
194 lines
5.6 KiB

use rand::prelude::*;
use bevy::{
use heron::prelude::*;
use crate::Layer;
pub struct LevelResources {
soil_material: Handle<StandardMaterial>,
grass_material: Handle<StandardMaterial>,
last_build: Option<Time>,
pub struct GroundContact(pub usize);
impl std::default::Default for GroundContact {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, Component)]
pub struct Ground {
/// (x0, width)
x: (f32, f32),
/// ground top
y: f32,
/// (z0, width)
z: (f32, f32),
impl Ground {
const HEIGHT: f32 = 2.5;
pub fn overlaps(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.x.0 + self.x.1 >= other.x.0 &&
self.x.0 <= other.x.0 + other.x.1 &&
self.z.0 + self.z.1 >= other.z.0 &&
self.z.0 <= other.z.0 + other.z.1
pub fn to_transform(&self) -> Transform {
let half_width = self.x.1 / 2.0;
let half_height = Self::HEIGHT / 2.0;
let half_depth = self.z.1 / 2.0;
self.x.0 + half_width,
self.y + half_height,
self.z.0 + half_depth,
pub fn to_box(&self) -> shape::Box {
let half_width = self.x.1 / 2.0;
let half_height = Self::HEIGHT / 2.0;
let half_depth = self.z.1 / 2.0;
shape::Box {
min_x: - half_width,
min_y: - half_height,
min_z: - half_depth,
max_x: half_width,
max_y: half_height,
max_z: half_depth,
pub fn half_extends(&self) -> Vec3 {
let half_width = self.x.1 / 2.0;
let half_height = Self::HEIGHT / 2.0;
let half_depth = self.z.1 / 2.0;
Vec3::new(half_width, half_height, half_depth)
pub fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
) {
let res = LevelResources {
soil_material: materials.add(Color::rgb(0.8, 0.7, 0.1).into()),
grass_material: materials.add(Color::rgb(0.2, 1.0, 0.25).into()),
last_build: None,
pub fn build(
time: Res<Time>,
mut commands: Commands,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut res: ResMut<LevelResources>,
grounds: Query<&Ground>,
) {
// let now = time.seconds_since_startup();
if res.last_build.is_none() //res.last_build.as_ref().map_or(true, |last_build| now - last_build.seconds_since_startup() >= 0.1)
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
for z in -9..10 {
for x in -9..10 {
let ground = Ground {
x: (2.0 * x as f32, 2.0),
y: rng.gen_range::<f32, _>(0.0..2.0),
z: (2.0 * z as f32, 2.0),
let mut collision = false;
for other in grounds.iter() {
if ground.overlaps(other) {
// println!("collision: {:?}x{:?} && {:?}x{:?}", ground.x, ground.z, other.x, other.z);
collision = true;
if !collision {
add_ground(&mut commands, &mut meshes, &res, ground);
res.last_build = Some(time.clone());
fn add_ground(
commands: &mut Commands,
meshes: &mut ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
res: &ResMut<LevelResources>,
ground: Ground,
) {
let mut transform = ground.to_transform();
let bounds = ground.to_box();
let mut soil_box = bounds.clone();
soil_box.max_y = soil_box.min_y + 0.7 * (soil_box.max_y - soil_box.min_y);
let mut grass_box = bounds.clone();
grass_box.min_y = soil_box.max_y;
let soil_mesh = meshes.add(Mesh::from(soil_box));
.insert_bundle(PbrBundle {
mesh: soil_mesh,
material: res.soil_material.clone(),
transform: transform.clone(),
let grass_mesh = meshes.add(Mesh::from(grass_box));
.insert_bundle(PbrBundle {
mesh: grass_mesh,
material: res.grass_material.clone(),
transform: transform.clone(),
.insert(CollisionShape::Cuboid {
border_radius: None,
half_extends: ground.half_extends(),
pub fn collide(mut events: EventReader<CollisionEvent>, mut contacted: Query<&mut GroundContact>) {
fn is_map(layers: CollisionLayers) -> bool {
// We care about when the entities "start" to collide
.filter_map(|event| {
let (entity_1, _entity_2) = event.rigid_body_entities();
let (layers_1, layers_2) = event.collision_layers();
if ! is_map(layers_1) && is_map(layers_2) {
Some((event, entity_1))
} else {
}).for_each(|(event, entity)| {
match event {
CollisionEvent::Started(_, _) => {
if let Ok(mut contact) = contacted.get_mut(entity) {
contact.0 = contact.0.saturating_add(1);
CollisionEvent::Stopped(_, _) => {
if let Ok(mut contact) = contacted.get_mut(entity) {
contact.0 = contact.0.saturating_sub(1);