Pulsebert: add k-ot to wheel group

This commit is contained in:
Ehmry - 2020-03-25 23:29:48 +05:30
parent 6baa4e3b70
commit 35d7ff5e9f
1 changed files with 3 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -185,11 +185,14 @@ in {
# services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.enable = true;
# services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5.enable = true;
security.pam.enableSSHAgentAuth = true;
security.sudo = {
enable = true;
wheelNeedsPassword = false;
users.users.k-ot.extraGroups = [ "wheel" ];
# This value determines the NixOS release with which your system is to be
# compatible, in order to avoid breaking some software such as database
# servers. You should change this only after NixOS release notes say you