use std::time::Duration; use tokio::time::sleep; use nav_types::WGS84; const INTERVAL: u64 = 10; fn update_min(value: &Option, target: &mut Option) { match (value, target) { (Some(value), target) if target.is_none() => *target = Some(value.clone()), (Some(value), Some(target)) if value < target => *target = value.clone(), _ => {} }; } fn update_max(value: &Option, target: &mut Option) { match (value, target) { (Some(value), target) if target.is_none() => *target = Some(value.clone()), (Some(value), Some(target)) if value > target => *target = value.clone(), _ => {} }; } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let orig_hook = std::panic::take_hook(); std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |panic_info| { // invoke the default handler and exit the process orig_hook(panic_info); std::process::exit(1); })); let home = WGS84::from_degrees_and_meters(51.081, 13.728, 0.0); let aircrafts = beast::aircrafts::Aircrafts::new(); aircrafts.connect("", 30005); let hostname_line = std::fs::read_to_string("/proc/sys/kernel/hostname") .unwrap(); let hostname = hostname_line.split(char::is_whitespace) .next() .unwrap(); loop { sleep(Duration::from_secs(INTERVAL)).await; let mut count = 0; let mut min_altitude = None; let mut max_altitude = None; let mut min_speed = None; let mut max_speed = None; let mut min_distance = None; let mut max_distance = None; let aircrafts =; for (_, entry) in aircrafts.iter() { let entry =; count += 1; update_min(&entry.altitude, &mut min_altitude); update_max(&entry.altitude, &mut max_altitude); update_min(&entry.speed, &mut min_speed); update_max(&entry.speed, &mut max_speed); if let Some(pos) = entry.position() { let altitude_m = entry.altitude.unwrap_or(0) as f64 * 0.3048; let distance_km = WGS84::from_degrees_and_meters(pos.latitude, pos.longitude, altitude_m) .distance(&home) / 1000.0; update_min(&Some(distance_km), &mut min_distance); update_max(&Some(distance_km), &mut max_distance); } } println!("PUTVAL \"{}/beast-aircrafts/records\" interval={} N:{}", hostname, INTERVAL, count);|min_altitude| { println!("PUTVAL \"{}/beast-altitude/current-min\" interval={} N:{}", hostname, INTERVAL, min_altitude); });|max_altitude| { println!("PUTVAL \"{}/beast-altitude/current-max\" interval={} N:{}", hostname, INTERVAL, max_altitude); });|min_speed| { println!("PUTVAL \"{}/beast-speed/current-min\" interval={} N:{:.3}", hostname, INTERVAL, min_speed); });|max_speed| { println!("PUTVAL \"{}/beast-speed/current-max\" interval={} N:{:.3}", hostname, INTERVAL, max_speed); });|min_distance| { println!("PUTVAL \"{}/beast-distance/current-min\" interval={} N:{:.3}", hostname, INTERVAL, min_distance); });|max_distance| { println!("PUTVAL \"{}/beast-distance/current-max\" interval={} N:{:.3}", hostname, INTERVAL, max_distance); }); } }