mirror of https://gitlab.com/xmpp-rs/xmpp-rs.git synced 2024-06-09 09:44:03 +02:00
Jonas Schäfer 5135065690 parsers-macros: implement generic wrapping mechanism
That way, any `#[xml(..)]` declared struct or enum can be declared to be
wrapped into another XML element on the wire. This is especially useful
in PubSub, which for some reason wraps its stuff in useless `<pubsub/>`
2024-04-05 15:53:48 +02:00

262 lines
7.7 KiB

# Wrapping of any item into a single-child struct
This module provides a wrapper around any [`ItemDef`] which wraps the contents
into an XML element with a given namespace and name. No other children or
attributes are allowed on that element.
This implements `#[xml(.., wrapped_with(..))]`.
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::*;
use crate::common::ItemDef;
use crate::compound::Compound;
use crate::error_message::ParentRef;
use crate::field::{Field, FieldDef, FieldParsePart};
use crate::meta::{NamespaceRef, NodeFilterMeta};
use crate::structs::{StructInner, StructNamespace};
/// The [`Field`] implementation to handle the actual type.
struct WrappedField {
/// The name of the type to parse.
ty_ident: Ident,
/// The implementation of the type to parse.
inner: Box<dyn ItemDef>,
impl Field for WrappedField {
fn build_try_from_element(
_container_name: &ParentRef,
_container_namespace_expr: &Expr,
tempname: Ident,
_member: &Member,
_ty: &Type,
) -> Result<FieldParsePart> {
let ty = &self.ty_ident;
let enum_ref = ParentRef::from(Path::from(self.ty_ident.clone()));
let enum_ref_s = enum_ref.to_string();
let missingerr = quote! {
concat!("Required child missing in ", #enum_ref_s, ".")
let duperr = quote! {
concat!("Only one child allowed in ", #enum_ref_s, ".")
let try_from_impl = self.inner.build_try_from_element(
&Ident::new("residual", Span::call_site()),
Ok(FieldParsePart {
tempinit: quote! {
let mut #tempname: Option<#ty> = None;
childiter: quote! {
residual = match #try_from_impl {
Ok(v) => {
if #tempname.is_some() {
return Err(::xmpp_parsers_core::error::Error::ParseError(#duperr));
#tempname = Some(v);
Err(::xmpp_parsers_core::error::Error::TypeMismatch(_, _, residual)) => residual,
Err(other) => return Err(other),
value: quote! {
if let Some(v) = #tempname {
} else {
return Err(Error::ParseError(#missingerr))
fn build_into_element(
_container_name: &ParentRef,
_container_namespace_expr: &Expr,
_member: &Member,
_ty: &Type,
access: Expr,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let tempname = Ident::new("data", Span::call_site());
let into_impl = self
.build_into_element(&(Path::from(self.ty_ident.clone()).into()), &tempname)?;
Ok(quote! {
let mut #tempname = #access;
let el = #into_impl;
fn build_set_namespace(
_input: &Ident,
_ty: &Type,
_access: Expr,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
// we don't allow deriving DynNamesace.
/// The wrapper item.
pub(crate) struct Wrapped {
/// The actual work is done (similar to how extracts are handled) by a
/// virtual struct.
/// This struct is tuple-style and has a single field, implemented using
/// [`WrappedField`]. That field does the deserialisation of the child
/// element, while the `StructInner` here does the matching on the parent
/// element and ensures that no stray data is inside of that.
inner: StructInner,
impl ItemDef for Wrapped {
fn build_try_from_element(
item_name: &ParentRef,
residual: &Ident,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let try_from_impl = self
.build_try_from_element(&item_name.wrapper(), residual)?;
Ok(quote! {
match #try_from_impl {
Ok(v) => Ok(v.0),
Err(residual) => Err(::xmpp_parsers_core::error::Error::TypeMismatch("", "", residual)),
fn build_into_element(
item_name: &ParentRef,
value_ident: &Ident,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let into_impl = self
.build_into_element(&item_name.wrapper(), |member| {
Expr::Field(ExprField {
attrs: Vec::new(),
base: Box::new(Expr::Path(ExprPath {
attrs: Vec::new(),
qself: None,
path: value_ident.clone().into(),
dot_token: token::Dot {
spans: [Span::call_site()],
let result = quote! {
let #value_ident = (#value_ident,);
fn build_dyn_namespace(&self) -> Result<TokenStream> {
return Err(Error::new(
"namespace = dyn cannot be combined with wrapped(..)",
/// Wrap any struct or enum into another XML element.
/// - `span` is used for error purposes and should point somewhere in the
/// vicinity of the wrapping specification.
/// - `meta` must contain the actual wrapping specification (namespace and
/// name of the outer field).
/// - `ty_ident` must be the identifier of the *wrapped* type.
/// - `inner` must be the implementation of the wrapped type.
pub(crate) fn wrap(
span: &Span,
meta: NodeFilterMeta,
ty_ident: &Ident,
inner: Box<dyn ItemDef>,
) -> Result<Box<Wrapped>> {
let namespace = match meta.namespace {
Some(NamespaceRef::Static(ns)) => ns,
Some(NamespaceRef::Dyn(ns)) => {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"dyn namespace is not supported for wrappers",
Some(NamespaceRef::Super(ns)) => {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"super namespace is not supported for wrappers",
None => {
return Err(Error::new(
"namespace is required for wrappers (inside `#[xml(.., wrapped_with(..))]`)",
let name = match meta.name {
Some(name) => name.into(),
None => {
return Err(Error::new(
"name is required for wrappers (inside `#[xml(.., wrapped_with(..))]`)",
let field = WrappedField {
ty_ident: ty_ident.clone(),
let inner = Compound::new(
[Ok(FieldDef {
span: *span,
ident: Member::Unnamed(Index {
index: 0,
span: *span,
// the type is only passed down to the Field impl, where
// we will not use it.
ty: Type::Never(TypeNever {
bang_token: token::Not { spans: [*span] },
kind: Box::new(field),
let inner = StructInner::Compound {
namespace: StructNamespace::Static(namespace),
Ok(Box::new(Wrapped { inner }))