mirror of https://gitlab.com/xmpp-rs/xmpp-rs.git synced 2024-06-18 13:45:57 +02:00
Jonas Schäfer 5135065690 parsers-macros: implement generic wrapping mechanism
That way, any `#[xml(..)]` declared struct or enum can be declared to be
wrapped into another XML element on the wire. This is especially useful
in PubSub, which for some reason wraps its stuff in useless `<pubsub/>`
2024-04-05 15:53:48 +02:00

429 lines
15 KiB

# Types to represent compounds
A [`Compound`] is either an enum variant or a struct. These types are used by
[`crate::enums`] and [`crate::structs`], as well as for extracted child fields
in order to build the code to convert to/from XML nodes.
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::{spanned::Spanned, *};
use crate::error_message::ParentRef;
use crate::field::{FieldDef, FieldParsePart};
/// Expand the given identifier to resolve as member of the
/// `UnknownChildPolicy` enum. If the identifier is absent, invoke
/// `UnknownChildPolicy::default()` instead.
fn default_on_unknown_child(p: Option<Ident>) -> Expr {
match p {
Some(v) => Expr::Path(ExprPath {
attrs: Vec::new(),
qself: None,
path: Path {
leading_colon: Some(token::PathSep {
spans: [Span::call_site(), Span::call_site()],
segments: [
PathSegment::from(Ident::new("xmpp_parsers_core", Span::call_site())),
PathSegment::from(Ident::new("UnknownChildPolicy", Span::call_site())),
None => syn::parse2(quote! { ::xmpp_parsers_core::UnknownChildPolicy::default() })
.expect("failed to construct default unknown child policy"),
/// Expand the given identifier to resolve as member of the
/// `UnknownAttributePolicy` enum. If the identifier is absent, invoke
/// `UnknownAttributePolicy::default()` instead.
fn default_on_unknown_attribute(p: Option<Ident>) -> Expr {
match p {
Some(v) => Expr::Path(ExprPath {
attrs: Vec::new(),
qself: None,
path: Path {
leading_colon: Some(token::PathSep {
spans: [Span::call_site(), Span::call_site()],
segments: [
PathSegment::from(Ident::new("xmpp_parsers_core", Span::call_site())),
PathSegment::from(Ident::new("UnknownAttributePolicy", Span::call_site())),
None => syn::parse2(quote! { ::xmpp_parsers_core::UnknownAttributePolicy::default() })
.expect("failed to construct default unknown attribute policy"),
/// An struct or enum variant's contents.
/// This struct is used to generate the parsing/serialisation loop, but most
/// notably it is *not* responsible for matching the incoming element; that
/// is the responsibility of the caller of the corresponding functions.
pub(crate) struct Compound {
/// The fields, in declaration order.
fields: Vec<FieldDef>,
/// Information about the field annotated with `#[xml(namespace)]`, if
/// any.
namespace_field: Option<(Span, Type, Member)>,
/// Member of the `UnknownChildPolicy` enum to use when handling unknown
/// children.
on_unknown_child: Expr,
/// Member of the `UnknownAttributePolicy` enum to use when handling
/// unknown attributes.
on_unknown_attribute: Expr,
impl Compound {
/// Construct a new compound from an iterator of [`FieldDef`] structs.
pub(crate) fn new<T: Iterator<Item = Result<FieldDef>>>(
on_unknown_child: Option<Ident>,
on_unknown_attribute: Option<Ident>,
input: T,
) -> Result<Self> {
let mut fields = Vec::with_capacity(input.size_hint().1.unwrap_or(0));
let mut text_field: Option<Span> = None;
let mut namespace_field: Option<(Span, Type, Member)> = None;
let mut collect_wildcard_field: Option<Span> = None;
for field in input {
let field = field?;
if let Some(ty) = field.namespace_field_type() {
if namespace_field.is_some() {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"only one #[xml(namespace)] field is allowed",
namespace_field = Some((field.span, ty.clone(), field.ident.clone()));
if field.kind.is_text() {
if text_field.is_some() {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"only one #[xml(text)] field is allowed",
text_field = Some(field.ident.span());
if field.kind.is_child_wildcard() {
if collect_wildcard_field.is_some() {
return Err(Error::new_spanned(
"only one #[xml(elements)] field without namespace/name selector is allowed",
collect_wildcard_field = Some(field.ident.span());
Ok(Self {
on_unknown_child: default_on_unknown_child(on_unknown_child),
on_unknown_attribute: default_on_unknown_attribute(on_unknown_attribute),
/// Construct a compound from [`syn::Fields`].
/// This a convenience wrapper around [`Self::new`], converting the
/// [`syn::Field`] structs to [`FieldDef`].
pub(crate) fn from_fields(
on_unknown_child: Option<Ident>,
on_unknown_attribute: Option<Ident>,
fields: &Fields,
) -> Result<Self> {
fields.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, field)| {
FieldDef::from_field(field, i.try_into().expect("too many fields"))
/// Obtain references to the information about the
/// `#[xml(namespace)]`-annotated field, if this compound has one.
pub(crate) fn namespace_field(&self) -> Option<(Span, &Type, &Member)> {
self.namespace_field.as_ref().map(|(a, b, c)| (*a, b, c))
/// Number of fields.
pub(crate) fn field_count(&self) -> usize {
/// Construct a token stream which contains an expression which parses
/// the contents `minidom::Element` at `residual` into the compound.
/// - `container_name` is used both for error messages and to construct
/// the resulting compound. If it directly refers to a path, that path
/// is used as constructor. Otherwise, the compound is constructed as
/// tuple.
/// - `container_namespace_expr` must be an expression which evaluates to
/// the parsed namespace of the parent element. If
/// [`Self::namespace_field`] is not `None`, this must be an expression
/// which can be moved out of and which matches the type, as that
/// expression will be used to initialize that field.
/// In all other cases, this expression only needs to be usable in a
/// `std::cmp::PartialEq<str>` context.
/// - `residual` must be the identifier at which the element is found.
/// - `forgive_attributes` must be a (potentially empty) slice of XML
/// attribute names to ignore during the unknown attribute check. This
/// can be used to ignore attributes which have been used in element
/// matching (e.g. enum discriminators).
pub(crate) fn build_try_from_element(
container_name: &ParentRef,
container_namespace_expr: &Expr,
residual: &Ident,
forgive_attributes: &[&str],
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let readable_name = container_name.to_string();
let on_unknown_child = &self.on_unknown_child;
let on_unknown_attribute = &self.on_unknown_attribute;
let mut init = quote! {};
let mut tupinit = quote! {};
let mut attrcheck = quote! {
if key == #forgive_attributes {
let mut tempinit = quote! {};
let mut childiter = quote! {};
let mut childfallback = quote! {
#on_unknown_child.trigger(concat!("Unknown child in ", #readable_name, "."))?;
let mut had_fallback: bool = false;
for field in self.fields.iter() {
let ident = field.ident.clone();
let FieldParsePart {
tempinit: field_tempinit,
childiter: field_childiter,
attrcheck: field_attrcheck,
childfallback: field_childfallback,
} = field.build_try_from_element(container_name, container_namespace_expr)?;
attrcheck = quote! { #attrcheck #field_attrcheck };
tempinit = quote! { #tempinit #field_tempinit };
childiter = quote! { #childiter #field_childiter };
if let Some(field_childfallback) = field_childfallback {
if had_fallback {
"internal error: multiple fields attempting to collect all child elements."
had_fallback = true;
childfallback = field_childfallback;
init = quote! {
#ident: #value,
tupinit = quote! {
let construct = match container_name {
ParentRef::Named(ref path) => quote! {
#path {
ParentRef::Unnamed { .. } | ParentRef::Wrapper { .. } => quote! {
( #tupinit )
Ok(quote! {
for (key, _) in #residual.attrs() {
#on_unknown_attribute.trigger(concat!("Unknown attribute in ", #readable_name, "."))?;
for mut residual in #residual.take_contents_as_children() {
/// Construct an expression consuming the `builder` and returning it,
/// filled with the data from the compound.
/// - `container_name` is used for error messages.
/// - `container_namespace_expr` must be an expression which evaluates to
/// the parsed namespace of the parent element. This needs to implement
/// `::xmpp_parsers_core::DynNamespaceEnum` if any fields use
/// `#[xml(namespace = super)]`.
/// - `builder` must be an expression which can be moved out from and
/// which is the `minidom::Builder` into which the element should be
/// constructed.
/// - `access_field`: Accessor function for fields within the compound.
/// That function will be called for each field and the expression is
/// used exactly once to obtain the data of the field inside the
/// compound.
/// This indirection is necessary to be able to handle both structs
/// (where fields are accessed as struct members) and enumeration
/// variants (where fields are bound to local names).
/// Note that the field referenced by [`Self::namespace_field`] is not
/// accessed by this function.
pub(crate) fn build_into_element(
container_name: &ParentRef,
container_namespace_expr: &Expr,
builder: &Ident,
mut access_field: impl FnMut(Member) -> Expr,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let mut build = quote! {};
for field in self.fields.iter() {
let field_build = field.build_into_element(
&mut access_field,
build = quote! {
builder = #field_build;
Ok(quote! {
let mut builder = #builder;
/// Return an iterator which returns the [`syn::Member`] structs to access
/// the compound's fields in declaration order.
/// For tuple-like compounds that's basically counting up from 0, for
/// named compounds this emits the field names in declaration order.
pub(crate) fn iter_members(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Member> + '_> {
Box::new(self.fields.iter().map(|x| x.ident.clone().into()))
/// If and only if this compound has exactly one field, return a reference
/// to that field's type.
pub(crate) fn single_type(&self) -> Option<&Type> {
if self.fields.len() != 1 {
} else {
/// Return a [`DynCompound`] refering to `self`, if and only if this
/// compound has a valid `#[xml(namespace)]` field.
/// The function and type name refer to this being a precondition for a
/// valid `namespace = dyn` struct or enum variant.
pub(crate) fn as_dyn(&self) -> Option<DynCompound<'_>> {
let (_, ty, member) = self.namespace_field.as_ref()?;
Some(DynCompound {
namespace_ty: ty,
namespace_member: member,
fields: &self.fields,
/// Reference to a [`Compound`] which has proven that it has a
/// `#[xml(namespace)]` field.
/// This simplifies some checks here and there.
pub(crate) struct DynCompound<'x> {
/// The type of the `#[xml(namespace)]` field.
namespace_ty: &'x Type,
/// The member referring to the `#[xml(namespace)]` field.
namespace_member: &'x Member,
/// The fields of the compound.
fields: &'x [FieldDef],
impl<'x> DynCompound<'x> {
/// Return a reference to the [`Type`] of the field annotated with
/// `#[xml(namespace)]`.
pub(crate) fn namespace_ty(&self) -> &'x Type {
/// Build the implementation of
/// `DynNamespace::namespace(&self) -> &Self::Namespace`.
pub(crate) fn build_get_namespace(
mut access_field: impl FnMut(Member) -> Expr,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let member = access_field(self.namespace_member.clone());
Ok(quote! {
/// Build the implementation of
/// `DynNamespace::set_namespace<T: Into<Self::Namespace>>(&mut self, ns: T)`.
pub(crate) fn build_set_namespace(
input: &Ident,
mut access_field: impl FnMut(Member) -> Expr,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let member = access_field(self.namespace_member.clone());
let mut field_impls = quote! {};
for field in self.fields {
let field_impl = field.build_set_namespace(input, &mut access_field);
Ok(quote! {
#member = #input;