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//! This crate provides a framework for SASL authentication and a few authentication mechanisms.
//! # Examples
//! ## Simple client-sided usage
//! ```rust
//! use sasl::client::Mechanism;
//! use sasl::common::Credentials;
//! use sasl::client::mechanisms::Plain;
//! let creds = Credentials::default()
//! .with_username("user")
//! .with_password("pencil");
//! let mut mechanism = Plain::from_credentials(creds).unwrap();
//! let initial_data = mechanism.initial().unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(initial_data, b"\0user\0pencil");
//! ```
//! ## More complex usage
//! ```rust
//! #[macro_use] extern crate sasl;
//! use sasl::server::{Validator, Provider, Mechanism as ServerMechanism, Response};
//! use sasl::server::mechanisms::{Plain as ServerPlain, Scram as ServerScram};
//! use sasl::client::Mechanism as ClientMechanism;
//! use sasl::client::mechanisms::{Plain as ClientPlain, Scram as ClientScram};
//! use sasl::common::{Identity, Credentials, Password, ChannelBinding};
//! use sasl::common::scram::{ScramProvider, Sha1, Sha256};
//! use sasl::secret;
//! const USERNAME: &'static str = "user";
//! const PASSWORD: &'static str = "pencil";
//! const SALT: [u8; 8] = [35, 71, 92, 105, 212, 219, 114, 93];
//! const ITERATIONS: usize = 4096;
//! struct MyValidator;
//! impl Validator<secret::Plain> for MyValidator {
//! fn validate(&self, identity: &Identity, value: &secret::PlainValue) -> Result<(), String> {
//! let &secret::PlainValue(ref password) = value;
//! if identity != &Identity::Username(USERNAME.to_owned()) {
//! Err("authentication failed".to_owned())
//! }
//! else if password != PASSWORD {
//! Err("authentication failed".to_owned())
//! }
//! else {
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! impl Provider<secret::Pbkdf2Sha1> for MyValidator {
//! fn provide(&self, identity: &Identity) -> Result<secret::Pbkdf2Sha1Value, String> {
//! if identity != &Identity::Username(USERNAME.to_owned()) {
//! Err("authentication failed".to_owned())
//! }
//! else {
//! let digest = sasl::common::scram::Sha1::derive
//! ( &Password::Plain((PASSWORD.to_owned()))
//! , &SALT[..]
//! , ITERATIONS )?;
//! Ok(secret::Pbkdf2Sha1Value {
//! salt: SALT.to_vec(),
//! iterations: ITERATIONS,
//! digest: digest,
//! })
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! impl_validator_using_provider!(MyValidator, secret::Pbkdf2Sha1);
//! impl Provider<secret::Pbkdf2Sha256> for MyValidator {
//! fn provide(&self, identity: &Identity) -> Result<secret::Pbkdf2Sha256Value, String> {
//! if identity != &Identity::Username(USERNAME.to_owned()) {
//! Err("authentication failed".to_owned())
//! }
//! else {
//! let digest = sasl::common::scram::Sha256::derive
//! ( &Password::Plain((PASSWORD.to_owned()))
//! , &SALT[..]
//! , ITERATIONS )?;
//! Ok(secret::Pbkdf2Sha256Value {
//! salt: SALT.to_vec(),
//! iterations: ITERATIONS,
//! digest: digest,
//! })
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! impl_validator_using_provider!(MyValidator, secret::Pbkdf2Sha256);
//! fn finish<CM, SM>(cm: &mut CM, sm: &mut SM) -> Result<Identity, String>
//! where CM: ClientMechanism,
//! SM: ServerMechanism {
//! let init = cm.initial()?;
//! println!("C: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&init));
//! let mut resp = sm.respond(&init)?;
//! loop {
//! let msg;
//! match resp {
//! Response::Proceed(ref data) => {
//! println!("S: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&data));
//! msg = cm.response(data)?;
//! println!("C: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&msg));
//! },
//! _ => break,
//! }
//! resp = sm.respond(&msg)?;
//! }
//! if let Response::Success(ret, fin) = resp {
//! println!("S: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&fin));
//! cm.success(&fin)?;
//! Ok(ret)
//! }
//! else {
//! unreachable!();
//! }
//! }
//! fn main() {
//! let mut mech = ServerPlain::new(MyValidator);
//! let expected_response = Response::Success(Identity::Username("user".to_owned()), Vec::new());
//! assert_eq!(mech.respond(b"\0user\0pencil"), Ok(expected_response));
//! let mut mech = ServerPlain::new(MyValidator);
//! assert_eq!(mech.respond(b"\0user\0marker"), Err("authentication failed".to_owned()));
//! let creds = Credentials::default()
//! .with_username(USERNAME)
//! .with_password(PASSWORD);
//! let mut client_mech = ClientPlain::from_credentials(creds.clone()).unwrap();
//! let mut server_mech = ServerPlain::new(MyValidator);
//! assert_eq!(finish(&mut client_mech, &mut server_mech), Ok(Identity::Username(USERNAME.to_owned())));
//! let mut client_mech = ClientScram::<Sha1>::from_credentials(creds.clone()).unwrap();
//! let mut server_mech = ServerScram::<Sha1, _>::new(MyValidator, ChannelBinding::Unsupported);
//! assert_eq!(finish(&mut client_mech, &mut server_mech), Ok(Identity::Username(USERNAME.to_owned())));
//! let mut client_mech = ClientScram::<Sha256>::from_credentials(creds.clone()).unwrap();
//! let mut server_mech = ServerScram::<Sha256, _>::new(MyValidator, ChannelBinding::Unsupported);
//! assert_eq!(finish(&mut client_mech, &mut server_mech), Ok(Identity::Username(USERNAME.to_owned())));
//! }
//! ```
//! # Usage
//! You can use this in your crate by adding this under `dependencies` in your `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml,ignore
//! sasl = "*"
//! ```
extern crate base64;
#[cfg(feature = "scram")]
extern crate openssl;
mod error;
pub mod client;
pub mod server;
pub mod common;
pub mod secret;
pub use error::Error;