
279 lines
8.9 KiB

use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::future::Future;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use cave::feed::Post;
use cave::{
feed::{Feed, EncodablePost},
use futures::{StreamExt, future};
use crate::posts_cache::PostsCache;
use crate::scheduler::Host;
pub struct RobotsTxt {
robot: Arc<Option<texting_robots::Robot>>,
impl RobotsTxt {
pub async fn fetch(
client: &reqwest::Client,
host: &Host,
) -> Self {
let url = format!("https://{}/robots.txt", host);
metrics::increment_gauge!("hunter_requests", 1.0, "type" => "robotstxt");
let robot = async {
let body = client.get(url)
metrics::decrement_gauge!("hunter_requests", 1.0, "type" => "robotstxt");
RobotsTxt {
robot: Arc::new(robot),
pub fn allowed(&self, url: &str) -> bool {
if let Some(ref robot) = self.robot.as_ref() {
} else {
pub fn delay(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
if let Some(ref robot) = self.robot.as_ref() {|delay| Duration::from_secs(delay as u64))
} else {
pub enum Message {
Fetched {
host: Host,
new_post_ratio: Option<f64>,
mean_interval: Option<Duration>,
IntroduceHosts { hosts: Vec<String> },
pub async fn run(
message_tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<Message>,
store: Store,
posts_cache: PostsCache,
client: reqwest::Client,
host: Host,
) {
// Fetch /robots.txt
let robots_txt = RobotsTxt::fetch(&client, &host).await;
let robots_delay = robots_txt.delay();
// Fetch posts and open stream
let ((mut new_post_ratio, mut mean_interval), stream_result) = future::join(
message_tx.clone(), store.clone(),
&client, robots_txt.clone(), &host
message_tx.clone(), store.clone(),
&client, robots_txt, host.clone()
// Next worker can start
// Process stream
if let Ok(stream) = stream_result {
tracing::info!("Processing stream for {}", host);
metrics::increment_gauge!("hunter_requests", 1.0, "type" => "stream");
let start_time = Instant::now();
let post_count = stream.await;
let end_time = Instant::now();
metrics::decrement_gauge!("hunter_requests", 1.0, "type" => "stream");
tracing::warn!("Ended stream for {}. {} posts in {:?}", host, post_count, end_time - start_time);
if post_count > 0 {
if let Some(ref mut new_post_ratio) = new_post_ratio {
*new_post_ratio += post_count as f64 / 100.;
let stream_avg_interval = Duration::from_secs_f64(
(end_time - start_time).as_secs_f64() / (post_count as f64)
if mean_interval.map_or(true, |mean_interval| stream_avg_interval < mean_interval) {
mean_interval = Some(stream_avg_interval);
// Ready for reenqueue
if let Some(mean_interval) = &mut mean_interval {
if let Some(robots_delay) = robots_delay {
*mean_interval = (*mean_interval).max(robots_delay);
message_tx.send(Message::Fetched {
host: host,
async fn fetch_timeline(
message_tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<Message>,
mut store: Store,
posts_cache: &PostsCache,
client: &reqwest::Client,
robots_txt: RobotsTxt,
host: &Host,
) -> (Option<f64>, Option<Duration>) {
let url = format!("https://{}/api/v1/timelines/public?limit=40", host);
if ! robots_txt.allowed(&url) {
tracing::warn!("Timeline of {} forbidden by robots.txt", host);
return (None, None);
// free as early as possible
metrics::increment_gauge!("hunter_requests", 1.0, "type" => "timeline");
let t1 = Instant::now();
let result = Feed::fetch(&client, &url).await;
let t2 = Instant::now();
metrics::decrement_gauge!("hunter_requests", 1.0, "type" => "timeline");
metrics::histogram!("hunter_fetch_seconds", t2 - t1, "result" => if result.is_ok() { "ok" } else { "error" });
match result {
Ok(feed) => {
let mean_interval = feed.mean_post_interval();
let (new_post_ratio, introduce_hosts) = process_posts(&mut store, posts_cache, &host, feed.posts.into_iter()).await;
let _ = message_tx.send(Message::IntroduceHosts {
hosts: introduce_hosts.into_iter().collect(),
// successfully fetched, save for future run
(new_post_ratio, mean_interval)
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed fetching {}: {}", host, e);
(None, None)
async fn process_posts(
store: &mut Store,
posts_cache: &PostsCache,
host: &Host,
posts: impl Iterator<Item = EncodablePost>,
) -> (Option<f64>, HashSet<String>) {
// introduce new hosts, validate posts
let mut introduce_hosts = HashSet::new();
let mut new_posts = 0;
let mut posts_len = 0;
for post in posts {
posts_len += 1;
// potentially save a round-trip to redis with an in-process cache
if ! posts_cache.insert(post.uri.clone()) {
let t1 = Instant::now();
fn scan_for_hosts(introduce_hosts: &mut HashSet<String>, post: &Post) {
// introduce instances from accounts
if let Some(account_host) = {
// introduce instances from mentions
for mention in &post.mentions {
if let Some(user_host) = mention.user_host() {
scan_for_hosts(&mut introduce_hosts, &post);
if let Some(reblog) = &post.reblog {
scan_for_hosts(&mut introduce_hosts, &reblog);
if let Some(_account_host) = {
// send away to redis
if store.save_post(post).await == Ok(true) {
new_posts += 1;
} else {
tracing::warn!("drop repost ({:?} on {})",, host);
let t2 = Instant::now();
metrics::histogram!("hunter_post_process_seconds", t2 - t1)
tracing::trace!("{}: {}/{} new posts", host, new_posts, posts_len);
metrics::counter!("hunter_posts", new_posts, "type" => "new");
metrics::counter!("hunter_posts", posts_len, "type" => "total");
let new_post_ratio = if posts_len > 0 {
let ratio = (new_posts as f64) / (posts_len as f64);
metrics::histogram!("hunter_new_post_ratio", ratio);
} else {
(new_post_ratio, introduce_hosts)
async fn open_stream(
message_tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<Message>,
store: Store,
posts_cache: &PostsCache,
client: &reqwest::Client,
robots_txt: RobotsTxt,
host: Host,
) -> Result<impl Future<Output = usize>, ()> {
let url = format!("https://{}/api/v1/streaming/public", host);
if ! robots_txt.allowed(&url) {
tracing::warn!("Streaming of {} forbidden by robots.txt", host);
return Err(());
// free as early as possible
let posts_cache = posts_cache.clone();
metrics::increment_gauge!("hunter_requests", 1.0, "type" => "stream_open");
let stream = Feed::stream(client, &url).await;
metrics::decrement_gauge!("hunter_requests", 1.0, "type" => "stream_open");
let stream = stream.map_err(|e| {
tracing::error!("Stream error for {}: {}", host, e);
Ok(stream.fold(0, move |post_count, post| {
let message_tx = message_tx.clone();
let mut store = store.clone();
let posts_cache = posts_cache.clone();
let host = host.clone();
async move {
let (_, introduce_hosts) =
process_posts(&mut store, &posts_cache, &host, [post].into_iter()).await;
let _ = message_tx.send(Message::IntroduceHosts {
hosts: introduce_hosts.into_iter().collect(),
post_count + 1