mirror of https://gitlab.com/xmpp-rs/xmpp-rs.git synced 2024-06-09 09:44:03 +02:00
Jonas Schäfer 5135065690 parsers-macros: implement generic wrapping mechanism
That way, any `#[xml(..)]` declared struct or enum can be declared to be
wrapped into another XML element on the wire. This is especially useful
in PubSub, which for some reason wraps its stuff in useless `<pubsub/>`
2024-04-05 15:53:48 +02:00

838 lines
29 KiB

# Processing of struct declarations
This module contains the main code for implementing the derive macros from
this crate on `struct` items.
It is thus the counterpart to [`crate::enums`].
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned};
use syn::{spanned::Spanned, *};
use crate::common::{build_prepare, build_validate, ItemDef};
use crate::compound::{Compound, DynCompound};
use crate::error_message::ParentRef;
use crate::meta::{
Flag, Name, NameRef, NamespaceRef, NodeFilterMeta, StaticNamespace, XmlCompoundMeta,
/// A XML namespace as declared on a struct.
pub(crate) enum StructNamespace {
/// The namespace is a static string.
/// The namespace as [`Path`] pointing at the static string.
/// Instead of a fixed namespace, the namespace is dynamic. The allowed
/// values are determined by a
/// [`NamespaceField`][`crate::field::namespace::NamespaceField`]
/// (declared using `#[xml(namespace)]`).
Dyn {
/// The `dyn` token from the `#[xml(namespace = dyn)]` meta.
dyn_tok: Token![dyn],
/// The type of the namespace field.
ty: Type,
/// The member of the namespace field.
member: Member,
/// Represent a selector for element-transparent structs.
/// See also [`StructInner::Element`].
pub(crate) enum ElementSelector {
/// Any element will be accepted.
/// Corresponds to `#[xml(element)]`.
/// The element will be matched by XML name only.
/// Corresponds to `#[xml(element(name = ..))]`.
/// The element will be matched by XML namespace only.
/// Corresponds to `#[xml(element(namespace = ..))]`.
/// The element will be matched by XML namespace and name..
/// Corresponds to `#[xml(element(namespace = .., name = ..))]`.
Qualified {
/// The XML namespace to match.
namespace: StaticNamespace,
/// The XML name to match.
name: Name,
impl TryFrom<NodeFilterMeta> for ElementSelector {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(other: NodeFilterMeta) -> Result<Self> {
let namespace = match other.namespace {
None => None,
Some(NamespaceRef::Static(ns)) => Some(ns),
Some(NamespaceRef::Dyn(ns)) => return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"namespace = dyn cannot be used with element-transparent structs or enum variants."
Some(NamespaceRef::Super(ns)) => return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"namespace = super cannot be used with element-transparent structs or enum variants."
let name = other.name.map(|x| Name::from(x));
match (namespace, name) {
(Some(namespace), Some(name)) => Ok(Self::Qualified { namespace, name }),
(Some(namespace), None) => Ok(Self::ByNamespace(namespace)),
(None, Some(name)) => Ok(Self::ByName(name)),
(None, None) => Ok(Self::Any),
impl ElementSelector {
/// Construct a token stream evaluating to bool.
/// If the `minidom::Element` in `residual` matches the selector, the
/// token stream will evaluate to true. Otherwise, it will evaluate to
/// false.
pub(crate) fn build_test(&self, residual: &Ident) -> TokenStream {
match self {
Self::Any => quote! { true },
Self::ByName(name) => quote! {
#residual.name() == #name
Self::ByNamespace(ns) => quote! {
#residual.ns() == #ns
Self::Qualified { namespace, name } => quote! {
#residual.is(#name, #namespace)
/// The inner parts of the struct.
/// This contains all data necessary for the matching logic, but does not
/// include validation/preparation of the data. The latter is handled by
/// [`StructDef`].
pub(crate) enum StructInner {
/// Single-field tuple-like struct declared with `#[xml(transparent)]`.
/// Transparent struct delegate all parsing and serialising to their
/// single field, which is why they do not need to store a lot of
/// information and come with extra restrictions, such as:
/// - no XML namespace can be declared (it is determined by inner type)
/// - no XML name can be declared (it is determined by inner type)
/// - the fields must be unnamed
/// - there must be only exactly one field
/// - that field has no `#[xml]` attribute
Transparent {
/// Type of the only unnamed field.
ty: Type,
/// Single-field tuple-like struct declared with `#[xml(element)]`.
/// Element-transparent structs take the incoming XML element as-is, and
/// re-serialise it as-is.
Element {
/// Determines the set of acceptable XML elements. Elements which do
/// not match the selector will not be parsed.
selector: ElementSelector,
/// A compound of fields, *not* declared as transparent.
/// This can be a unit, tuple-like, or named struct.
Compound {
/// The XML namespace to match the struct against.
namespace: StructNamespace,
/// The XML name to match the struct against.
name: Name,
/// The contents of the struct.
inner: Compound,
impl StructInner {
/// Process the `meta` and `fields` into a [`StructInner`].
/// The `meta` must be "blank" except for the `transparent`, `namespace`
/// and `name` fields. If any other field has a non-`None` / non-`Absent`
/// value, this function panics!
pub(crate) fn new(meta: XmlCompoundMeta, fields: &Fields) -> Result<Self> {
// These must be taken out by the caller.
if let Some(element) = meta.element {
if let Flag::Present(transparent) = meta.transparent {
return Err(Error::new(
"transparent option conflicts with element option. pick one or the other.",
if let Some(namespace) = meta.namespace {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"namespace option not allowed on element-transparent structs or enum variants",
if let Some(name) = meta.name {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"name option not allowed on element-transparent structs or enum variants",
Self::new_element(element, fields)
} else if let Flag::Present(_) = meta.transparent {
if let Some(namespace) = meta.namespace {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"namespace option not allowed on transparent structs or enum variants",
if let Some(name) = meta.name {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"name option not allowed on transparent structs or enum variants",
} else {
let Some(namespace) = meta.namespace else {
return Err(Error::new(
"`namespace` option is required on non-transparent structs or enum variants",
let Some(name) = meta.name else {
return Err(Error::new(
"`name` option is required on non-transparent structs or enum variants",
/// Construct a new transparent struct with the given fields.
/// This function ensures that only a single, unnamed field is inside the
/// struct and causes a compile-time error otherwise.
fn new_transparent(fields: &Fields) -> Result<Self> {
let field = match fields {
Fields::Unit => {
return Err(Error::new(
"transparent structs or enum variants must have exactly one field",
Fields::Named(_) => {
return Err(Error::new(
"transparent structs or enum variants must be tuple-like",
Fields::Unnamed(fields) => {
if fields.unnamed.len() == 0 {
return Err(Error::new(
"transparent structs or enum variants must have exactly one field",
} else if fields.unnamed.len() > 1 {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"transparent structs or enum variants must have exactly one field",
for attr in field.attrs.iter() {
if attr.path().is_ident("xml") {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"the field inside a #[xml(transparent)] struct or enum variant cannot have an #[xml(..)] attribute."
Ok(Self::Transparent {
ty: field.ty.clone(),
/// Construct a new element-transparent struct with the given fields.
/// This function ensures that only a single, unnamed field is inside the
/// struct and causes a compile-time error otherwise.
fn new_element(node_filter: NodeFilterMeta, fields: &Fields) -> Result<Self> {
let field = match fields {
Fields::Unit => {
return Err(Error::new(
"transparent structs or enum variants must have exactly one field",
Fields::Named(_) => {
return Err(Error::new(
"transparent structs or enum variants must be tuple-like",
Fields::Unnamed(fields) => {
if fields.unnamed.len() == 0 {
return Err(Error::new(
"transparent structs or enum variants must have exactly one field",
} else if fields.unnamed.len() > 1 {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"transparent structs or enum variants must have exactly one field",
for attr in field.attrs.iter() {
if attr.path().is_ident("xml") {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"the field inside a #[xml(transparent)] struct or enum variant cannot have an #[xml(..)] attribute."
Ok(Self::Element {
selector: node_filter.try_into()?,
/// Construct a new compound-based struct with the given namespace, name
/// and fields.
fn new_compound(
namespace: NamespaceRef,
name: NameRef,
on_unknown_child: Option<Ident>,
on_unknown_attribute: Option<Ident>,
fields: &Fields,
) -> Result<Self> {
let inner = Compound::from_fields(on_unknown_child, on_unknown_attribute, fields)?;
let namespace_field = inner.namespace_field();
let namespace = match namespace {
NamespaceRef::Static(namespace) => {
if let Some((span, ..)) = namespace_field {
return Err(Error::new(
"struct or enum variant must be declared with #[xml(namespace = dyn, ..)] to use a #[xml(namespace)] field."
NamespaceRef::Dyn(namespace) => {
if let Some((_, ty, member)) = namespace_field {
StructNamespace::Dyn {
dyn_tok: namespace,
ty: ty.clone(),
member: member.clone(),
} else {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"enum variant or struct declared with #[xml(namespace = dyn)] must have a field annotated with #[xml(namespace)]"
NamespaceRef::Super(ns) => {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"#[xml(namespace = super)] not allowed on enum variant or struct.",
Ok(Self::Compound {
name: name.into(),
/// Construct an expression which consumes `residual` and evaluates to
/// `Result<T, Element>`.
/// - `struct_name` may contain either the path necessary to construct an
/// instance of the struct or a nested parent ref. In the latter case,
/// the struct is constructed as tuple instead of a struct.
/// - `residual` must be the identifier of the `minidom::Element` to
/// process.
/// If the element does not match the selectors of this struct, it is
/// returned in the `Err` variant for further probing.
pub(crate) fn build_try_from_element(
struct_name: &ParentRef,
residual: &Ident,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
match self {
Self::Transparent { ty } => {
let cons = match struct_name {
ParentRef::Named(path) => quote! { #path },
ParentRef::Unnamed { .. } | ParentRef::Wrapper { .. } => quote! {},
let ty_from_tree =
quote_spanned! {ty.span()=> <#ty as ::xmpp_parsers_core::FromXml>::from_tree};
Ok(quote! {
match #ty_from_tree(#residual) {
Ok(v) => Ok(#cons (v)),
Err(::xmpp_parsers_core::error::Error::TypeMismatch(_, _, #residual)) => Err(#residual),
Err(other) => return Err(other),
Self::Element { selector } => {
let test = selector.build_test(residual);
let cons = match struct_name {
ParentRef::Named(path) => quote! { #path },
ParentRef::Unnamed { .. } | ParentRef::Wrapper { .. } => quote! {},
Ok(quote! {
if #test {
Ok(#cons ( #residual ))
} else {
Self::Compound {
name: xml_name,
} => {
let namespace_tempname = Ident::new("__struct_namespace", Span::call_site());
let namespace_expr = Expr::Path(ExprPath {
attrs: Vec::new(),
qself: None,
path: namespace_tempname.clone().into(),
let body =
inner.build_try_from_element(struct_name, &namespace_expr, residual, &[])?;
match namespace {
StructNamespace::Dyn { ty, .. } => {
let ty_from_xml_text = quote_spanned! {ty.span()=> <#ty as ::xmpp_parsers_core::DynNamespaceEnum>::from_xml_text};
Ok(quote! {
match #ty_from_xml_text(&#residual.ns()) {
Ok(#namespace_tempname) => if #residual.name() == #xml_name {
} else {
Err(::xmpp_parsers_core::error::DynNamespaceError::Invalid) => {
return Err(::xmpp_parsers_core::error::Error::ParseError(
"Invalid namespace"
Err(::xmpp_parsers_core::error::DynNamespaceError::Mismatch) => Err(#residual),
StructNamespace::Static(xml_namespace) => Ok(quote! {
if #residual.is(#xml_name, #xml_namespace) {
let #namespace_tempname = #xml_namespace;
} else {
/// Construct an expression which takes the fields as accessed through
/// `access_field` and converts them into a `minidom::Element`.
/// - `struct_name` is used primarily for diagnostic messages.s
/// - `access_field` must be a function which transforms a [`syn::Member`]
/// referring to a member of the struct to an expression under which the
/// member can be accessed.
pub(crate) fn build_into_element(
struct_name: &ParentRef,
mut access_field: impl FnMut(Member) -> Expr,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
match self {
Self::Transparent { ty } => {
let ident = access_field(Member::Unnamed(Index {
index: 0,
span: Span::call_site(),
let ty_into_tree =
quote_spanned! {ty.span()=> <#ty as ::xmpp_parsers_core::IntoXml>::into_tree};
Ok(quote! {
#ty_into_tree(#ident).expect("inner element did not produce any data")
Self::Element { .. } => {
let ident = access_field(Member::Unnamed(Index {
index: 0,
span: Span::call_site(),
Ok(quote! {
Self::Compound {
name: xml_name,
} => {
let builder = Ident::new("builder", Span::call_site());
let (builder_init, namespace_expr) = match namespace {
StructNamespace::Dyn { ref member, ty, .. } => {
let expr = access_field(member.clone());
let ty_into_xml_text = quote_spanned! {ty.span()=> <#ty as ::xmpp_parsers_core::DynNamespaceEnum>::into_xml_text};
quote! {
StructNamespace::Static(xml_namespace) => {
let expr = Expr::Path(ExprPath {
attrs: Vec::new(),
qself: None,
path: xml_namespace.clone(),
quote! {
let body = inner.build_into_element(
&mut access_field,
Ok(quote! {
let mut #builder = #builder_init;
let #builder = #body;
/// Return an iterator which returns the [`syn::Member`] structs to access
/// the struct's fields in declaration order.
pub(crate) fn iter_members(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Member> + '_> {
match self {
Self::Transparent { .. } | Self::Element { .. } => Box::new(
[Member::Unnamed(Index {
index: 0,
span: Span::call_site(),
Self::Compound { inner, .. } => inner.iter_members(),
pub(crate) fn as_dyn(&self) -> Option<DynStructInner<'_>> {
match self {
Self::Transparent { .. } | Self::Element { .. } => None,
Self::Compound { ref inner, .. } => inner.as_dyn().map(|x| DynStructInner { inner: x }),
/// Reference to a [`StructInner`] which has proven that the struct is using
/// namespace = dyn.
/// This simplifies some checks here and there.
pub(crate) struct DynStructInner<'x> {
/// The compound with `namespace = dyn` asserted.
inner: DynCompound<'x>,
impl<'x> DynStructInner<'x> {
/// Return a reference to the [`Type`] of the field annotated with
/// `#[xml(namespace)]`.
pub(crate) fn namespace_ty(&self) -> &'x Type {
/// Build the implementation of
/// `DynNamespace::namespace(&self) -> &Self::Namespace`.
pub(crate) fn build_get_namespace(
access_field: impl FnMut(Member) -> Expr,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
/// Build the implementation of
/// `DynNamespace::set_namespace<T: Into<Self::Namespace>>(&mut self, ns: T)`.
pub(crate) fn build_set_namespace(
input: &Ident,
access_field: impl FnMut(Member) -> Expr,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
self.inner.build_set_namespace(input, access_field)
/// Create an accessor function for struct fields.
/// `struct_path` must be the path under which the struct is accessible.
fn make_accessor(struct_path: Path) -> impl FnMut(Member) -> Expr {
move |member| {
Expr::Field(ExprField {
attrs: Vec::new(),
dot_token: syn::token::Dot {
spans: [Span::call_site()],
base: Box::new(Expr::Path(ExprPath {
attrs: Vec::new(),
qself: None,
path: struct_path.clone(),
/// Represent a struct.
pub(crate) struct StructDef {
/// The `validate` value, if set on the struct.
/// This is called after the struct has been otherwise parsed successfully
/// with the struct value as mutable reference as only argument. It is
/// expected to return `Result<(), Error>`, the `Err(..)` variant of which
/// is forwarded correctly.
validate: Option<Path>,
/// The `prepare` value, if set on the struct.
/// This is called before the struct will be converted back into an XML
/// element with the struct value as mutable reference as only argument.
prepare: Option<Path>,
/// Structure of the struct.
inner: StructInner,
/// The `debug` flag if set on the struct.
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "debug"), allow(dead_code))]
debug: Flag,
impl StructDef {
/// Construct a new struct from its `#[xml(..)]` attribute and the
/// fields.
fn new(mut meta: XmlCompoundMeta, fields: &Fields) -> Result<Self> {
if let Flag::Present(fallback) = meta.fallback.take() {
return Err(syn::Error::new(
"`fallback` is not allowed on structs",
if let Flag::Present(exhaustive) = meta.exhaustive.take() {
return Err(syn::Error::new(
"`exhaustive` is not allowed on structs",
if let Some(attribute) = meta.attribute.take() {
return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(
"`attribute` is not allowed on structs",
if let Some(value) = meta.value.take() {
return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(
"`value` is not allowed on structs",
if let Some(normalize_with) = meta.normalize_with.take() {
return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(
"`normalize_with` is not allowed on structs",
let validate = meta.validate.take();
let prepare = meta.prepare.take();
let debug = meta.debug.take();
Ok(Self {
inner: StructInner::new(meta, fields)?,
impl ItemDef for StructDef {
fn build_try_from_element(
struct_name: &ParentRef,
residual: &Ident,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let validate = build_validate(self.validate.as_ref());
let try_from_impl = self.inner.build_try_from_element(struct_name, residual)?;
let result = quote! {
let mut result = match #try_from_impl {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(residual) => return Err(Self::Error::TypeMismatch("", "", residual)),
#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
if self.debug.is_set() {
println!("{}", result);
fn build_into_element(
struct_name: &ParentRef,
value_ident: &Ident,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let prepare = build_prepare(self.prepare.as_ref(), value_ident);
let access_field = make_accessor(Path {
leading_colon: None,
segments: [PathSegment::from(value_ident.clone())]
let into_impl = self.inner.build_into_element(struct_name, access_field)?;
let result = quote! {
#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
if self.debug.is_set() {
println!("{}", result);
fn build_dyn_namespace(&self) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let dyn_inner = match self.inner.as_dyn() {
Some(v) => v,
None => return Err(Error::new(
"struct must have `namespace = dyn` and a `#[xml(namespace)]` field to derive DynNamespace"
let set_namespace_input = Ident::new("ns", Span::call_site());
let mut accessor = make_accessor(Ident::new("self", Span::call_site()).into());
let ty = dyn_inner.namespace_ty();
let namespace_impl = dyn_inner.build_get_namespace(&mut accessor)?;
let set_namespace_impl =
dyn_inner.build_set_namespace(&set_namespace_input, &mut accessor)?;
Ok(quote! {
type Namespace = #ty;
fn namespace(&self) -> &Self::Namespace {
fn set_namespace<T: Into<Self::Namespace>>(&mut self, #set_namespace_input: T) {
let #set_namespace_input = #set_namespace_input.into();
pub(crate) fn parse_struct(item: &syn::ItemStruct) -> Result<Box<dyn ItemDef>> {
let mut meta = XmlCompoundMeta::parse_from_attributes(&item.attrs)?;
let wrapped_with = meta.wrapped_with.take();
let span = meta.span;
let mut def = Box::new(StructDef::new(meta, &item.fields)?) as Box<dyn ItemDef>;
if let Some(wrapped_with) = wrapped_with {
def = crate::wrapped::wrap(&span, wrapped_with, &item.ident, def)?;