRole: "管理",
tooltipIgnored: "你忽略了这个会员",
tooltipEmoticons: "表情",
tooltipSound: "新消息发音",
tooltipAutoscroll: "滚动条",
tooltipStatusmessage: "禁用状态消息",
tooltipAdministration: "房间管理",
tooltipUsercount: "房间占有者",
enterRoomPassword: '登录房间 "%s" 需要密码.',
enterRoomPasswordSubmit: "加入房间",
passwordEnteredInvalid: '登录房间 "%s" 的密码不正确',
nicknameConflict: "用户名已经存在,请另选一个",
errorMembersOnly: '您的权限不够,不能登录房间 "%s" ',
errorMaxOccupantsReached: '房间 "%s" 的人数已达上限,您不能登录',
antiSpamMessage: "因为您在短时间内发送过多的消息 服务器要阻止您一小段时间。"
ja: {
status: "ステータス: %s",
statusConnecting: "接続中…",
statusConnected: "接続されました",
statusDisconnecting: "ディスコネクト中…",
statusDisconnected: "ディスコネクトされました",
statusAuthfail: "認証に失敗しました",
roomSubject: "トピック:",
messageSubmit: "送信",
labelUsername: "ユーザーネーム:",
labelPassword: "パスワード:",
loginSubmit: "ログイン",
loginInvalid: "ユーザーネームが正しくありません",
reason: "理由:",
subject: "トピック:",
reasonWas: "理由: %s。",
kickActionLabel: "キック",
youHaveBeenKickedBy: "あなたは%2$sにより%1$sからキックされました。",
youHaveBeenKicked: "あなたは%sからキックされました。",
banActionLabel: "アカウントバン",
youHaveBeenBannedBy: "あなたは%2$sにより%1$sからアカウントバンされました。",
youHaveBeenBanned: "あなたは%sからアカウントバンされました。",
privateActionLabel: "プライベートメッセージ",
ignoreActionLabel: "無視する",
unignoreActionLabel: "無視をやめる",
setSubjectActionLabel: "トピックを変える",
administratorMessageSubject: "管理者",
userJoinedRoom: "%sは入室しました。",
userLeftRoom: "%sは退室しました。",
userHasBeenKickedFromRoom: "%sは部屋からキックされました。",
userHasBeenBannedFromRoom: "%sは部屋からアカウントバンされました。",
presenceUnknownWarningSubject: "忠告:",
presenceUnknownWarning: "このユーザーのステータスは不明です。",
dateFormat: "dd.mm.yyyy",
timeFormat: "HH:MM:ss",
tooltipRole: "モデレーター",
tooltipIgnored: "このユーザーを無視設定にしている",
tooltipEmoticons: "絵文字",
tooltipSound: "新しいメッセージが届くたびに音を鳴らす",
tooltipAutoscroll: "オートスクロール",
tooltipStatusmessage: "ステータスメッセージを表示",
tooltipAdministration: "部屋の管理",
tooltipUsercount: "この部屋の参加者の数",
enterRoomPassword: '"%s"の部屋に入るにはパスワードが必要です。',
enterRoomPasswordSubmit: "部屋に入る",
passwordEnteredInvalid: '"%s"のパスワードと異なるパスワードを入力しました。',
nicknameConflict: "このユーザーネームはすでに利用されているため、別のユーザーネームを選んでください。",
errorMembersOnly: '"%s"の部屋に入ることができません: 利用権限を満たしていません。',
errorMaxOccupantsReached: '"%s"の部屋に入ることができません: 参加者の数はすでに上限に達しました。',
antiSpamMessage: "スパムなどの行為はやめてください。あなたは一時的にブロックされました。"
sv: {
status: "Status: %s",
statusConnecting: "Ansluter...",
statusConnected: "Ansluten",
statusDisconnecting: "Kopplar från...",
statusDisconnected: "Frånkopplad",
statusAuthfail: "Autentisering misslyckades",
roomSubject: "Ämne:",
messageSubmit: "Skicka",
labelUsername: "Användarnamn:",
labelPassword: "Lösenord:",
loginSubmit: "Logga in",
loginInvalid: "Ogiltigt JID",
reason: "Anledning:",
subject: "Ämne:",
reasonWas: "Anledningen var: %s.",
kickActionLabel: "Sparka ut",
youHaveBeenKickedBy: "Du har blivit utsparkad från %2$s av %1$s",
youHaveBeenKicked: "Du har blivit utsparkad från %s",
banActionLabel: "Bannlys",
youHaveBeenBannedBy: "Du har blivit bannlyst från %1$s av %2$s",
youHaveBeenBanned: "Du har blivit bannlyst från %s",
privateActionLabel: "Privat chatt",
ignoreActionLabel: "Blockera",
unignoreActionLabel: "Avblockera",
setSubjectActionLabel: "Ändra ämne",
administratorMessageSubject: "Administratör",
userJoinedRoom: "%s kom in i rummet.",
userLeftRoom: "%s har lämnat rummet.",
userHasBeenKickedFromRoom: "%s har blivit utsparkad ur rummet.",
userHasBeenBannedFromRoom: "%s har blivit bannlyst från rummet.",
presenceUnknownWarningSubject: "Notera:",
presenceUnknownWarning: "Denna användare kan vara offline. Vi kan inte följa dennes närvaro.",
dateFormat: "yyyy-mm-dd",
timeFormat: "HH:MM:ss",
tooltipRole: "Moderator",
tooltipIgnored: "Du blockerar denna användare",
tooltipEmoticons: "Smilies",
tooltipSound: "Spela upp ett ljud vid nytt privat meddelande",
tooltipAutoscroll: "Autoskrolla",
tooltipStatusmessage: "Visa statusmeddelanden",
tooltipAdministration: "Rumadministrering",
tooltipUsercount: "Antal användare i rummet",
enterRoomPassword: 'Rummet "%s" är lösenordsskyddat.',
enterRoomPasswordSubmit: "Anslut till rum",
passwordEnteredInvalid: 'Ogiltigt lösenord för rummet "%s".',
nicknameConflict: "Upptaget användarnamn. Var god välj ett annat.",
errorMembersOnly: 'Du kan inte ansluta till rummet "%s": Otillräckliga rättigheter.',
errorMaxOccupantsReached: 'Du kan inte ansluta till rummet "%s": Rummet är fullt.',
antiSpamMessage: "Var god avstå från att spamma. Du har blivit blockerad för en kort stund."
it: {
status: "Stato: %s",
statusConnecting: "Connessione...",
statusConnected: "Connessione",
statusDisconnecting: "Disconnessione...",
statusDisconnected: "Disconnesso",
statusAuthfail: "Autenticazione fallita",
roomSubject: "Oggetto:",
messageSubmit: "Invia",
labelUsername: "Nome utente:",
labelPassword: "Password:",
loginSubmit: "Login",
loginInvalid: "JID non valido",
reason: "Ragione:",
subject: "Oggetto:",
reasonWas: "Ragione precedente: %s.",
kickActionLabel: "Espelli",
youHaveBeenKickedBy: "Sei stato espulso da %2$s da %1$s",
youHaveBeenKicked: "Sei stato espulso da %s",
banActionLabel: "Escluso",
youHaveBeenBannedBy: "Sei stato escluso da %1$s da %2$s",
youHaveBeenBanned: "Sei stato escluso da %s",
privateActionLabel: "Stanza privata",
ignoreActionLabel: "Ignora",
unignoreActionLabel: "Non ignorare",
setSubjectActionLabel: "Cambia oggetto",
administratorMessageSubject: "Amministratore",
userJoinedRoom: "%s si è unito alla stanza.",
userLeftRoom: "%s ha lasciato la stanza.",
userHasBeenKickedFromRoom: "%s è stato espulso dalla stanza.",
userHasBeenBannedFromRoom: "%s è stato escluso dalla stanza.",
presenceUnknownWarningSubject: "Nota:",
presenceUnknownWarning: "Questo utente potrebbe essere offline. Non possiamo tracciare la sua presenza.",
dateFormat: "dd/mm/yyyy",
timeFormat: "HH:MM:ss",
tooltipRole: "Moderatore",
tooltipIgnored: "Stai ignorando questo utente",
tooltipEmoticons: "Emoticons",
tooltipSound: "Riproduci un suono quando arrivano messaggi privati",
tooltipAutoscroll: "Autoscroll",
tooltipStatusmessage: "Mostra messaggi di stato",
tooltipAdministration: "Amministrazione stanza",
tooltipUsercount: "Partecipanti alla stanza",
enterRoomPassword: 'La stanza "%s" è protetta da password.',
enterRoomPasswordSubmit: "Unisciti alla stanza",
passwordEnteredInvalid: 'Password non valida per la stanza "%s".',
nicknameConflict: "Nome utente già in uso. Scegline un altro.",
errorMembersOnly: 'Non puoi unirti alla stanza "%s": Permessi insufficienti.',
errorMaxOccupantsReached: 'Non puoi unirti alla stanza "%s": Troppi partecipanti.',
antiSpamMessage: "Per favore non scrivere messaggi pubblicitari. Sei stato bloccato per un po' di tempo."
pt: {
status: "Status: %s",
statusConnecting: "Conectando...",
statusConnected: "Conectado",
statusDisconnecting: "Desligando...",
statusDisconnected: "Desligado",
statusAuthfail: "Falha na autenticação",
roomSubject: "Assunto:",
messageSubmit: "Enviar",
labelUsername: "Usuário:",
labelPassword: "Senha:",
loginSubmit: "Entrar",
loginInvalid: "JID inválido",
reason: "Motivo:",
subject: "Assunto:",
reasonWas: "O motivo foi: %s.",
kickActionLabel: "Excluir",
youHaveBeenKickedBy: "Você foi excluido de %1$s por %2$s",
youHaveBeenKicked: "Você foi excluido de %s",
banActionLabel: "Bloquear",
youHaveBeenBannedBy: "Você foi excluido permanentemente de %1$s por %2$s",
youHaveBeenBanned: "Você foi excluido permanentemente de %s",
privateActionLabel: "Bate-papo privado",
ignoreActionLabel: "Ignorar",
unignoreActionLabel: "Não ignorar",
setSubjectActionLabel: "Trocar Assunto",
administratorMessageSubject: "Administrador",
userJoinedRoom: "%s entrou na sala.",
userLeftRoom: "%s saiu da sala.",
userHasBeenKickedFromRoom: "%s foi excluido da sala.",
userHasBeenBannedFromRoom: "%s foi excluido permanentemente da sala.",
presenceUnknownWarning: "Este usuário pode estar desconectado. Não é possível determinar o status.",
dateFormat: "dd.mm.yyyy",
timeFormat: "HH:MM:ss",
tooltipRole: "Moderador",
tooltipIgnored: "Você ignora este usuário",
tooltipEmoticons: "Emoticons",
tooltipSound: "Reproduzir o som para novas mensagens privados",
tooltipAutoscroll: "Deslocamento automático",
tooltipStatusmessage: "Mostrar mensagens de status",
tooltipAdministration: "Administração da sala",
tooltipUsercount: "Usuários na sala",
enterRoomPassword: 'A sala "%s" é protegida por senha.',
enterRoomPasswordSubmit: "Junte-se à sala",
passwordEnteredInvalid: 'Senha incorreta para a sala "%s".',
nicknameConflict: "O nome de usuário já está em uso. Por favor, escolha outro.",
errorMembersOnly: 'Você não pode participar da sala "%s": privilégios insuficientes.',
errorMaxOccupantsReached: 'Você não pode participar da sala "%s": muitos participantes.',
antiSpamMessage: "Por favor, não envie spam. Você foi bloqueado temporariamente."
pt_br: {
status: "Estado: %s",
statusConnecting: "Conectando...",
statusConnected: "Conectado",
statusDisconnecting: "Desconectando...",
statusDisconnected: "Desconectado",
statusAuthfail: "Autenticação falhou",
roomSubject: "Assunto:",
messageSubmit: "Enviar",
labelUsername: "Usuário:",
labelPassword: "Senha:",
loginSubmit: "Entrar",
loginInvalid: "JID inválido",
reason: "Motivo:",
subject: "Assunto:",
reasonWas: "Motivo foi: %s.",
kickActionLabel: "Derrubar",
youHaveBeenKickedBy: "Você foi derrubado de %2$s por %1$s",
youHaveBeenKicked: "Você foi derrubado de %s",
banActionLabel: "Banir",
youHaveBeenBannedBy: "Você foi banido de %1$s por %2$s",
youHaveBeenBanned: "Você foi banido de %s",
privateActionLabel: "Conversa privada",
ignoreActionLabel: "Ignorar",
unignoreActionLabel: "Não ignorar",
setSubjectActionLabel: "Mudar Assunto",
administratorMessageSubject: "Administrador",
userJoinedRoom: "%s entrou na sala.",
userLeftRoom: "%s saiu da sala.",
userHasBeenKickedFromRoom: "%s foi derrubado da sala.",
userHasBeenBannedFromRoom: "%s foi banido da sala.",
presenceUnknownWarningSubject: "Aviso:",
presenceUnknownWarning: "Este usuário pode estar desconectado.. Não conseguimos rastrear sua presença..",
dateFormat: "dd.mm.yyyy",
timeFormat: "HH:MM:ss",
tooltipRole: "Moderador",
tooltipIgnored: "Você ignora este usuário",
tooltipEmoticons: "Emoticons",
tooltipSound: "Tocar som para novas mensagens privadas",
tooltipAutoscroll: "Auto-rolagem",
tooltipStatusmessage: "Exibir mensagens de estados",
tooltipAdministration: "Administração de Sala",
tooltipUsercount: "Participantes da Sala",
enterRoomPassword: 'Sala "%s" é protegida por senha.',
enterRoomPasswordSubmit: "Entrar na sala",
passwordEnteredInvalid: 'Senha inváida para sala "%s".',
nicknameConflict: "Nome de usuário já em uso. Por favor escolha outro.",
errorMembersOnly: 'Você não pode entrar na sala "%s": privilégios insuficientes.',
errorMaxOccupantsReached: 'Você não pode entrar na sala "%s": máximo de participantes atingido.',
antiSpamMessage: "Por favor, não faça spam. Você foi bloqueado temporariamente."
ru: {
status: "Статус: %s",
statusConnecting: "Подключение...",
statusConnected: "Подключено",
statusDisconnecting: "Отключение...",
statusDisconnected: "Отключено",
statusAuthfail: "Неверный логин",
roomSubject: "Топик:",
messageSubmit: "Послать",
labelUsername: "Имя:",
labelPassword: "Пароль:",
loginSubmit: "Логин",
loginInvalid: "Неверный JID",
reason: "Причина:",
subject: "Топик:",
reasonWas: "Причина была: %s.",
kickActionLabel: "Выбросить",
youHaveBeenKickedBy: "Пользователь %1$s выбросил вас из чата %2$s",
youHaveBeenKicked: "Вас выбросили из чата %s",
banActionLabel: "Запретить доступ",
youHaveBeenBannedBy: "Пользователь %1$s запретил вам доступ в чат %2$s",
youHaveBeenBanned: "Вам запретили доступ в чат %s",
privateActionLabel: "Один-на-один чат",
ignoreActionLabel: "Игнорировать",
unignoreActionLabel: "Отменить игнорирование",
setSubjectActionLabel: "Изменить топик",
administratorMessageSubject: "Администратор",
userJoinedRoom: "%s вошёл в чат.",
userLeftRoom: "%s вышел из чата.",
userHasBeenKickedFromRoom: "%s выброшен из чата.",
userHasBeenBannedFromRoom: "%s запрещён доступ в чат.",
presenceUnknownWarningSubject: "Уведомление:",
presenceUnknownWarning: "Этот пользователь вероятнее всего оффлайн.",
dateFormat: "mm.dd.yyyy",
timeFormat: "HH:MM:ss",
tooltipRole: "Модератор",
tooltipIgnored: "Вы игнорируете этого пользователя.",
tooltipEmoticons: "Смайлики",
tooltipSound: "Озвучивать новое частное сообщение",
tooltipAutoscroll: "Авто-прокручивание",
tooltipStatusmessage: "Показывать статус сообщения",
tooltipAdministration: "Администрирование чат комнаты",
tooltipUsercount: "Участники чата",
enterRoomPassword: 'Чат комната "%s" защищена паролем.',
enterRoomPasswordSubmit: "Войти в чат",
passwordEnteredInvalid: 'Неверный пароль для комнаты "%s".',
nicknameConflict: "Это имя уже используется. Пожалуйста выберите другое имя.",
errorMembersOnly: 'Вы не можете войти в чат "%s": Недостаточно прав доступа.',
errorMaxOccupantsReached: 'Вы не можете войти в чат "%s": Слишком много участников.',
antiSpamMessage: "Пожалуйста не рассылайте спам. Вас заблокировали на короткое время."
ca: {
status: "Estat: %s",
statusConnecting: "Connectant...",
statusConnected: "Connectat",
statusDisconnecting: "Desconnectant...",
statusDisconnected: "Desconnectat",
statusAuthfail: "Ha fallat la autenticació",
roomSubject: "Assumpte:",
messageSubmit: "Enviar",
labelUsername: "Usuari:",
labelPassword: "Clau:",
loginSubmit: "Entrar",
loginInvalid: "JID no vàlid",
reason: "Raó:",
subject: "Assumpte:",
reasonWas: "La raó ha estat: %s.",
kickActionLabel: "Expulsar",
youHaveBeenKickedBy: "Has estat expulsat de %1$s per %2$s",
youHaveBeenKicked: "Has estat expulsat de %s",
banActionLabel: "Prohibir",
youHaveBeenBannedBy: "Has estat expulsat permanentment de %1$s per %2$s",
youHaveBeenBanned: "Has estat expulsat permanentment de %s",
privateActionLabel: "Xat privat",
ignoreActionLabel: "Ignorar",
unignoreActionLabel: "No ignorar",
setSubjectActionLabel: "Canviar assumpte",
administratorMessageSubject: "Administrador",
userJoinedRoom: "%s ha entrat a la sala.",
userLeftRoom: "%s ha deixat la sala.",
userHasBeenKickedFromRoom: "%s ha estat expulsat de la sala.",
userHasBeenBannedFromRoom: "%s ha estat expulsat permanentment de la sala.",
presenceUnknownWarningSubject: "Atenció:",
presenceUnknownWarning: "Aquest usuari podria estar desconnectat ...",
dateFormat: "dd.mm.yyyy",
timeFormat: "HH:MM:ss",
tooltipRole: "Moderador",
tooltipIgnored: "Estàs ignorant aquest usuari",
tooltipEmoticons: "Emoticones",
tooltipSound: "Reproduir un so per a nous missatges",
tooltipAutoscroll: "Desplaçament automàtic",
tooltipStatusmessage: "Mostrar missatges d'estat",
tooltipAdministration: "Administració de la sala",
tooltipUsercount: "Usuaris dins la sala",
enterRoomPassword: 'La sala "%s" està protegida amb contrasenya.',
enterRoomPasswordSubmit: "Entrar a la sala",
passwordEnteredInvalid: 'Contrasenya incorrecta per a la sala "%s".',
nicknameConflict: "El nom d'usuari ja s'està utilitzant. Si us plau, escolleix-ne un altre.",
errorMembersOnly: 'No pots unir-te a la sala "%s": no tens prous privilegis.',
errorMaxOccupantsReached: 'No pots unir-te a la sala "%s": hi ha masses participants.',
antiSpamMessage: "Si us plau, no facis spam. Has estat bloquejat temporalment."
//# sourceMappingURL=candy.bundle.map