
1079 lines
42 KiB
Raw Normal View History

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- RELAX NG Schema for HTML 5: Schematron Assertions -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- To validate an (X)HTML5 document, you must first validate -->
<!-- against the appropriate RELAX NG schema for the (X)HTML5 -->
<!-- flavor and then also validate against this schema. -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<schema xmlns='http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron'>
<ns prefix='h' uri='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'/>
<pattern name="required attributes">
<rule context='h:bdo[@dir]'>
<assert test='@dir'>
A &#x201C;bdo&#x201D; element must have an
&#x201C;dir&#x201D; attribute.
<pattern name='Triggered on mutually exclusive elements and prohibited-descendant cases'>
<!-- Exclusions and prohibited-descendant contraints - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<rule context='h:form|h:dfn|h:noscript|h:address'>
<report test='ancestor::*[name() = name(current())]'>
The &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element must not contain any nested
&#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; elements.
<rule context='h:label'>
<report test='ancestor::*[name() = name(current())]'>
The &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element must not contain any nested
&#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; elements.
<report test='count(descendant::h:input
| descendant::h:button
| descendant::h:select
| descendant::h:keygen
| descendant::h:textarea) > 1'>
The &#x201C;label&#x201D; element may contain at most one descendant
&#x201C;input&#x201D; element,
&#x201C;button&#x201D; element,
&#x201C;select&#x201D; element,
or &#x201C;textarea&#x201D; element.
<report test='@for and
not(//h:input[not(translate(@type, "HIDEN", "hiden")="hidden")][@id = current()/@for] or
//h:textarea[@id = current()/@for] or
//h:select[@id = current()/@for] or
//h:button[@id = current()/@for] or
//h:keygen[@id = current()/@for] or
//h:output[@id = current()/@for])'>
The &#x201C;for&#x201D; attribute of the &#x201C;label&#x201D;
element must refer to a form control.
<rule context='h:section|h:nav|h:article|h:aside'>
<report test='ancestor::h:address'>
The sectioning element &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;address&#x201D; element.
<rule context='h:footer'>
<report test='ancestor::h:header'>
The element &#x201C;footer&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;header&#x201D; element.
<report test='ancestor::h:footer'>
The element &#x201C;footer&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;footer&#x201D; element.
<report test='ancestor::h:address'>
The element &#x201C;footer&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;address&#x201D; element.
<rule context='h:h1|h:h2|h:h3|h:h4|h:h5|h:h6'>
<report test='ancestor::h:address'>
The &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element must not appear as a
descendant of the &#x201C;address&#x201D; element.
<rule context='h:header'>
<report test='ancestor::h:footer'>
The &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element must not appear as a
descendant of the &#x201C;footer&#x201D; element.
<report test='ancestor::h:address'>
The &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element must not appear as a
descendant of the &#x201C;address&#x201D; element.
<report test='ancestor::h:header'>
The &#x201C;header&#x201D; element must not appear as a
descendant of the &#x201C;header&#x201D; element.
<rule context='h:table'>
<report test='ancestor::h:caption'>
The element &#x201C;table&#x201D; must not appear as a
descendant of the &#x201C;caption&#x201D; element.
<!-- Interactive element exclusions -->
<pattern name='interactive element exclusions'>
- Interactive descendants:
- a
- video[controls]
- audio[controls]
- details
- menu[type=toolbar]
- button
- input[type!=hidden]
- textarea
- select
- img[usemap]
- embed
- iframe
- keygen
- label
- object[usemap]
- Interactive ancestors
- a
- button
<rule context='h:a|h:details|h:embed|h:iframe|h:label'>
<report test='ancestor::h:a'>
The interactive element &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;a&#x201D; element.
<report test='ancestor::h:button'>
The interactive element &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;button&#x201D; element.
<rule context='h:button|h:textarea|h:select|h:keygen|h:input[not(translate(@type, "HIDEN", "hiden")="hidden")]'>
<report test='ancestor::h:a'>
The interactive element &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;a&#x201D; element.
<report test='ancestor::h:button'>
The interactive element &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;button&#x201D; element.
<report test='ancestor::h:label[@for] and not(ancestor::h:label[@for = current()/@id])'>
Any &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element descendant of a &#x201C;label&#x201D; element
with a &#x201C;for&#x201D; attribute must have an
ID value that matches that &#x201C;for&#x201D; attribute.
<rule context='h:video[@controls]|h:audio[@controls]'>
<report test='ancestor::h:a'>
The interactive element &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D;
with the attribute &#x201C;controls&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;a&#x201D; element.
<report test='ancestor::h:button'>
The interactive element &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D;
with the attribute &#x201C;controls&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;button&#x201D; element.
<rule context='h:menu[translate(@type, "TOLBAR", "tolbar")="toolbar"]'>
<report test='ancestor::h:a'>
The element &#x201C;menu&#x201D;
with the attribute &#x201C;type&#x201D; whose value is &#x201C;toolbar&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;a&#x201D; element.
<report test='ancestor::h:button'>
The element &#x201C;menu&#x201D;
with the attribute &#x201C;type&#x201D; whose value is &#x201C;toolbar&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;button&#x201D; element.
<rule context='h:img[@usemap]'>
<report test='ancestor::h:a'>
The element &#x201C;img&#x201D;
with the attribute &#x201C;usemap&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;a&#x201D; element.
<report test='ancestor::h:button'>
The element &#x201C;img&#x201D;
with the attribute &#x201C;usemap&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;button&#x201D; element.
<rule context='h:object[@usemap]'>
<report test='ancestor::h:a'>
The element &#x201C;object&#x201D;
with the attribute &#x201C;usemap&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;a&#x201D; element.
<report test='ancestor::h:button'>
The element &#x201C;object&#x201D;
with the attribute &#x201C;usemap&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;button&#x201D; element.
<!-- REVISIT fieldset http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2006-April/006181.html -->
<!-- Misc requirements -->
<pattern name="miscellaneous requirements">
<rule context='h:area'>
<assert test='ancestor::h:map'>
The &#x201C;area&#x201D; element must have an ancestor
&#x201C;map&#x201D; element.
<rule context='h:img[@ismap]'>
<assert test='ancestor::h:a[@href]'>
The &#x201C;img&#x201D; element with the
&#x201C;ismap&#x201D; attribute set must have an ancestor
&#x201C;a&#x201D; element with the &#x201C;href&#x201D; attribute.
<rule context='h:input[@list]'>
<assert test='//h:datalist[@id = current()/@list] or
//h:select[@id = current()/@list]'>
The &#x201C;list&#x201D; attribute of the &#x201C;input&#x201D;
element must refer to a &#x201C;datalist&#x201D; element.
<rule context='h:map[@id and @name]'>
<assert test='@id = @name'>
The &#x201C;id&#x201D; attribute on a &#x201C;map&#x201D; element must have an
the same value as the &#x201C;name&#x201D; attribute.
<rule context='h:select[not(@multiple)]'>
<report test='count(descendant::h:option[@selected]) > 1'>
The &#x201C;select&#x201D; element cannot have more than one
selected &#x201C;option&#x201D; element descendant unless the
&#x201C;multiple&#x201D; attribute is specified.
<rule context='h:script[translate(@language, "JAVSCRIPT", "javscript")="javascript"]'>
<assert test='not(@type) or translate(@type, "EXJAVSCRIPT", "exjavscript")="text/javascript"'>
A &#x201C;script&#x201D; element with a
&#x201C;language&#x201D; attribute whose value is &#x201C;JavaScript&#x201D; must not have a
&#x201C;type&#x201D; attribute whose value is not
<rule context='h:time'>
<report test='ancestor::h:time'>
The element &#x201C;time&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;time&#x201D; element.
<rule context='h:progress'>
<report test='ancestor::h:progress'>
The element &#x201C;progress&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;progress&#x201D; element.
<assert test='@max and @value and number(@value) &lt;= number(@max)'>
The value of the &#x201C;value&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
the value of the &#x201C;max&#x201D; attribute.
<assert test='not(@max) and @value and number(@value) &lt;= 1'>
The value of the &#x201C;value&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
one when the &#x201C;max&#x201D; attribute is absent.
min <= value <= max
min <= low <= high <= max
min <= optimum <= max
<rule context='h:meter'>
<report test='ancestor::h:meter'>
The element &#x201C;meter&#x201D; must not
appear as a descendant of the &#x201C;meter&#x201D; element.
<report test='@min and @value and not(number(@min) &lt;= number(@value))'>
The value of the &#x201C;min&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
the value of the &#x201C;value&#x201D; attribute.
<report test='not(@min) and @value and not(0 &lt;= number(@value))'>
The value of the &#x201C;value&#x201D; attribute must be greater than or equal to
zero when the &#x201C;min&#x201D; attribute is absent.
<report test='@value and @max and not(number(@value) &lt;= number(@max))'>
The value of the &#x201C;value&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
the value of the &#x201C;max&#x201D; attribute.
<report test='@value and not(@max) and not(number(@value) &lt;= 1)'>
The value of the &#x201C;value&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
one when the &#x201C;max&#x201D; attribute is absent.
<report test='@min and @max and not(number(@min) &lt;= number(@max))'>
The value of the &#x201C;min&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
the value of the &#x201C;max&#x201D; attribute.
<report test='not(@min) and @max and not(0 &lt;= number(@max))'>
The value of the &#x201C;max&#x201D; attribute must be greater than or equal to
zero when the &#x201C;min&#x201D; attribute is absent.
<report test='@min and not(@max) and not(number(@min) &lt;= 1)'>
The value of the &#x201C;min&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
one when the &#x201C;max&#x201D; attribute is absent.
<report test='@min and @low and not(number(@min) &lt;= number(@low))'>
The value of the &#x201C;min&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
the value of the &#x201C;low&#x201D; attribute.
<report test='not(@min) and @low and not(0 &lt;= number(@low))'>
The value of the &#x201C;low&#x201D; attribute must be greater than or equal to
zero when the &#x201C;min&#x201D; attribute is absent.
<report test='@min and @high and not(number(@min) &lt;= number(@high))'>
The value of the &#x201C;min&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
the value of the &#x201C;high&#x201D; attribute.
<report test='not(@min) and @high and not(0 &lt;= number(@high))'>
The value of the &#x201C;high&#x201D; attribute must be greater than or equal to
zero when the &#x201C;min&#x201D; attribute is absent.
<report test='@low and @high and not(number(@low) &lt;= number(@high))'>
The value of the &#x201C;low&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
the value of the &#x201C;high&#x201D; attribute.
<report test='@high and @max and not(number(@high) &lt;= number(@max))'>
The value of the &#x201C;high&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
the value of the &#x201C;max&#x201D; attribute.
<report test='@high and not(@max) and not(number(@high) &lt;= 1)'>
The value of the &#x201C;high&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
one when the &#x201C;max&#x201D; attribute is absent.
<report test='@low and @max and not(number(@low) &lt;= number(@max))'>
The value of the &#x201C;low&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
the value of the &#x201C;max&#x201D; attribute.
<report test='@low and not(@max) and not(number(@low) &lt;= 1)'>
The value of the &#x201C;low&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
one when the &#x201C;max&#x201D; attribute is absent.
<report test='@min and @optimum and not(number(@min) &lt;= number(@optimum))'>
The value of the &#x201C;min&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
the value of the &#x201C;optimum&#x201D; attribute.
<report test='not(@min) and @optimum and not(0 &lt;= number(@optimum))'>
The value of the &#x201C;optimum&#x201D; attribute must be greater than or equal to
zero when the &#x201C;min&#x201D; attribute is absent.
<report test='@optimum and @max and not(number(@optimum) &lt;= number(@max))'>
The value of the &#x201C;optimum&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
the value of the &#x201C;max&#x201D; attribute.
<report test='@optimum and not(@max) and not(number(@optimum) &lt;= 1)'>
The value of the &#x201C;optimum&#x201D; attribute must be less than or equal to
one when the &#x201C;max&#x201D; attribute is absent.
<!-- Obsolete Elements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<pattern name="obsolete elements">
<rule context='h:acronym'>
<report test='true()'>
The &#x201C;acronym&#x201D; element is obsolete. Use the &#x201C;abbr&#x201D; element instead.
<rule context='h:applet'>
<report test='true()'>
The &#x201C;applet&#x201D; element is obsolete. Use the &#x201C;object&#x201D; element instead.
<rule context='h:center|h:font|h:big|h:s|h:strike|h:tt|h:u|h:basefont'>
<report test='true()'>
The &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<rule context='h:dir'>
<report test='true()'>
The &#x201C;dir&#x201D; element is obsolete. Use the &#x201C;ul&#x201D; element instead.
<rule context='h:frameset|h:noframes'>
<report test='true()'>
The &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;iframe&#x201D; element and CSS instead, or use server-side includes.
<!-- Obsolete Attributes- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<pattern name="obsolete attributes">
<rule context='h:a'>
<report test='@coords'>
The &#x201C;coords&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
For image maps, use the &#x201C;area&#x201D; element instead of the &#x201C;a&#x201D; element.
<report test='@shape'>
The &#x201C;shape&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
For image maps, use the &#x201C;area&#x201D; element instead of the &#x201C;a&#x201D; element.
<report test='@urn'>
The &#x201C;urn&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Specify the preferred persistent identifier using the &#x201C;href&#x201D; attribute instead.
<report test='@charset'>
The &#x201C;charset&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use an HTTP Content-Type header on the linked resource instead.
<report test='@methods'>
The &#x201C;methods&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the HTTP OPTIONS feature instead.
<report test='@rev'>
The &#x201C;rev&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;rel&#x201D; attribute instead, with a term having the opposite meaning.
<rule context='h:link'>
<report test='@target'>
The &#x201C;target&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
You can safely omit it.
<report test='@urn'>
The &#x201C;urn&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Specify the preferred persistent identifier using the &#x201C;href&#x201D; attribute instead.
<report test='@charset'>
The &#x201C;charset&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use an HTTP Content-Type header on the linked resource instead.
<report test='@methods'>
The &#x201C;methods&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the HTTP OPTIONS feature instead.
<report test='@rev'>
The &#x201C;rev&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;rel&#x201D; attribute instead, with a term having the opposite meaning.
<rule context="h:area">
<report test='@nohref'>
The &#x201C;nohref&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Omitting the &#x201C;href&#x201D; attribute is sufficient.
<rule context='h:embed'>
<report test='@name'>
The &#x201C;name&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;id&#x201D; attribute instead.
<rule context='h:head'>
<report test='@profile'>
The &#x201C;profile&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
To declare which &#x201C;meta&#x201D; element terms are used in the document, instead register the
names as meta extensions. &lt;http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions>
To trigger specific UA behaviors, use a &#x201C;link&#x201D; element instead.
<rule context='h:html'>
<report test='@version'>
The &#x201C;version&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
You can safely omit it.
<rule context='h:iframe'>
<report test='@longdesc'>
The &#x201C;longdesc&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use a regular &#x201C;a&#x201D; element to link to the description.
<rule context='h:img'>
<report test='@longdesc'>
The &#x201C;longdesc&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use a regular &#x201C;a&#x201D; element to link to the description.
<report test='@name'>
The &#x201C;name&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;id&#x201D; attribute instead.
<rule context='h:input'>
<report test='@usemap'>
The &#x201C;usemap&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;img&#x201D; element instead of the &#x201C;input&#x201D; element for image maps.
<rule context='h:li|h:ol|h:ul'>
<report test='@type'>
The &#x201C;type&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<rule context='h:meta'>
<report test='@scheme'>
The &#x201C;scheme&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use only one scheme per field, or make the scheme declaration part of the value.
<rule context='h:object'>
<report test='@archive'>
The &#x201C;archive&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;data&#x201D; attribute and &#x201C;type&#x201D; attribute to invoke plugins.
To set a parameter with the name &#x201C;archive&#x201D;, use the &#x201C;param&#x201D; element.
<report test='@classid'>
The &#x201C;classid&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;data&#x201D; attribute and &#x201C;type&#x201D; attribute to invoke plugins.
To set a parameter with the name &#x201C;classid&#x201D;, use the &#x201C;param&#x201D; element.
<report test='@code'>
The &#x201C;code&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;data&#x201D; attribute and &#x201C;type&#x201D; attribute to invoke plugins.
To set a parameter with the name &#x201C;code&#x201D;, use the &#x201C;param&#x201D; element.
<report test='@codebase'>
The &#x201C;codebase&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;data&#x201D; attribute and &#x201C;type&#x201D; attribute to invoke plugins.
To set a parameter with the name &#x201C;codebase&#x201D;, use the &#x201C;param&#x201D; element.
<report test='@codetype'>
The &#x201C;codetype&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;data&#x201D; attribute and &#x201C;type&#x201D; attribute to invoke plugins.
To set a parameter with the name &#x201C;codetype&#x201D;, use the &#x201C;param&#x201D; element.
<report test='@declare'>
The &#x201C;declare&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Repeat the &#x201C;object&#x201D; element completely each time the resource is to be reused.
<report test='@standby'>
The &#x201C;standby&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Optimize the linked resource so that it loads quickly or, at least, incrementally.
<rule context='h:option'>
<report test='@name'>
The &#x201C;name&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;id&#x201D; attribute instead.
<rule context='h:param'>
<report test='@type'>
The &#x201C;type&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;name&#x201D; attribute and &#x201C;value&#x201D; attribute without declaring value types.
<report test='@valuetype'>
The &#x201C;valuetype&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;name&#x201D; attribute and &#x201C;value&#x201D; attribute without declaring value types.
<rule context='h:script[not(translate(@language, "JAVSCRIPT", "javscript")="javascript")]'>
<report test='true()'>
The &#x201C;language&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;script&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;type&#x201D; attribute instead.
<rule context='h:td|h:th'>
<report test='@scope and self::h:td'>
The &#x201C;scope&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;td&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;scope&#x201D; attribute on a &#x201C;th&#x201D; element instead.
<report test='@abbr'>
The &#x201C;abbr&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Consider instead beginning the cell contents with concise text, followed by further elaboration if needed.
<report test='@axis'>
The &#x201C;axis&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use the &#x201C;scope&#x201D; attribute instead.
<pattern name="obsolete presentational align attribute">
<rule context='h:caption|h:iframe|h:img|h:input|h:object|h:embed|h:legend
<report test='@align'>
The &#x201C;align&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<pattern name="obsolete presentational width attribute">
<rule context='h:col|h:colgroup|h:hr|h:pre|h:table|h:td|h:th'>
<report test='@width'>
The &#x201C;width&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<pattern name="obsolete presentational table attributes">
<rule context='h:col|h:colgroup|h:tbody|h:td|h:tfoot|h:th|h:thead|h:tr'>
<report test='@char'>
The &#x201C;char&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@charoff'>
The &#x201C;charoff&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@valign'>
The &#x201C;valign&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<pattern name="obsolete presentational attributes">
<rule context='h:body'>
<report test='@alink'>
The &#x201C;alink&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@background'>
The &#x201C;background&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@bgcolor'>
The &#x201C;bgcolor&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@link'>
The &#x201C;link&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@marginbottom'>
The &#x201C;marginbottom&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@marginheight'>
The &#x201C;marginheight&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@marginleft'>
The &#x201C;marginleft&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@marginright'>
The &#x201C;marginright&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@margintop'>
The &#x201C;margintop&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@marginwidth'>
The &#x201C;marginwidth&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@text'>
The &#x201C;text&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@vlink'>
The &#x201C;vlink&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<rule context='h:br'>
<report test='@clear'>
The &#x201C;clear&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<rule context='h:embed'>
<report test='@hspace'>
The &#x201C;hspace&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@vspace'>
The &#x201C;vspace&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<rule context='h:hr'>
<report test='@noshade'>
The &#x201C;noshade&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@size'>
The &#x201C;size&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@color'>
The &#x201C;color&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<rule context='h:dl|h:menu|h:ol|h:ul'>
<report test='@compact'>
The &#x201C;compact&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<rule context='h:iframe'>
<report test='@allowtransparency'>
The &#x201C;allowtransparency&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@frameborder'>
The &#x201C;frameborder&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@marginheight'>
The &#x201C;marginheight&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@marginwidth'>
The &#x201C;marginwidth&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@scrolling'>
The &#x201C;scrolling&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<rule context='h:img|h:object'>
<report test='@hspace'>
The &#x201C;hspace&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@vspace'>
The &#x201C;vspace&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@border and self::h:object'>
The &#x201C;border&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<rule context='h:table'>
<report test='@bgcolor'>
The &#x201C;bgcolor&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@border'>
The &#x201C;border&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@cellpadding'>
The &#x201C;cellpadding&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@cellspacing'>
The &#x201C;cellspacing&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@frame'>
The &#x201C;frame&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@rules'>
The &#x201C;rules&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<rule context='h:td|h:th'>
<report test='@bgcolor'>
The &#x201C;bgcolor&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@height'>
The &#x201C;height&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<report test='@nowrap'>
The &#x201C;nowrap&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<rule context='h:tr'>
<report test='@bgcolor'>
The &#x201C;bgcolor&#x201D; attribute on the &#x201C;<name/>&#x201D; element is obsolete.
Use CSS instead. http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Presentational_elements_and_attributes
<!-- lang and xml:lang in XHTML - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<pattern name='lang and xml:lang in XHTML'>
<rule context='h:*[@lang and @xml:lang]'>
<assert test='translate(@lang, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") = translate(@xml:lang, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")'>
When the attribute &#x201C;lang&#x201D; in no namespace and the attribute &#x201C;lang&#x201D;
in the XML namespace are both present, they must have the same value.
<!-- IDREFs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Assuming that ID uniqueness is already enforced. -->
<pattern name='contextmenu must refer to a menu'>
<rule context='h:*[@contextmenu]'>
<assert test='//h:menu[@id = current()/@contextmenu]'>
The &#x201C;contextmenu&#x201D; attribute must refer to a
&#x201C;menu&#x201D; element.
<!-- FIXME form attribute -->
<!-- FIXME output for -->
<!-- Unique Definitions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Only one definition per term per document' -->
<!-- ARIA containment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<pattern name='Mutually Exclusive Role triggers'>
<!-- XXX columnheader and rowheader require row parent -->
<rule context='*[@role="option"]'>
<assert test='../@role="listbox"'>
An element with &#x201C;role=option&#x201D; requires
&#x201C;role=listbox&#x201D; on the parent.
<rule context='*[@role="menuitem"]'>
<assert test='../@role="menu"'>
An element with &#x201C;role=menuitem&#x201D; requires
&#x201C;role=menu&#x201D; on the parent.
<rule context='*[@role="menuitemcheckbox"]'>
<assert test='../@role="menu"'>
An element with &#x201C;role=menuitemcheckbox&#x201D; requires
&#x201C;role=menu&#x201D; on the parent.
<rule context='*[@role="menuitemradio"]'>
<assert test='../@role="menu"'>
An element with &#x201C;role=menuitemradio&#x201D; requires
&#x201C;role=menu&#x201D; on the parent.
<rule context='*[@role="tab"]'>
<assert test='../@role="tablist"'>
An element with &#x201C;role=tab&#x201D; requires
&#x201C;role=tablist&#x201D; on the parent.
<rule context='*[@role="treeitem"]'>
<assert test='../@role="tree"'>
An element with &#x201C;role=treeitem&#x201D; requires
&#x201C;role=tree&#x201D; on the parent.
<rule context='*[@role="listitem"]'>
<assert test='../@role="list"'>
An element with &#x201C;role=listitem&#x201D; requires
&#x201C;role=list&#x201D; on the parent.
<rule context='*[@role="row"]'>
<assert test='../@role="grid" or
../../@role="grid" or
../@role="treegrid" or
An element with &#x201C;role=row&#x201D; requires
&#x201C;role=treegrid&#x201D; or &#x201C;role=grid&#x201D; on the parent or grandparent.
<!-- XXX hoping for a spec change so not bothering with the reciprocal case -->
<rule context='*[@role="gridcell"]'>
<assert test='../@role="row"'>
An element with &#x201C;role=gridcell&#x201D; requires
&#x201C;role=row&#x201D; on the parent.
<!-- XXX hoping for a spec change so not bothering with the reciprocal case -->
<pattern name='Not Option'>
<rule context='*[not(@role="option")]'>
<report test='../@role="listbox"'>
An element must not be a child of
&#x201C;role=listbox&#x201D; unless it has &#x201C;role=option&#x201D;.
<pattern name='Not menuitem*'>
<rule context='*[not(@role="menuitem" or
@role="menuitemcheckbox" or
<report test='../@role="menu"'>
An element must not be a child of
&#x201C;role=menu&#x201D; unless it has
&#x201C;role=menuitemcheckbox&#x201D; or
<pattern name='Not treeitem'>
<rule context='*[not(@role="treeitem")]'>
<report test='../@role="tree"'>
An element must not be a child of
&#x201C;role=tree&#x201D; unless it has
<pattern name='Not listitem'>
<rule context='*[not(@role="listitem")]'>
<report test='../@role="list"'>
An element must not be a child of
&#x201C;role=list&#x201D; unless it has
<!-- XXX role=group omitted due to lack of detail in spec -->
<pattern name='Not radio'>
<rule context='*[not(@role="radio")]'>
<report test='../@role="radiogroup"'>
An element must not be a child of
&#x201C;role=radiogroup&#x201D; unless it has
<pattern name='Not gridcell'>
<rule context='*[not(@role="gridcell")]'>
<report test='../@role="row"'>
An element must not be a child of
&#x201C;role=row&#x201D; unless it has
<pattern name='Not tab'>
<rule context='*[not(@role="tab")]'>
<report test='../@role="tablist"'>
An element must not be a child of
&#x201C;role=tablist&#x201D; unless it has
<!-- XXX combobox requires a listbox child -->
<pattern name='aria-activedescendant must refer to a descendant'>
<rule context='*[@aria-activedescendant]'>
<assert test='descendant::*[@id = current()/@aria-activedescendant]'>
The &#x201C;aria-activedescendant&#x201D; attribute must refer to a
descendant element.
<pattern name='controls must not dangle'>
<rule context='*[@aria-controls]'>
<assert test='//*[@id = current()/@aria-controls]'>
The &#x201C;aria-controls&#x201D; attribute must point to an element in the
same document.
<pattern name='describedby must not dangle'>
<rule context='*[@aria-describedby]'>
<assert test='//*[@id = current()/@aria-describedby]'>
The &#x201C;aria-describedby&#x201D; attribute must point to an element in the
same document.
<pattern name='flowto must not dangle'>
<rule context='*[@aria-flowto]'>
<assert test='//*[@id = current()/@aria-flowto]'>
The &#x201C;aria-flowto&#x201D; attribute must point to an element in the
same document.
<pattern name='labelledby must not dangle'>
<rule context='*[@aria-labelledby]'>
<assert test='//*[@id = current()/@aria-labelledby]'>
The &#x201C;aria-labelledby&#x201D; attribute must point to an element in the
same document.
<pattern name='owns must not dangle'>
<rule context='*[@aria-owns]'>
<assert test='//*[@id = current()/@aria-owns]'>
The &#x201C;aria-owns&#x201D; attribute must point to an element in the
same document.