bumped module Menu.Adjust to affection

This commit is contained in:
Nek0 - 2020-05-05 07:05:59 +02:00
parent 81e16c4428
commit ace1f0ce8c

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@ -10,98 +10,74 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Data.String
import Data.String (fromString)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-- internal imports
import Types
import Util
loadAdjust :: Action -> Controller -> Affection UserData () -> Affection UserData ()
loadAdjust sub contr switchBack = do
ud <- getAffection
let Subsystems w m k j t = subsystems ud
uu1 <- partSubscribe j (joyListener switchBack)
putAffection ud
{ state = Menu (Adjust sub contr)
, uuid = [ uu1 ]
loadAdjust :: UserData -> Action -> Controller -> Affection () -> Affection ()
loadAdjust ud sub contr switchBack = do
let Subsystems _ _ _ j _ = subsystems ud
uu1 <- partSubscribe j (joyListener ud switchBack)
void $ liftIO $ swapMVar (state ud) (Menu (Adjust sub contr))
void $ liftIO $ swapMVar (uuid ud) [uu1]
joyListener :: Affection UserData () -> JoystickMessage -> Affection UserData ()
joyListener switchBack (MsgJoystickAxis _ _ axis val) = do
ud <- getAffection
liftIO $ logIO
("switching " <>
fromString (show $ state ud) <>
" to " <>
fromString (show axis)
let trans = translation ud
| val > 0 = AxisPositive
| val < 0 = AxisNegative
| otherwise = A.log A.Error "Can not assign neitral axis align" (error "*dies*")
case trans of
JoyTranslation tmap -> do
case state ud of
Menu (Adjust (ActUp s) (Joystick _)) -> do
let k = fst <$> find (\(_, v) -> v == ActUp 1) (M.assocs tmap)
putAffection ud
{ translation = JoyTranslation $
M.insert (AxisAction (fromIntegral axis) align) (ActUp 1) $
if isJust k then M.delete (fromJust k) (tmap) else tmap
Menu (Adjust (ActDown s) (Joystick _)) -> do
let k = fst <$> find (\(_, v) -> v == ActDown 1) (M.assocs tmap)
putAffection ud
{ translation = JoyTranslation $
M.insert (AxisAction (fromIntegral axis) align) (ActDown 1) $
if isJust k then M.delete (fromJust k) (tmap) else tmap
Menu (Adjust (ActLeft s) (Joystick _)) -> do
let k = fst <$> find (\(_, v) -> v == ActLeft 1) (M.assocs tmap)
putAffection ud
{ translation = JoyTranslation $
M.insert (AxisAction (fromIntegral axis) align) (ActLeft 1) $
if isJust k then M.delete (fromJust k) (tmap) else tmap
Menu (Adjust (ActRight s) (Joystick _)) -> do
let k = fst <$> find (\(_, v) -> v == ActRight 1) (M.assocs tmap)
putAffection ud
{ translation = JoyTranslation $
M.insert (AxisAction (fromIntegral axis) align) (ActRight 1) $
if isJust k then M.delete (fromJust k) (tmap) else tmap
_ -> return ()
joyListener switchBack (MsgJoystickButton _ _ but SDL.JoyButtonPressed) = do
ud <- getAffection
case translation ud of
JoyTranslation tmap -> do
case state ud of
Menu (Adjust (ActUp _) (Joystick _)) -> return ()
Menu (Adjust (ActDown _) (Joystick _)) -> return ()
Menu (Adjust (ActLeft _) (Joystick _)) -> return ()
Menu (Adjust (ActRight _) (Joystick _)) -> return ()
Menu (Adjust (act) (Joystick _)) -> do
let k = fst <$> find (\(_, v) -> v == act) (M.assocs tmap)
putAffection ud
{ translation = JoyTranslation $
M.insert (ButtonAction but SDL.JoyButtonPressed) act $
if isJust k then M.delete (fromJust k) tmap else tmap
joyListener :: UserData -> Affection () -> JoystickMessage -> Affection ()
joyListener ud switchBack message = do
curState <- liftIO $ readMVar (state ud)
trans <- liftIO $ readMVar (translation ud)
case message of
MsgJoystickAxis _ _ axis val -> do
let align
| val > 0 = AxisPositive
| val < 0 = AxisNegative
| otherwise = A.log A.Error "Can not assign neitral axis align" (error "*dies*")
case trans of
JoyTranslation tmap -> do
let (Menu (Adjust cact (Joystick _))) = curState
act = case cact of
ActUp _ -> ActUp 1
ActDown _ -> ActDown 1
ActLeft _ -> ActLeft 1
ActRight _ -> ActRight 1
x -> A.log A.Error (fromString (show x) <> " is a non-movement action!") (error "*dies*")
k = fst <$> find (\(_, v) -> v == act) (M.assocs tmap)
void $ liftIO $ swapMVar (translation ud) (JoyTranslation $
M.insert (AxisAction (fromIntegral axis) align) act $
if isJust k then M.delete (fromJust k) tmap else tmap
fullClean ud
_ -> return ()
joyListener _ _ = return ()
MsgJoystickButton _ _ but SDL.JoyButtonPressed -> do
case trans of
JoyTranslation tmap -> do
case curState of
Menu (Adjust (ActUp _) (Joystick _)) -> return ()
Menu (Adjust (ActDown _) (Joystick _)) -> return ()
Menu (Adjust (ActLeft _) (Joystick _)) -> return ()
Menu (Adjust (ActRight _) (Joystick _)) -> return ()
Menu (Adjust (act) (Joystick _)) -> do
let k = fst <$> find (\(_, v) -> v == act) (M.assocs tmap)
void $ liftIO $ swapMVar (translation ud) (JoyTranslation $
M.insert (ButtonAction but SDL.JoyButtonPressed) act $
if isJust k then M.delete (fromJust k) tmap else tmap
_ -> return ()
fullClean ud
x -> A.log A.Error (fromString (show x) <> " is a non-joystick translation!") (error "*dies*")
_ -> return ()
drawAdjust :: Affection UserData ()
drawAdjust = do
ud <- getAffection
drawAdjust :: Context -> Affection ()
drawAdjust ctx = do
liftIO $ do
let ctx = nano ud
save ctx
beginPath ctx
roundedRect ctx 440 310 400 100 10