import { Pool } from ""; const GEBIETSTYPES: any = { "Gewässer": 1, "versickerungsdominiert": 1, "verdunstungs- und versickerungsbestimmt": 0.8, "verdunstungsdominiert": 0.5, "verdunstungs- und abflussbestimmt": 0.2, "abflussdominiert": 0.1, "ausgewogen": 0.8, }; const MODE = Deno.args[0]; if (!MODE) { throw "No MODE arg"; } const dbPool = new Pool({ user: "treeadvisor", password: "123", database: "treeadvisor", hostname: "", }, 12); async function withDb(f: any): Promise { const client = await dbPool.connect(); let result; try { result = await f(client); } finally { client.release(); } return result; } const insertGeoenv = async (src: string, coords: any, attrs: any) => { const coords_s = "(" + any) => `(${coords[0]},${coords[1]})`).join(",") + ")"; const attrs_s = JSON.stringify(attrs); await withDb(async (db: any) => db.queryObject`INSERT INTO areas (src, coords, attrs) VALUES (${src}, ${coords_s}::polygon, ${attrs_s})`); }; let pfafCache: any = {}; const insertTree = async (coords: any, props: any) => { await withDb(async (db: any) => { const coords_s = `(${coords[0]},${coords[1]})`; let botanic = props.art_botanisch .replace(/,\s*/g, ", ") .replace(/\.\s+/g, ". ") .replace(/\s+/g, " ") .replace(/'/g, "\"") .replace(/\s+$/, ""); const german = props.art_deutsch && props.art_deutsch .replace(/\s+-\s+/, "-") .replace(/\.\s+/g, ". ") .replace(/\s+x\s+/g, " × ") .replace(/\s+/g, " ") .replace(/'/g, "\"") .replace(/\s+$/, ""); const age = parseInt(props.jalter, 10); let planted = null; if (age > 0) { const m = props.aend_dat.match(/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+) /); if (!m) throw `Invalid date: ${props.aend_dat}`; const y = parseInt(m[3], 10) - age; planted = `${y}-${m[2]}-${m[1]}`; }; let botanic_pfaf; if (botanic == "Baumart noch nicht bestimmt" || botanic == "unbekannt" || !botanic) { botanic = null; } else if (!pfafCache[botanic]) { const res: any = await db.queryObject`SELECT "Latin name" as botanic FROM "PlantsForAFuture" WHERE "Latin name" ILIKE CONCAT(${botanic.slice(0, 3)}::text, '%') ORDER BY levenshtein("Latin name", ${botanic}) ASC LIMIT 1`; if (res.rows[0]) { botanic_pfaf = pfafCache[botanic] = res.rows[0].botanic; if (botanic != botanic_pfaf) console.log(botanic + " = " + botanic_pfaf); } } else { botanic_pfaf = pfafCache[botanic]; } let areaSrcSeen: any = {}; let areaInfo: any = {}; let res = await db.queryObject`SELECT src, attrs FROM areas WHERE coords @> $1::point ORDER BY coords <-> ${coords_s}::point ASC`; res.rows.forEach(function(area: any) { if (areaSrcSeen[area.src]) return; Object.keys(area.attrs).forEach(function(k) { areaInfo[k] = area.attrs[k]; }); }); let scores = []; if (areaInfo.hasOwnProperty("versiegelung")) scores.push(1 - areaInfo.versiegelung); if (areaInfo.hasOwnProperty("schutt")) scores.push(1 - areaInfo.schutt); if (areaInfo.bodenqualitaet) scores.push((areaInfo.bodenqualitaet - 1) / 5); if (areaInfo.wasserspeicher && areaInfo.wasserspeicher > 10) scores.push((50 - areaInfo.wasserspeicher) / 40) else if (areaInfo.wasserspeicher) scores.push((5 - areaInfo.wasserspeicher) / 4); if (areaInfo.gebietstyp) scores.push(GEBIETSTYPES[areaInfo.gebietstyp]); let score: number | null = 0; for(const s of scores) { score += s; } if (scores.length > 0) { score /= scores.length; score = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, score)); } else { score = null; } await db.queryObject`INSERT INTO trees (id, coord, score, botanic, botanic_pfaf, german, planted) VALUES (${}, ${coords_s}, ${score}, ${botanic}, ${botanic_pfaf}, ${german}, ${planted})`; }) }; const importFeatures = async (src: string, geojson: any) => { if (geojson.type != "FeatureCollection") { console.warn("Not a FeatureCollection"); return; } // var progress = 0, i = 0; let promises = []; for(const feature of geojson.features) { promises.push((async () => { if (MODE == "GEOENV") { if (feature.type == "Feature" && feature.geometry.type == "Polygon" && == "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326") { for(const coords of feature.geometry.coordinates) { await insertGeoenv(src, coords,; } // await insertGeoenv(feature.geometry.coordinates,; } else if (feature.type == "FeatureCollection") { await importFeatures(src, feature); } else if (feature.type == "Feature" && feature.geometry.type == "MultiPolygon" && == "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326") { for(const coordinates of feature.geometry.coordinates) { for(const coords of coordinates) { await insertGeoenv(src, coords,; } } } else { console.warn("Not recognized:", feature); // console.warn(`Not recognized: ${JSON.stringify(geojson)}`); } } else if (MODE == "TREES") { if (feature.type == "Feature" && feature.geometry.type == "Point" && == "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326") { await insertTree(feature.geometry.coordinates,; } else { console.warn("Not recognized:", feature); // console.warn(`Not recognized: ${JSON.stringify(geojson)}`); } } // i += 1; // var newProgress = Math.floor(100 * i / geojson.features.length); // if (newProgress != progress) { // progress = newProgress; // console.log(progress + "%"); // } })()); } console.log("wait for " + promises.length + " promises"); await Promise.all(promises); }; for(const filename of Deno.args.slice(1)) { console.log(`Load ${filename}`) const geojson = JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(filename)); await importFeatures(filename, geojson); }